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We will play DOOM next Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Presenting the latest innovation from Heyuri Applicable Research & Development: Wayback Auto Downloader ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Get Tampermonkey if you don't already have and add this to your scripts:

Go to any old site with many images of your preference. For example, take Futaba's self-created art board's /src/: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://zip.2chan.net/11/src/*

Read the instructions
Enjoy biggrin

It sux that I couldn't automate it further, wayback has weird ajax stuff...
werks(?) ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Quick update
It skips the files with the MIME Type "warc/revisit" now

Also herez a ME-tan from that archive that probably noone has seen since 2004 nyaoo-closedeyes
Good job, I probably wouldn't use it often, thought. biggrin

They have an API tho...

I propose adding a feature allowing user to just copy or download the download URLs in a form of a list, in order to feed it to your custom downloader program to not clog the browser's download database.

Why not publish it on https://greasyfork.org/?

Your weeb lvl must be high if you have jp set as system language biggrin
on my browser's settings i had set to it'd prompt me where to save a file every time. so the script opened 9001 of them. BUT when i disabled the setting, it work'd ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Epic tool, here's a cool image i just downloaded foruda

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my neighbor asked me to help him with his GAYming laptop.basically his windows is kill and refuses to boot. i thought i could install TEH win10 ltsc but teh installation image has no required drivers!!(what drivers?)
i look at official website:
there is almost TWO nigabytes of drivers and i feel like its something to be installed on top of a working windows, not during installation process...
should i go with another win image, win11 maybe?? or maybe there is a way to put drivers inside of iso? what drivers then? how? i cant believe nvidia drivers can take 1.5nigabytes unarchivedsweat

after years on gentoo i just have no idea how you guys still use windows, really. it DOES NOT WORK out of the box. angry

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she ate the disc lol
also that moth hair ornament is cool
install templeos
win11 iso has no drivers either
yes i tried "system restore" but it just gave another error
nothing i can do here, i hope this was the last time i had to deal with windows in my life
so how this story ended OP?

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according to FBI's TRAP-18, four of these are enough for someone to be a potential lone-terrorist. How many u score? cool
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i am a bit ashamed of asking but is there more of this
I'd trap self insert seems more common just because those are the kind of people who are vocal about it ┐(゚~゚)┌
I figured most people just fapped without self-inserting either way
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I liek it best when teh trap/shota has a small and cute pen0r, and I always fap to the idea of railing their buttholes instead of being them banana

I don't care whether it's teh gay or not, but I do find overly masculine features to be turn off. That said, my standards aren't that high - if they are at least as "feminine" as pic related, I can fap to it drool
I would like to suck their cute little stick rather than having buttseks ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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We will play DOOM on the next Saturday (15th), starting 18:00 UTC

To get the Doom port you need to join:
Install Doom from https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom/releases/download/crispy-doom-7.0/crispy-doom-7.0.0-win64.zip (or if you're on Linux, install it via sudo apt install crispy-doom or via the software manager) and the get iwads "The Ultimate Doom", "Doom II", "Plutonia" and "TNT" from https://github.com/Gaytes/iwad , and put them in the folder where you installed Doom
Alternatively, just get it with the necessary stuff pre-installed from here: https://up.heyuri.net/src/4203.7z (for Windows)


When the day comes, I assume there will be information in this thread on how to join, so be sure to check then.

If you don't know what the Gaming Days are about, you can read the wiki page: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Heyuri_Gaming_Day
We pick the games to play by https://cgi.heyuri.net/gamenom/ (though, it also takes a user willing to host the event...)
While on it, Heyuri has Steam group you may want to join as well: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/heyuridotnet/
i've never played multiplayer doom before but it sounds fun iyahoo
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Hay guys wut's goin on in this thread?

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which console is teh greatest one out there?
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I end up playing PS1 games more than PS2 games, but if I have a PS2, I can play both sets, so the PS2 is king.
I'm in this exact situation. I have a PS2 that might as well be a PS1 since I only play the latter's games in it.
I have a PSP that plays PS1 games. You can connect a PSP to a big TV and play the games like that also some PS1 games were remade for the PSP like Ape Escape and Disgaea. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Teh Game Boy Advance! Lots of great games in there biggrin
Teh Sega Saturn of coursecool

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Do you like figures?

I Do! onigiri
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I already have a few of the minis, including some KnJ ones when they were still being sold at tokyo jungle. My best figure is definitely the t-shirt Tanya (=ω=)
much cheaper used one: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/l1163218914
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This is amazing thread biggrin onigiri
Amazing thread! mona2
Veri cool ones!

Do want!

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today was a good day, i ate pizza.
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light is sinking in the horizon
tired shadows extend on the ground to lie down and rest
they wobble from joy of the end of their todays work
cold wind is sad that sun is going and chase it
trees wave their branches bye bye to sun and evening birds cry at sun parting from them
thank you mister sun for your hard work
may you visit us tomorrow and shine again

dick cheese pizza WTF!?
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dick cheese pizza is teh best!
i drank too much and then threw up and now i feel good again biggrin
i hate when that happens i drank all that for a reason! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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this is nice honor killing
what's he digging the hole for?
someone should repair their ladder

Your mother.
>Your mother.

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holding teh NECO

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i LOL'd nosebleed
fucked up
If it was real life she'd have her face ripped apart in an instant

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Hello Heyuri. I've recently got my european citizenship via jus sanguinis and want to move there when I finish college. I need to decide which country I will live in now so I can start learning the language, I'm torn between learning french and learning german, which would you choose and why?
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did you get german, spanish or lithuanian?
specify PLOXXX

are you aware that you are entitled to live in english speaking ireland (although it is a bit different from schengen movement law)
or you can move to english speaking malta as a part of schengen?
you can also go to cyprus that is known to be a tax fraud friendly country where many chinese buy european citizenship or launder euro-chinese money or avoid taxes in general

consider luxembourg they pay there well and there is like 20-25% of population ethnically portugese
it is quite small
there is also a province in belgium named luxembourg because belgians fucked up luxembourg and proudly shove the name of their forever lost lands in their faces biggrin

or consider moving to switzerland because you can as an euro, it looks like one of few european countries that have any future
a german canton because french ones are commie gays with relatively high taxes to german cantons
you can live in one country that has 50% german and some 30% french right next to one another biggrin
i heard that the swiss hate foreigners in everything but business though
i would bet that the french swiss are equally butthurt like normal french and just like regular french they will speak only french to you despite being fluent in english like they all do cry

iceland is also cute but cold and dark half of the year

under no circumstances go to france or germany
france is butthurt about everything and there is no french in france anymore
germany is a police state and there is no germans in germany anymore

i heard once that europe is a big open air museum for americans and rich chinese
i suppose it is because our laws prohibit progress so much that our continent will be nothing more than eroding echos of the past soon
we already buy everything from america because we got nothing, all electronics is american, all communication is either american or chinese or "european" (meaning from american or chinese parts but assembled in europe)
really nothing is happening here

are you american?
if not simply go to spain because you must be a latino right? i think spain still offers free return to all new spain descendants right? cry
if not latino then lithuanian! lithuania is a good fraud citizenship country but they do not allow dual citizenship by means other than birth
if you are from america then dont bother moving here for career, our salaries are infinitely worse except for luxembourg or switzerland that can be better

and europeans especially in villages and towns will not like you probably, in cities they would not care enough to talk to you
the only people that would like you would be the open-world-minded morons that would be interested in you mostly to feed their deranged worldview and brag among similar morons how "i have the most foreign friends" or annoying kids that want to check their foreigner-from-every-country friend list but these are my speculations
foreigners here are always odd and nobody behaves relaxed among them, or is it because in my country there is little foreigners?
I wouldn't choose a backwater country like lithuania or latvia or romania and so forth because there aren't many vantages to learning their languages, meanwhile there is plenty of literature in german and french, and those are spoken globally
must be nice to just be able to leave a country when things get bad
choose whichever country has the lowest age of consent
It was quite expensive, and it's a long and complicated process.

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put a caption on this!
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lol yes, its funny
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teh most helpful one ヽ(´∇`)ノ
abaranger mentioned! キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

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Sup /b/, I maed a map for Doom II, I call it "Castle of Thanatos!"

It looks best in Crispy or Chocolate Doom. 😚👌 I might make some more tweaks to it, so feedback is appreciated.


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thx. i'd be too lazy to do it all manually ( ´ω`)
after some haxxor doxxed me on the irc i played this on a brand new user, most set the most restrictive permissions possible, even learned about umask and other things to make sure you didnt tamper with teh wad to steal my cute and funny images, inspected the wad with slade before opening it and i have to say...

it's pretty good, but i expected more loli
i found only 2 secrets sweat
Hey guys, sorry I'm late, Heyuri was down when I came earlier and I got distracted editing my wad. If you guys still want to Doom, I'm down to clown.

Thanks anon. I'm sorry you got doxxed and I'm honored you would go to such lengths just to play my wad. There are two secrets behind the two Sailor Moon posters, and one behind the wall with a hole in it in the first floor hallway.

If you haven't found the Heyuri-tan shrine, I won't give that one away, you'll just have to look harder. wink

I've tweaked the difficulty a bit and will be uploading an even better version soon!
I'll create teh thread for 18UTC (13EST) of 15 February (next saturday around these times) & put announcements if you can confirm it still works for u ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Sounds good. 👌

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Touhou Daiundoukai game, reitaisai 7 in 2010

It is a platforming racing game as shown:

I like the songs a lot.

Here are the files:

There is another game related to it.

I find it very cute and it is supposed to support netplay.
Or maybe heyuri tournament in regular touhou fighting games???
I saw one small chan that had a big touhou fighting game tournament a few years ago with replays and a ranking.
>I find it very cute and it is supposed to support netplay.
>Or maybe heyuri tournament in regular touhou fighting games???
i dont has much interest in touhou but i'd participate in that ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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>i dont has much interest in touhou

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USA lol biggrin
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USA = U Suck Ass
It took me a day to understand this pun cry
Explain it pls
because USA means america and UK is the opposite of america tongue

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