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  • 日本のへゆり

  • 2024/09/12 - NEW GAME: Battle Royale R! Make characters and see if they can win the Heyuri Cup!
  • 2024/09/10 - Tegaki function has been added
  • 2024/06/19 - File size limits have been increased
  • 2024/06/11 - Overboard@Heyuri is back after 4 years
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We will watch Moetan this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

We will also play Yume 2kki on Sunday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Do any of you FREAKS know of a good site to install fonts? I'm looking for a super cutesy font for my super cutesy desktop!
dafont is has a lot of free ones made by people. also, google fonts has a ton of public domain fonts which are pretty good.
thats a big fat grandma miku
my dick approves biggrin

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ARREST HIM!!1! (ノ`д´)ノ
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🇩🇪Germany wins once again🇩🇪tongue
eine döner bitte
voice too deep. ( ´ー` )
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that is to be expected for shows not created in their respected countries although some dubs attempt to mimic the original many do not. companies like adv films were trying to push out a lot of anime like arcade abenobashi azumanga daioh and pani poni dash and their quality shows. closed-eyes
i actually thought the lucky star dub was pretty faithful.

using the haruhi VA for konata (which is what the japanese did) is consistency you dont normally see from western dubbers...

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This is my face when I get to touch some loli boobies (´ー`)
What's your facce when you get to touch loli tiddies ? (゚ー`)
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ive felt my sisters flat chest when we were kids
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neee heyurizen kun,
uchi to ecchi shichaehen ka?

kimi wo mita shunkan kara soko ga nureterun bakari yanen,
ne dou ya? gaman dekihen

gamu arahen de mo ee ya naa
suugaku no renshuu ni kawari kodzukuri renshuu schichaou nee

ima ni ikou, gakkou no ushiro ni nee
hayaku ikeyou ee
cursed (゚ー゚)
osaka san is not horny for a condomless sex with strangers every day
appreciate it!!!!!! sad

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playing with fire
PAWNCH! angry
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are you a lolicon (like me) heyuri (゚ー`)
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File: Cookie Clicker - Loli Edition.swf
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SWF Embed
Here's a flash game about touching ur loli. biggrin

                           /-‐ 、__  `  、    ` 、__
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.      !          j`7             リ
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I think I brok mah imouto guys (;´Д`)
Not every lolicon is a heyurizen but every heyurizen is a loliconiyahoo
I spent so much time grinding this game to unlock the "none" body and you just post a screenshot of it here... sad

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INTERWEBZ PARTY onigirishiionigiriwaha
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what is that ghost? I saw him somewhere before, but I don't know what it means
i did see it and i don't know either cry
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>what is that ghost?
Nenaiko Obake (ねないこおばけ), a character from an old children's story and subsequent early Futaba meme related to users being awake during the night

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mouse pad with tits (・∀・)
I like these, I need a new one
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I would never put my waifu under my computer mouse. The pad gets dirty after some time cry It would be quite rude to do it with someone you're in love. But these pads are really good.

So I bought myself some cheap Chinese pads with Genshin Impact characters. I don't really care about the characters, so I can use a pad, when throw it away, and replace with a fresh one. No moral issues whatsoever!

I probably have a supply for the rest of my life (about 10 years, I suppose).
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I just store them like that in my closet. Pretty convenient.

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Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?

Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

Simply add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
not a fan of web apps, userscripts FTW!
I was about to say "could be useful for fapping" but never in a 4chan porn thread do I enjoy every single image/video posted so it would be ruined by the shit I don't like. (´~`)
haha yeah, def a risk
4chanx has a gallery mode tho
Don't think you can autoplay videos with 4chan gallery. Got a link to that feature?

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Soy el Raimundo Alexander Schiaffino Schiaffino. En esta imagen esta mi prima Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino. Mi prima Antonia en pantalones rosados se sento en mi cara cuando ella era menor de edad y yo tenia 18 años. Su poto aplastaba toda mi cara, mi nariz olia todo su poto grande. Mi prima Antonia muy potona con poto grande me dijo que me iba a tirar un peo en mi cara, Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, su peo fue muy apestoso y su peo sono como una metralleta en mi nariz, me fume todo su peo de potona. Antonia lo empezo todo. Antonia fue la primera en tirarme un peo en mi nariz.
Antonia se tiro el menso peo en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo, su peo entro en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, mi nariz tenia mocos, su peo dentro de mi nariz hizo que mis mocos esten mas apestosos y podridos con olor a su peo. Despues de tirarme su peo en mi nariz, Antonia movio mucho su poto grande hacia los lados en mi nariz. La Antonia se tira los mensos peos y sus peos son atomicos. Me gusto cuando la Antonia se sento en mi cara (me hizo un facesitting), sus gluteos muy grandes, redondos, rebotones, apretados, llenos de grasa y de peos aplastaban mi cara. Cada gluteo de la Antonia es mas grande que mi cabeza. Antonia me tiro su peo muy apestoso, muy ediondo, muy oloroso, muy podrido, de metralleta, de bomba atomica y de caca muy verde dentro de mi nariz.
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i don't speak italian :(
No, he's speaking Romanian. rolleyes
>No, he's speaking Romanian.
rlly? i thought he was speaking latin dizzy

să-mi bag pula să moară mă-ta

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serious question: what are you personally living for?
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This filename implies you actually have the original "why are you poop bananas" video on your computer. If that's the case, then can you please explain the context of this image? I've been wondering for a while.
Whatever the context is, it's not explained in that particular episode up to the point of that scene sweat
https://watchhentai.net/videos/hana-to-hebi-the-animation-episode-3-uncensored/ (6:36)
trying to die hasn't worked, so i'm stuck biggrin
Old PCs including Thinkpad, BMS (Rhythm Games), and Anime girls.
If you become those three you win at life biggrin

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This is why boobas are too scary and flat is best
reverse search gave me the name Mouryou no Nie
I'm not horny enough to jerk off right now, so someone else watch it and let us know if it's any good. nyaoo-closedeyes

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running away to the wild west with my loli
life is good
Lolita but set in the 80's or early 90's would be cool.
Also I'm reminded of Lamb by Bonnie Nadzam.
running away to teh wild west with my LOLs
Hey! U stole my LOLs! angry
Give them back!

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since its been ages since it was last mentioned on Heyuri and island registrations have recently been re-opened on it, theres a game on Heyuri★CGI called Hakoniwa Islands 2. essentially its a multiplayer game where players develop their own islands but can interact with others through war, AIDS, alliances, etc.

PVE instance: https://cgi.heyuri.net/hakoniwa2/
PVP instance: https://cgi.heyuri.net/hakopvp/
wiki page: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Hakoniwa_Islands
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Nevar forget epstein's island
>Nevar forget epstein's island
i dont understand that game cry
it's easier than it looks! https://cgi.heyuri.net/hakoniwa2/manual/beginner.html

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guess what's inside
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lucky astonish
she ate the tuna. its sparkling cleanヽ(´ー`)ノ
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ZOMG (;゚Д゚)

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this is me when its time to put up christmas lights (´ー`)

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