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Now this is a cheap little movie,
And I am a cheap little guy.

I'm going to abuse your eardrums,
I'm going to make fun of your eyes...
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I like Fritz the Cat more

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its easier to learn math if a cute little boy is explaining it to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nShR9ftwRCk&list=PLRadJIh6Wu9kzDIj2ucaHk6L85ukuT525
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Is there a cute little girl version?

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Oh! Was it your cake with your strawberry deshita ka!? This strawberry belongs to my belly now desu!
This cake looks delicious desu!
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But then how does dolls poop?
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That only happens in your sick fuck fetish porn. biggrin
fill a blowup doll with shit instead of air then cut a hole in its rectum and it will shit when you squeeze it
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there used to be a time, a brief time, when i wanted to see this doll be used in the most depraved ways possible.
whenever her face would show up on my screen i'd think "damn, this doll sure needs correction" or "i wonder how long she can last with some rough sex" or even "why just her? let's have her sister watch! or even... join in?!"
unfortunately the collection of non-lesbian desu doujins was... scarce, to say the least
>> 232 KB

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lol @ derail
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lol @ -ception!!! (゚血゚#)
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LOL is not deep enough!!! FURTHER!
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d-deeper?! but captain, this thread is just 3 days old! it can't take much more!

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Do you know what day it is today?
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don't matter what day it is...(゚ー`)
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I found MGS boring to play.
But i use linux...
Can't you read the sidebar on KDE?

unless you don't use KDE... In which assisted suicide must be taken
hold on to your horses lad, are you trying to start a software war on the Heyuri™? Take your wobbly windows and 120 dependencies for gwenview and frick off! angry

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heyurians, what are some japanese music artists you like outside of the typical "otaku" sphere?

i'm really into singers like yoshiko sai...this is my favorite song of hers, i love that funky vibe ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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eh? this is not "post the most renowned quintessential japanese artists" thread, it's just for artists you like. YMO is pretty gud though mona2
>> 11885 KB
In love with this band. Death metal as it should be.
i guess i only know about them through beserk, but i like the silver fins

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added a little bit of custard to my tea with the milk. not bad!
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ever tried adding a spoonful of honey to tea?
Where I'm from we like to drink hot custard. It's usually thinner than the kind you'd put in rammicans and cook. It's rather delicious

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Did you watch Zero Punctuation / Watch Fully Ramblomatic?
I discovered Yahtzee's stuff like a month before Second Wind got set up. The guy is fucking great
I first watched his videos in liek 2008. They're pretty good, but I admit haven't watched any in a very long time... I guess it's also been a long time since I've had any interest in modern games sweat2

Pure Pwnage did a pretty good homage back in the day, while also making a good point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VAhzPcZ-s

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More like Times of ASS amirite? biggrin

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This kid, Godot Paulekas, as the son of some early hippie guy called Vito Paulekas. Vito Paulekas was an influential guy. He had a bunch of young female acolytes hanging around in his pottery studio, and he took those acolytes to various clubs where bands like the Byrds were playing, to dance. early on people were more attracted to the dancers and their hippie looks than the bands playing. He was influential enough that he inspired Charles Manson to come down to California.

Apparently one day they were doing a photoshoot on the roof of the studio for The Village Voice or some other hippie paper, with Godot and some other kids. Godot was guided onto a skylight, which broke under his weight, and caused him to plummet to his death. Afterward, Vito and his wife Szou continued their plans for the evening and went out dancing. when asked here little Godot as, Vito said, 'He died today.'
The 60s were so groovy nigra

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it's just one of those days...
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stuff only please

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2gether 5ever in 10dR Mbr♠️.

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Do you guys like this gif?
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no, it's far too short and has no sound
I love girl chocolate :3
>> 16758 KB
is there a way to move to Japan to work as a human toilet?
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Osaka looks like she just found a new fetish. Why is this the only picture on the internet of such a popular character pooping? I will have to use AI to make more.

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first of MAY 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 Are your plans made?
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mona2 happy may mona2
Majuwka i huj xd

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first of MAY(・∀・)(・∀・)(・∀・) Are your plans made?
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mona2 happy may mona2

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