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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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How do you think the Japanese know this shit?
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>there are more on-topic parts in the guide, but there is a reason you can't easily find such information on the clearnet
the download's quite literally a google search away...
You are right, the only change is a grey zone image.
It's probably too popular to hide, like certain broadly illegal videos you can easily find on search engines
what kind of videos are you talking about?
>doubt there have been studies about underage VAGINA elasticity

There are some studies about underage pussy, that you can find on the clearnet.

Remember... for "study" purposes only
I don't trust my VPN or my browser's anti-fingerprinting enough to click these .gov links about child VAGINA elasticity.

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A new supply has kita'd!

In total there are 3 boxes.
I will take advice from before and be more lively instead of just dumping! biggrin
2 boxes were regular items I order like manga, toy type items and discs and final one was beautiful cosplay items. Let's begin!

*If you want anything scanned or ripped - say so and I will deliver (I may refuse to scan or rip things that commonly circulate on torrents).
*Due to cretinism I won't post some photos today but on monday.
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plz post kigurumi pix with your PENIS out lolico
posting suddenly stopped, his mom probably found him dressed as a touhou foxgirl and he's trying to stop her from calling the police right now
could you scan this, op? i'm a huge kig lover and would love to add this to my kig media collection biggrin also, i am seconding the anon who asked to post full suit pics with your PENIS out. happy
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Embarassing, how do i even pull out a dick in a dress?

I can do that, but I need to properly set up the face
Painting it, putting eyes in, get a wig for it... time consuming and i still havent picked a proper wig
But if i end up looking good enough i could definitely to a heyuri's bitch photoshoot session with requests, just not the gay ones
No, you are gay
Not today luckily
Yes i can, i will have access to my regular workspace on monday...

What I noticed is that the blue piece has space for tits nyaoo2
Sadly my chest is too masculine and arms too wide, but a proper corset can fix it to some extent
The dress extending thing doesn't satisfy me and i probably will get another one, more round. And i need to lose a few kilos, but i once starved myself and it worked wonders
Note that I am not sure how to wear it or what to do. Certainly i need to iron it so it doesnt look funny like in the pictures. Next is the mask to finish, then picking a matching yellow for the tails and dying them. And what do i do with the shoes? I can try extending them a bit because i do not want to buy new ones, particularly because they are a tiny bit too big and so a needle and thread can fix it. I will get some white leggings because it is gay to go in just underwear, and some tit filling so it doesnt look buka buka. I have a chen outfit too but the chen one is complete with everything, just not as good quality materials as in this one. I wonder, get a yukari outfit or not?
>But if i end up looking good enough i could definitely to a heyuri's bitch photoshoot session with requests
that would be awesome, I'm not gay either but I'd totally fap to you! biggrin
>Sadly my chest is too masculine and arms too wide,
I don't think you are supposed to show any flesh at all
Maybe get something to act as pads for oppai?
>And what do i do with the shoes?
In the worst case, maybe get some old shoes that fit you and make them look cute.
>I wonder, get a yukari outfit or not?
if you end up being cute!

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Gonna have to change her name from Usagi Tsukino to Ms. Hands after this nosebleed

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Nevada-Tan thread. Post "underground" or roris and shotas that fail at life like her.
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Fuarrrk. I messed up. I meant make others fail at life. dark

I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
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>I will commit Harakiri to save myself from my embarassment
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SWF Embed

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Don't forget about the townhall tonight!
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T_T I cant make it ahhh
For first timers, u click on #rula and select the room with most users (currently the developer's lounge)
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wish poi got more use
ppl should hang out there more often
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this is just a chatroom, I thought there would be gunfights and explosions and powerups and virtual sex simulation and stuff

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Metal Gear Solid
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N-no, i don't. I'll have you remember that i've beaten Mega Man 1 and Pepsiman angry
It's just that there were parts where it took me a few tries to figure out what to do sweat
Let me guess, the hangar laser airlock?
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Off the top of my head the bits that gave me the most trouble:
-Getting the sniper rifle
-The two boss fights against Sniper Wolf (Best boss in the game, btw)
-The second fight agaisnt Vulcan Raven
-Ocelot's torture (Don't know if those count towards the continue counter)
-Every phase of the final boss, specially the fist fight
The only lasers i had a real trouble with were the ones safekeeping the sniper rifle since i accidentally touched even after using the cigs
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I didn't have the patience to get past the hangar at the beginning so I gave up. sweat2

Was there a reason you chose the original over, say, The Twin Snakes on Gamecube?
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>I didn't have the patience to get past the hangar at the beginning so I gave up
The game's pacing really picks up after the fight against Ocelot. So much so that i'd categorize it more as an action game than a stealth game, really

>Was there a reason you chose the original over, say, The Twin Snakes on Gamecube?
1. I'm on a PS1 period my game beating journey. 2. Despite emulating, i'm the kind of guy that cares a lot about the "original experience" and beating games "the right way". One of the ways in which that ideology manifests is in playing the original release before even considering the remakes or ports

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Hi heyuri. Please post threatening messages to encourage me to study for my exam.
ayo nigga get up or ima rape you fool
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You'll fail whether you study or not, because you're stupid.
I already failed an assessment the other day. Got 0/40 actually. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

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would it be comfortable?nyaoounsure
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gm madokanon ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I wouldn't want to sit on the drain, who knows what might come up and get me
It would be if you used it to turn yourself into a beautiful delicious HUMAN RAMEN
I'd take a big shit in that tub and make the two biggest turds fight each other, then the winner would get fucked and filled with semen, then thrown out the window for the neighbors to find while mowing.

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sleepy, oh so very sleepy. Post sum rituals that may or may not lead to summoning of outside forces....

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Since the last thread kinda failed, I'm borrowing >>101762's idea and turing the pic into a Bingo card smile (Suggestions for the last three spaces welcome!)
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Alright, I added some stuff on my own
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anyone can check our museum to see old 4chan wasn't anything like that, but we can still do it for the LOLs, no? I failed it! x3
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How dare you call me an oldfag! I came from the futurein my time machine!
I don't see why "Hating Furries" is an option since a lot of oldfags were. Especially in the mid-nineties when they found their love in western animated films
>a lot of oldfags were.
Yes, but they also hated furries, this is not contradictory. ( ´ω`)

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Heyuri, what are your opinions on anime remakes? Are they good, bad, or somewhere in-between?

A remake I enjoyed was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Although 80's anime style can be endearing, I felt the original was a bit too goofy looking for it to properly convey the gothic atmosphere of the manga. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bloodlust on the other hand conveyed that gothic edge well, and the shading was detailed and beautiful.

A remake I did not enjoy was Boogiepop and Others. The original Boogiepop Phantom is one of my favorite anime, so I was that much more pissed off when I watched the remake and felt completely dissapointed ( ´,_ゝ`) the original was dark, atmospheric, grungy, and weird, and the remake is, well... it looks like any other "this anime is actually spooky and violent!" garbage that's been put out in the last decade or so. I know people have different tastes, but... come on, how could you even watch the masterpiece that is the original OP, compare it to the new one sung by Shit & Roid and actually think the latter is better?
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I understand when mangaka want to switch to a quicker lazier style with almost no shading, insides of mouths being blank white, less detail on hair, etc. but redrawing old chapters just to make them look worse is retarded.
i really want to read the boogiepop LN, but physical copies are expensive shipping where i livenyaoo-closedeyes
I don't care for either style because Azumanga sucks.
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Ueeeehhh firthy Americunt slobber ovar Asumanga!:XD::XD::XD: We here in Korea prefer K-on!!!angryangryangry
you're not about to tell yotsuba that she's sucks too are you? cry

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I haven't posted on here for about a year, what's up?!?!
Sky x3
Write a post in the style of a typical user the last time you were on. I want to see what a fossilized Heyurian looks like.
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Loli catgirls are teh smex! blush
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This is the type of posts that were made here a year ago

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There will never be a good trap like bridget ever again. Doesn't help that they did you know what... closed-eyes
Everyone is (no longer) gay for Bridget.mona2

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post music to read heyuri to in your bed on a sunny day.
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dance waha dance
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just chill cool

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loli is hotter than teh sun

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this is still a PENIS thread angry
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