(゚Д゚) (゚Д゚)
(゚Д゚)Anyways, anime?
>Anyways, anime?I forgot which exactly, but one of Hayate no Gotoku's later seasons
Speaking of which, there was a direct mention of Nijiura in teh film (@ 18:55) too, I think the only time I heard of it in anime
I watched Guardian Hearts, it wasn't bad but it had everything, let me repeat, it had everything!!! Everything in 6EP 15min OVA. It should be a 24 episodes anime - that said, teh creator knew this and made a joke of it to begin with. I would't really recommend it, but it had a lot of pantsu. 10/10. https://myanimelist.net/anime/824/Guardian_HeartsI am curious of the manga tho!
Lurk moar, 3493-san! https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=91418
>>3457Always hate foot shots that don't bother making them attractive.
>>3495Sorry, but I will never accept MAL over ANIDB.
>>3497anidb's tags are wonderful but so are MAL's interest stacks, plus MAL has more rare stuff that isn't listed on anidb. The only winning move is to use both.
>>3496Candid shots are way better than glossy crap trying too hard
We will watch Moetan (2007) the next Saturday (22nd), starting from 18:00 UTC.Moetan is a show about, well, I'd usually look up some information about the shows to write here but I don't think anyone actually reads the OP posts anymore, so what I write here doesn't rly matter. There were still people who don't know where to nominate shows in the last thread... If there is anyone reading this far, go listen to the OP of the show, it's actually a fun one Herez the MAL link: https://myanimelist.net/anime/2367/MoetanFor newcomers, you can find the detailed information and our previous streams from here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Heyuri_CytubeHeyuri's rules apply in the CyTube channel.Also please fill our nominations page where we pick these shows from: https://cgi.heyuri.net/nominate/ - you must log in at least once every 4~ months to keep your votes intact!
ah, moetan is great funInk is literally too cute to be a JK (´人`)
i look forward to it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
i can not wait to watch it with the heyuri club!
5 years since the last KINSHOMOKUROKU & CHOUDENJIHOU...
index is kawaii
>>3441index, uiharu and misaka imouto. although misaka herself i also cannot deny. they all have cute little booties and cute personalities.
Did S3 kill the series?
railgun s4 announced
ZOMG WTF IT ACTUALLY DID キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
she pee`d
>she pee`d
oldschool anime used to be a lot freer with showing pantsu...
ffmpeg -i 1739322100633.mp4 -c:v mjpeg -qscale 31 -c:a libmp3lame -b 96k -q 9 out.mp4
mpeg4 ver cuz firefox cant play mjpeg
and i cant play mpeg4 ver todafug
now just add some haloing, blur and lower the contrast and brightness a bit and it'll be indistinguishable from old DVDrips
even though I like the look of early digital-era anime, it being locked forever in 480p is lame as shit since it was edited on the computer at that resin the meantime, pre-digital shows (like Sweet Mint, which semi-recently got a BD release) can get hi-res film scans and look insanely goodfaces and line thickness and shit are all way different in newer anime so compressing it badly doesn't really sell the look
i'm a bit surprised because i haven't seen a lot (if any) full metal panic posted to this website, despite there being a favorable view of older anime and manga etc here.
>>3166boring? why do people watch the spin off/fanservice specials instead of watching the actual series. that doesn't make any sense... fumoffu was great after the original series. those were hilarious. it's like the treatment black lagoon got with it's specials or index. except full metal panic got basically a whole season of parody. that's why fumoffu was great... >>3167and you, no. watch them both. or rather if you like the original, watch the special season. don't if you didn't.
>>3156I remember S1 looked pretty bad. Then it turned a 180 in Fumoffu (kyoani took over).I never watched the last one. Wikipedia says it's a different studio again.
>>3425that's hot
kind of funny that the anime had gotten it's first 3 seasons between like 2002-2005, died for a decade and came back in 2018 only to go right back on hiatus. i'm not an anime only cuck and know how to follow a series but i have a love for seeing these characters move and talk. FMP when it's in anime form i always felt like is a series where everything about anime shines the brightest. right amount of fan service and the expressions on the characters communicates everything. the fighting and mech scenes are stunning. i could never really chose one over the other between chidori or tessa. i think chidori works best as the love interest and tessa having everyone fawn over her in the series reflects the world best. chidori is made for sousuke. tessa is the fan favourite. he can keep chidori. i adore them together. but i want to fuck tessa's guts so that she bleeds internally.
ubel blatt started airing quite a bit ago already, but had completely gone under my radar. curious to know fellow users of this site's reaction to this series.if you keep up with it i hope you enjoy, check out the manga as well.
teh art looks promising ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i mean there was no way even 2015 onward this manga would be properly adapted. i'm surprised it was picked up at all especially with all the liberties it's taken. i wonder why they didn't just make it into an animated movie series.
I'm tired of you bossing me around. Always causing trouble with no regard for anyone but yourself.... Now it's time for you to pay.... WITH YOUR LIFE!!
Be careful with her...
So, I've been playing the Lucky Star Visual Novel for PSP and I must say... Konata is horny!! And shes making me horny too!! ヽ(´∇`)ノi hope i can kiss tsukasa too and yutaka!! especially yutaka... (・∀・ )
>you're gonna get SO taken in by my moe!i certainly am
Because of this thread i played the game myself, thanks OP Got Konata's ending. Miyuki next.
>>3416is yutaka an available route? (;´Д`) shes my second fave after konata.. hnng
Is it fully translated?
Anybody watch Lamune? It has a charming 2005 style and also bullying of soft, defenseless osananajimi pits And just listen to this sweet OP aswell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aypaQJ0FWSU
I liek it so far
Finished! I enjoyed it thoroughly, it gives what it promises on teh cover. I want an 2D osananajimi too... in my next life
seems it was adapted from eroge
Everything good ever was adapted frm erige
>>3365she forgot to pull them up after peeing?
GTO was pretty fun I probably won't read, but I heard the manga's ecchiness is higher
>>3388he has already seen her omanko
>>3390o-omenko GET??
stinky cutie alert ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Hi guys, who’s your favourite character in Lucky Star? My one is Konata :DI’m also like Konata (love anime, video games and sleep)
>>3289konata = sexy
kona chang
>>3277My fav is Konata to :Dキタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
>>3277I think the Lucky cast should... get raped!!