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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Don't forget about the townhall tonight!
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this is just a chatroom, I thought there would be gunfights and explosions and powerups and virtual sex simulation and stuff
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Sasuga Kaguya-sama...
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posting OC here (not mine)
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As you didn't notice, I added bunch of stuff to https://museum.heyuri.net/
Among them, there is an RPG game. This thread is a guide for running it

It's download page is here: https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/dl.html
It links to now-dead but archived page of https://web.archive.org/web/20150822101650if_/http://www21.tok2.com:80/home/nijiurarpg/

Download the RTPなし version since it's the only archived one

Since only RTP-less version is archived on wayback, you will need to install the RTP yourself.

If you download an older version, you will need to apply the updates manually. Update file is https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/zip/1.13.zip
Guide for doing the update is on https://museum.heyuri.net/nijiurarpg/update.html (just unzip and copy to the game's folder)
You probably won't need to do this if you already downloaded the ver. 1.13

Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it. Right click it, select "Troubleshoot compatibility", then press "Try recommended settings". It should apply Windows XP Service pack 3. See if it runs well like that, and once you confirm, apply that settings to the program.

Story begins with you entering Nijiura Town for posting on Nijiura for many years. ME-tan tells you need to collect 7 "colors" to enter Mayoiga where all Nijiura characters live biggrin

It's obviously in Japanese (although there is likely some tool to translate it easily), and you probably won't know all Nijiura characters unless you look them up. You should at least be familiar with Nijiura maids, Azumanga characters etc
>Once it's downloaded, your Windows will be probably too new to run it.
only if you're an enormous faggot lolico
dankeschoen! i don't care about video games but i appreciate the effort of the museum keepers.
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Found waha playing with musu and choia!
she is some kind of a very powerful demon king boss that you have to beat...
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this is her charset

thus my quest for moar pixel art waha ends here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
and here is video walkthrough

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Hi heyuri. Please post threatening messages to encourage me to study for my exam.
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I already failed an assessment the other day. Got 0/40 actually. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
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now I have to know, what was it even on?
0/40 is REALLY bad
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if you don't study i will hire over 9000 of heyuri's finest ninjas to slice you to bits and raep whatever is left.
It was a programming test. They 100% automated the marking, so I put my work in and it just spat out 0. :,)
I feel like that's the wrong order of operations...

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would it be comfortable?nyaoounsure
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I wouldn't want to sit on the drain, who knows what might come up and get me
It would be if you used it to turn yourself into a beautiful delicious HUMAN RAMEN
I'd take a big shit in that tub and make the two biggest turds fight each other, then the winner would get fucked and filled with semen, then thrown out the window for the neighbors to find while mowing.
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i wish for desert now.

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Heyuri, what are your opinions on anime remakes? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between?

A remake I enjoyed was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Although 80's anime style can be endearing, I felt the original was a bit too goofy looking for it to properly convey the gothic atmosphere of the manga. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bloodlust on the other hand conveyed that gothic edge well, and the shading was detailed and beautiful.

A remake I did not enjoy was Boogiepop and Others. The original Boogiepop Phantom is one of my favorite anime, so I was that much more pissed off when I watched the remake and felt completely dissapointed ( ´,_ゝ`) the original was dark, atmospheric, grungy, and weird, and the remake is, well... it looks like any other "this anime is actually spooky and violent!" garbage that's been put out in the last decade or so. I know people have different tastes, but... come on, how could you even watch the masterpiece that is the original OP, compare it to the new one sung by Shit & Roid and actually think the latter is better?
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i really want to read the boogiepop LN, but physical copies are expensive shipping where i livenyaoo-closedeyes
I don't care for either style because Azumanga sucks.
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Ueeeehhh firthy Americunt slobber ovar Asumanga!:XD::XD::XD: We here in Korea prefer K-on!!!angryangryangry
you're not about to tell yotsuba that she's sucks too are you? cry
it's supposed to be "cleaner and nicer"
but yeah, it's shit here -- it's not bad art, but it is outright lesser than the original

contrast like Go Nagai's redrawn panels in his work (would post an example but I am lazyyy), where you can absolutely see what the last 40 or so years of improvement have done for him

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How do you think the Japanese know this shit?
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if you arent in america there is nothing to worry about
i remember some brazilian retards not that long ago torrenting massive amounts of cp with bare ip, they had no idea what a vpn is and none got taken down by police
living in third world is a blessing sometimes
if you live anywhere else in the first world that's allied with america like europe or australia it's still a bad idea
You can find photos of naked little girls on wikipedia that are 100% legal, because they are classified as "art". The band scorpions, used a photo of a naked little girl as a cover for their "virgin killer" album, and you can see the picture on the clearnet
Yeah but any normal person can stumble upon something like that, it's not the same as some obscure medical study about child VAGINA elasticity on a .gov site. The FBI probably has an RSS feed of every IP that views it, no subpoenas needed.
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this thread is... very special! kuma6

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Metal Gear Solid
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I didn't have the patience to get past the hangar at the beginning so I gave up. sweat2

Was there a reason you chose the original over, say, The Twin Snakes on Gamecube?
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>I didn't have the patience to get past the hangar at the beginning so I gave up
The game's pacing really picks up after the fight against Ocelot. So much so that i'd categorize it more as an action game than a stealth game, really

>Was there a reason you chose the original over, say, The Twin Snakes on Gamecube?
1. I'm on a PS1 period my game beating journey. 2. Despite emulating, i'm the kind of guy that cares a lot about the "original experience" and beating games "the right way". One of the ways in which that ideology manifests is in playing the original release before even considering the remakes or ports
I really should fucking play MGS. I've spent a toooooon of time playing PS1 games, but I've avoided a lot of the big megahits for whatever reason (I still haven't played like Spyro or RE2, for example).
15h doesn't seem too bad.

OP needs to play Silent Bomber next.
If you promise to beat MSG then i promise to beat Silent Bomber biggrin
uuuhmm, would you mind telling me what Silent Bomber is all about?
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Silent Bomber is kick-ass. It's a top-down 3D action game where your main weapon is a set of explosives that you can stack or alter with modifier liquids.
The story is... not that bad, and fairly fleshed out, although the MC's brooding edginess is a bit fucking dumb (he has a reason, play the tutorial mission, but it is still dumb). You're tasked with infiltrating this huge space cruiser and stopping it before it attacks the planet. I kind of wish there were some planetside missions like in the tutorial, but alas.
Running around like a lunatic exploding shit around you is the big draw. Bosses are pretty cool too, and the final fight sequence is REALLY cool, if a bit bullshit (no spoilers).
It's made by CyberConnect.

I think it's like top-10 PS1, but again, I haven't played a lot of the big megahits so I can't actually compare.

I don't know if I can promise to beat MGS, so I won't hold you to beating Silent Bomber, 90% of my gaming time lately has been me just playing Beatmania 6th Mix on my PS2 and being too cheap to import a 5-key controller (the controller is stupid cheap, shipping is a killer), but I really should play MGS. I've been meaning to, I just haven't. sweat3

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Since the last thread kinda failed, I'm borrowing >>101762's idea and turing the pic into a Bingo card smile (Suggestions for the last three spaces welcome!)
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anyone can check our museum to see old 4chan wasn't anything like that, but we can still do it for the LOLs, no? I failed it! x3
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How dare you call me an oldfag! I came from the futurein my time machine!
I don't see why "Hating Furries" is an option since a lot of oldfags were. Especially in the mid-nineties when they found their love in western animated films
>a lot of oldfags were.
Yes, but they also hated furries, this is not contradictory. ( ´ω`)
I don't know how much this stuff applies to me because I've used 4chan for a very long time, but I was also never a /b/tard, I was more into the boards related to otaku culture and some of the video game boards.

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A new supply has kita'd!

In total there are 3 boxes.
I will take advice from before and be more lively instead of just dumping! biggrin
2 boxes were regular items I order like manga, toy type items and discs and final one was beautiful cosplay items. Let's begin!

*If you want anything scanned or ripped - say so and I will deliver (I may refuse to scan or rip things that commonly circulate on torrents).
*Due to cretinism I won't post some photos today but on monday.
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posting suddenly stopped, his mom probably found him dressed as a touhou foxgirl and he's trying to stop her from calling the police right now
could you scan this, op? i'm a huge kig lover and would love to add this to my kig media collection biggrin also, i am seconding the anon who asked to post full suit pics with your PENIS out. happy
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Embarassing, how do i even pull out a dick in a dress?

I can do that, but I need to properly set up the face
Painting it, putting eyes in, get a wig for it... time consuming and i still havent picked a proper wig
But if i end up looking good enough i could definitely to a heyuri's bitch photoshoot session with requests, just not the gay ones
No, you are gay
Not today luckily
Yes i can, i will have access to my regular workspace on monday...

What I noticed is that the blue piece has space for tits nyaoo2
Sadly my chest is too masculine and arms too wide, but a proper corset can fix it to some extent
The dress extending thing doesn't satisfy me and i probably will get another one, more round. And i need to lose a few kilos, but i once starved myself and it worked wonders
Note that I am not sure how to wear it or what to do. Certainly i need to iron it so it doesnt look funny like in the pictures. Next is the mask to finish, then picking a matching yellow for the tails and dying them. And what do i do with the shoes? I can try extending them a bit because i do not want to buy new ones, particularly because they are a tiny bit too big and so a needle and thread can fix it. I will get some white leggings because it is gay to go in just underwear, and some tit filling so it doesnt look buka buka. I have a chen outfit too but the chen one is complete with everything, just not as good quality materials as in this one. I wonder, get a yukari outfit or not?
>But if i end up looking good enough i could definitely to a heyuri's bitch photoshoot session with requests
that would be awesome, I'm not gay either but I'd totally fap to you! biggrin
>Sadly my chest is too masculine and arms too wide,
I don't think you are supposed to show any flesh at all
Maybe get something to act as pads for oppai?
>And what do i do with the shoes?
In the worst case, maybe get some old shoes that fit you and make them look cute.
>I wonder, get a yukari outfit or not?
if you end up being cute!
>I don't think you are supposed to show any flesh at all
Yes, you're supposed to wear a bodysuit thing called a hadatai with chest and maybe hip padding underneath.

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Gonna have to change her name from Usagi Tsukino to Ms. Hands after this nosebleed

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Nevada-Tan thread. Post "underground" or roris and shotas that fail at life like her.
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Fuarrrk. I messed up. I meant make others fail at life. dark

I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
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>I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
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SWF Embed

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sleepy, oh so very sleepy. Post sum rituals that may or may not lead to summoning of outside forces....

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I haven't posted on here for about a year, what's up?!?!
Sky x3
Write a post in the style of a typical user the last time you were on. I want to see what a fossilized Heyurian looks like.
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Loli catgirls are teh smex! blush
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This is the type of posts that were made here a year ago

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There will never be a good trap like bridget ever again. Doesn't help that they did you know what... closed-eyes
Everyone is (no longer) gay for Bridget.mona2

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