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kokonotsuba developm 43
github : https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba
as of making this thread, me and one other anon are working on a fork to try and clean up most of this shit.
we are planing on making proper objects for board,thread,post data. this of course would simplify things for module creation and future proof the code base.
i believe the module system will be powerful hooked base system that will be able to change data mid pipe line with out messing with the underlying system.

for creating a post postRequest. it should look something like this.

$postData = new postData();
executeHook("preValidation", $postData); //can trigger a whole post fail based on IP ban or failed capcha moduel.
if(!$postData->isValidPost()){ //inside module hooks. there would be a postValidation() in contrast to preValidation() to stop files with pizza


i also want to remove a lot of crud that is scatted all over the place and make a proper pipeline.
the pipeline should look like.
start -> post received -> post validated -> post saved to db -> load threads from db based on board configs -> load post in threads -> redraw html files -> end

of course there might be slightly different pipelines for admin menus or live views, witch might consist of a module having special things drawn in the render, or remove validation.
output should be redirectable so its either stright from*.php or gets written to *.html with proper redirect code

lots of things are still a mystery and what i said may not even work or might need some slight changes.
the more experimental fork that aims on chaining a lot of the underlying system that me and anon are working on is right here https://github.com/nashikouen/kokonotsuba

please ask in this thread about things you don't understand!! we are happy to help you learn more about kokonotsuba.

Fullbanners! 92
As we discussed during the townhall and u guys approved, the fullbanners are now implemented on Heyuri - though currently there are very few banners on circulation. sweat2
...We need moar fullbanners! Here are some criteria I think we should have (you can discuss these too) for non-Heyuri stuff for now:
- If it's an imageboard (or similar community), it must be fully compliant with our Rule 8
- No personal homepages

They also must be exactly in 468x60 dimensions.
I will dump the old (outdated/kolyma related, only for archival purposes) banners for inspiration/give an idea under this thread. For now, we can lack banners for these Heyuri-related stuff:
- 日本語@Heyuri
- Oeakaki@Heyuri
- Strange World@Heyuri
- Site Discussion@Heyuri
- Polls@Heyuri
- Dating@Heyuri
- 2ちゃん (for 2ch.sh domain - see below for old domain's banner)
Though banners don't need to be high quality (being funny is more impr0tant here!), you can also redo the banner for HHS if u want to as well

No Title 13
wait... so is everyone here underage/news?
i read through earlier threads and it seems to be.

not being mean but, neocities, spacehey, etc. it's all so lame and fake. people who can only copy and exaggerate what they saw in old screenshots but were never there themselves, so it can't help but exude falseness.

i wish everyone was 30+ so they were wise and deep with EXPERIENCE of the good old days.

i don't want to be with tiktokcord generation skinwalking as olds. i don't want to be fooled by lies.
am i in the wrong place

No TitleAS  7
how many retarded meme references can one fit into a single image?

No Title 3
in rules it shows talk about /vote/ witch i belive needs to be moved or fixed? seems out of place since its out of place on cgi.

No Title 6
rule 8 in the filename


No Title 31
cp on b

Invisible text probl 1
It's a little annoying how all the text is sometimes invisible for a few seconds when you load a page on Heyuri. Consider fixing it by adding "font-display:swap;" into teh CSS. Like this:

@font-face {
font-family: 'Osaka';
font-style: normal;
unicode-range: U+0-10FFFF;
font-weight: normal;
src: url('https://static.heyuri.net/css/Osaka.woff');
font-display: swap;

This causes the browser to use an alternate/default font until the font file has finished loading, and then swaps to the correct font.

No Title 3
Im pretty sure its not intentional for the ANUS filter to produce raw html syntax like this?

No Title 1
soyjack on page 0


No Title 4
Rule 0
It's pretty obviously cosmo, even if she's using a different IP


No Title 13
Why is it that when I make a post telling 98722-san to go fuck himself, I get banned for "making needlessly enraging posts", but 98722-san himself isnt banned for the same thing, even though he makes needlessly annoying and disgusting copypasted /b/ threads about eating shit every week? Or is it just because the mods jerk off to it that its allowed to stay?

No Title 1
Dear Anonwaha,

I have planted over 9000 bombs beneath your house.

If you do not immediately apologize for deleting my post, I will detonate them.

This is not a joke.

Tick tock.

No Title 9
is there a reason why this is hidden?
i find it cool that this data is veiwable. is teh data sqewd because of bots? will this be added to kokonotsuba? or at least shared with me to put on some pear site?

No Title 2
you should add this to heyuri.
if you notice on /b/ looking at the file names on disk. that is unix time stamp + 3 milliseconds. but the milliseconds are b0rked to be around 114 seconds. so 2 images that the server received at the same second, have no real millisecond precision to differentiate the.
i forgot to add it to nashi my self. u can see teh test thread on last page and how the last 3 numbers are supposed to be

why does this happen 3
when i reply to someone all that happens normally is that the thread reloads but sometimes i get kicked off to the main page (i always keep noko in the email subject)
while on the main page if i want to reply to a certain post within a thread i usually click on the post number, by doing so it often just opens the thread, but there are times when the post number i wanted to reply to is automatically quoted in the textbox, BUT some other rarer times the OP post number is quoted for some reason, this too seems completely random

is my heyuri possessed by the random demon?!

No Title 1
Kaguya, wake up! There's cheese pizza on /b/ (It's been there for an hour now glare2)


another situation 25
(btw im sorry if this gets long.... i probably shouldve stayed out of this XD)

while i was gone too.. kuso (´~`) tho i have read thru what happened. honestly? im on neither sides. if either thought for a few minutes, i think this could have been avoided....

i will not say in detail to a bunch of people on an image board, but cosmo has her own problems with herself, i do not completely blame her for this. actually, i think every kid should learn safety so they dont end up in places like this. i was very lucky 2 unconsciously know this when i was rlly little.

im not gonna completely blame heyuri either. there is no rule where it says kids cant post imgs of themselves getting ready for school and etc, neither do they have an underageb&. i am not suggesting they should have one bcuz ik that will go against the kind of website they want heyuri to be, but at least a warning for kids before they see the site (though this is just a suggestion). communities like this is especially not good for kids that have their own problems, i dont think cosmo could rlly even help posting that thread. though showing other people who are kids can end up in something awful happening.

kidz, dont trust image boards or similar things! dont tell them ur age or face or name bcuz it will naut end up good! (also this is offtopic from this, but just bcuz i made this thread doesnt rlly mean ill be active again. it may take a while before im fully online everywhere again xd)

No Title 0


No Title 3


cant post this on /b 13
I give up on this site, the only thing worth staying here for is hakoniwa.
goodnight, and goodbye

@Chat 19
When @Chat was introduced, I was concerned that it would suck. I gave Heyuri a chance and didn't want to shit on mod's effort to port a new functionality to site. But right now, I just think Heyuri would be better off if @Chat were gone...

I would've liked to know WTF happened with bobo the chimpanzee but that was only shared in @Chat (albeit for understandable reasons i reckon), not even in the wiki. There was a Valentines card made by Angel in the homepage, but I have no idea of where it came from, so I'm assuming @Chat. It's like Heyuri has a backstage, which definitively wasn't like that before.
Everything during Bunkasai2023 was made publicly with no problem.

Separating users
I believe there's a group of friends which formed around the concepts: namefag-@Chat-CGI. And the group doesn't mix with the other users, but I think they could.
Someone who doesn't spend their time glued in front of a chatroom to follow what happened yesterday between 2 namefags, has no chance to understand what's being said most of the time in @Chat, and will be left behind. A big chunk of the wiki is undecipherable to most of the users, see what I'm talking about?
In the other hand, I feel some of the namefags barely even use the boards... (unless they've been all posting anonymously without me noticing, in which case... good job! ph34r)

Bulletin > chat
Liek >>66295-san said, @Chat has become Heyuri's de facto cultural hub, but it does a terrible job at it. Interesting info is drowned in hundreds of messages of namefags fooling around, which is funny but I can't read lines and lines of backlog, and everything past 200 messages gets baleted anyway. The discussion is moar organized with boards.
Also what's nice with bulletins is that anyone can join at anytime, while if ur 1 hour late in a real-time chat, the discussion is already over. Sometimes you'll ask questions to namefags and they'll never answer you because they don't know you. You're sure to have a discussion with all Heyuri users if you post in the boards, and not with the 10 people currently online in a chatroom. Interesting discussion should be moved to Off-Topic, Lounge and Strange World, @Chat is basically redundant.

Siphoning activity
We have moar users but Lounge, and maybe Strange World, are way less active than before. It's a shame, the spirit there is different from any chatroom. banana

Private OC
The OP picture and many others were posted in the chat but never outside of it. kaguya told them to also post in the boards at first, but he's given up now. It frustrates me to associate such a WINful picture with my negative message, so I implore the OC makers to at least release the OC they posted there, on /b/ and /o/ for example. That way it can be archived, and enjoyed by everyone!

Le Drama
Hopefully not that true in here, but I see sometimes namefags getting irritated at each others for personal reasons(?) Doesn't bother me since it's not my business, but it feels wrong to see Heyuri used for SRS BUSINESS.

I've seen 4chin projects with a shitcord server and they suffered the exact same symptoms. I don't absolutely want mods to pull back something they've worked on and the namefags to stop having fun, but yknow... at least some discussion about it.
I'm saying all of this because Heyuri has definitively changed and I feel a bit disconnected from it now.

No Title 3
On /b/, my email field is stuck on sage, and no matter how many times i clear my cache, it still says sage. So i sage every thread and post.

pls help

No Title 1
Failed to resize image! Details: sh: 1: convert: not found

düzelt şunu koçum

No Title 2
rule 8, no way to deny it

No Title 20
Mods, it would seem like your favorite namewhore has posted a tik tok meme.
>Sad Hamster, also known as Hamster With Big Eyes and Violin Hamster, refers to a series of TikTok videos featuring a grey hamster with comically oversized eyes, similar to Hampter.

Heyuri has a problem 16
Lately (and by lately I mean for the past half a year), the mods have gone wayyy over board with their interpretation of rule 8.

When the rule was created, it was meant to keep out the stifling, creativity-destroying repetitive images and posts that made alot of other imageboards boring. It banned alot of 4chan style ragebait, pepe posts, and certain imageboard lingo that tends to be overused to the point of exhaustion. Thats it. A simple rule to help keep Heyuri a little unique and clean.

But now, rule 8 is a monolothic word that is used to delete pretty much anything that doesn't fit in the microspecific larp that the mods expect us to engage in to use the site. Here are some of the things that I have seen people get banned for under rule 8:

1. Posting a gif or an image that doesn't actually violate any of the things mentioned in rule 8, but just happens to be somewhat new

2. Quoting something that wasn't posted (Use of the green arrow is now supposed to be EXCLUSIVELY used to quote a post you are replying to, NO. OTHERS. ALLOWED.)

3. Use of a word that came into existance after the early 2000s. Not even popular slang just words that are new and the mods dont like.

4. Any sort of opinion that the mods think didnt exist in the 2000s. For example, not being a pedophile, or criticizing/discouraging underage girls from posting nude pictures of themselves. Actually just disagreeing with the mods in general is banned.

5. Wait, why am I saying "the mods"? Its actually just one guy. Yeah, besides kaguya theres only one real mod and his name is anonwaha. He is basically an admin who deepthroats kaguyas dick hard enough that he gets to do whatever he wants including dox users. (a la looking at my ip, whether im on my phone range or not, and posting publicly "this is such and such user") or "Oh, its you again" or something along the lines of that. He runs the cgi chat and a few other things.

6. I may sound like a serial ban evader or someone with a bone to pick with him, but I have actually been using this site relatively uninterrupted since 2020 and am only banned about as often as anyone else. I am not saying this because I am annoyed i got banned.

Okay i am done making bulletin points. Basically rule 8 is way, WAY over applied today. Heyuri had one purpose, and rule 8 has one intention, to limit the monotony of template-style threads/replies which make every imageboard besides this one feel the same. It was not meant to be interpreted as a blanket ban on anything that has a fucking know your meme page.

Ironically, because of anonwaha and kaguya's new enforcement of rule 8, heyuri has LOST the exciting, originality it once had, and has become a predictable, boring, poorly moderated discord chatroom with the same types of threads day in and day out. And I am not even going to mention the fact that the staff here are literally encouraging children to post cp of themselves in threads then deleting it later (Im looking at you cosmo).

I already know that if anonwaha responds to this, it will be something along the lines of
>Well if u dont like how i fucked up the site, then leave! :insert smug kaomoji here:


No Title 1
I just wanna say I changed my isp. I no longer have to wait until 2048 to post from bare IP lolico

Newfag 14
Alright, n00b like me here, but I've been on and off 4Chan since ~2007; WTF is this site? It's just larping as oldchan and has a strict R8 to stop the non-stop culture war/psyops that has taken over nu-chan? Cool. I'm in.

But how amish are we, exactly? Is there a specific year we're targeting? Okay, greentext is just quoting again, more oc no wojaks (good), but I like Apu, does that make me a bad person? Can I post him? The rules are so vague it feels like minesweeper with no hints, is all I'm getting at.

No Title 5
Am I allowed to shitpost on the wiki or is it exclusively for heyuri-related articles?

report 5

"me when" is R8
proof: https://tenor.com/search/me-when-gifs

No Title 6
I made the exact same thread a year ago and there was no problem. Why was this year's one autosaged and then deleted?

No Title 1
When /jp/ was created I remember seeing the numbers for the replies of a specific post in blue right next to the post in question, but now they're gone and I never saw them on the other boards, is there some reason we don't have them anymore or are they supposed to be there and I just don't see them for some reason?
Also, is there some way to automatically switch to futaba style when going on /jp/? Kanji is kind of hard to read with the default font.

No Title 19

iFunny/reddit lingo


keep heyuri pure 0
Is C11 and C17 ANSI standard a rule 8 violation? Plz purge koko of javascript garbage. Anyone using a proprietary 64 bit OS that isnt XP 64 edition, vista, 7 or OS X snow leopard should be b& immediately. if anyone says they don't have external speakers ban them too. plz ban all phoneposters who use smartphones. anything above 320p should be a rule 8 violation. all images containing steamdecks or nintendo switch should be removed. if its newer than PSP Go then it shouldnt be on heyuri. ban all discussions of bluetooth earphones. is wayland rule 8? not sure. anyone using anything newer than GNOME 3 in desktop threads should be banned. no discussions of OLED screens.

lets keep heyuri pure!

No Title 3
Isn't there a way to make kaomojis display properly without the kao tag? it's annoying having to type this everytime I want to use a kaomoji

No Title 7


No Title 2
Misuse of the quoting function


CF whitelisting 37
In short, I enabled some temporary protection to help against DDoS. I don't know how long exactly I'll have to keep it on

If you're getting sick of it just post something under this thread and I'll whitelist your ASN, so you won't get it anymore in the meanwhile

No Title 4
For some reason, spoilers don't work properly on my computer. Help!

No Title 0
Rule 8


No Title 4
Rule 8


No Title 2
are vtuber memes banned?

can a mod delete thi 5
i made this banner, a whole year ago. i thought it was funny at the time but then realized it fucking sucks including design wise, and i dont know what the password is to delete it

so i think it would be a good act to get rid of it to make everyone's lives better

No Title 0

No Title  5
Why is Kaguya on the soyjak party modlist?

New mutual linking 1
Heyuri now mutually links with Ayashii World@Shinkai 10000, A Japanese Ayashii World instance with an emphasis on being underground
So feel free to (use some translator if necessary) chat with them ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Link: https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/qovu13r58x/

No Title 10
one word story is b0rked

No Title 4
Unfunny and annoying tiktok/i"funny" meme



Spam-kun theory 3
I believe it's a group of scammers, but the reason they use CP spam is that people nowadays are smart enough to report being scammed - but nobody's dumb enough to do that when they were trying to buy CP ( ´ω`)

No Title 25
Mods please delete this whole thread, it will only bring these people back if it's still up

CSS Submissions 8
Hi Heyuri, as you might have noticed, some of our CSS have been missing due to some issues with their licenses lately. So we are taking some CSS submissions now smile

This is the chance to show off your CSS skillz. If you want to participate, just create them (you can simply base Futaba's CSS if you aren't l33t with CSS), submit them to 2ちゃん ( https://2ch.sh/warota.php ), give them a name and link it ITT.
If you can't do any CSS at all, you can still write your ideas under this thread so perhaps you will inspire someone more skilled to make it a reality.

Only on Heyuri you can see the admin is asking users for CSS... sweat2

No Title 3
is this r8?

No Title 5
mods pls unban me

report 5
violates the laws of atlantis and a bunch of others

No Title 7
ever since the ddos heyuri often takes a lot longer to load, im talking 3 or so more seconds and sometimes it would straight up timeout the connection although this is very rare.
I've noticed most sites take a second more to load ever since i changed providers but none are as bad as heyuri, does this happen to anyone else?

No Title 1

No Title 7
Can we haz a setting to automatically remove EXIF data from images? Hopefully it's not too hard to implement. foruda
I'd like to post cool vacation pix from my phone w/out painstakingly strip them of the metadata/doxx myself.

No Title 8
Please make a monkey board where we can post videos of cute/funny monkeys. Thanks.

If kaguya reads this, please let me know your answer .

No Title 1
Greentext/misusuing quote. Recommend a permanent ban

No Title 3
Does heyuri keep exif data? unsure

No Title 5
I can tell whenever an english speaking moderator "revises" kaguyas news posts. Stop doing that. His turkglish is cute and shouldnt be changed. Either that or his english is getting better (Nooooo ;_;)

No Title 1
Is there a thread archive of some sort? There was an interesting movie in the documentary thread whose name I forgot cry

No Title 5
-oomer meme


tasukete 2
Hi, everyone... I am a noob... how do I post a replayable drawing on /o/? It seems so cool... Well, I look forward to making hentai for everyone. I like this culture. :^)

No Title 1
-oomer meme yet again


No Title 6
ah... that was pretty quick
so what is it? tranny? this word has been used for a long time and it's not the core of my post nor the picture. Do you want me to say "transgender" instead? Is it because I used "le" in an ironic way? come on guys

No Title 1
How it feels to see /b/ update finally (it's a rule 7+8 thread that's clearly made by soyjak people)

No Title  1
didn't know that /jp/ is also against greentext

No Title 11
I feel like posting AI "art" in such an OC driven image board should be worthy of a thread delete ( ´,_ゝ`)

No Title 0
Waha-sama finally made a chat just for hakoniwa, now the boring war stuff is somewhere else ヽ(´∇`)ノ

No Title 4


No Title 2
I don't get how people break rule 8, then when it pops up in /q/ they do it again??

Why do images open l 1
I dont like it.

No Title 4
r8? pretty sure it's a bunch of nu-4chan memes put together

No Title 1
I'm interested in seeing recent post stats. The /b/ user counter usually remains around 10, but i've seen it stick around higher numbers more and more

No Title 10
my opinion is that saying "silly" in a nu-internet sort of way should be considered a rule 8 violation

No Title 5
even after bull shit. why is cgi and main site dying.

No Title 0
Rule 8,, they literally used a word described as rule 8 angry

No Title 8

"I kneel" is a nu4chan meme/slang

ImgOps [Animated GIF]

No Title 7
Seems as threads doesn't bump on /b/ as supposed. Rather weird.

No Title 0
testing something related to >>65885

No Title 8
Do we really need two different threads for attention whoring? I think one is more than enough (´~`)

Is CGI down? 2
I just can't access it right now it's a total white screen (;´Д`)

The Problem of Moral 47
I think one problem we will have to face up to more and more as Heyuri gains popularity is the problem of moralfaggotry. You know, people hopped up on the overriding philosophy of nu-chan and the popular net. That philosophy of "Internet is Serious Business.", which causes them to recoil at the sight of unfettered LOLs, to fail to understand plain sarcasm, and to make it their mission to shit up a thread so they can go on some faggy moral crusade.
You probably already know who I'm talking about, and can probably already guess the two types of moralfags we're likely to run into, so I won't bury the lead.
We don't see many moralfags from the liberal set,since their concept of imageboards begins ends at 4chan and they're too scared to explore anywhere else (last I remember is that tranny posting Bridget. How the fuck did he even get here?dark)
What we do see a bit of, and will probably see more of in the future, is idpol obssessed 2016 election tourists, who consider it their duty to stamp out 'degeneracy', 'tranime' and any LOLs they may encounter along the way closed-eyes2
Heyuri is in particular danger, because of our front and center interest in lolis,our refusal to spend all day arguing about idpol talking points, and our refusal of wojak/oomer monstrosities, which is the main way moralfags beat you over the head with their opinions these days.sweat3
So what do you think we can do about this, if anything? I mean, even before the recent surge, there were some people derailing JC threads, even right NOW there are people shitting up such threads, see >>31277
I feel like under no politics there should be an addendum that insists on no moralfaggotry, but at the same time I feel like that would be too vague, and not so useful.unsure
I don't know, I feel like if we're too easy-going about it the zoomer moralfags will outnumber everyone else and this will become just another shitty imageboard devoid of all LOLs.cry

No Title 1
Mod sama plz remove https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=88437&q=88492#postform ! It's a DISGUSTING addition to my perfectly good thread

No Title 1
What happened to gurochan?

No Title 24
mod sama please remove cp

tor users gonna get banned now for a few hours cry

No Title 3
How long do you guys wanna guess its gonna be till post number 88888 on /b/?

Should Heyuri enable 9
I found a font that looks very identical to MS PGothic called MS PRGothic.
Should Heyuri's AA tag feature and the Pseud0ch Mona theme on /lounge/ add support for it?

No Title 0
Here are some differences between Mona and MS PRGothic.

No Title 5
teh rule 8


Emotes! 30
As I promised in the townhall, here is the thread where you can post emotes you want to see on Heyuri. You can also suggest names for them, like :this:

I won't add whole lists like >>61466 but you can pick your favorites out of such lists and post them ITT.

Personally I want to see similar cute Heyuri-related anime icons. Bonus points if they were monthly anime/streamed at cytube at some point, but of course, anything goes.

OC is especially encouraged

Also I should say that I will add them at bulks. I need to edit many files to add them, so it would be easier on my side to not add one emote each time. Just saying this so you wouldn't think I am ignoring/forgot about this thread sweat2

ImgOps [Animated GIF]

No Title 0

No Title 93
I feel like there should be a short hourly ban thing for if you're being too annoying
Ill even be the first test subject

bannerz 1
can we have an easier way to upload banners... the thread with the 2ch link for it is deep down the depth of /q/

Honest poll about bl 2
Should blogposters/tripfags who make multiple threads a day be banned?


Vote here ヽ(´ー`)ノ

No Title 4
Make a separate loli board please please plea see please I'm begging you

im going to post abo 29
(hope thats okay lol)
but i have very mixed feelings about this situation. ive known angel from another website for a while now, i want to say since maybe june? i can tell you she is not some adult man larping or even trying to larp at all. me and her were introduced to this website by our other friend (who has been defending her in threads), and we dont know everything about the site yet. how angel makes/replies to threads is just how she talks. i actually talk more ethusiastically liek that on other websites but when it comes 2 imageboards i try to fit in with the crowd (*´﹃`*). i really dont think she meant to spam the board, and was just trying to have harmless fun. we apologize if we have done anything wrong, tho!

No Title 4
make an official music board on 2ちゃん uploader

No Title 19
heyuri is the new /s4s/ or what?

Do /o/ rules need to 9
(is that a word?)

Lately (or a bit more than just lately..), drawings on /o/ feel like they were drawn by middle schoolers at school breaks. I am considering adding a rule like "Don't use this board as your own personal doodlepads" (credit: 406-san)
This is a rule that would be enforced mostly by my or mods' discretion, so I should clarify this rule wouldn't mean that low quality drawings/unskilled artists aren't welcome

Here are few examples to things that would get deleted in the future:

Threads like https://img.heyuri.net/o/potiboard.php?res=480 would stay

Tell me what you think

No Title 5
Am I the only person tired of 75% of heyuri discourse being about CP/lolis?

There is literal cp 1
Mods please take it down, its the most recent post

No Title 14
Is annoying LARPing a bannable offense?

No Title 2
Mods fix teh wiki plz

No Title 27
Am i the only one who thinks these last Cytube streams have felt diferent?
I think we should let the concept rest for a while and let it make a big comeback

No Title 4
Does a picture liek this violate any rules( ´,_ゝ`)

No Title  5
Why was this deleted?

No Title  5
bro not my gta 6 thread dark okay I'll keep racism at bay next time.

No Title 2
let the guy have some fun, geez glare1

No Title 2
I tried voting on the wiki's anime list and the table, indeed, got raepd

No Title 7
How come saving one thread is half a gig now? I remember I used to save random /b/ threads all the time, and it'd only cost me a few measly megabytes. What happened? huh

Ideas for Bunkasai 41
As you read on the front page, I can use some ideas for the activities to prepare for the day. I am willing to spare my time to work on them, as long as they are within my capabilities. If you are willing, you are more than welcome think of stuff that doesn't specifically need to be prepared by me too - traditionally it's the classes who decides and prepares these "activities" in Japanese high schools. We can also just make one big project like a class each year too, although that's more risky since collaborating for one goal was proven to be too hard in the past.

need some halp with 3
I made some changes on the Anime nomination page, but now, when I try to edit the page again it just shows me the text, with no formatting.
It's a pain in the ass to add things in the table like this (;´Д`)

No Title 4
dear kagy/mods

would you pls consider adding a dark mode

My eyes really hurt when i visit at 1:04 am in my dark room

thank you for considering the health of your users


a concerned optometrist

/banner/ is here 94
From now on, you can submit the banners you create to https://2ch.sh/user/banner/
I've first proposed this on a townhall one year ago (16th point on >>60899) (I can't believe it has been one entire year since sweat), and also promised doing it in near future at >>61248 when I took over... Here it is rolleyes

Bonus: Clicking on banner changes it smile

No Title 0

Annoying reddit lingo/meme


delete CP in /b/ 3
CP in /b/ plz delete

No Title 5
can you guys change LOL PENIS back to normal pеnis?

Idea for new board!! 32
So 4chan has /x/ and we have no equivilant!
We need a horror board, because /b/ isn't the place!

No Title 12

"Cursed" used in that way is tumblr lingo


No Title 2
Is pic rel considered teh rule 8 b0rkage?

This isn't a report, I'm just asking for the future

No Title  1
please delete this image
reason: 3D CP

No Title 8
why was the "is anyone here married?" thread autosaged along with the "New Rules Of The Internet" thread and "I have a date with a girl tomorrow, but I have a fever" thread?

Should this be delet 3
I think I just need a refresher about this kinda thing. If it's clearly not actual CP (doll), but it looks like it (real life picture), it can still stay up, or...? What's the standing? Thanks.

Deletion b0rk? 5
When I check off more than one post, or even just one and click submit, it doesn't work. Clicking [Rebuild] after doesn't do anything either. So I have to manually click the delete button instead. Is this how it is for other janitors, or just me?

No Title 4
How much of a success was the bunkasai? Give me the data mods

No Title 0
Rule 8


No Title 3
Why was this post deleted?

No Title 6
can you change the favicon for the wiki and cgi-bin
it gets confusing flipping thu tabs.

maybe a box around teh wiki and just a different color for cgi-bin (as it is a sister site)

No Title 0

Twitter/Reddit lingo


No Title 1
rule 8

No Title 13
Maek some kind of funny word filter that turns PENIS and VAGINA into something else please!! Maybe you could turn them into chinko and manko. Also you could add some cool effect, like make these words rotate very fast.

No Title 8

No Title 0
I notice that the thread about this got locked, and mods will probably lock this one too, but I believe the thread about Prussian Blue avoids Rule 7 moderation because:

-OP's question wasn't that politically charged. He was asking if people actually liked them or it was just tribe members supporting their own. He might have asked that question regarding any artist in relation to any group.

-The replies are not politically charged either. It's just people explaining their story and making jokes along that line, wondering if they were bullied in school, etc.

So by comparison, the now deleted post, if I can quote;

>white supremacy
>made-up concept

Looks like a 4chan-tier provocation by comparison, so I can understand why the mods deleted it.

Although, I can also understand why the poster is confused as to why his post was deleted;-- I've seen snappy corrections like that made to numerous posts around here in the past-- mine included. This just seemed like another one in that vein, in relation to this particular thread. I don't think Heyurians would have taken it in a bad way, or it would have led to the thread spiralling out of control. In all likelihood it might have simply been ignored whilst other posters talked about other things.

So I can see why it would be deleted; especially if the poster in question is apparently a veteran rule-breaker, but In this particular case I think it was quite innocuous and shouldn't've been deleted. Just my opinion-- I know that ultimately modz r godz...sweat2

No Title  5
Ok, now why was this thread deleted? (I'm not the OP btw, just the replier). Is making fun of blacks now political?

No Title  10
The whole thread reeks of rule 7, not sure why the mod haven't deleted it yet


No Title 4
How long does it take for a file to no longer considered as 'posted lately'? The file I'm trying to upload was posted like a fortnight ago at least...dark

No Title 4
To be more inclusive of the gay users of heyuri I suggest you wordfilter ANUS in the same manner as LOL PENIS and VAGINA

No Title 5
do mods recognize the IP of users and be more lenient or strict base on familiarity.

Open Staff discussio  127
As i think we've moved past the period of staff applying. I think we should open a new discussion thread among ourself to both discuss and learn for us that are new. But also to get feedback from the community.


Why? 2

No Title 4
mods seem to be deleting my posts at random now, like 50% of what I post. What the hell is happening?
Like when I called that drawing on /b/ "emo crap" (which is true) and it got nuked. What, is that against the rules now?
It's sad that I have to state this very obvious truth, but mods should not use their personal preferences as a criteria when cleaning the board.
I'm almost getting tired of visiting this site, when I know I'll have to behave in a certain manner and only say certain things so that I don't disrupt the shared fantasy of other users.

No Title 3
ngwarrrrghhhh why am I listed as spam, I just wnated to show my love for AMERICA cry

No Title 5
emo posting is forbidden? well there's no use browsing heyuri anymore.

No Title 6
Any plans to make vidlii videos embed like youtube ones? It's not too hard is it?

No Title 24
so now that summer is upon us, do you think there will be an influx of summerfags into heyuri? and how much validity does the "summerfag" theory really hold on the internet besides eternal september how many cases are there  were summer has really affected the state of a site

No Title 6
Requesting new kaomoji, :sob:

...well, actually this is only some of it sweat2

Needs doing
- fix deferer's ampersand bug (currently, links that contain "&" characters get b0rked)
- restore proper file download button functionality (should open save dialog box with the original filename instead of just opening the image)
- fix BBCode Reference link so the window opens in new window/tab instead of replacing current page and wiping ur post (was fixed in the past, but got reverted at some point)
- add CSS to break filenames when they're too long to fit the browser viewport
- fix "Marked for deletion (old)" so it appears on all threads that are past the bump limit (currently 7 days I think?) instead of only 1 month old threads
- restore imageboard source/credits links at bottom of index (they currently only appear when viewing threads)
- update Strange World script to latest version of translated ksphp+

Optional quests
- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)
- make BBCode Reference use whatever the hell the settings and quick reply windows use to make it appear in a floating window (like how it used to be pre-kokonotsuba)
- bring back option to disable quote tooltip (the annoying thing that appears whenever you highlight text)
- bring back strikethrough, underline, and code BBCode
- bring back sage/noko/fortune checkboxes
- bring back "Switch Form Position" feature (kokonotsuba used to have it but it vanished at some point)
- bring back "users can vote for multiple items" option on /vote/ ("users can vote multiple times" can stay gone)
- bring back classic PENIS and VAGINA wordfilters, maybe some others
- bring back optional "Neo Menu" board links
- bring back some kind of report feature
- bring back "Currently _ unique users on this board."
- bring back Heyuri archive/museum
- bring back Heyuri wiki (HHS)
- make 2ちゃん an offical Heyuri service, or make a Heyuri-specific instance just for us
- longposts needs moar "Comment too long. Click reply to view the full text" on the index
- make vote script use UTF-8 to prevent non-Latin character b0rkage (if u send me teh code, I'll attempt it - I've done it for other scripts in the past)
- move Heyuri IRC back to Rizon (the IRC is mainly useful when Heyuri is down, which usually means the servers are down... so hosting it on our servers is teh st00pid!)

Food for thought / miscellaneous
- Heyuri's holy grail: restoring /all/, or finding an adequete replacement (some kind of RSS feed? notifications API? porting the old /all/ code to work with kokonotsuba? needs moar research...)
- Heyuri boards were once commonly referred to as their actual titles instead of the board directory, just as the Japanese do (i.e. Off-Topic instead of /b/, Overboard instead of /all/, etc.). Might be worth going back to that
- let's brainstorm ideas for neat new boards/features/whatevers, there's a lot of kewl scripts out there...
- don't leave sticky threads up for more than 24 hours, they are activity killers!
- someone who is not kaguya or kuz should make an official Heyuri refuge/shelter bulletin board in case poop hits teh fan or kaguya suddenly disappears in a tragic boating accident
- Heyuri Remix... I doubt it will get used much and we don't really need moar discussion boards, but I'd like to see it given a real chance (it was never linked outside of once or twice on Strange World - most Heyuri users didn't even know it existed...)
- Heyuri PO Box: would u host it? It's pretty much complete, except that I'd rly liek to make it use hashed passwords instead of storing them in plaintext... I can try doing it myself, but it would be better if somebody who knows what they're doing did it (^^;

No Title  1
mod-sama kindly remove cp in /b/ please

No Title 7
is animal gore allowed on /b/?

No Title  1
what kind of man rangebans his users?

no man. no man at all.

Uploader spam 4
Some R8 spam on Uploader@Heyuri: no. 2935-2940
Please remove onegaishimasu 🙇‍♂️

No Title 6
Remove the illegal content please
No Title 18
How much longer do you think Heyuri has left before it joins the long list of dead image board sites?

Report  8
Please get rid of the 3D CP on /b/, thank you kindly

Tor and Heyuri 12
Is Heyuri against Tor posting? Whenever I post via Tor I get lots of messages telling me I'm banned but they keep giving me different dates and reasons for the ban.

Also sorry for asking this in the wrong thread. And my cat just pooped on my bed.....

cookie test 1
testing to see if cookies save, since they didn't earlier

Banner Space 5
I'm curious, has the sell of banner space provided the desired results? did Kaguya deny placing some banner or have all the requests been given the greenlight? If not, what kind of ad would you deny 100%?
Image completely unrelated

No Title 21
trolling is an integral part of the old internet, why is it banned on heyuri?

I like this new look

No Title 0
where's my favicon BITCH?!

few small updates 13
- I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail, as I don't know for how long I will be able to access the old one
- All kokonotsuba boards have tripcode based PM module now, I centralized them
- There are now granular (is this really the rite word?) bans, meaning we can ban for hours too now instead of only "x amount of days" (thx komeo)

No Title 1

Rule 7

No Title 15
Manually deleting threads uzee.... I believe I've been doing it since the anonymoose spam, but I am thinking about enabling auto pruning again soon. We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.

Normally I also archive worthy threads just before pruning, but we must do that before they get auto deleted from now on.
I think Kokonotsuba is meant to have the thread pruning feature on too, otherwise stuff like this happens: https://img.heyuri.net/b/150.html

While we're on it, what do you think about increasing page limit a little? It used to be 5, then I increased it to 10 after a townhall, but it seem to be able to handle 15 pages fine as well.

No Title 9
would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality? so we could image-dump more efficiently.
today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder, but I didn't feel like posting each and every image one by one.

Hidden gems on [up] 1
Hey, while I was browsing [up] I noticed several files that fall under Rule 8, most notably party faces and greentext stories in the form of .txt files.
https://up.heyuri.net/user/kuz/ (kuz029.png)
Is Rule 8 not enforced on [up] or were these somehow left up unintentionally?

No Title 1
Has the size option at BBCode drop-down menu been looking like this for a while for you too?

No Title 1

Keyed – nu4chan-discord slang, supposed to be a synonymous with "based". Somewhat related to the soyjack.party

File size fail 8
MP4 and WebM uploads are displaying the file size of the thumbnails instead of the actual file size

No Title 3
<can someone explain me what "pinktext" is for?

No Title 2
Heyuri is an website

No Title 1
is this a monitor refresh rate test?

No Title 22
should I delete these threads, or leave them up? they always get autosage'd, but he doesn't stop making them.

No Title 8
is this R8?
not accusing anyone, just askin'

No Title 24
How much of this should we tolerate and how should we handle it?

No Title 9
this was not r8

No Title 8
Would this be considered rule 8?

No Title 3
What's up with all the blogposts?



/jp/ brocken??? 9
i cant post on /jp/
I every time I try to say something but i got this error msg

No Title 0
cunny in the cleanliness thread

I don't have a reaso 7

No Title 4
I remember when heyuris front page looked like this smug

No Title 4
would adding wwww to a post be bad?

No Title 3
how would I prove that this post was from a soy-variant site without giving a link?

No Title 2

"x moment" format


No Title 3
can you guys take mullvad vpn ips off the spam list? i can provide all the ips if needed

No Title 3
How much longer until we get to 100K posts on /b/?

No Title 1
can admin-sama or mod-sama ban the IP that made these threads? the first one was a CP-sharing thread that I deleted and muted, and the second was another similar thread 20 minutes later, with the request that mods stop deleting his threads dark
I'd have saved a screencap as proof but I didn't think to do it before deletion sweat3

No Title 30
/b/ is being flooded with low quality thread, including yet another thread from the spammer-kun

No Title 9
I found this and cropped it and made it into a gif. I figured it could be a nice b& hammer icon for Kaguya-sama & mod-sama! If you like it of course! nyaoo2

No Title 5
How many & how rare are these fortunes? happy

No Title 13
I only posted this yesterday and now it's gone and im banned until 2048.

Can someone tell me whats going on?

Heyuri: No longer th 30
I've been going on Heyuri for a while, and I feel like Heyuri has lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude. It has been replaced with:
1. A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
2. a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
3. Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
4. Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
5. General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture

I dont like it. It wasnt like this before, but as time goes on, the userbase was replaced with new people who dont understand this site. Its turned into the exact same culture that most "splinter of 4chan" websites go, instead of the "going its own way" vision that lolico/kuz wrote about on the front page.

No Title 36
i am working with some "big" names. i guess this is a promote/giveaway for non heyuri. i originally reached out to the anon who ran bandcamp and ended printing out 50 CDs for the last heyuri along with 2 stickers each.

i don't believe bandcamp anon will give me accesses but i am in contact with magio from kinpatsu, who i believe can sell the CDs and ship them out for me. the person who runs 4chan s4s radio show said he can shout heyuri and the CDs out on his next stream next month.

i don't believe LRM shouting out heyuri will bring a bunch of rule breakers but instead can help grow originality and activity.

i also would like to be added on staff, if u need to reach me. join the irc at purupurupurur.in/6697

No Title 3
Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted - in my opinion it shouldn't have been. Anyway, here's the reply I wanted to make to it:

Rule 7 is basically the "don't devolve into modern-day /pol/ or Twitter when it comes to controversial political/social topics" rule. Earlier this year, there was a big increase in the amount of times "tranny" was being thrown about and used to troll/bait (in both directions), so we decided to clamp down on it

It's not that it can't be mentioned entirely, nor that u can't post ur hawt meatspin pr0nz - it's just that any kind of post-2014 style arguments/debates/trolling/"pinkpilling"/needlessly-slipping-mentions-of-it-into-everything/etc. are B&, and less leniency will be shown compared to other political/social topics (where we let a lot of things slide until things go seriously awry)

Regarding what happened in 64704-san's screencap - User A said their favorite game was Fallout New Vegas, and User B replied by calling them a tranny. That's Rule 7, but also Rule 8 due to it apparently being a meme on certain fail websites

Also, friendly reminder to n00b mods: if the action to take isn't clear, or you have any doubts at all, it's best to leave it alone for somebody else to deal with. Definitely don't just listen to the first reply you get on /q/ about it and start baleeting things sweat2

Report Thread  446
Since mod-sama said we can use /q/ to report rule-breaking posts.

A new form of 'raidi 20
You know how, when World2ch got back up, and Heyurians flocked to the site and it was kind of an extension of Heyuri for a while (maybe it still is, I haven't checked in a while.) Well, I was thinking, what if that sort of effect could be replicated?

My idea is this:

1.We find a small site (textboards, imageboards, forums, maybe), which is small but seems reasonably entertaining or seems to have some fairly agreeable users or a fairly reasonable activity level.

2. We turn up in numbers, give the regulars some lolz and a thrill at the uptick in activity.

3. Gradually introduce some of our finer 'heyurisms' into the mix. An emphasis on Lols at the expense of Serious Business, original OC instead of posting templates, discussion about whatever comes to mind instead of gnawing at all the same used up 'culture war' topics. We do all this without compromising the sites own culture or being so bold as to say 'LOL UR UNDER HEYURI CONTROL NAOW!!!xd'

4. Profit- That is, we made a site at least a little better than we found it.

I hesitate to call this 'raiding' because my idea isn't that we just spam lolis and ads for Heyuri for a few days and then call it a WIN. Think of it a bit like the CIA disrupting the hippie movement, but in a good way. Basically, we try in subtle ways to make these boardz a bit more fun and imaginative. Someone posts the millionth 'tfw no gf' thread, complete with crying wojak? Derail it to talk about Old Skool Hardcore. Someone goes on and on about how getting raped by black guys made them into a tranny? Derail to talk about ramen. Someone wants to babble on and on about 'hating degenerates' and 'soyciety'? Derail to talk about your loli sex fantatsies.

There could be some ground rules I think, including

-We only do it on worthwhile looking sites. A lot of people come here advertising 'baby's first textboard' or 'baby's firts forum', and almost invariably those are flops. Basically I think we should do it on sites where the userbase is small, but not non-existent.

-We only do one site at a time. Socially engineering a website is a pretty tall order, even a small one. This sort of thing will probably get disorganized very quickly if we go around half a dozen different sites simultaneously.

-Insist on lols, but don't be too domineering. There will probably be a lot of R8 content and overdone social media debates. I basically advocate for a Christly philosophy of turning the other cheek. Post a thread of the sort you would usually post on heyuri, regardless of what you think the reaction would be. If they reply with wojaks or buzzwords ignore them or counter with original OC. If they start whining about something lame or trying to turn things into Serious Business just spam 'cheer up emo kid!' or such like. If people keep trying to start shit, just evade them and double down on the lols.

-Experimentation would be good. Maybe you have an idea for some lolz that are in violation of Rule 8, but you think they are objectively funny, or could be made so. Well these other sites wouldn't have Rule 8, so you could do whatever you want.

-Don't be too autistic about it. I think this sort of thing should be seen less as 'making smaller websites just liek Heyuri' and more like 'taking small websites and making them a more hospitable environment for lolz'. It's wouldn't be a hardcore, stake your life on it thing, just show up and provide lols unassumingly. There would be no quota to be met, except maybe refreshing the site after a few days and seeing a few threads worth reading. Basically I think about it like reverse-engineering what happens when a bunch of normies flock to a site and turn it to shit. Imagine a bunch of Heyurians flocking to a site and making it even better.biggrin

I don't know, maybe this is bull shit and pretentious. Even regular raids are rarely very effective. At least I got to exorcise some of my megalomaniac tendencies in writing! sweat2

No Title 6
why was my thread about kubusforever.com deleted

is this what makes t 10
heyuri is not a company. its not a place that adds junk for outlier users. its one persons vision that is not controlled by there stock holders or a overseer rules (overseers being like discord and other chat places).

you could say its the people who run heyuri. but would it still be the same if it was a place like discord while still having the same rules and owners?

there is even meta memes on discord that is, one user takes a meme from one sever and posts it in another.
just copy and paste the same reaction GIFs and stickers over and over until it becomes super unoriginal.

even if that spam was stopped on discord, it would not even be as fun, as i had ran 3 servers with 500+ users but stepped down from them each due to me being bipolar or "gone schizo again"

I was looking at this thread and the bass hunter video caught my eye with the irc client.

the irc chat room was flying. he had control over the room. he was not pressured by anyone but besides himself to make changes as he see fit. it seemed perfect. what i believed killed it is people who had a vision and knew how to set up things like that, lost interest. the vision people got from it was also lost. this could be how things like Skype and discord got around in popularity since it was like person's vision but more stable since its a company. that then turns bad because share holders and increasing profit margins by any means necessary

i might have just explained culture with shared vision?

my last discord server was music server. once i stepped down, it kinda collapsed with me. but the others who got the power really really did nothing with it and it bled out (due to no vision?). it became a place where the people would only post a new song and then tab out until next song release.

what I believe makes heyuri the place to be is. the owner and not being pressured to fallow a format. it being a platform that can easily add new things. the people running it has a vision (witch is not as simple as the average person thinks).

I believe the hardest part is getting noticed as a website on the internet.

No Title 4
hey this place changed since i last visited about two to three years ago
is it still obligatory to pretend to be an olefag of 2004? i really don't care about fitting in anymore and i just want to live life.

No Title 12
It's been a while since I wanted to discuss it but complaints should be the last resort but I don't see other way of change. To readers: have mercy, I don't want to sound subjective or angry, I can't find a better objective description to my abilities and I tried to write it clearly and comprehensively:

It's the porn issue on /b/. I dare say half of all images uploaded to Heyuri these days are porn. It's getting harder to find any will to make a good thread knowing it will be ignored while general porn dump threads are getting bumped for eternity, until a new one is made focused on a bit different fetish and gets 30 replies again.
The insufferable chans are getting filled with 3 things in particular that breaks all bond of good posters and the site; that usually makes them leave or litter the site until completely unusable:
1. Politics - insulting each other and derailing in primitive anger (Heyuri well maintains the issue)
2. News - usually involving car crashes, theft or politics which scores double cretinism score. I count social media as news because they are tightly related. (Luckily not present here)
3. Porn - which is a derivative of most neanderthal urges.

The three are often interconnected, if a poster posts one of these kinds he usually posts all three to a significant degree.
While porn in itself is fine, it's the people who are attached to porn this much that are the issue to quality. While Heyuri doesn't get bothered with politics and news there is no way to look away from porn for a bit.
The entire internet is filled with porn. I just wish for a carefree tiny place that i found it as. To feel as if I was the kid that discovers the wonders of the internet and discuss things being detached from real life for once, to have some fun. In the world I withdrew from into the internet from excessive bullying now even internet fit anymore since all bullies are online, crawling into the shadows of imageboards, after time seeing another home getting conquered by uncultured and primitive pests I got here, I'm concerned its coming here and I would suggest closing the barrier, that is restricting the spread and shamelessly banning the worst ones.

I've moderated a chan once and post history of guys uploading porn frequently are all the same (I can't tell for sure if it was just bad audience I faced that came from obviously and primarly from discord, reddit or other bad chans or it was a coincidence). They are addicts, usually taking part in derailing threads and reposting social media discord server level trash that further lowers the level of the place they are in. The ones that posted the most porn had the tendency to be most obnoxious, both least assimilated and shameless (like that guy who didn't even know who was Kaguya) and don't generate much interactions beside dumping their porn drive - they didn't contribute in any fun and fine threads, none produced OC claiming they don't know how (obvious new internet newbs).

I don't really want to produce OC anymore, I don't want to write a post taking me an hour or two but well polished, I'm not very interested in participating in events too, why? Because it's pointless to feed good content to ones that will eat it, digest and give back in the form of shit. I don't want shit in return. Like one person making a glorious cake while the one other tops the cake with a strawberry believing both did equal jobs.

I'm sorry it's rough post I'm making but I find Heyuri to be special and am concerned about the apparent path right into degradation. I might be wrong but what I learned is that I can't well judge somebody by a few posts and I was lax as a mod for that reason, I'm afraid I was a huge idiot giving respect and freedom to ones too immature to have either of it. Like giving weed to middle-schoolers talking to them respectfully as if we were on an even level, and while it's not 100% certain that they will use their freedom to cause chaos and sin - I think it's realistically improbable that any good will result from allowing them all that. Same with excessive porn posters, driven by primitive instincts or who knows what controls them, too immature to think and care about anything like middle-schoolers, allowed to slowly burn the green pasture that Heyuri is.

I'm sorry for the post. I don't mean agression.

No Title 7
Why is every thread on /b/ a sticky?

No Title 4
I think that quote use should be valid in any case where real quotes would've been used.
For example, using the quoting feature if I'm quoting something that no one said, to make an example or a joke, should still be justified because I'm still QUOTING something, even if it wasn't explicitly said by any other user.

No Title 5
Where did the footer links go glare

No Title 4
why am I got deleted again closed-eyes2

Current State of Hey 38
As you can see from this: https://t.me/kolymaofficial/36, kolyma has suspended operations, so naturally we aren't hosted by them anymore. We are fully independent, and I am in charge of everything, including hosting from now on. Kuz has had recent health concerns and can no longer run a hosting company full time.

However, I'm not in a situation to pay for the server bills (of all Heyuri, GUROchan, and some other imageboards, also sites like 2ちゃん and Ayashii), so kuz will continue to pay the server bills for the time being. He is paying out of our friendship, not for business reasons or a contract, and he said he is content with paying for as long as needed. This will be the case until I am ready to pay for myself, but I can't really promise a date on this due to my personal situation. I don't think I will have a stable job for a few years, or my salary will be worth anything in USD... But anyways.

In other news, it seems that Epik (who is our registrar) is having some troubles and may likely shut down soon. This means we need to move to another registrar soon, who would need to allow occasional lolicon and JK< panchira stuff we have on our boards - if you have any suggestions, I would like to hear. We are considering NameSilo.

Heyuri Daiting 22
Was /Heyuri dating/ ever a serious thing?

1253423346.png is bo 18
There should be an input for renaming your file, it's too annoying to rename it on my computer. If there's a field then I can just type something when I make a post.

My thread was delete 1
I made a post about kuz getting aids with this image and it was deleted, why?

New themes 6
I have created 2 "new" themes for Heyuri: Burichan and Heyuri Blue.
They may not be 100% perfect, but work fine when pasted into custom CSS in the settings tab. What do you guys think? Maybe it can be discussed further during today's townhall.
Don't forget the URL of base.css when adding, Kaguya foruda

No Title 18
I don't think anons in that thread have problem with loli, just with how many recent threads are just porn dumps. Compare it to many creative and engaging threads from the end of the current catalog (or the earlier ones if you have them archived).

Obviously what those anons should've done is made better threads instead of complaining. Just my two cents.

9th Townhall 14
Sorry, I was trapped in a dungeon so creating this thread a little late tongue

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today

Date: 15 July Saturday, 18:00 (6PM) UTC
Location: https://gikopoi.world2ch.net/

There will be some complaints about how gikopoipoi doesn't work on old browsers for some reason, but it's more fun than IRC so we will use that. If you aren't able to join in any way, you can still read the logs and make a post-townhall thread to share your ideas

No Title 1
Does Heyuri currently have a higher PPH rate than Heyuri did in the "golden days"?

No Title 2
why does the default filename for yotsuba emotes start with emo like in emo-yotsuba-[relating emotion shown].gif ?

PNG / Alpha 4
Is there a possibility to change teh preview of PNGs from being a black background - to being 100% alpha? I've no understanding of coding, but instead the use of black -> to 0% opacity.

I think this would make our board nicer. happy

No Title 2
What is kagunyaa email now that kolyma.net is ded unsure

Why do you like Heyu 32
I will compile these replies into a video for prosperity. (^Д^)

No Title 8

Apply to be Heyuri s  61
As you read in the newspost, we're looking for volunteer users to help us with moderation and cleaning up spam. If you are interested for the position please briefly write about your relation with Heyuri, longposts are welcome but not really a requirement - few sentences would work fine if you believe so. Note that we will also look for your other posts on the boards while electing.

There are no requirements, but you'd need to somehow provide me a private contact. In the worse situation, Off-Topic's trip-based mail would work too, so don't worry if you don't want to have any presence on Dicksword/IRC/XMPP/whatever wink

No Title 1
with the kolyma IRC down, are we going to create a channel elsewhere?

No Title 3
I want to make a kewl C++ joke and this pops up

No Title 7
"DQOP" should be allowed as long as its not the sole purpose of your post
(picrel should be example of exactly what not to do)

No Title 5
Where does Kaguya upload the files for the anime watch-alongs?

Typical Heyuri Board 6
Kind of a Heyuri-centric version of the 'good and bad 4-chan boards' thread on lounge.

Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?

Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?

For the board I use the least, it's probably a tie between here and /vote/. I usually wait for the polls to add up so I can vote on a bunch of them, and I also don't usually have many concerns about the site.

As for the board I use most, I love /lounge/. Always an interesting discussion there about topics I'm interested in. Even if I'm not into whatever it is, I usually learn a lot thanx to Heyurizen's explanations.nagato

Small Staff Request 1
I titled a poll as "multi option select" but forgot to actually enable it. Could anyone edit that poll to enable that? Thx in advance

How many threads in 11
I counted to 26! nyaoo2 x3

No Title 6
wtf is his problem?

PSA/rant 22
God these neverending /r9k/ and /pol/-lite posts lately suck dark

Pls STFU 4evar about your crappy life, depression, mental illnesses, virginity, being NEET, how much you dislike women/normalfags/etc., "degeneracy", "the downfall of the West", etc., and take it to one of the many imageboards that specializes in that kind of thing

Heyuri is a fun website for anime, OC, LOLs, and faps - it is not ur internet agony aunt, therapist, nor political rally sweat3

No Title 8
I played a bit with the Kaomoji buttans (〃^∇^)

Also check out this cute site: https://web.archive.org/web/20071005232033/http://kaomozi.moo.jp/2chkao.html

No Title 20

No Title 6
Anyone else that uses Heyuri frames? This is how I use it. Very much nice! happy

No Title 14
why does quoting a post and saying nothing else get you banned? Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is. Instant ban. why

No Title 12
honestly, hope threads like these dont continue to get autosaged.
i kno were not about SRS BSNS here and thats cool, thats why i like heyuri, but to me enforcing lulzy posts by silencing these kinds of harmless posts isnt the way either.
imageboards have been a place where tons of outcasts have gathered for a long time bc its one of the few places in the world theyre allowed to express themselves, as gay as that sounds its true and we all know it. i think its a good thing as well and something we should embrace.
if the goal remains to keep these kinds of posts off of /b/ then thats understandable but in that case i propose opening a board for sharing personal stories like these. not exclusively bawww threads either but everything, if you ate a really good grilled cheese and wanted to share your love for that grilled cheese you could do it there as well.
( ´,_ゝ`)

No Title 3
There were so many awesome threads posted here from I wanna say April 28 to May 8, but then it went back to normal. Look at the front page from 1 week ago https://archive.ph/I8eKl compared to now img.heyuri.net/b/

No Title 8
We need a thread hiding feature

Creating a heyurian 43
We need to stop trying to be like old 4chan. The truth is that heyuri became nothing more than a nostalgia poisoned role-playing website, in which an userbase of disenchanted internet users, most of whom are not above 18 years old, pretend to be in the "old net" while masturbating each other. You think I'm wrong? Go to the /b/ catalog and tell me what you see. Image dumps and more image dumps and the same old, recycled jokes and topics over and over again. And the few inside jokes we actually have are either forced spam or copies of other 4chan memes. What happened to maek OC? I like to think heyuri wasn't always like this, but looking at the wiki entries, how much of it is just copied over from 4chan?

Heyuri is like the european colonies of south america that, with no culture of their own, pretended to be like europe for the longest time until the creation of a national identity.
We need to do just that, to create a national identity for Heyuria, a nationalistic revival movement. The first step is to erase the role-playing mentality and to stop advertising heyuri as a y2k nostalgia website.
Then we need to:
- Like Kaguya said in a previous thread, update the wiki with happenings that were actually relevant.
- Determine if Heyuria is a republic or a monarchy. An empire?
- Ban AI.
- Ban porn dumps.
- Determine what's the definitive heyuri-tan design.
- Replace all yotsuba emojis with heyuri-tan.
- Heyuri flag.
- Heyuri anthem.
- Hang Heyuri flyers and stickers on every major city of the United States world.
- Attack enemy imageboards to assert dominance over the internet.
- Replace word suffixes meaning people with "yuri". So everybody and everyone becomes everyuri, newfag becomes newyuri, etc. Sort of like Ponyspeak (in that case it would be called Heyurispeak). Also replace anon with yuri.
- Make more heyuri videos on vidlii.
- Make /brazil/
- Determine a visual representation of heyurizens. Sort of like 4chan has the suited anon, and 2chan has mona.

NOW THIS IS MY CONCLUSION: Yeah I have nothing more to say. Except that it's okay to post old memes from time to time and that I don't wish to have the Rule 8 removed, obviously.

No Title 7
out of curiosity, how often are there samefags on heyuri?

No Title 1
Should we do something special for Victory Day tomorrow?

No Title 15
Any thoughts on adding /a/?
If you will, it should be titled "Anime" and not "Anime & Manga", because 4ch's /a/ was titled "Anime" until late 2006.

Auto-noko 6
Should hitting the post button return you to the index, as it does now? Or should it noko automatically and return you to the thread you just posted in, like jschan does (I think)?
Do others have opinions on this?

No Title 27
ok i took out the rule-breaking material, happy?


The Power of Friendship is the Strongest force in the Universe...

i asked real soyjak. 3
after a few minutes, this was the replies.

No Title 4
What does this "Law of Atlantis" refer to?

Do wiki-related ques 4
weird page on the wiki, with the last paragraph being added yesterday: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Zake

No Title 3
can we repeal the law of atlantis? not the cp part, but i think it would be cool if i could sell the liquor and meth i make

No Title 3
Is it worth making a page on Mixi? I think it could draw in users, especially to our /jp/ board. However we would need access to a Japanese number to register

No Title 1
When you use non-Latin characters for a filename the filename on Heyuri automatically gets converted to a unix timestamp, is this done on purpose?

Is 'kek' a rule 8 wo 3
(Which I hope it is, because I hate that word, it reminds me of the r*dditfrog-posting niggerfaggots)

underageb&! 1
so wait, are underage users allowed? i didnt think this would be the type of place to allow people under 30, let alone 18
and should underageb& be allowed? i dont really like kids

No Title 3
Out of curiousity, would the attached image break Rule 8?

No Title 3
The image on the BANNED page is broken. It's supposed to be an image URL.

No Title 2
Change /b/'s title to Random.

Freezing of /lounge/ 7
Considering we have both /b/ and /sw/ I think that having lounge is just redundant. Many threads that are made on /lounge/ get swept under the rug because not as many people go on there and the random ASCII threads can just go on /sw/

No Title 4
why can I post from Tor, but I can't post from my VPN? unsure

image unrelated

No Title 3
WHAT IN HELL is the meaning of this?

slight rule changes 1
(there are no actual rule changes, these are barely to reflect de-facto rules in official rules)

- Added "Posts with very long bodies or abusing <pre> tags may get deleted too" under Rule 3
- Removed "last thread about [x] died, continuing from that one." from Rule 6.c
- Changed /lounge/'s description from "This board is primarily meant as a middle ground between /b/ and /q/, low quality "joke" threads should go on /b/. Feel free to make more informative or long-winded interesting posts. The bump limit is much higher and high quality discussion is encouraged, the three-day autosage is also disabled." to "Age-limit for bumping is disabled here. You can use this board for longer winded discussions, such as reviewing games you finish. This doesn't mean /b/-style "joke" threads are banned here."

By the way, look at this picture of Sakura-chan! A loli mahou shoujo with nekomimi wearing cat bells and maid fuku! Moee~!☆

No Title 5
has heyuri been advertised on 4chan lately? seeing a lot more of that sort of posting style in the last week than usual (´~`)

2ch.sh with R8? 6
I remember some time ago there was an idea of making 2ch.sh follow R8 like on Heyuri. This obviously hasn't happened considering the site is basically just a dump of random images and weird .gz files.

Why did 2ch.sh never become bound to R8 and what do people think about this happening?

also does anyone know what the .gz files are, im too scared to download
No Title 0
Can you do a search to see which emotes are used the most and which the least on /b/ banana

If you are running this just on an SQL server it should be easy. Search by [emote name like sad] and then look at how many results there are

No Title 6
maek techn0l0gy board

No Title 7
I'm pretty sure nobody uses catalog mode anyway, but half the images don't work on /q/

No Title 4
Reverted this boards' thumbnails back to jpg, as png thumbnails didn't fix the transparency issue

i can only test by creating a new thread. If u see this image on catalog it worked

No Title 4
Can you add this to the emotes?

No Title 3
/b/ and /lounge/ are using Heyuri-tan, and /q/ is using /q/-tan as its profile picture, so /jp/'s webhook needs a picture of our currently inexistant /jp/-tan unsure

No Title 3
Add /jp/ to frames pl0x

test threadAS  36

No Title 2
Its a bit strange that prominent whiners on heyuri complained about "kolymization" (when formerly independant sites and services were packaged as one "kolyma" site instead of letting them be on their own. Funnily enough, no one complains when heyuri (under k*Tay d*MMir) does the same thing. A la mattari aa, strange world, nihongoch...

No Title 3
Can we get confirmation that the kereste.moe hack was an april fools joke? (since it is in KolymaNET after all)
Sorry if this is Rule8

No Title 2
I can post from behind tor, but not a VPN. What gives?

List of allowed file 4
I couldn't find one, so could that be added to the FAQ?
Also, can I request support for .opus audio files?

Banned Image Archive 5
I think it would be useful to make a banned image archive. Half of this could be done by just banning every image that is on the soybooru.

>But they will just alter the images slightly and keep going!
I think you overestimate the commitment of a spammer. Even if spammers were to start doing this, it would give mods a bit of extra time to get wind of the attack and start removing posts

How To Appeal Ban? 5
I think I got mixed up with a spammer, I posted the image "group2.jpg" with a picture of Kirigumis and the text "Heyuri Meetup!~" and I accidentally saged the thread. For some reason though the thumbnail of the image showed some kuz soyshit.

Song compilations fo 5
Previously we have discussed about advertising Heyuri through good videos' comment section, but what about if we made a video ourselves? nyaoo

I just saw this video on my YouTube recommendations bar, which gave me the idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9x03FuIQM (Title: 2000s otaku/net/anison playlist) - it had had over 2000 views in 10 months.
I know there is also a similar video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3coRQmSkBWU ) with over 1.4 million views in less than a year too xd

If I were to do it, it would have a similar theme - which I think already fits Heyuri quite well. We should put eye-catching image that would grab people's attention to watch the video. Additionally, we could add some text like "If you enjoy these songs, come talk to us on https://img.heyuri.net/b/ !"on the image, and also on song's description.

Well, I don't have a Google account myself nor know how to make videos, but it shouldn't be too hard. sweat2

If you liek the idea surely someone would be willing to upload it to youtube, compiling songs together should be fairly easy for someone else who is skilled once we decide on the cover image and the songs to include.

Needless to say, we can create more videos like this in the future, covering other topics and themes too. I just recommend doing one thing at a time. rolleyes

Anyways, tell me what do you think please. If you liek it, we should open /b/ thread after Heyuri Album 2's deadline on March 22 for organization since a lot of users only check /b/

No Title 2
Why aren't greentext style stories allowed? They seem like a pretty good way to tell a story without a bunch of fluff

Possible return of 11
This may be a thing very soon. I don't want to type again, so read from here: https://boards.nihongoch.net/exchange/koko.php?res=56#p143
Our discussion about this during the last townhall: >>63167

If you have something to discuss regarding this, now is the time.

The "moar boardz => divide activity => activity slows down" scenario isn't possible here as /jp/'s concept can't be covered on any of the other boards.

No Title 1
What if we could add comments to polls on /vote/?

Adding Flags To Post 7
I think it would be a cool idea to make it optional to show your flag from where you are posting on /b/ or make an international board where showing flags is required

No Title 18
Spotted in /wsr/. Thoughts?
Funny how Angeleno, current world2ch owner, frequents Heyuri biggrin And that this was probably made by boatchan's owner, considering that it's way more newer and dead than any other altchans on this list

No Title 2
Can mods start putting out the amount of posts per month each month? I'm curious to see February since it seemed a lot more active than previous months

No Title 18
would it be a good idea to just have an auto filter that would change nu buzzwords into something else?
change the word into some inside joke that would embarrass the poster for not following the rules.
seems like it could be an opportunity to bring about more lulz instead of just deleting the post.

No Title 2
I think this would be a cool picture to put at the top of the rules pagenyaoo

Heyuri has been incredibly slow today and its because it takes a shit ton of time to load content from unpkg.com. What's the deal?

No Title 9
Please add official Tor and I2P support, pleeeasse?
I've been asking since 2020.

No Title 5
credits to the guys over at 619chan for this, check em out.
but i propose that we nab this idea and implement it here.
idk. seems like it'd be fun.

new download button 13
Bring back the old one!!!! angry

No Title 12
I don't understand which greentext usage is against the rules so I can describe things but can't describe events?

No Title 25
Every time I bring up this site anywhere, pic rel gets mentioned and the discussion is instantly derailed. Really annoying how someone who hasn't been the admin for almost a year is still the #1 thing people think of when they hear the name "Heyuri". What did he do that made /jp/ hate him so much
No Title 2
found a post with a weird link that leads to a mediafire page with some suspicious file called sacrifice 2.

No Title 5
wouldn't it be cool if we banned "AI" generated images? smile

No Title 4
This might sound like a weird idea, but what about a "let's play" board?
similar to the one something awful had, where users would make a thread documenting their playthrough of a game. It's not something that can simply be posted on /b/
I know there's a lot of moon rune readers on this site. It'd be specially cool to document playthroughs of japanese games.

should ifunny captio 13
stuff like pic rel, some of them are pretty funny but a lot of them are discord tier

Site Navigation Shor 10
Would Heyurians be interested in a navigation script? I have created one for my personal test instance of Heyuri's software. You can use J and K to navigate up and down a thread, respectively. F and D to navigate up and down post-by-post. Use R to reply to the selected thread. Use B to go back to page 1 or refresh the page if you are on the first page. Use C to type in the text area and S to type in the subject text area. I plan to add H to navigate to the home page (www.heyuri.net) and other keys for navigation between pages.

I can create a pull request if desired. I could even make it toggleable in the settings menu

No Title 6
Hey mods! It's time to wake up and actually delete posts that break the rule 8!

No Title 1
wait, how the meta board has more posts than /b/?
how that happened?

No Title 24
Can we ban the edgy pedoniggers shitting up /b/ pretty please with sugar on top?
I'm not too innocent in that regard either but I don't keep making threads about my "nasty habits" every half second just to shock people, or boast about how cool I am that I watch LE CHILD PR0N!!!!! and LUST FOR CHILDRENEN!!!!
I like this place a lot and I don't want heyuri to become the "pedophile imageboard" sad

annoying bug 3
clicking No. on OP to open thread, and then clicking random post numbers to reply works fine.
clicking No. on replies to open thread and scroll to that post adds pagenum to your query and makes it so when you click on a random post number to reply to someone the page refreshes before it works the second time. cry
this has bothered me a while

im not making an issue on github so someone else must

The Wiki 5
I think the wiki isn't being taken care of as much as it should be. To this day there isn't an article on Little alice or the Heyuri album
Something should be done by the administration to give it more attention, since i'm a lot of new users don't even know about its existence

Kolyma Network & 4
How much involvement does Kolyma Network still have with Heyuri? I can't help but doubt that a shady organization would give up complete control over their second most used website without some sort of concessions or something like that

No Title 4
I've been posting so much less because more and more of the IPs on my VPN are getting banned. Anyone else having this issue? Is there even a fix for something like this (besides buying a different VPN)?

8th Townhall 37
Hi Heyuri!
After 274 days since the last one, I decided to hold another townhall next week, details below

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today
As usual, we will be discussing meta topic stuff. You can prepare your own topics to bring up during the townhall if you want to as well

Date: 28 January Saturday, 19:00 (7PM) UTC
Location: Probably at https://gikopoipoi.net/
There will be another thread on /b/ as the date approaches, the location will be certain by then too.

                /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
              /               \
             /               ヽ
            /             ⊂ニニニ⊃
            |           ⊂ニニニニニニニニ⊃
            | ΛΛ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        Λ_Λ (゚Д゚) < Don't miss it!
        ( ´∀`)( ,,ノ   \________________
        (  つーo皿             /
        (_ ̄)'^◎            /⊂ニニニ⊃
         |/(_)  \ ____ /

No Title 4
When the fuck did this happen? (´ー`)

No Title 23
It messes with my head that Heyuri doesn't have a [Return] button at the bottom of threads. I'm always looking for it!

How do we grow/adver 15
Back in the old days, we got a huge boost because kuz advertised heyuri to his other site 9ch and they all came in, but due to the collapse that happened in august last year, it seems we lost about 60% of our userbase, though luckily we still have a handful of people who make OC.

Is there any places we can grow Heyuri in? Places that we could hold a partnership with somehow?

No more doomerist/alarmist bullcrap in mai /q/, heyuri always comes out on top

Randomize the kaomoj 2
I have some code on my test server to send a random kaomoji when a user uploads a picture without any text. Instead of キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

Would you be interested in seeing this on Heyuri or is the original too iconic? I can create a PR later today if there's interest

No Title 5
Porn dump threads are annoying and bring nothing of value to the website

we need a better gui 4
maybe im just a バカ but it's hard to understand how to setup koko with the really short guide
id really like to set it up since i want to contribute but unfortunately im too much of a retard

No Title 20
someone should just push a commit to koko which adds a config for "disallowing op quotelink"

How are .tpl files l 6
I've been wanting to contribute to the template files, but I have no ideas which file is loading them in, therefore I am unable to add anything to the variables that are used in their files.
Don't know how else I'd contact Kaguya or whatever so I'm makin a post tongue

cannot join the koly 43
what the hell cry

kuz q/a  20
Hi Heyuri,

Recently kuz has been a heated topic on Heyuri, and not in the good way. We figured out instead of letting some ideas that would make you question our transparency/cause doubt about Heyuri's administration grow inside you without having the chance to see other perspectives of matters, it would be more beneficial to us as a community if your questions/complaints were answered by the man himself.

I explained recently why do posts showing kuz in bad light usually gets deleted from Heyuri, but an exception will be made for this time, and no posts from will be deleted from this thread unless they break Heyuri's home rules, so you can also use this thread to vent about kuz as you please too.

*grabs popcorn*
No Title 4
The images are b0rked on /b/ (;´Д`)

Heyuri was doing jus 46
Is this really the type of userbase we want to cultivate? I almost thought I was in /int/ or /pol/ for a second.

No Title 2

No Title 1
Is there a reason why clicking this button just brings up the image in it's own tab instead of bringing up a download prompt? Is this something that should be fixed?

No Title  4
Current state of Heyuri shows that kaguya is the worst fucking mod
cant post on b 0
posting anything on b just gives you a http error 500 cry

No Title  4
How do you report posts

what is heyuri using 1
ive been trying to learn perl, and have been suffering... a LOT learning it and it made me remember the convo between kaguya & mod-sama abt perl on some VPS he bought

i guess its a dumb question but what will perl bring to the site? other than running scripts on webpages and shit like that xp

What happened? 5
When i try to post with my normal IP it now gives me this message.

Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP adress being listed @ spam.kolyma.org

Lounge Captcha 3
Do we really need a captcha before replying in /lounge/? dark

does heyuri have any 2
like image hash dbs or anything? if not, will there be a future implementation?
would also be a good anti-raid measure since raiding with CP isn't uncommon - although i dont know what raiders think they achieve with it, authorities suck at getting rid of CP

yo can we get some new boards like /e/ or /h/ or an /avg/(adult video games) in case you want to add a video games board? I don't want what happened with /v/ to happen here.

Fortunes 5
The current fortunes are all pretty depressing - I think there needs to be some balancing sweat2

I don't remember what all the fortunes were on our previous software (kuz or someone else with access to those files will have to reveal), but here's what they were on the Sakomoto software before that:

Bad Luck
Average Luck
Good Luck
Excellent Luck
Reply hazy, try again
Godly Luck
Very Bad Luck
Outlook good
Better not tell you now
You will meet a dark handsome stranger
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Good news will come to you by mail

I think some or all of these were on the later software, but there was also additional ones liek the legendary "LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL[...]" and others I'm forgetting

I would like to appe 14
I went to bed, and when I woke up, my IP was not listed on spam.kolyma, why?
I have done nothing wrong, I have received no warning, I have received not a single ban in my entire stay here on Heyuri, the only thing that comes to mind is that yesterday someone stole the 33K GET, and I complained and accused Kuz of doing it, because to me he seemed the most likely person, is that why? I don't see why else I would be permanently banned like that

Some people, I assume Kuz trying to get people mad at me, claimed I was the one wojakposting, since one guy on their website seems to have attached Mechazawa to one of his wojaks, but can you not see that that's just someone trying to ruin my image? someone trying to corrupt Heyuri's culture? I came here, firstly, when someone posted about StrawberryHeaven on [s4s], and then, after staying there for a while, I left when an anon on /g/ told me the truth about Kuz

I came back last year when another anon on /g/ told me that Kuz was gone, and that a new better owner was in place, I even have the thread, you can see it right here, https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/90558006/#90561787

After coming back, I have done many things, I didn't want to list all the things I've done because I feel like It's shoving it on people's faces how cool I am, but I guess I have to use them in my defense
I have
- Created at least 2 banners, the Pascal one and the Mechazawa one, you could count the FKMT Zero one and the GMOD 9 one since I made them on the strawberryheaven era
-Advertised Heyuri, causing the new surge of users (this could be seen as a bad thing, but I assure you it was done in nothing but good faith, I do have a VPN, which I am using to make this post right here, but I have always only used it to avoid bans on 4chan, since they happen so often)
- I was the one who wrote both the littlealice.exe creepypasta and the "I want to have sex with Mod-sama" post, (well I hope the reason for my ban Isn't mod-sama being mad at me dark)
- I have also made many threads with tons of replies like the cryptid threads which I find very fun since they're about a niche interest I really like

ヽ(´ー`)ノ anyways, I guess that should be enough proof I am NOT the spammer? I really wanted to get the 33K GET with Mechazawa too, made me sad that I lost it, anyways, this is my appeal, please do give me a reply instead of just deleting it, I'm posting this on a VPN because well, I can't really do anything about it can I? cry

Property code on Hey 6
Before it's too late and I get accused for not being transparent, there is a little thing I want to make clear: There are few features (modules) on Heyuri that can't be made public on the Github version. The reason is, these modules mostly consist of KolymaNET's centralized code, which isn't really unique to Kokonotsuba.

These modules are (at least ones that aren't depreciated/still in use on Heyuri):

1. Kaptcha
What you see on /lounge/ now to create threads. Kaptcha is currently the only type of captcha that can be used on Kokonotsuba. I am open to replace it if an alternative is developed.

2. VIP
Well, this is not really important, but including here for the sake of transparency. Users with a VIP code can post with a star next to their names, and bypass kaptcha. I am not saying anything on if I will leave this on Heyuri or abandon in the future for now.

3. SpamDB
Integration with https://spam.kolyma.org/spam.php - more explanation there.
I don't really want to abandon this until an alternative gets developed, but this may possibly cause conflicts as Kokonotsuba gets development updates.

Where is Gorechan?  4
If it isn't available, is there another altchan for real life gore? Thanks

Science and Tech boa 24
dear kaguya

could we have a board for science and technology? doesnt have to be seperate ones. i want to be able to nerd out with fellow physics and coding heyurians nyaoo2

thanx, anon

what features would 8
personally, my no1, i wouldn't add a 'feature' per-se, but more of like making the kokonotsuba code more readable and documented. that would make it easier to contribute and understand the code if ur a dummy like me dark

No Title 3
Am I the only one who can't interact with the reference links on HHS?

Kokonotsuba is now o 33
As you read it in the newspost. Discuss under here

how much of heyuri i  21
is a good portion of it still kokonutsuba? or is it free from its shackles
pic unrel, just need to put a file to post in this board for some reason

Japanese heyuri 5
What site is this?

No Title 20
Something has to be done about the pedospammer on /b/ ASAP
Just a couple of hours in and now he's derailing every thread he's in. Let the b&hammer roll pls

No Title 8
Can we have the option to report posts that break the rules please?

No Title 5
Administration, can you make a dark theme ples kuzkuz

? ?!

Heyuri on the go? 2
Ok so, usually when i want to browse image boards i use my PC like any normal person but ever since i graduated i have been going out a lot more than usual so i was wondering if the site had any plans to work with KuroboaEX so this site can be browsed via app like many other Imageboards? I think this could boost the site with the mobilefags as well.
Pic unrelated

New boards 10
Can we add some new boards?

How about these?

/a/ Anime and manga

/jp/ Japan discussion

/v/ Video games

/h/ Hentai

?loli/ Loli porn

/f/ Flash

File name field 4
There should be a field in the post form that lets you change your file name. It sux to have 1669169656260496.webm as a filename, but renaming files in your file system every time you post suxx (with 2 x's!)

No Title 9
Hi, I used this site back when strawberryheaven was a thing, I guess I'm still a newfag since it was after Lolico died, well my Yuno drawing is on the wiki so I feel special still, anyways, why should I trust this Kaguya guy? I stopped using this website because of the previous owner's shenanigans, can I trust Kaguya? does he think Yomi is better than Tomo?

Heyuri Cytube Priori 11
Posting results here for easy reference - I'll post updated versions ITT whenever the results significantly change

For those who have no idea what this is, see: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Anime_Nominations (fill it in!)

It's worth clarifying that this is NOT based on our opinions of anime, and should NEVAR be interpreted as a "best to worst" ranking. It's purely reflecting our desire to watch/rewatch a given anime together, with shows we haven't seen taking priority over those we've already seen. So lower position = lower priority, not lower quality or lower rated!

BTW, I'm calculating the results like this: ○ = +1pt, △/blank = 0pts, and X = -1pt

1st priority (6pts):
- Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
- Sensei no Ojikan: Doki Doki School Hours

2nd priority (5pts):
- DearS
- Genshiken
- Hand Maid May
- Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu
- Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze
- Myself; Yourself
- Ninin ga Shinobuden
- Okusama wa Joshikousei
- UFO Princess Valkyrie

3rd priority (4pts):
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
- Popotan

4th priority (3pts):
- Di Gi Charat (currently missing 1/6 votes)
- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
- Koi Kaze
- Koi Koi 7
- Kokoro Toshokan
- Kure-nai
- Midori no Hibi
- Moetan
- Sola

5th priority (2pts):
- Joshikousei: Girl's High
- Rec

6th priority (1pt):
- Elfen Lied

7th priority (0pts):
- Hitohira
- Onegai☆Teacher
- Rosario to Vampire (currently missing 4/6 votes)

8th priority (-2pts):
- Golden Boy

As promised, here's a collection of Heyuri archive links! biggrin

Oldbies will remember when I dumped sum of these b4, but there's quite a few made since then. And just in case the folks at archive.org stop being fags in the future, I'll leave the handful of archive.org links in tact

https://web.archive.org/web/20190218182755/https://heyuri.cf/ - 2019/02/18 home - The best home for your files
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181406/https://heyuri.cf/upload.php - 2019/02/18 upload - upload page
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181521/https://heyuri.cf/search.php - 2019/02/18 search - search page
https://web.archive.org/web/20191208174727/https://www.heyuri.cf/ - 2019/12/08 home - News (/g/ relisted as games)
--- OH FUCK NEW DOMAIN (2020/02/29) ---
https://web.archive.org/web/20200303080220/https://www.heyuri.net/ - 2020/03/03 home - News (domain changed)
https://archive.vn/KEFfH - 2020/05/01 /b/ - giant tomoposter thread
https://archive.vn/fre6B - 2020/05/20 /b/ - post No. 5
https://archive.vn/R9rsp - 2020/05/26 /b/ - post No. 11
--- 2020/06/06 OLDFAG/NEWFAG LINE ---
https://archive.vn/TdLLz - 2020/06/07 /b/ - oldfag date declared
https://archive.vn/48c3f - 2020/06/07 /h/ - pee drinking thread
https://archive.vn/fI8ip - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/1y40G - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1111GET (amateur ascii GET)
https://archive.vn/kUeJB - 2020/06/15 /b/ - /r9k/fag thread
https://archive.vn/LLcfU - 2020/06/15 /b/ - agent smith interrogates lolico
https://archive.vn/LvMA1 - 2020/06/17 home - News (DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS)
https://archive.vn/aMXW7 - 2020/06/17 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/zSb22 - 2020/06/19 /b/ - 2222GET (ascii cat GET)
https://archive.vn/7gQRX - 2020/06/21 home - News (Heyuri moves to kuz's homeserver)
https://archive.vn/wUbhj - 2020/06/22 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/jYjc0 - 2020/06/27 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/HiVJz - 2020/06/29 /b/ - 3000GET (boku desu GET)
https://archive.vn/DSuln - 2020/07/02 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/0x4Zn - 2020/07/02 home - FAQ page
https://archive.vn/Y4X3U - 2020/07/06 /b/ - 4000GET (WINRAR GET)
https://archive.vn/dxblp - 2020/07/08 home - Server info page (teh irony LOL)
https://archive.vn/jEfUs - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG SOME SHIT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE
https://archive.vn/6rWvO - 2020/07/10 ??? - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed
https://archive.vn/6hqUH - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG v2
https://archive.vn/D7WTE - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v3
https://archive.vn/lg9jn - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v4 + reopening announcement
https://archive.vn/O9P2n - 2020/07/11 home - BRB, WE BROKE
https://archive.vn/t3nWw - 2020/07/12 /z/ - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed v2
https://archive.vn/ssYaf - 2020/07/12 home - News (Not dead yet!)
https://archive.vn/jmTFy - 2020/07/13 home - News (Crash info, reflection, and future goals)
https://archive.vn/rdd2l - 2020/07/13 /b/ - 4444GET (desu 4evar GET)
https://archive.vn/cuPQC - 2020/07/14 /meta/ - heyuri-tan conception
https://archive.vn/ElX4Z - 2020/07/14 /b/ - heyuri-tan porn thread
https://archive.vn/BFbUT - 2020/07/14 /b/ - yuki-chan's introduction thread <3
https://archive.vn/m9qI5 - 2020/07/16 /meta/ - contest and banner announcement sticky
https://archive.vn/tN72A - 2020/07/17 /meta/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/iiyM5 - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 4999 FAIL
https://archive.vn/P8Hum - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 5000GET (u want moar GET)
https://archive.vn/Mo5cE - 2020/07/18 /b/ - HALFWAY THERE sticky
https://archive.vn/bFFmu - 2020/07/18 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/M1TMX - 2020/07/18 home - News (Contest announcement)
https://archive.vn/4n4Vc - 2020/07/18 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/VnbSv - 2020/07/19 /b/ - front page

(PART 1/?)

Heyuri; like a diamo 5
Is Heyuri the only place with a 'rule 8' or something similar? I would think there would be a lot of imageboards that want to get out from under 4chan's thumb. But everywhere I go people seem complacent.

Could our only choice be to get onto new sites as they come up and try to influence the culture away from AIDS?unsure

No Title 2
here is my idea to make heyuri good:
- the only thing you can post on /b/ is mona2
thanks for coming to my ted talk mona2

Vidlii preperations 37
As I plan to soon fix vidlii and put up Heyuri ads on the site, do you think we should make some changes to Heyuri?

We will experience an influx of users, and judging by my browsing, the site has dozens of users who I can see fitting in just perfectly.

Should there be a rare /b/ sticky welcoming and explaining heyuri to them? Or should they just come to us in our natural state?

Make quotelinking OP 16
Its annoying and none of these retarded vidlii newfags reads the ettiqute pages. We have no choice but to crack down

option to hide and o 2
it hinders my viewing experience on heyuri when my eyes stumble upon children (´ー`)

What does it mean to 4
I don't know if that's what we call those who browse this website, but I would like to hear what you guys think means to be a heyurian. Reading thoughtful words are always warming to the heart ヽ(´∇`)ノ

SWF/Flash Board 5
when we getting a god dam flash board like in the old style of 4chan like list. not a typical imageboard board.

clensing Heyuri of p 4
You may have been seeing more and more pedo-like posts on Heyuri as of late. It started from liking lolis to actually sexualising children and now someone is posting/baiting posting (I ain't clicking that shit nigga) cheese pizza on Heyuri. I beleive the pedos must be dealt with before Heyuri shares the same fate with Kohlchan where it gets infested with pedos who talk about nothing but how they want to fuck kids.

My thoughts on the w 6
idk if this is the board to post about this (forgive me if its not) but, i think the wiki needs to be updated more often. I enjoy reading it but it annoys me that some of the pages are incomplete/empty. Id do something about it myself if i had been around long enough to have the knowlegde to fill in any extra information :(

Deciding about the & 42
I believe this has brought up enough times to have a separate discussion for.
First, a little Heyuri history: >>61043
When kuz was still the admin, our moderation (me) always had to follow a set of written rules for my actions. It's not because he wasn't trusting in my verdicts, but wanted users to have a reference of "not to do"s so they wouldn't end up receiving a warn/ban despite trying to follow rules. So he gave me permission to modify the rules (by this time, I was responsible for almost all moderation actions anyway) as I wanted. I then edited the rules in a way that allowed me to act by "tips" page when I wanted, while modifying it as well.

Since then, kuz resigned and entrusted me with Heyuri. I didn't do any major changes (...I think?) afterwards, but my approach to moderation isn't strictly by written rules.... There is no point in explaining our moderation in depth, now so I will keep it short: I am for modifying the tips page smile

Starting by the very old "TOP TIPS" part:
I think this part was just put up when kuz was having fun lol, but there are two points I can slightly disagree with:
Anyone can understand they are more than welcome to post about old stuff on Heyuri just by lurking a little, but telling it this way may make newcomers mistaken Heyuri for some kind of a retirement house rather than a website for creating tons of new stuff.
People can use tripcode if they want to, but trolls who try to impersonate users will probably end up getting banned anyways nyaoo-closedeyes

The rest of that part is just fun

Moving on to "How to use Heyuri (for dummies)" part:
While one may agree with what's written, the long explanation about what Heyuri is about is redundant and I believe it was put there because Heyuri was constantly called as "oldfag circlejerk" by some groups. Of course, putting that up didn't solve that...
Anyways, coming to "HEYURI-TANS RAZOR V2!", it was originally written by kuz and I later heavily modified it. I believe everything I wrote there is applicable (except 8th point about 2ちゃん perhaps, pirated stuff shouldn't be uploaded there apparently but that's another story)
If you are curious about my reasoning, I explained them at the post I linked to above too.


Now I am open to change the page and perhaps move some points to FAQ or elsewhere.
I could either
- Remove the rest of the page, only keep the 8 points, and change Rule 10 to something like "These are all the rules. Now you may want to take a look at some of our tips"
- Remove all the page, merge some of the 8 points (namely 1, 2, and 7) into our FAQ.
- Whatever u guys suggest rolleyes

No Title 17
It sounds like Rule 8d can easily be abused to censor light hearted and valid banter in order to protect the feelings of an individual rather than being used to develop an environment that provides funny random posts like /b/ is supposed to be. If Heyuri is about replicating the old internet landscape, i dont see how this rule helps nurture that.

>without even having the decency to provide LOLs

'LOLs' are subjective, a mod's sense of humor shouldn't be the barometer that constitutes whether or not something is funny.
This is also specifically about the Rule 8d, all other subsections of Rule 8 are understandable.

No Title 10
Would like to revive discussion on the SAGE! message.
It looks very aggressive angry

No Title 3
/lounge/ preview makes double posts, kaguya-sama.

No Title 6

No Title 5
is it me or does it feel like the sites quality is going into decline

No Title 6
is there a wishlist of board and stuff to add to heyuri?

No Title 13
It's probably too late to change this now, but I would just like to say I hate that the wiki is using this touch screen-focused software with the floating toolbar following you down the page and hueg navigation boxes and images, I'm tired of seeing these designs and it doesn't suit Heyuri at all.
I don't know why anyone would choose this over the more classic Wikipedia-looking software, also made by MediaWiki, like what http://www.hrwiki.org/ uses

BBCode References 9
Check them out!

Heyuri is excluded f 31
Did Kaguya just do this manually? I was able to archive just fine yesterday.huh

No Title 1
what is the current ppd on /b/?

No Title 5
Strange World@Heyuri... (;´Д`)

No Title 2
I have a genius idea which cannot possibly fail. We post a picture of heyuri tan on 4chan and simply write the name heyuri in the filename as a sort of cross promotion that avoid's the banhammerz. Absolutely nothing could go wrong!!!

The unofficial " 7
I'm making this thread for those of us who couldn't make it to the townhall but still want to discuss matters. Also becuz BBS > chat biggrin

According to teh logs (which you can find in full here: https://www.heyuri.net/_/townhall_6.txt ), the points of discussion were as follows:

1. Kokonotsuba bugs aren't high priority right now because Heyuri is being ported(?) to TinyIB
Townhall response: nobody commented on it but everyone clapped for Barry upon kuz's request

2. Thx 2 POTI-board's main developer for coming to Heyuri to help us and also listening to suggestions for the English translation

3. HeyuriRemix gets pretty much no traffic, what should be done with it?
Townhall response: nobody outside of the staff had even heard of it

4. 2ちゃん (AKA 2ch.cx) has a bug that allows for easy DoS attacks, but Nakura (the owner) has been MIA since November 29th - Barry is investigating the bug and it might be back online in a week, 2 weeks, or maybe tomorrow (the bug is very perplexing)
Townhall response: "yay"

5. Monthly anime = FAIL, maybe anime movie/OVA nights on a Heyuri cytube will work better
Townhall response: they agreed

6. Should kuz's wife be invited to the 6th Annual International Convention of Heyurizens?
Townhall response: opinions are mixed, but mostly yes

7. (skipped)

8.5. Heyuri imageboards used to have INFINITE PAGES™, but is it worth sticking to only having 5 pages if it makes them faster?
Townhall response: "yep"

8.5.ii. Bump limit for threads was recently increased from 3 days to 7, should it be increased/decreased or stay at 7?
Townhall response: townhall liek 7

9. ASCII D1CKZ (skipped)
Townhall response: no comment

10. Tell a Hitler joke
Barry: why wasn't hitler allowed to compete in the olympics?
Barry: he couldn't even finish one race
Townhall response: they LOL'd

11. (404)

12. Nonickname has been lurking #heyuri for years but has never spoken, what's up with that?
Townhall response: opinions range from "he's shy" to "he's an omnipresent being"

13. Heyuri has a bad reputation outside of Heyuri for various reasons. The Heyuri pro-war movement says that we must retaliate and destroy the enemy, while the Heyuri anti-war movement says that this will only create moar drama and we should maek friends instead - what do the masses think of this dilemma? Which will be more effective in improving Heyuri's reputation: war or peace? destruction or construction? haet or loev?
kuz: declares himself pro-war
kaguya: declares himself anti-war
Townhall response: mostly indifferent

13.ii. kuz suggests that most detractors aren't anti-Heyuri, but are instead anti-kuz - a proposed solution to end the war dilemma is kuz stepping down and giving kaguya the Heyuri crown. Do you think this sacrifice would save heyuri? or is it useless?
kuz: goes AFK to maek tea
kaguya: suggests some sites he would like to try befriending and cooperating with
kuz: returns and lays out some of the current problems with promoting Heyuri and says he thinks stepping down is a good idea
Townhall response: some deliberation but doesn't arrive at a concrete conclusion

14. Why don't you visit kolyma IRC?
Townhall response: answers range from "ayashii" to "i'm not talkative"

15. kuz suggests a conclusion on the War VS Peace question: people don't care and just want to post, but we should still befriend neutral sites and cease activities which provoke conflict or turn us into warmongers
Townhall response: "sure"
kaguya: wants to also make peace with hostile sites and clear Heyuri's name

16. What if there was a userboard on 2ちゃん where people could upload banners, like the /banner/ board we used to have?
Townhall response: "ye"

kaguya, pls add /jb/ 2

pic unrelated

Three unrelated ques 6
1. What are "retail flash files" mentioned in the rules?
2. Also in the rules, regarding /q/: "Do not post non meta topics outside of here!". Did you mean "Do not post non meta topics inside of here!"?
3. Is this pic against rule 8?

Holiday events? 7
HEYURI IS AWESOME. THAT IS A FACT! But what if there were holiday events that happened on the site?
Example: For Easter, you could have Easter eggs be randomly scattered around the website. You can click on them to collect them!! Collect them all for a FREE PRIZE!!! (like ascii art of heyuri-tan in a bunny outfit)

Post your ideas here too if you want!!!! There might not be an active developer on Heyuri, but I like daydreaming!!!!!

What do you think ab 11
How would heyuri feel about using vichan or something?

Can we lose this K j 6
Nobody wanted it, nobody asked for it, it's some random shady russian imageboard buyer crap that has nothing to do with heyuri
Who is kuz? 6
Hi im from a different website and im trying to gather information about your previous owner, kuz aka Kuznetsov. Its virtually impossible to find credible sources talking about him and what hes done recently, and everything anyone says about him is contradicted by another person, hell, even what he says he contradicts himself later.

Recently it seems he paid off the owners of a lolcow.farm to surpressed info about him, more specifically a supposed redpill that he is not actually named Kuznetsov, and all pictures of him are fake. There was a recent leak of a VK account that showed kuz is a illegal immigrant (from or to?) the netherlands, whos real name is Cornelius van Derstel. No pictures of him, but some of his wife. Anywho, any info about this?

Also im not expecting a deletion because kuz doesnt own this site anymore and it would be very suspicious if the admin deleted this

Thanks in advance for any information

the download button 11

413 Request Entity T 10
I think the new(?) server needs to be adjusted to allow larger uploads, right now it seems to be extremely low (liek less than 1MB)

No Title 6
please remove the evangaylion banner

No Title 7
is there any way to contribute to heyuri's codebase?

No Title 7
will there be a time where kaguya will allow us to contribute more banners? i wanna make a cool banner cause i like heyuri everyones cool

Regarding moar emote 9
from the list (>>61286)
>- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)
kaomoji = done on ayashii
As for emotes... I wouldn't mind more "joke" emotes like tehegg added in a special occasion or sage, but I want a uniformity when it comes to expression emotes like anger or sadness, and yotsuba is doing it great biggrin

Maybe (but only maybe) in the future, if we grow tired of yotsuba emotes, I may consider changing them to a similar set of emotes (at least as a trial) if they fit Heyuri.

I can't post on /o/ 2
It gives this error no matter what I try.

No Title 2
>[Please do not do an illegal contribution.]
>[The contribution excluding 'POST' is not accepted.]
The fluff does that mean? I cant contrib OC wif dis weird stuffz/...

banner to advertise 6
is this a serious banner advertisement i can post on my site and link here?

No Title 2
Where did you guys get the yotsuba emotes from?

a /world/ textboard 6
kaguya should add one, i think it could work out

We are now 1 month in to Kaguyas adminship, lets hold an approval poll.


We reached 130PPD ye 2
Excluding /o/ and SW!

Old /q/ thread on OP 3
Is the old /q/ thread about quotelinking the OP archived? I would rewrite what stayed on my mind in the worst case, but it would be useful for some of the newer users who don't seem to get it

No Title 12
The Heyuri Historical Society is back! and on a better domain and with better software. HHS was previously a wiki which documented Heyuris history and culture but was poorly managed by a 3rd party and ultimately shut down. Now its back, but officially!

Its community editable, so we encourage everyone who knows a thing or two about the site to make and contribute to pages. Theres currently a known bug with the visual editor but we'll get to it soon.

You dont have to write about just Heyuri, as the HHS is also about BBS culture in general, feel free to write about your favorite japanese board or the history of strange world, its all welcome there!

Attached is a screenshot of the old pages on HHS, some of which have been remade already.

Some pages that should be worked on:
Kuz (admin conflict of interest)
Kaguya (admin conflict of interest)
Heyuri page (has an in progress history section)
Kokonotsuba (perhaps other heyuri software too?)
Perhaps a helpful links page, etc

Also in this thread we should discuss policy and tone. Should we set guidelines, or just let people write however? What tones should we encourage people to follow when writing? What should be considered off topic?

All this and more, on Heyuris FIRST official wiki and the return of the Historical Society.

No Title 16

pic unrelated

Kaguya Q&A 25
Everyone, welcome your new admin, Kaguya, who first joined Heyuri in August of 2020 (the decline) but is well aware of what Heyuri is about and its culture, he contributed heavily and is one of the most active posters here, he does virtually all the moderation and considers Heyuri to be the best of all Kuz's sites.

While many miss Kuz, lets balance our despair with kind welcome to Kaguya!


Heyuri has had a lot of news posts made to the front page in its time, but due to various site crashes, admin drama, site hax, etc., some (see: FUCKLOADS) are now missing dark

However! Other Heyuri users and I have occasionally been archiving the front page, so maybe it's possible to restore some of these lost posts! I've gone through some of the old archives that were made to find as many of the missing posts as I can, and I will post them below

Resignation 13
Because I have less time, and less dedication, as well as other things to focus on in life, I am passing on ownership of Heyuri to Kaguya, who is extremely dedicated to this site and behind 90% of its moderation. In time, you will come to know him, and in your own ways you will learn his great virtue, but for now I will just leave it like this: He is nothing like me. He is a kind, peaceful man who will guide Heyuri into a better age, be sure to give him some love, as it was hard for him to accept that the Great Kuz would no longer lead Heyuri. Hopefully he will be much more liked by the userbase as well. There will be a Q&A to meet him soon.

I had an excellent time on Heyuri, I appreciate the people who made it great.

Your faithful admin of 2 years,


Making this thread to share a few passionate writings from our previous admins circa 2020 that I inadvertently re-stumbled across - I think these posts do an awesome job of expressing what Heyuri is all about and what its purpose is smile


No Title 1
>The place to be
Not the place to /b/

Things you liek abou 6
- many LOLs found
- hawt pr0n pics
- can survive nuclear holocaust
- ヽ(´ー`)ノ
- わはー
- is the place to be

banner domain certif 10
>Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for heyuri.net expired on 14/04/2022.


Certificate """""authorities""""" are such a racket -_-

No Title 15
Gather round, its time to poll heyuri on kuzs ratings as an admin


No Title 27
Test to see if transparent parts of pictures work right

/dating/ 3

/vote/ font 2
The default font on /vote/ does not support alternative text (see pic) which makes some polls hard to use without manually changing the text. Could the default font or a new style be edited to allow it?

2ちゃん now enf 4
Subject explains it all, I will now cure AIDS from warota.php: https://2ch.cx/warota.php iyahoo
This ayashii discussion is explaining our reasoning in good detail: https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?m=f&s=2629&c=58
I will be check all new uploads from now on, but I may not get all R8 breaking posts that was uploaded in the past. Feel free to report them ITT


From your friends at 5

kaguya recently visited us at wapchan.org and we do think partnering would help grow our boards. We look forward to having good times together with you all.

That the server move is complete and kuz is working on fixing software-level stuff, I will try fixing more minor stuff. I am going to post what changes I am doing ITT, and feel free to tell me if I am missing any.

Let's polish Heyuri together wink

ヽ(`Д´)ノ 4

opinion 4
Heyuri banning general threads hurts activity. You cant expect someone to make a new thread every time they want to talk about something small. Small stuff turns into big stuff, and thats how stuff gets rolling

First[0] Last