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hehe i have seen this stale joke 213 times now you have to see it too
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it's not a joke, it is a signpost written in blood to get laughs from the unwary (;゚∀゚)
>i want to see teh code ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Unfortunately Windows is a closed-source software, so we won't see teh code cry
have you ever seen a 20k LOC program absolutely riddled with goto statements? well i have!
interestin ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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This is a REAL slide from a REAL panel at a REAL anime convention I went to
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Just gonna drop this by here

yeah, there were a few old panels on internet/bbs culture at the time. That's no secret
I wasn't around for this era or the event but I wish I was. all these awkward geeks are so carefree, just trying to talk about what they like, enjoy some LOLs and have a fun time.
even if other people might cringe or if the years did not end up being kind to imageboards as a whole, this was something worthwhile happy
>I wasn't around for this era or the event but I wish I was
Well this is heyuri.com
didnt u have a video or something, i would love to watch if u can share to us :3

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this is offensive to my culture
I close my windows and enjoy ero all day long ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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What do Heyurizens think of INDIAnagato
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Forza Horizon 5
Hallo sars, 2day i wil be teach you to make yor website optimal for customor sarvice sar.
its complicated. on the one hand, this is where Hinduism originates from.
on the other hand, Indians. dark
Is hinduism the religion where they worship cows and eat cow poopy or is that another indian religion? Related question: is there a religion where you can consume little girl poop or pee?
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>Is hinduism the religion where they worship cows and eat cow poopy
> or is that another indian religion?
>Related question: is there a religion where you can consume little girl poop or pee?
Probably hinduism

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Exam season soon...
Are you learning?

There is a dude that is known to fail around 92% of students on electrical machines. Everyone is scared of him. He has long and rare titles in his name...

Guys from another year got him to allow them to plug in a usb drive of theirs and they RATted that PC I think.
Then they gave away questions for this year's exam. I am very happy.

I just hope that they are real, they seem to be almost certainly the real thing by how they are formulated and they look like he wrote it. They fit the standards he had mentioned.
I will only learn answers to the supposedly stolen list because it is quite impossible to learn everything in sufficient detail.

The exam is this thursday. I will post if they turned out to be real.
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so that's the thermodynamic square for memorizing maxwell relations and it goes like "Good Physicists Have Studied Under Very Fine Teachers." any other acrostic alternatives like "Garbage Posters(like me) Help Understanding Very Fun Threads" dark
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My strategy for finding friends in situations like this is finding a guy that seems similar to you, go to him and start talking about the things you like to see if he also likes them and just keep going until you are friends. Look for quiet and lonely guys as they are most likely to be looking for friends but don't know how to do it.
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Natural sciences students are into biology. The chans are places where you can find all sorts of gore and interesting media. You don't have to be a genius to put the 2 together.
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Boring post ahead! Caution!
I got one close friend during highschool. It is a long story so I will not bother, and I was mostly alone since early childhood so I don't mind being alone.

Early high school was the last time I could talk to anyone.
I don't approach because I must look annoying forcing my person on someone by merely talking.
It feels weird. I wouldn't open up again due to events from early high school because I was so open that even a local judge and police was invited by someone and I don't feel like trusting anymore. Those friends that I made before the court are the ones that would need to last me a lifetime.
I had a mechanics exam today and I exchanged like 15 responses today. It was a lot.
I felt alien. They are too open. And those who are alone seem repulsive mostly due to ignorance and filth although I cannot be sure since I never talked to them.

Majority in general behave like that big city westaboos kind (for lack of a better word), their emotions play a deciding role in their choices and responses which is just disappointing. I did successful things and they are not the people you can trust so I discarded them in general.

Hereby I accuse them of ignorance because they in general seem to be so mentally powerless they cannot attempt doing anything on their own.
For an anecdotal proof is my observation that they seem to believe that actually speaking english is some magic unachievable for mortals. Some are either orthodox about grammar despite failing at it in many regards and whatnot and some others who are so underdeveloped in that language that you simply get disinterested from straightening them up in any aspect.
More ignorance, some people seem too obsessed with imitating the west (or rather america) and that is a good portion of people, they are insufferable, it does not feel like home anymore where our normal local things are pushed out for a country half of earth away.
I did not change much since I was little, my surroundings became foreigners, it is hard to form bonds with foreigners.
One dude was surprised that samba is a thing and his brain blew up from disbelief during some basic networking class, it got to the point I did reveal a fraction of my power level and the dude offered me a max grade on the spot which was an unexpected heartwarming thing, yet another example how ignorant people were. They just copied commands into the terminal and still botched it. +20 seem to not even know how computers work despite being raised in it and computation being the new ultimate meta of success which is even more disappointing.
Revealing power level is tempting. A few of people I interacted in highschool sometimes ask me to translate colloqiual russian once every eternity. Or discussing a lecture after it ended with the professor pointing out a mistake since he showed a slide with japanese documentation and I could read it and spot a false claim, I felt powerful biggrin

Another gigantic chunk of population I can't form friendly bonds with is the people unable of critical thinking in good faith. They are not to be trusted, they behave nice on surface but once you do or say anything they don't like they want you dead and they are so persistent in their idiocy that no amount of good faith challenge could ever change their behavior and they have lots of friends who are like them who will bother you because of the gossips or idiotic drama seeking, besides being plain dumb and the drama benefiting nobody especially someone that is supposed to be a friend. It is very true for people who are nice to you but gossip about you. People who care so much as to check whether you have correct beliefs by asking you 'do you believe in god', 'who do you vote for', 'what do you think about gays', 'what do you think about X conflict'. I can hold any view, no view, not know about it, not care about it or whatever. What difference does it make in a friendship?
I had an experience at the train station this week where I was asked whether i believe in god and I responded with a question 'what is the correct answer?' he started because I told that man that I bless him for a fortunate outcome (I'm not buying anyone a ticket or vodka by auto-vouching alone). I just wanted to be nice and not tear it apart because of a different view because in that regard I don't care. I would anger both the believing and atheists if they were persistent and zealous enough in their belief. That question caught me and I probably said the worst possible response instead of betting on 'yes i do believe'. I could argue with him the catholic canon, prayers, saints, whatever but it wouldn't change his state and I am not cruel enough to waste his time for benefit of none of us.

Besides my affection is deep and constant. I don't want people who make me undecided whether they deserve my affection or not around, risking that I get deceived by them into giving love despite them not being completely loyal. What I love is loved by me probably forever. Old love is not as lively as the current one but I never pretend like I like or I don't like something. The games I have played since preschool are still my love, people I have known since I was little who did not betray me still have my love. Old songs, shows, my interests, struggles, stories, events they all have my uncessant love with passing decades. I don't want to add too many because it is hard to manage too many. Same with friends. I can't imagine turning down anything and anyone that earned my love at some point.

There are memories that everyone has forgotten except for me because I love things that I love and I memorized every detail of every thing that I love decades ago.
There are items I store as relics from love dating decades and I am the only who remembers their existence.
Doesn't natural in this context mean anything that derives immediately from the primordial order of the world? Like maths, physics, chemistry with biology being in the gray zone?
Because it operates on fairly simple mechanisms that derive from typical natural sciences but there is such a multitude of possibilities to achieve the same goal (like basing life on carbon or silicon that achieve the same goal with an extremely different set of mostly mutually exclusive possibilities) unlike in physics or maths that can be determined by something ultimate.
I would put biology between natural (like maths, physics) and artificial (like literature, language, culture) because it fits truly both and neither.

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What are your thoughts on the original Teen Titans (aka Western FLCL) ?
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I grew up with it so I loved it. My favorite episode was the one where the Titans dress up as Robin and steal his shit while roleplaying as him the entire time he's away training.
I don't remember much, besides fapping to starfire nyaoo-closedeyes
I think there was an episode she was nekkid too
I liked it. I didn't know about anime when I watched, but nowadays the style really reminds me of it. It was one of my favourite cartoons at the time.

The new one is an abomination. It feels like a soulless corporate cashgrab trying to latch on whatever the trendy thing is.
I liked it. It also has a lot of pr0nz, which means a lot of people also must've liked it (or at least they liked the charater designs sweat2)
I liek it biggrin

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nippon bewbs FTW!!
shun rei!

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SLAM iyahoo
It's kinda funny how one of the reasons the original Space Jam was so well liked while everyone immediately forgot about the sequel is that way less people care about sports nowadays. It's weird, less than 20 years ago young teenage boys would almost exclusively talk about sports, their favorite football/soccer players, basketball players, boxers etc., while nowadays even some adults don't care about sports at all sad
i liked space jam because lola gave me my first boner
>i liked space jam because lola gave me my first boner

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epic win ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Remember, the real Mileena has a ponytail. Don't fall for the fakers!

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I'd love to throw my balls on Mako's face, if you know what I mean

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I will be going to pittsburgh in a month or two, and I would like to invite any heyurizens that can come to an unofficial meet. I suggest this be done at a bar or resturant. This is my first time going so perhaps anyone from pittsburgh knows a good place?
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This event shall be called HEYURIKE™
i'm from the uk :/
That's why planes exist
I can't afford a plane

Also, they generate insane amounts of emissions
The emissions are going to happen whether you ride or not

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puddi puddi
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purin (´¬`)

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the jigglelove
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Boo! Woman with sexy body! xp

Did I scare you?
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Sorry OP-san, but... exactly what part of Etna is that? I think in order for something to jiggle, there must be something there to begin with... sweat2
congratulations!!! biggrin
i know that's etna from disgaea but what game is that?
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That is Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? Originally launched on God's only gift to humanity the PSP.

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