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loli is hotter than teh sun
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>> 6910 KB
well then.
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take-take back!!1
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hello fellow heyurizen, i come to thee in this time of need because i need some advice
i'm the guy who posts drawings here sometimes and i recently encountered 2 people who are waaaay better than me, and what i mean by that is their stuff looks like pro-level so to speak, i am glad i met them because they are very friendly and also very open to give advice, i even copied the way one of them draws eyes in a panel of the dovegirl comic i'm making and it increased the quality tenfold!

however while part of me is glad i am also incredibly jealous of their skills, after seeing their work i couldn't muster even a simple character for 3 days and i think it's because i'm unconsciously thinking "what's the point? i'll never be that good" and it's gotten to the point that my jealousy is pushing me to give up entirely

such a thing happened quite often in the past and it made me take year long breaks from drawing which i think contributed to my improvement rate being very small
i honestly love their work and hope to become just as good someday but how can i get rid of this jealousy? i can't even study the books they linked me without getting all sad and giving up
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>Drawing, like all other hobbies, is not a competition
you're right and i know that it is like that, i just can't help but feel this way
something i really hate about myself is that if there's something i like (in this case it's drawing) i hate seeing others be better at it than me, i am actually embarassed how such tiny things can send me down a spiral of sadness and apathy
>but only you can draw in your own style
that may be true but, artstyle or not, there are certain features that just suck when i draw them, for example the eyes, hair, basic proportions, etc..., i'm unsure if i'm good enough to call the way i draw an artstyle and i feel like "artstyle" can be used as an excuse to deflect criticism which is something i used to do for the longest time ("no, it's not that proportions are awful, it's just my artstyle") and i wish to stop (not to mention i only ever draw anime girls, there was a time i drew a really cool jotaro with details and shading but now i completely forgot how to do that sweat3)

i hope i'm not coming off as whiny
>kirby scat porn
i hate scat but i'm curious to see what such a thing looks like
>I knew some guy who was drawing kirby scat porn in MS Paint
There probably isn't very much Kirby scat porn so that guy's shitty mspaint art is surely praised and applauded in the Kirby scat porn community. OP, have you considered drawing more niche fetish stuff like lolis shitting for example? If you aren't competing with as many artists then your art will be much closer to the best, or maybe even the best. I can only find ONE image in existence of Osaka pooping despite how popular Azumanga is, and it's not drawn very well at all.
>i hate scat
nevermind, I guess you don't have what it takes to be a good artist then.
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I was confusing, he was just drawing lolis from kirby. Mainly Ribbon and some Adeleine.

Have you ever visited /asg/ threads on 4/ic/? You claim to draw anime girls, but your style is the generic western "anime-ish" cartoons found in some French cartoons. You can probably find good resources to draw closer to the Japanese style there, if it's what you're actually aim for of course.
>i hate seeing others be better at it than me
Ask for their old drawings, I'm sure they sucked compared to ur style. Then think they are 15-20 years older than you irl, and you can think that as the time to improve urself to pass them nyaoo-closedeyes
Having a good idea and seeing it through to completion is much more impr0tant than art sk1llz smile
Let that be your motivator. The only way to be better than them is to work harder than them. Dedicate yourself to learning your craft

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I wonder what sort of place Japan would be if not for Sakoku...
A boring place like Korea probably...

We wouldn't have these:

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2. Childish
3. Innocent

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What time is it? unsure
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At my house it's always 13:37 ph34r
But AM or PM?
it's yesterday.
hammer time ( ´ω`)

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I know what kind of life i want to live, but there's so much work to do, so many things to learn, so many obstacles to overcome.
I want to fulfill my potential, but there's a long road ahead of me. Sometimes the impotency of wanting to achieve but feeling held back overwhelms me, sometimes i get euphoric imagining how my perfect future will be.
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You've described me perfectly cry
all i can offer are these simple words,
but ganbare bros!nyaoo
i miss this feeling. i've been too clouded over with doubt and regret for some time.
i want nothing but a easy and simple life, those who hunt money and fame are disillusioned.
>> 68 KB
>those who hunt money
Is that some spin-off series of TWHE?

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How many of you are suicidal?
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i guess it's kinda like when people punch walls when they get super mad instead of just doing something else to calm down. maybe that's a form of self harm too? glare
The AI superintelligence singularity is literally right around the corner, and you dummies are talking about ending it all NOW? Are you fucking kidding me? biggrin
it doesn't even need to be a superintelligence singularity, if it can just make decent quality new episodes of my favorite anime with an affordable GPU I'll be happy forever
🚶‍♂️ not me Im just little depressed lolol

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first of MAY(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・) Are your plans made?
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mona2 happy may mona2
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hey there.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PU-TAN!!!! crycrycry
I don't like crying dejico... she makes me sad too! cry
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no, i can't. you'll need to enlist a necromancer, i'm afraid.

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Take a good shot!
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I have to wonder how the Japanese formulated and perfected the art of the loli. I know that all artists in a certain movement or culture all draw inspiration from similar or the same sources. I wonder who was the first loli? And who was the artist behind the first loli?
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that chen figure is rare! drool
they just fucked kids irl in that period.
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I searched a bit for pre-ww2 loli-depictions and I've found these funny ukiyo-e prints: https://kasasagi.com.au/product/erotic-japanese-woodblock-print-8/
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It's been a while. Postan roris!

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loli rape
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teh loli tsun brigade

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Why is noöne else posting their poems? are you all illiterate?
I PENIS, therefore I ANUS.
haiku masuta I,
2 Lazy 4 poems
excuse me plz
Enjoy, it is done mona2
pretty good.

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i love chiyo and her weird flesh nub feet... (´人`)
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What's worse is that she has no butthole. Where is her poop going to go?
Somehow i've never noticed that despite seeing this image before... foruda
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weird art is weird
What is she injecting Σ(;゚Д゚)
ANUS nullification syrum, soon her butthole will disappear just like Chiyo-chan's and she will also have to start pooping out of her peehole. Long thin strands of soft-serve poop that she can easily write her name on the floor with. Just don't feed her a bunch of laxatives before making love to her or things could get really messy.

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