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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Which one are you?
21 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>A lot of new "oldfags" were created that day and made stupid graphs like these.
But this graph was created like 10 years before that? glare Besides, the Pools Closed symbolises n00bs like me in OP's pic. And, most importantly, the original pic was clearly made half-jokingly, kinda like the "New School Gamer, Old School Gamer, Ancient Gamer" one
I don't know what you're talking about, but this image is not that old. And the annoying underagedb& of yesteryear grew up to be the annoying ofagedb& of today but are hailed as the "og"s for some reason. I guess a five year difference seems like a lot when you're in highschool
Look at >>101476
If they're not talking about that image, they're at least talking about a very similar one, and that is from 2008, which is just a one year difference from what >>101684 said.
personally, i'm a gayfag. i love PENIS waha

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would it be comfortable?nyaoounsure
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have you got a VAGINA in the back of your head like some 4/d/ shit?
finally, i found OP's setup!
the computer looks cute with all of it's shiny buttons.
lol! PENIS!
Plughole vs plugged hole

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How do you think the Japanese know this shit?
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it's saying a lot of nothing
at least once every day
thanks doctor
perhaps someone should interview a person who fuckd a loli irl for their experience
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haven't you seen pedophile's handbook before?
ive only read my own

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This is better: foruda
Sorry WAHA. This time the folder wins.
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wow... astonish
The best of both worlds! forudawaha

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how many lolis would u be able to fight before they over throw u?
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well, alot more than that, but i think yuo get the idea! XD
>File: Cocks_4789.jpg
anon... why do you have over 4,000 seperate images of PENIS on your computer? (゚ー゚)
>> 389 KB
haev another one. u seems to like them.
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what if the lolis have a giant pet lizard?

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Heyuri, what are your opinions on anime remakes? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between?

A remake I enjoyed was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Although 80's anime style can be endearing, I felt the original was a bit too goofy looking for it to properly convey the gothic atmosphere of the manga. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bloodlust on the other hand conveyed that gothic edge well, and the shading was detailed and beautiful.

A remake I did not enjoy was Boogiepop and Others. The original Boogiepop Phantom is one of my favorite anime, so I was that much more pissed off when I watched the remake and felt completely dissapointed ( ´,_ゝ`) the original was dark, atmospheric, grungy, and weird, and the remake is, well... it looks like any other "this anime is actually spooky and violent!" garbage that's been put out in the last decade or so. I know people have different tastes, but... come on, how could you even watch the masterpiece that is the original OP, compare it to the new one sung by Shit & Roid and actually think the latter is better?
There isn't much to tell, I liek them if they improve it biggrin
Hellsing was good, but Hellsing Ultimate was much bettar. Though I think it's debatable if it's a remake since it's from a different producer

On the topic, is anyone watching the remake of ookami to koushinryou this season?
I haven't even watched either boogiepop, but the original looks better in terms of atmosphere. In general I think newer anime has abandoned the work of creating a distinct atmosphere. It's always the usual slick, hyperreal animation.
I don't watch new anime these days, but I downloaded ep1 of the new Spice & Wolf anime adaption to test something, and ended up watching the episode to the end

Now I haven't seen the original anime adaption in liek 15 years, and I never read the LNs, but... the new one didn't seem different enough to warrant a remake to me sweat2
I'm kind of torn about the concept of remakes in general.
On one side, i don't like cases like Resident Evil 4 where the revision is supposed to leave the original in obsolescence. I give a lot of importance to the idea of getting the "original" or "real" experience
On the other, there are cases like Ben-Hur where most people don't even know the iconic version is a remake, and no one seems to care about it even when they do find out

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who deserves your charity more: wikipe-tan or the vocaroo girl?
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wait, those pics are by the same guy?
my mind is blown
Kasuga has a lot of fetish art but he also has some taste.
I like this comic of his:
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5968635 (part 1)
https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5968630 (part 2)
but who designed vocaroo-tan?

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I'm having an amazing day.
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enjoy your trip! happy

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As you didn't notice, I added bunch of stuff to https://museum.heyuri.net/
Among them, there is an RPG game. This thread is a guide for running it

It's download page is here: https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/dl.html
It links to now-dead but archived page of https://web.archive.org/web/20150822101650if_/http://www21.tok2.com:80/home/nijiurarpg/

Download the RTPなし version since it's the only archived one

Since only RTP-less version is archived on wayback, you will need to install the RTP yourself.

If you download an older version, you will need to apply the updates manually. Update file is https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/zip/1.13.zip
Guide for doing the update is on https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/update.html (just unzip and copy to the game's folder)
You probably won't need to do this if you already downloaded the ver. 1.13

Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it. Right click it, select "Troubleshoot compatibility", then press "Try recommended settings". It should apply Windows XP Service pack 3. See if it runs well like that, and once you confirm, apply that settings to the program.

Story begins with you entering Nijiura Town for posting on Nijiura for many years. ME-tan tells you need to collect 7 "colors" to enter Mayoiga where all Nijiura characters live biggrin

It's obviously in Japanese (although there is likely some tool to translate it easily), and you probably won't know all Nijiura characters unless you look them up. You should at least be familiar with Nijiura maids, Azumanga characters etc
>Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it.
only if you're an enormous faggot lolico
dankeschoen! i don't care about video games but i appreciate the effort of the museum keepers.
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Found waha playing with musu and choia!
she is some kind of a very powerful demon king boss that you have to beat...
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this is her charset

thus my quest for moar pixel art waha ends here ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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hello fellow heyurizen, i come to thee in this time of need because i need some advice
i'm the guy who posts drawings here sometimes and i recently encountered 2 people who are waaaay better than me, and what i mean by that is their stuff looks like pro-level so to speak, i am glad i met them because they are very friendly and also very open to give advice, i even copied the way one of them draws eyes in a panel of the dovegirl comic i'm making and it increased the quality tenfold!

however while part of me is glad i am also incredibly jealous of their skills, after seeing their work i couldn't muster even a simple character for 3 days and i think it's because i'm unconsciously thinking "what's the point? i'll never be that good" and it's gotten to the point that my jealousy is pushing me to give up entirely

such a thing happened quite often in the past and it made me take year long breaks from drawing which i think contributed to my improvement rate being very small
i honestly love their work and hope to become just as good someday but how can i get rid of this jealousy? i can't even study the books they linked me without getting all sad and giving up
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the filter's still breaking links i see.
no way, thats not the way i want to draw
it's time for some corrections closed-eyes2
well i think balsamic sauce on /o/ is better than me
the best advice is that you should keep telling yourself you can reach that level if you keep practicing, so don't give up(and thats true), but if that doesn't work you can also weaponize your jealousy to get better.
"im going to work hard so i can get better than them!" though that might create grudges but if you can control yourself it'll be nothing i assume
i will try my best to not resort to weaponizing jealousy, i dont want to create grudges
one day i will make the most epic heyuri oc ever, mark my words smile
There's always going to be someone better than you, it's just the way it is. By the time you get to the level of those two pros, they'll already be on a whole other level. But you shouldn't let that bring you down. The fact that they're so good just means that it's possible to get to that level by working hard and constantly. Anyone can do it, we're all humans after all.

And as you already know, it's not a competition. Even if you're currently not as good as some pros out there, there will always be people who appreciate your stuff. Keep practicing, and you'll reach even more people with your art.

Also, try finding your own niche. People will appreciate you and your art more if you're original.

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I have to wonder how the Japanese formulated and perfected the art of the loli. I know that all artists in a certain movement or culture all draw inspiration from similar or the same sources. I wonder who was the first loli? And who was the artist behind the first loli?
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they just fucked kids irl in that period.
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I searched a bit for pre-ww2 loli-depictions and I've found these funny ukiyo-e prints: https://kasasagi.com.au/product/erotic-japanese-woodblock-print-8/
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>> 12428 KB
here's a 1923 loli

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on my quest for moar waha pixel art (it's a shame biggest waha resources of 2000s aren't archived anywhere!), I found bunch of BOKU oekaki that's probably not on anywhere else instead
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for easy browsing ヽ(´ー`)ノ
all bokus from teh site https://up.heyuri.net/src/3483.rar

i use this extension for downloading everything in one click, you need to filter what kind of files and what level of subfolder you want to take from properly and it will work great
>> 142 KB
down the mall biggrin
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How many of you are suicidal?
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check behind you
non suicidal self injury releases endorphins, and its pretty exciting so for some people it does genuinely feel good to cut themselves
sometimes it can even lead to an addiction to self harm, where they feel an urge to cut themselves even if they dont feel bad in that moment
some people also self harm to express their pain in ways that they otherwise couldnt or dont want too through words
once you start cutting regularly, its very hard to stop
Hurting others feels way better than hurting yourself nyaoo2
when I was an angsty teen I just killed lots of low level players in WoW or found ways to piss everyone off (like teamkilling) in other online games instead of cutting myself like an emo fag
who isn't?

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it's here!
finally i have completed the dovegirl comic!.... part 1 dark

i hope the inventor of the character is still around, see? i managed to keep my promise, half of it at least
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Great effort. I can't wait to read.
This wins the internet (Heyuri)
Nice job happy
thanks guys!
this comic was the victim of not one, not two, not even three but four different redraws so i'm glad it wasnt a total fail
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My first instict was to read it from right to left

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Where did moot get his incredible cleverness, wisdom and cuteness from?
He begged for donations of these features to God.

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