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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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This is what bathtubs will look like 5 years from now.dizzy
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some people were already saying that 100 years ago...
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This is what bathtubs will look like 5 years from now.dizzy
is this the euthanasia chamber? i LOL'd tongue
They shouldn't make euthanazia devices look to cool... One of these day, a bratty kid will anoy his mother, claiming that he wants to "get into the spaceship!"...
One in a lifetime journey smile

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Hi heyuri. Please post threatening messages to encourage me to study for my exam.
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they wont. the course organiser and lecturer are both infamous for being cruel and unhelpful. luckily i can get a human-assesed resit paper in august.
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if you don't study you'll end up working 50-60 hours a week at a job that you mostly don't like (that'll also suck up all of the time you could've spent slacking off/fulfilling your brain/what have you, completely guilt free) and spending every moment there wishing you'd have taken the simple matter of studying into your own hands and actually doing it.
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This is it, going from one dead end job to the next waiting to die. dark
there are other paths in life like finding a way to get on welfare or leech off of someone else and be a NEET.
OP, remember you can always an hero when things become really bad and circumstances force you to work to keep living, so you should really just enjoy today to the fullest and think about tomorrow when tomorrow comes biggrin

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im in need of sum help (・∀・). Is there a daki supplier that ships internationally you would recommend, /b/?
i bought mine from cuddlyoctopus, great quality, feels and look nice. That said, any shop from Japan is prefer.

Try https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/?lang=en
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booth.pm should be anyones immediate go-to for newer dakimakura. as for older stuff 1) good luck 2) prepare to sleep with used goods 3) mandarake and surugaya are often solid choices
you can also try this, with a little bit of luck you can find rare ones for really "cheap".


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it's just one of those days...
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...when you don't wanna wake up!

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Since the last thread kinda failed, I'm borrowing >>101762's idea and turing the pic into a Bingo card smile (Suggestions for the last three spaces welcome!)
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I don't see why "Hating Furries" is an option since a lot of oldfags were. Especially in the mid-nineties when they found their love in western animated films
>a lot of oldfags were.
Yes, but they also hated furries, this is not contradictory. ( ´ω`)
I don't know how much this stuff applies to me because I've used 4chan for a very long time, but I was also never a /b/tard, I was more into the boards related to otaku culture and some of the video game boards.
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Don't forget about the townhall tonight!
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posting OC here (not mine)
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( ´ω`)
俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺 俺!!!!!
i couldn't make it but i want everyone ITT to know that i love the traveling cat with the bag on his back so fucking much

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minasan, do you believe in GHOSTS?
when i was about 5 years old, i was left home alone by my parents. it was late in the evening, as it was winter, it was dark outside already. being a child i was scared of the dark. they left me in the living room where the light was on, but in the hallway it was off. i was very displeased at the idea of having to go there. but my own biology had betrayed me... i had to use the bathroom soon enough! Σ(;゚Д゚) when the urge became uncontrollable i decided to go against my fears and walk up to the hallway entrance. for some reason, the floor was creakier than usual... well, in the hall, i saw a black figure standing menacingly, changing forms the longer i looked at it. i made a sprint to the bathroom despite feeling paralyzed out of fear. when i turned on the light in the bathroom, the mean spirit turned out to just be the long coat hanger we had.
do you have eerie paranormal stories to share? maybe ones that dont have such a childish ending? happy
>minasan, do you believe in GHOSTS?
absolutely, sum things go bump in teh night...
>do you have eerie paranormal stories to share?
Sadly mine is also childish. But anywayz one night when i was a child i woke up but was stuck in some kind of time-loop. I could feel things realistically but as soon as i left my room to get to the hallway i would collapse, only to reawaken in my bed. It went on for hours, all the while a shadowy goblin/demon creature was giggling from a corner of the room....

spooky however there's probably a realistic explanation for it.
>do you believe in GHOSTS?
can't say I'm a believer, but sometimes i wonder...
>do you have eerie paranormal stories to share?
-there's some LED lights on my kitchen that can be turned on by touching a sensor on one side, sometimes during the night they will turn on by themselves, spooky but can probably be explained, maybe it's dust or something else passing under the sensor
-rarely i hear sounds of footsteps at like 2am, they are VERY loud and it sounds like someone running from the hallway to the bathroom, to this day i have no idea what causes them
-once when i was a kid i saw a laser light shine on the balcony glass door at night as if someone was there shining a laser, but, as you can imagine, nobody was on the balcony.
Even my parents witnessed it and we just shrugged it off as someone in the distance playing a prank but the thing is our condo is the tallest in the area so i can't really think of a way someone could shine a laser at that angle from a shorter building (the laser shone on the lower part of the door)

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Would you accept dying tomorrow if you knew a cute JK would have sex with you(r corpse)?
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no but I'd eat Chiyo or Osaka's poop even if I knew I'd die from it

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How do you think the Japanese know this shit?
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Not them, but sometimes I scroll through heyuri on my phone when I'm walking around outside for the thrills.
just paste the pmc number into libgen or something
different anon here, but I use m on desktop sometimes because I hate the new Wikipedia desktop layout
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It's time to study!

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A new supply has kita'd!

In total there are 3 boxes.
I will take advice from before and be more lively instead of just dumping! biggrin
2 boxes were regular items I order like manga, toy type items and discs and final one was beautiful cosplay items. Let's begin!

*If you want anything scanned or ripped - say so and I will deliver (I may refuse to scan or rip things that commonly circulate on torrents).
*Due to cretinism I won't post some photos today but on monday.
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>I don't think you are supposed to show any flesh at all
Yes, you're supposed to wear a bodysuit thing called a hadatai with chest and maybe hip padding underneath.
bravo 👏👏👏
its like christmas with all those packages

the outfit looks very high quality compared to the chinese junk i buy.
but the link has only 1 ⭐?
>I bought ran cosplay while drunk
no you weren't drunk... lolico
Oho, widze ze mamy juz dwoch polakow z 2hu cosplejem na heyuri XD
OP's mom found out (;゚Д゚)

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post music to read heyuri to in your bed on a sunny day.
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dance waha dance
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just chill cool
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As you didn't notice, I added bunch of stuff to https://museum.heyuri.net/
Among them, there is an RPG game. This thread is a guide for running it

It's download page is here: https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/dl.html
It links to now-dead but archived page of https://web.archive.org/web/20150822101650if_/http://www21.tok2.com:80/home/nijiurarpg/

Download the RTPなし version since it's the only archived one

Since only RTP-less version is archived on wayback, you will need to install the RTP yourself.

If you download an older version, you will need to apply the updates manually. Update file is https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/zip/1.13.zip
Guide for doing the update is on https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/update.html (just unzip and copy to the game's folder)
You probably won't need to do this if you already downloaded the ver. 1.13

Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it. Right click it, select "Troubleshoot compatibility", then press "Try recommended settings". It should apply Windows XP Service pack 3. See if it runs well like that, and once you confirm, apply that settings to the program.

Story begins with you entering Nijiura Town for posting on Nijiura for many years. ME-tan tells you need to collect 7 "colors" to enter Mayoiga where all Nijiura characters live biggrin

It's obviously in Japanese (although there is likely some tool to translate it easily), and you probably won't know all Nijiura characters unless you look them up. You should at least be familiar with Nijiura maids, Azumanga characters etc
>Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it.
only if you're an enormous faggot lolico
dankeschoen! i don't care about video games but i appreciate the effort of the museum keepers.
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Found waha playing with musu and choia!
she is some kind of a very powerful demon king boss that you have to beat...
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this is her charset

thus my quest for moar pixel art waha ends here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
and here is video walkthrough

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would it be comfortable?nyaoounsure
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I wouldn't want to sit on the drain, who knows what might come up and get me
It would be if you used it to turn yourself into a beautiful delicious HUMAN RAMEN
I'd take a big shit in that tub and make the two biggest turds fight each other, then the winner would get fucked and filled with semen, then thrown out the window for the neighbors to find while mowing.
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i wish for desert now.

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Heyuri, what are your opinions on anime remakes? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between?

A remake I enjoyed was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Although 80's anime style can be endearing, I felt the original was a bit too goofy looking for it to properly convey the gothic atmosphere of the manga. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bloodlust on the other hand conveyed that gothic edge well, and the shading was detailed and beautiful.

A remake I did not enjoy was Boogiepop and Others. The original Boogiepop Phantom is one of my favorite anime, so I was that much more pissed off when I watched the remake and felt completely dissapointed ( ´,_ゝ`) the original was dark, atmospheric, grungy, and weird, and the remake is, well... it looks like any other "this anime is actually spooky and violent!" garbage that's been put out in the last decade or so. I know people have different tastes, but... come on, how could you even watch the masterpiece that is the original OP, compare it to the new one sung by Shit & Roid and actually think the latter is better?
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i really want to read the boogiepop LN, but physical copies are expensive shipping where i livenyaoo-closedeyes
I don't care for either style because Azumanga sucks.
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Ueeeehhh firthy Americunt slobber ovar Asumanga!:XD::XD::XD: We here in Korea prefer K-on!!!angryangryangry
you're not about to tell yotsuba that she's sucks too are you? cry
it's supposed to be "cleaner and nicer"
but yeah, it's shit here -- it's not bad art, but it is outright lesser than the original

contrast like Go Nagai's redrawn panels in his work (would post an example but I am lazyyy), where you can absolutely see what the last 40 or so years of improvement have done for him

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