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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Can we haz a setting to automatically remove EXIF data from images? Hopefully it's not too hard to implement. foruda
I'd like to post cool vacation pix from my phone w/out painstakingly strip them of the metadata/doxx myself.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
The end of an era...
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Rule 8 violation. Mods, ban him.
he's quoting the commit comment

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Please make a monkey board where we can post videos of cute/funny monkeys. Thanks.

If kaguya reads this, please let me know your answer .
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
A monkey is how we got the site back, put some respect on them!
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A dedicated monkey board isn't really a bad idea, but I couldn't think of a fitting title for it so I'll put it to hold for now. Certain ape clans could feel excluded and revolt if we just called it Monkey@Heyuri
>> 58 KB
I was gonna suggest the name Monkey Business@Heyuri.

But I see your point about ape minorities feeling insulted, so maybe it would be best to leave this on the shelf. The last thing we want to deal with is gorilla fighters staging another revolutionary ape war against their chimp overlords...

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Greentext/misusuing quote. Recommend a permanent ban
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Does heyuri keep exif data? unsure
A: Yep, it does.
Yes, https://jimpl.com/results/f9Y1hAJscRBgj6f8mYkckkjF?target=exif
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...what about now? huh

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I can tell whenever an english speaking moderator "revises" kaguyas news posts. Stop doing that. His turkglish is cute and shouldnt be changed. Either that or his english is getting better (Nooooo ;_;)
He's just gotten better at English, nobody is rewriting his posts xd
My English b0rks are probably more noticeable in real time chat sweat2
Kaguya trips (´∇`)σ

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Is there a thread archive of some sort? There was an interesting movie in the documentary thread whose name I forgot cry
Unless you or somebody else used archive.today or created a manual archive, unfortunately not sweat2

You can try asking on Off-Topic if anyone remembers what was posted

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-oomer meme

I think that boomer and zoomer are too embedded in the modern lexicon (especially if you are to allow ANY discussions about generations) to be banned. When rule 8 was written it was kind of a meme term and now its actually used. I guess you could just write "gen z" though.
That's a weird excuse. Other r8 phrases are also "embedded" in modern slang. Let's remove teh rule 8 all together since other words are also widely used!... see how dumb it sounds?
It's a word to be avoided whenever possible. Deleted and reposted with "gen z" instead
Well maybe rule8s fucking retarded
Not as retarded as you, grumpy-kun tongue

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Hi, everyone... I am a noob... how do I post a replayable drawing on /o/? It seems so cool... Well, I look forward to making hentai for everyone. I like this culture. :^)
Just make sure "Save playback" is checked before you start. The replay will be saved automatically.
As long as u have "Save Playback" selected and use an oekaki tool that support playback, it should work

I'm not sure which of the various tools support playback exactly, but I know for sure that PaintBBS NEO and Tegaki do sweat2

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-oomer meme yet again

It's in the OP pic itself, so you might as well just delete the thread entirely...

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ah... that was pretty quick
so what is it? tranny? this word has been used for a long time and it's not the core of my post nor the picture. Do you want me to say "transgender" instead? Is it because I used "le" in an ironic way? come on guys
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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>so what is it? tranny?
Right on the money.
Discussion about transgender stuff has been banned for a while to prevent falling into the typical trap of turning into another 4chan, where topics are dominated by politicized arguments and buzzwords being thrown around like hot pancakes. Heyuri isn't about antagonizing each other to get a rise or prove some sort of vaguely defined point, so we want to avoid creating that environment. It wouldn't matter whichever way you chose to say it, either; it's banned altogether.

>it's not the core of my post nor the picture.
Be that as it may, the point of enforcing Rule 7 is to discourage discussion about it in the first place. This isn't 4chan, but you have that place and many other avenues to discuss it if you'd like. This is not one such avenue.

I deleted the file specifically because your thread would have been fine if not for that. Poking fun at other sites isn't forbidden, and there's been plenty of that directed toward neocities/web revival groups in the past.
"Ironic shitposting" breaks Rule 8, 'nuff said
"Ironic" posting is always shittier than people being serious
uh... Censor the word tranny and post it again. I think neocities is due some more mockery right now ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I fail to see how the simple mention of the word tranny is "discussing it" but whatever

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How it feels to see /b/ update finally (it's a rule 7+8 thread that's clearly made by soyjak people)
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didn't know that /jp/ is also against greentext
this board is only for Heyuri's discussion

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I feel like posting AI "art" in such an OC driven image board should be worthy of a thread delete ( ´,_ゝ`)
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> 815 KB
no need to be butthurt over AI. just fap! maybe I'll even start an AI thread and take requests...
what checkpoint and loras did you use here astonish
>> 915 KB
I used NovelAI. it's trained on danbooru, so you can imitate artists well and you can even just make your prompts a collection of tags. sadly it's subscription-based and only the highest tier is worth anything (not because it gives you a crap ton of credits, but because it lets you generate images using default settings without using up any credits)
>> 1426 KB
but I will add that it's pretty quick to get decent results with, and having the ability to make your waifu in a variety of poses, styles, and outfits on command is pretty intoxicating. sadly it's not easy to do complex scenarios/fetishes with it yet.
>> 1473 KB
posted wrong pic (that version had a bad hand)

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Waha-sama finally made a chat just for hakoniwa, now the boring war stuff is somewhere else ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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You're proud, eh? unsure
Sorry, whats wrong with the green text? sweat
We have a rule against misusing the quote function to write "greentext stories", lists, >implications, etc.

It helps keep the 2008+ 4chan AIDS away biggrin

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