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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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As I promised in the townhall, here is the thread where you can post emotes you want to see on Heyuri. You can also suggest names for them, like :this:

I won't add whole lists like >>61466 but you can pick your favorites out of such lists and post them ITT.

Personally I want to see similar cute Heyuri-related anime icons. Bonus points if they were monthly anime/streamed at cytube at some point, but of course, anything goes.

OC is especially encouraged

Also I should say that I will add them at bulks. I need to edit many files to add them, so it would be easier on my side to not add one emote each time. Just saying this so you wouldn't think I am ignoring/forgot about this thread sweat2

lolico yotsuba variant?
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:smug: or :smirk:, whichever sounds better to kaguya and teh mods.

in the meantime, i'm trying to maek my dreams of an iriya emote cum true. stay tuned.
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Finally it's dancing Heyuri-tan's time to shine!
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Pantsu version
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poptan's :emo:



w00t emote party!!!1
I haet parties... emo
i always forget what emotes i want until im typing out a post that calls for it.
we need :thumbsup:
shii hi
while we're at it we should also add a thumbs down, and we can add clicks to the database to score posts :-)
For a while we had a "yeah" feature equivalent to Futaba's そうだね on Heyuri - we even had an entire board dedicated to it!
i always thought that itd be nice if it was brought back -- the discussion about thumbs up and downs made me think about it even moar
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In this userscript that enables auto thread updates on Futaba, there's an extra feature where you can highlight posts based on how many そうだねs they've received - pretty useful for seeing what the general opinion is

yeah. i think soudane could help discussion on heyuri
It's something you have to be a little more careful with on Heyuri than on Futaba, since we're (relatively) small and have large influxes of newbies at least a couple of times per year

You will end up with situations where someone suggests a significant change to Heyuri that all the core longtime regulars and oldbies disagree with, but that a large number of visitors and newbies (or just 1 butthead with a lot of IPs to spare) agrees with - if you just look at the "yeah"s in that scenario, you might assume that "Heyuri's" general opinion is one way, when in reality it's the other way
it was a joke suggestion you fags
We're not talking about ur joke, we're talking about a Futaba feature and previous Heyuri feature smile
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Anyone else having this issue?
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I wish I had an Emotes!
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My attempts to make him look good and not have pixelated/torn edges failed. If anyone has enough skills to fix that, please do.
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Unlucky attempts.
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There are Kuma icons here that could be used or adapted:
Thank you for helpful suggestions. I wonder why his addition hasn't been proposed before...

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