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do you have to be a pedophile to post here or is it only encouraged?
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oh it's this thread again rolleyes
why did you bump it
I'm now deeply sad seeing how this ended in plain discrimination. 😢 That weird indignant sockpuppet of an OP, coming right in time with his imitation democracy. I also realized that this "SFW doesn't play into Heyuri's moderation at all" probably mean you would be AS'ing any thread about it, even it being completely safe. Can you please remove the humiliating AS from https://img.heyuri.net/s/koko.php?res=572 in exchange of deleting the last 2 posts?

"Just choose a side and stick to it." is probably right, it's better than this "second-class citizenship" system.

Little girls' beauty captured in a photo is the only light in our lives.
All this arguing about what is or isn't legal under US laws, why not host Heyuri in a less gay country like Japan? Futaba allows AI-generated 3D lolis doing very naughty things: https://dec.2chan.net/85/res/99757.htm
>Maybe if someone opens a TOR sister site to Heyuri
There are already multiple tor imageboards for sharing cat pictures
Cuz Japan is way stricter in other areas like copyright/piracy, genital nudity, slander, etc.

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I propose a 3D Japanese Cute/Ero board as a counterpart to 2D Cute and 2D Ero ヽ(´ー`)ノ

It would be for cute/hawt pics of JAV, gravure, idols, cosplay, TV announcers, race queens, etc.
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the problem with the 50mb limit is I can't share any full vids anyway and I'm not gonna video edit them so they can fit.
I DLed them off torrent. Now finding the torrents is the main challenge (I already deleted the torrent because there's literally hundreds of GBs). You could try find torrents from sites like btdig.com or others.

Knowing the code of some movies might help, this website is a good database for that, you find per idol and see the age https://u15dvdinfo.com/products/icbr-35003
(that particular video is one that probably drained me the most)

good luck!
Just insert the movie code into the Brave search.
It's good in finding online video sites with it.
Bikini is definitely highly eroi. Just think of what might seen as (in)appropriate on places like Reddit, YouTube or Facebook, it's the test.
do you have more of her ? photos or anything ? shes hot
all the instructions along with movie code and even actress name are written in the very post you're replying to, don't be so dumb, losing the ability to read because of horny.

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The site this banner links you to seems to be ded: https://nashikouen.net/
The Heyuri wiki even says so: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Nashi_Kouen

Do we just take down banners that lead to ded sites, or do we leave them up as mementos? On the one hand, it's a bit sad to throw out a perfectly-good banner, but on the other side, it'd be a bit morbid if, as the years pass, a lot of our banners turn from advertisements to tombstones: "Here lies Nashi Kouen. It was a neat site" dark
Though I'm not actually worried; I was just curious enough to warrant discussion.nyaoo
Maybe redirect it to teh wiki
I've had no idea it died, well rest in peace nashikouen
>On the one hand, it's a bit sad to throw out a perfectly-good banner
maybe it could be put to teh wiki page

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bug: you can't open strange world in the frames view in firefox
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are you a frog?
Kaguya is SO CUTE blush
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Sweet baby kaguya trips on the server rack sometimes because he's still taking his first steps.
Please be patient and understand! Be sure to cheer him on while he does his best to get through early life's hurdles! happy
ZOMG! ! ! blush
You got this, chiisana Kaguya-chan!!! ( ´ω`)
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Is it possible to add support for .webp?
Honestly, i haet this format due to not being able to upload it here on Heyuri. There are work around, but its frustrating and annoying.
I hate webp too, which is why i made a converter which turns webp images into png files via drag and drop. id rather it turn them into jpegs but for some reason i couldnt figure that out... ( ´ω` )
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I wrote that too, very soon on your heyuris
ur awesome! waha

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So are we now officially anti 3D loli?
I saw on /s all the JS/junidol threads have been AS.

Honestly the moderation feels skyzophrenic and amateurish. It's like there is a conflict of personal value between what they want to allow or not.

Just choose a side and stick to it. Do we want to ban imagery of little girls for sexually gratifying purpose, or not?

I think we should allow images of (non-illegal) skimpily clad 3D lolis (which is pretty much in the spirit of Japanese culture, since you know, they were still producing massive amount of junidol movies of girls as low a 6, up until 2014 when they received too much pressure from the west to become more like the west).
If the moderation doesn't like it because "But then HEYURI WILL ACTRACT PED0FIELS!! AND THEY WILL SAY THEY LIKE LITTLE GIRL" just change the moderation.

"Heyuri is strong because of diversity of topic". Well this is the ultimate test of acceptance.
Japanese media and otaku culture for the longest time were able to have harmony between the "FOR LULZ" culture and "I want to bukkake this cute little girl". Turns out the majority of Heyuri's userbase is not japanese and is incappable of accepting it all. Maybe we can consider the experiment failed. You will never be japanese (YWNBJ). Even western pedophiles can't act or behave like japanese pedos.

If it only took some random twitter poster to start AS all 3D loli posts, then it's disapointing to see what has happened here.
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>I autosage'd a handful of similar-themed threads (mostly made by a single user) clogging up the front page of a stagnant board based on the suggestion of another mod and other users - this was to give new threads a chance to flourish

That's not how imageboard works.
There is no "front page", it's not reddit. "Posts preventing other posts to flourish" what are you talking about?

I'm guessing this is where all the miscommunication comes from. Some mods is treating heyuri like it's twitter or facebook, as in, some posts are "promoted" or pushed forward while others are held back.

So you want to prevent "bad" posts from being put on the spotlight... Well this problem has been fixed a million times already, it's called reddit/twitter/facebook you name it. A single user is not able to "clog up" those website, is that the system you're looking for?

The reason why 4chan had/has a completely different voice is because it's not based on popularity contest, it's based on reaction and user activity.

The only job a mod has is to enforce the rules and ban offenders.
Different boards are there to catter to different people.

People who want to post and see Loli stuff will post and watch /l
People who want to post and watch 3D content will go and watch /s

Imagine if a 4chan user who has interest in discussing in /jp were complains there's too many pics of Trump and Hitler in /pol. What would you tell that person?

Now it appears that despite Heyuri being an imageboard, it's acting more like a giant /heyuri board that also kinda would like a system more similar to reddit.

I'm not saying it's stupid or not, I'm just saying the values don't align.
U seriously need to lurk moar sweat2

>There is no "front page", it's not reddit.
There is a "front page" - the first page of the board index. That's always been a thing on 4chan & other imageboards, and it's even more of a thing on Heyuri since we're much lot slower (and glacial on /s/). Additionally, we have an overboard that shows all the threads on all the kokonotsuba imageboards (minus filtered ones) in one place as if they were a single board

>some posts are "promoted" or pushed forward while others are held back.
It's called age (AKA bumping) and sage, and they do exactly that... unless a thread is autosage'd, either automatically through being too old (a feature only enabled on Off-Topic as far as I'm aware) or by manual staff-san intervention. Again, these features are things on 4chan and other imageboards

>The only job a mod has is to enforce the rules and ban offenders.
We're not simply "mods" even if that's what the capcode says. Heyuri staff-san work on developing the site software, hosting additional boards/features, organizing events, and generally trying to help grow the userbase and keep Heyuri as "the place to be"

However, we do have a rule known as "No more board dominationz allowed by a single user/topic", as mentioned here: https://www.heyuri.net/#news54 - this came about because certain users were constantly posting and bringing up a certain "topic" in nearly every thread, preventing new threads from going in different directions (and eventually they just spammed the entire site with it)

>People who want to post and watch 3D content will go and watch /s
Yeah... unless they also don't want to see preteen girls in bikinis, in which case they have no choice but to stop visiting /s/ and filter it from the overboard sweat2
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>there is no front page
this might surprise you but at the bottom of each board is a pagination, and when you open a board the first page is what you see. this is the "front page" of that board

there's also the overboard, which is even more of a "front page"

>So you want to prevent "bad" posts from being put on the spotlight
what do you think sage does, because it's exactly this

also a single user can dominate those platforms... but you don't use them, so you can be excused for not knowing that

it's also worth noting that as doesn't delete the thread, just stops it from being bumped. you can still post in the threads, no one is stopping you!

>all the twitter bawwwing
😝 tongue xd
>Honestly the moderation feels skyzophrenic and amateurish
>You will never be japanese (YWNBJ)
...this should have warranted b&hammer then, OP could later remake the thread following site rules
>There is no "front page"
n00bs like me cant into front page dark

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hi ayashii hispa is a ayashii for hispanic people you know some beanards a spaniards, i think is the firts ayashii for spaniards
here is the link: https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/nigga/ ignore the nword
the new link: https://ayashiihispa.neocities.org

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we need a retro, y2k, 2000s board
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Good autistic
you should be mad because a lot of people are redefining and co opting culture for their own profit and for political motivations.
Just liking a style or old-thing is not the same as what is going on now specifically with 2000-2010 cultures.
isn't that just this whole site kind of. i noticed the rules try to make it that way. like no modern meme stuff last i checked etc. but i'm kind of confused about the emoji's and stuff. i feel like all that should be restricted to one board, maybe /b/ is suited for it? the quality of this site will never pick up if it's only frequented by tiktokers or those types that are obsessed with pretending to be nerdy or i guess "otaku" and whatever.
>you should be mad
No I shouldn't biggrin

>i noticed the rules try to make it that way. like no modern meme stuff last i checked etc.
Teh rules are to keep out party p00pers and compulsive whiners, that is all smile
>like no modern meme stuff last i checked etc
I don't think there is now, unless you think emoji from 2004 are "modern memes"

>but i'm kind of confused about the emoji's and stuff
>i feel like all that
If you are trying to make a point, using phrasings like "and stuff" or "all that" doesn't help...

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it's like the site is asking, "do you want a hooker or do you want to abandon the world of 3dpd"
if you arent used to seeing real tits ur a fucking fag
well said
but i have never seen real tits

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Really nigger you auto saged the thread 3 days after it was created?

You all really are a bunch of homosexuals.

If you hate pedophilia that much go to Reddit.

Lolis are a part of imageboard culture.
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dont old threads just get autosaged on page 2 or 3? if you look at older threads, theyre also saged... doesnt seem like discrimination to me. ┐(゚~゚)┌
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>You do realize i am not the only anon on this site that makes pedo/loli threads, right?
Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after all xd

>Plus, i do make non-pedo threads too are the staff gonna auto sage those too?
No, the topic is only your rorikon threads.
While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/"

>Stop treating me as this boogeyman of Heyuri who shits up the board
Weren't u okay with it at >>68083 ?
>Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after all

I know you are joking here but that wasn't my point the point is there are other people on here who post the same type of content as me.

For example, awhile back there was a Shirley temple thread posted here which i did not make but did post in.

>While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/"

Because Off Topic is /b/ and not entirety true i have seen other anons do it too.

>Weren't u okay with it

I don't care if people don't like me nor my post but if you blame me for shit i didn't do then i care.
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>90% of the users, mods, and admins are pedos
well that just fucking ruined the site for me.
The percentage isn't that high - it's just that a couple of 3D loli lovers on here are very "loud 'n' proud" and won't STFU about it because they're MAPfags who are very obviously trying to persuade others to accept them and become pedophiles themselves

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When embedding a flash in a board other than /f/ (e.g. /b/), the space allocated for the flash is a square, even if the flash doesn't have a square aspect ratio.

For example, a wide flash will be allocated a square space like in the picture. The flash will only be played in between the bars, looking ugly. But it gets worse. Some parts of the flash will be played outside of the bars, outright breaking some flashes.
this is a known issue: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/135

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Red messages anouncing events should also appear on the overboard, imho
site should announce when its dinner time too so we can come to eat together like piggies (´¬`)
they will soon(?)

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Maybe add an additional way to go to next/previous page with arrow keys?

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kaguyerz I am unable to /up/load 😢
when i /up/load the page keeps loading forever
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It's most likely an issue with the cloudflare server in your area
>i dont have any VPNs unfortunately
A web proxy should do the trick too
why would that even happen? what an odd thing
>why would that even happen?
Probably some CF workers slacking on their job, prease forgive them (´・ω・`)
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if this big webm uploads that means everything's fine
should i just use whatever free proxy i can find on google? i heard it can be dangerous

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Anyway we can add gurochan since it has some user cross over and same ownership as well as reach out and try and see if an oldfag textboard like tinychan or minichan want to link up?
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>Anyway we can add gurochan since it has some user cross over and same ownership
This has been discussed before, but those interested in guro will find GUROchan on their own anyways, and same owner doesn't make the two sites related to each other
>as well as reach out and try and see if an oldfag textboard like tinychan or minichan want to link up?
As with most Western BBSes, I think they seem to suffer from R7 & R8 too much for us to link up with sweat2
I'd welcome linking up with other BBSes if they are more in-line with Heyuri's atmosphere, or at least with its rules, regardless if they are new or old sites. Of course, non-BBS sites that meets the criteria may link up with Heyuri as well nyaoo-closedeyes

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