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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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There will never be a good trap like bridget ever again. Doesn't help that they did you know what... closed-eyes
Everyone is (no longer) gay for Bridget.mona2

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post music to read heyuri to in your bed on a sunny day.
>> 16530 KB
>> 6156 KB
dance waha dance
>> 5524 KB
just chill cool

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loli is hotter than teh sun
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this is still a PENIS thread angry
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My Asus laptop only charges like once every hour, and even then it does so for like 10 seconds and shuts down again.
It was working well last night. What should i do?
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The light just turned off at some point (;´Д`)
The thing is that i just fell asleep with it on and when i woke up it registered the charger but the battery still went down
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Ok, i fixed it. Thx for your emotional support
What was teh issue in the end?
The thingy that connects to the contact pin got loose somehow

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Since the last thread kinda failed, I'm borrowing >>101762's idea and turing the pic into a Bingo card smile (Suggestions for the last three spaces welcome!)
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It still fails cuz it only relates to 4chan (and is more of a 2007-2008 /b/tard's imagination of what 2003-2005 /b/tards were like rather than from actual 2003-2005 /b/tards), and this is Heyuri - a site which intentionally doesn't use the terms newf@g/oldfag, actively deters users from raging against new users, and largely goes out of its way to undermine all that 2007+ imageboard culture crap sweat2
Killjoy glare1
4x4... Free space isn't even in the middle
FAIL dark
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Alright, I added some stuff on my own
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anyone can check our museum to see old 4chan wasn't anything like that, but we can still do it for the LOLs, no? I failed it! x3

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Nevada-Tan thread. Post "underground" or roris and shotas that fail at life like her.
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She doesn't "fail at life" nyaoo-closedeyes
Fuarrrk. I messed up. I meant make others fail at life. dark

I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
>> 47 KB
>I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
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who deserves your charity more: wikipe-tan or the vocaroo girl?
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
wait, those pics are by the same guy?
my mind is blown
Kasuga has a lot of fetish art but he also has some taste.
I like this comic of his:
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5968635 (part 1)
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5968630 (part 2)
but who designed vocaroo-tan?
>> 2332 KB
wikipedia is not a reliable source. because it's not, okay? angryangryangry
wikipedia is good for STEM related stuffz, but otherwise the articles are really inaccurate... teh whole strategy for writing wikipedia articles seems to be to just take info from "reliable sources" (in other words 'mainstream' sources). Its not liek this for all articles but some just take teh popular narrative and treat it as fact... which is retard0d closed-eyes2

its especially annoying when i try to read STEM related articles and there ends up being political garbaege in there for no good reason...

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How do you think the Japanese know this shit?
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i have to read this tonight kuma6happy
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it's an actual guide for rorisekkusu
there are more on-topic parts in the guide, but there is a reason you can't easily find such information on the clearnet sweat2
don't worry, you're safe happy for now...ph34r
>there are more on-topic parts in the guide, but there is a reason you can't easily find such information on the clearnet
the download's quite literally a google search away...
You are right, the only change is a grey zone image.
It's probably too popular to hide, like certain broadly illegal videos you can easily find on search engines

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I wanted to work in a Chechnyaa~ pun somewhere...
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more chenn

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Should I say clonigga or clonigger? Or maybe neither? Can only clones say it?
Cloon (portmanteu of clone and coon)
Is it just me, or does that look like a giant nostril in the background? 👃
>Is it just me, or does that look like a giant nostril in the background?
Who nose...

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Heyuri, what are your opinions on anime remakes? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between?

A remake I enjoyed was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Although 80's anime style can be endearing, I felt the original was a bit too goofy looking for it to properly convey the gothic atmosphere of the manga. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bloodlust on the other hand conveyed that gothic edge well, and the shading was detailed and beautiful.

A remake I did not enjoy was Boogiepop and Others. The original Boogiepop Phantom is one of my favorite anime, so I was that much more pissed off when I watched the remake and felt completely dissapointed ( ´,_ゝ`) the original was dark, atmospheric, grungy, and weird, and the remake is, well... it looks like any other "this anime is actually spooky and violent!" garbage that's been put out in the last decade or so. I know people have different tastes, but... come on, how could you even watch the masterpiece that is the original OP, compare it to the new one sung by Shit & Roid and actually think the latter is better?
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I'm kind of torn about the concept of remakes in general.
On one side, i don't like cases like Resident Evil 4 where the revision is supposed to leave the original in obsolescence. I give a lot of importance to the idea of getting the "original" or "real" experience
On the other, there are cases like Ben-Hur where most people don't even know the iconic version is a remake, and no one seems to care about it even when they do find out
Whaaat?!!! glare It's a remake? I tought it was teh season 3, a continuation. It still wouldn't be ideal because I don't like teh artstyle, but it being a remake is even worse
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what about manga remakes?
call me a hylic but i honestly like the redrawn azu style way more. but both are unique.
I understand when mangaka want to switch to a quicker lazier style with almost no shading, insides of mouths being blank white, less detail on hair, etc. but redrawing old chapters just to make them look worse is retarded.

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Which one are you?
39 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Not me, and there aren't many high-effort ways to simply call someone stupid, it doesn't matter. Tryhard.
It was destined to fail from the start since it's a post-"newf@g summer" chart from 4/b/ about 4/b/ sweat2
you could add 3 more points to "oldfag" and make it a 4x4 bingo, which could be moar fun to interact with sweat2
no it doesnt, youre an overthinker
Trysoft lolico

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how many lolis would u be able to fight before they over throw u?
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>> 389 KB
haev another one. u seems to like them.
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what if the lolis have a giant pet lizard?
don't know witch is worse. the lolis or the gays.
this is cute

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You like some watermelon seed?
Yes please nigra
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WATAH MELAN!!! 🍉 nigra

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so much time, and so little energy.
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SWF Embed
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!111111one1
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thanks. this actually works.

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