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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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are vtuber memes banned?
Virtual youtubers and things related to them aren't inherently B&, but if something is an annoying Rule 8-esque Western/4chan-derived meme that happens to feature a VTuber, then maybe
what about a vkuber?

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i made this banner, a whole year ago. i thought it was funny at the time but then realized it fucking sucks including design wise, and i dont know what the password is to delete it

so i think it would be a good act to get rid of it to make everyone's lives better
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THIS ONE TOO!! (modsama-bnr)

i cant believe i was able to make such cancer just a year ago...
I think teh banners are fine. no need to get rid of them smile
Noep cool
how is it possible for you to actually like that

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Why is Kaguya on the soyjak party modlist?
Could you post the link, I'm trying to find it to know if this is true but I can't find it
The link to what? I found it ITT:
I had admin access on everything related to Kolyma
was it revoked after kuz dropped most his sites?
If you mean on the s*jak site, my involvement was just a matter of doing minor technical stuff and sometimes removing illegal/resource-heavy(as in causing strain on the server) spam when users alerted me
I just checked if my login works for the first time since kuz left and seems it doesn't work anymore, which is quite expected

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Heyuri now mutually links with Ayashii World@Shinkai 10000, A Japanese Ayashii World instance with an emphasis on being underground
So feel free to (use some translator if necessary) chat with them ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Link: https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/qovu13r58x/
eh? but the more I talk there, the less underground it will get! sweat2

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one word story is b0rked
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>at some point
BEHOLD: https://cgi.heyuri.net/misc/one-word-story.html
(i am not gonna read it now)

It's... Beautiful... I'm so happy i partook in this mastershit ヽ(T∇T)ノ

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Unfunny and annoying tiktok/i"funny" meme


I am in your walls
I am in your walls
I am in your balls
I am your balls

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I believe it's a group of scammers, but the reason they use CP spam is that people nowadays are smart enough to report being scammed - but nobody's dumb enough to do that when they were trying to buy CP ( ´ω`)
I belibe that spam-kun is a fellow hayurisen who wants to share his wonderful cheese pizza collectierz, he deserves more respect!
>I belibe that spam-kun is a fellow hayurisen who wants to share his wonderful cheese pizza collectierz
Well then his collection sux cuz he always reposts the same picz over and over, and his fail linkz never delivar the goods - that's why he's B&! angry
you may find this discussion interesting

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Mods please delete this whole thread, it will only bring these people back if it's still up
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I was a namefag before that and I'll stay a namefag after closed-eyes2
It is possible for two different people to use the same name in @chat. Therefore, if all the people who are not comfortable with being recognised use the name Anonymous and choose the default colour, you will be able to post without worry.
thanks, anons. ( ´ω`)
it's not that I dislike namefagging, but I find it hard to socialize with the namefags now, they have their own banter and jokes, if you're not aware of it you can just sit and watch.
If you have any trouble understanding what the hell I'm saying (as most people do) I can always explain!! biggrin
Thx for being nice to me guys

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Hi Heyuri, as you might have noticed, some of our CSS have been missing due to some issues with their licenses lately. So we are taking some CSS submissions now smile

This is the chance to show off your CSS skillz. If you want to participate, just create them (you can simply base Futaba's CSS if you aren't l33t with CSS), submit them to 2ちゃん ( https://2ch.sh/warota.php ), give them a name and link it ITT.
If you can't do any CSS at all, you can still write your ideas under this thread so perhaps you will inspire someone more skilled to make it a reality.

Only on Heyuri you can see the admin is asking users for CSS... sweat2
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I will, but first I'll try setting up my own local kokonotsuba board to make it easier... inb4 it's not easier xd

Speaking of kokonotsuba, maybe Heyuri's CSS and other static files should be added to teh github - I noticed that the templates on there are still linking to all the stylesheets hosted on kncdn.org, when really it should come its own and use those instead
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congratz biggrin

I think simply removing CSS via page inspector and using Stylus' live preview option would work fine too, but having a kokonotsuba board of urs should be useful in long term
>I think simply removing CSS via page inspector and using Stylus' live preview option would work fine too
I've done that before - it's fine for making little changes on top of the existing styles, but it's really annoying and frustrating when trying to overhaul the existing styles themselves dark

>but having a kokonotsuba board of urs should be useful in long term
Yeah, should make experimenting with things and potential fix0rz a lot easier smile
I added some CSS options that were used outside Heyuri or created by users. To view them:

1- Go to [Settings] from top right (you will need JS for this, if you don't have JS enabled then you should know what you're doing anyways)
2- Click on "Style"
3- Select Futaba from bottom
4- Input each of these individually:

@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/critea_space.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/darkach.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/fuuka.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/gold_edition.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/gorechan.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/gurochan.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/gurodark.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/kurayami.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/loliach.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/loliboard.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/midnight.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/negachan.css";
@import "https://static.heyuri.net/css/koko/usercreated/sosach.css";

kuz for sosach, darkach, fuuka, gorechan, gurochan, gurodark, loliach, loliboard, midnight
satancap for critea_space and gold_edition
anonymous heyuri user for negachan
komeo for kurayami
me for some tweaks

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is this r8?
Why would it be?
It's just a Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei quote
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ah i see, my bad then. it reminded me of this type of post you usually find on r8 websites

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mods pls unban me
i will not say any anti-racist slogans again. also i didnt know that saying black lives matter violated rule 8 somehow
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Both 91216 and 91218 you posted are Rule 1 and Rule 8.d, and they deserve longer than just 1 day that mod-san gave out
I thought it was appropriate in this case, since OP was clearly joking and, that's really the most fun you can get when you're dealing with "those" kinds of people (I'm referring to the OP of that /b/ thread)
>since OP was clearly joking
you have sum high expectations from internet users these days sweat2
in any case, those posts were way too out of place considering the serious replies it got
the OP of this thread I mean

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violates the laws of atlantis and a bunch of others
shut up nigga ph34r
ph34r There is no god other than Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

violates rule 4 (FBI entrapment attempts harm other users) and rule 3 (no spam)
hello kuz! biggrin
What does k*z, may his name be insulted, have to do with this?

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ever since the ddos heyuri often takes a lot longer to load, im talking 3 or so more seconds and sometimes it would straight up timeout the connection although this is very rare.
I've noticed most sites take a second more to load ever since i changed providers but none are as bad as heyuri, does this happen to anyone else?
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>ever since the ddos heyuri often takes a lot longer to load
Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA, so I assume that's the reason behind that unless Americans experience it too.
In my experience it's not taking any longer than other sites to load unsure

>sometimes it would straight up timeout the connection
It's rare but I experience it too, there isn't really anything I can do about it since it doesn't seem to be a software/server issue sweat3

>Might have something to do with the Cloudflare protections that were put in place
It's not, there are no additional protections on for a while now
>Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA
i didnt know that, that might actually explain the loading time
Am I the only person who's had it load FASTER since the ddos unsure
I'm American, and I've noticed it a few times even after being whitelisted
>Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA

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