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22 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
i demand MOAR pictures! (;´Д`)
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I didnt imagine it. There WAS a reiwa no di gi charat corner!
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there was one too when i was in akihabara, i think its due to there was a "new" Di gi chara anime pretty recent. + it's still teh mascot of Gamers!
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Everythings a bit pricey... cry

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When is Kaguya's diss track out?
but kaguya is dead.
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...but kagunyaa~~ will always live within my heart! love

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Itte kimasu!
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itte rasshai!
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sorede, sore wa dōdatta?
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sou- souna-!
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loli in teh air, i reapt, loli in teh air.

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Do you know what day it is today?
no, i can't read calendars. (´ー`)
first of may nigga can't you read the sidebar on windows?
Still 30th April for me...(´ー`)
don't matter what day it is...(゚ー`)

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Do you guys like this gif?
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no, it's far too short and has no sound
I love girl chocolate :3
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is there a way to move to Japan to work as a human toilet?

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It's been a while. Postan roris!
65 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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by yousisi
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by yousisi
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by takashima
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No more worlds like this.
No more days like that.
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
You will finally execute your special plan

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added a little bit of custard to my tea with the milk. not bad!
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ever tried adding a spoonful of honey to tea?

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chuunis, please post some of the apparently meaningless jargons you subvocalise to yourself as you prowl the streets. don't even worry about putting it in a logical context.
the affirmational dialectic of moe
protective accord of tea-drinky
The only thing I vocalize is how much I hate all of humanity, but especially the guy with the jacked up black pickup truck with a stereo system that can be heard half a block away. biggrin
gentleman. a cat with the face of a frog... a cat with the face of a frog... nekomonkey, nekomonkey.....
Loli entitites libidinize the Ganzfeld! All beauty is the aureole of truth!

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does PENIS go in here?
No. Nuns are celibate.
i'd stick it in
it's one time dip. No doubble dip.
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PENIS goes anywhere!

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How much longer do I have to wait until I can buy green/purple grapes? I don't know much about the seasons and I've been waiting for them to come back out for what feels like forever.
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can we please talk about grapes again? i really like green ones, red ones are my second favorite. i hate concord grapes though, they have a really strong smell that makes me nauseous (´ー`)
>i hate concord grapes
Woah, woah! That's kinda controversial, don't you think, almost goes into rule 7 territory
same I can eat all grapes. I really like grapes. 2nd best fruit after bananas. bananabananabanana
i like all grapes, but if they haev seeds in them i haet them nyaoo-closedeyes
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>can we please talk about grapes again?
Try answering my question.

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lol @ derail

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anyone wishing to share any normally paid cool doujin game/manga? (・∀・)
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Teh end, for now

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hands where I can see them
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Please no!!! My heart is not ready for this yet... cry
Sorry bitch, I'm too busy masturbating. biggrin
Armed kashira glare
Very kowai
My hands are in my pants, are you sure you want me to remove my pants?

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I'm ready to learn Japanese again! I'm done procrastinating; as of right now, I'm studying Japanese, as much as I'm humanly able to. My studying method is as follows:
Pick a word
Study the kanji attached to that word
Draw the same word 50-100 times until I memorize it
There's no better way than this, right?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
the best thing to do is learn some words. then stop and do something else for 2-3 years. then relearn the same words again. each time you learn them faster and you feel like a genius nagato
This OCRs manga and converts it to html so you can use yomichan on it. For anime there's a fork of mpv called Memento that makes it so you can use yomichan on japanese subtitles.

There are still so many japanese things not translated to english so not nearly enough people have learned japanese yet!
this is a great studying model... you could become fluent in a matter of centuries! banana
also having fun is a better way to learn.
Eventually u'll have to do tedious kanji study, but if ur still a beginner u could start by reading manga/following japanese ppl online and look up everything you don't know
I'm reading yotsuba& in japanese and it's pretty easy, you could give it a try ヽ(´ー`)ノ
That sounds like the worst way to learn it..

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