I don't wnat to be a moral-zealot, but I believe that Heyuri could face legal issues for hosting pictures of a dude masturbating to pictures of children So uh maybe it should be a bannable offense
videos of murders are legal so I don't see why videos of a guy blasting cum onto photos of fully clothed children would be illegal
I outright don't like it, but I also can't think of a law that would make it illegal, so if it stays, ┐(゚~゚)┌There are more questionable things on /s/ honestly, although even then I don't think there's anything that would actually present any real legal challenges, maybe just a "don't fucking do that" from the host at worst if push comes to shove.>>67912>videos of murders are legalare they legal? that's a real question too lol
We don't have a lawyer to ask, but as far as I'm aware, videos of sum random dude masturbating to and ejaculating on legal and non-sexual photos/videos of children does not constitute as child pornography in and of itself in the US. It might constitute as "obscene", but nobody really gives a shit about obscenity - it just gets thrown in there for good measure when people are convicted for more tangible thingsFor what it's worth, 8chan (which started as an "anything goes as long as its legal" site) B& any kind of photo or realistic image of children in a "sexual context". "Sexual context" included the user's own comment, as well as the nature of the board it was posted to. E.g. a simple reaction image of a child would be fine on /v/, but would be B& on a NSFW board or pedo discussion board. Any kind of revealing/skimpy clothing, "child modeling", etc. was B& regardlessPersonally, I'm in favor of Heyuri banning images/videos of 3D loli in "sexual contexts" and material that's obviously designed to arouse the viewer (which would include a lot of junior idol and child modeling material), while still allowing the kinds of thing you might find on Instagram, on stage, or in a clothing catalog (as long as the poster isn't st00pid enough to inform everyone they're aroused by it or are fapping to it). It'd make moderation a lot simpler and prevent the inevitable trouble that hosting such material always causes when the wrong people find out about itI've recently brought the topic up with kaguya however, and it seemed he was more in favor of keeping as much 3D loli material as viably possible - that's why there's been less moderation on it lately
I'm the poster in question, and to be honest I think it should belong to a "disgusting"/"no limits" board. Heyuri's /b (much more cute) is nothing like 4chan's /b (be prepared to be shocked if you visit that board). kohlchan has a specific /m thread which litterally means "disgusting" (black porn and scat stuff end up there). I saw a couple of "disgusting" posts in heyuri's /b so it must be the dedicated board for that, even though it only represents 1% of the board.It's also understandable people want to come to heyuri to enjoy some cute loli/jp discussion and don't want to be exposed to 4chan's /b level of obscenity. One solution would be to have a seperate /b obscene board which would not show in the /all timeline.(And just to clarify, I'm not posting them because I like trolling or shocking other people. I love cum tributes (especially for cute japanese kids) and I know some others do too. But I also know they aren't for everyone.)
(There's a literal picture of a turd in a toilet in /b. I find it more disgusting tbh but I didn't see any complaints for it.)
I think >>67914 should be demodded and b& on the basis that he wants to reduce the amount of loli on heyuri (a capital offense) and the loli cum guy should be promoted to admin. He's a cool guy that helps people find where to download junior idol videos and he doesn't afraid of anything.
>>67919Kaguya should be demoted for wanting more 3DPD
Rather than "want to reduce the amount of loli on heyuri" (I only mentioned banning photos/videos of sexualized/scantily-clad IRL kiddies), I want Heyuri to continue existing. If you've been around for more than 5 minutes, you'd know that virtually all pedo-tastic imageboards are dead, and were usually shortlived at that. There's a reason why, and it isn't because they just one day decided to shut downLately, Heyuri is being far more brazen than most previous attempts there have been at pedo imageboards, and I won't be surprised when shit hits the fan and our domain/server gets taken away - and we've got enough freedom with the current setup that it'd be a shame to lose eitherAnd regardless: Heyuri isn't simply a pedo/loli website, despite how much certain users (and staff-san...) have been trying to force it to be over the past 2 years
>>67921There are lots of clearweb sites distributing those pics and videos though. Sure Heyuri might have to change domains a few times and become heyuri.cum or something instead of .net but that's a small price to pay for being a paradise full of scantily-clad 3D lolis. We could settle on a compromise of banning 3D shota though because that's disgusting. Also, other sites like 8chan and Kiwi Farms that were booted off lots of hosts/services including cloudflare lost hardly any users as a result (until 8chan was shutdown permanently because of that little mosque incident lol).
>>67922We don't want 3DPD, we want 2D lolis Also changing domains is not easy nor cheap, so we'd like to avoid that
at least move all 3dpg lolis to /s/ so that i can filter them out from overboard
>at least move all 3dpg lolis to /s/ so that i can filter them out from overboardPls no. When I originally proposed the board, I'd envisioned a little sanctuary for good ol' fashioned hawt babes - not a pedo haven
I want to allow as much as I realistically can, that is, as much as our host is comfortable with So far teh only trouble I faced with this host was a video (from elsewhere) which contained a clothed child being present where adults were having sekkusu, so that's the current boundary until I get another warning.In 4+ years of its existence, Heyuri has not a single time got any warnings from its host or domain. I doubt we would see a sudden termination without any warnings for something like risque picz of some kids. If we get a warning about it however, we will then do the necessary and ban whatever we were warned about to keep Heyuri alive.>>67917Don't worry about that, likes of gore & scat pr0nz are perfectly fine on off-topic. Unless there comes a time where an individual or a group of people are trying to dominate the board with such stuff (or we decide there is otherwise an unwanted shift), they belong on off-topic.As for the discussion of loli on the 3D Girls board:First of all, it's crucial to not mix the discussions of "what is the extend of stuff we can host without getting Heyuri in trouble" and "what type of board we want 3D Girls to be". While first one is a objective discussion trying to keep Heyuri alive, the latter should not pay regard to any legal limits - which would later be applied on top of the "rules" we reach here.As I said in my first sentence, my only limits are legal ones. In a theoretical utopia where there are no laws limiting what we are allowed to fap to, I believe threads for both rori and adult fetishists could coexist in peace, so could mixed ones if that's something the thread topic allows. The discussion of "we are not a pedo site!" vs "true heyurizens are pedos!" is hereby highly lame and is a result of overthinking about what u get b0nerz from
>Personally, I'm in favor of Heyuri banning images/videos of 3D loli in "sexual contexts" and material that's obviously designed to arouse the viewer (which would include a lot of junior idol and child modeling material), while still allowing the kinds of thing you might find on Instagram, on stage, or in a clothing catalog (as long as the poster isn't st00pid enough to inform everyone they're aroused by it or are fapping to it)I think this is a pretty reasonable way to approach the issue. Don't ban the 3D ones outright—as AIBooru did—just limit it to the safe ones.Also I was also disgusted by that thread and had to hide it with the uBlock This level of appreciation goes to deepwebz. Be a cultured lolicon, goddamn, what do you think our reputation already is?>>67925The word "haven" resembles a "heaven"
I have 2 thoughts which are probably just rambling and might not add much to the discussion:1) Groups/websites/imageboards are ultimately defined by their do's and don'ts. If there's only one place that doesn't ban "X", then everybody who love X will come and stay to that place, as long as X is still allowed. Even if the place is welcoming for a lot more topics/subjects than just "X", it will ultimately dominated by "X"-lovers. That's why there's so much illegal content on the darkweb. It's not that the darkweb was created specifically for illegal stuff, but it's the only place that will host it freely.Why would you post legal porn on the darkweb, when you could do it in the clearweb?The point is: whatever rules heyuri allows, which other imageboards don't allow, will become it's defining trait.2) The eternal question of all internet communities is: how to be in a group where people like things you like, and don't share things you don't like. That's pretty much the "culture". We want people who like the culture fit in the culture, and people who aren't interested in that culture to not interact. It's difficult to establish and enforce a culture...
>>67929It's not fair to just think from a pr0nz perspective. There are plenty of loli and pedo focused sites on internets (clearnet and darknet), but in my experience they are too insufferable to interact with. What Heyuri offers is having fun regardless of the topic. If we are able attract fun seeking individuals, we're on the right track
>There are plenty of loli and pedo focused sites on internets (clearnetcan you provide a list plz ( ´ω`)
>>67932just about any site with the .jp TLD including amazon.co.jp which sells these ero 3D loli DVDshttps://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=西明梨亜
>>67921it doesn't really matter about what you want heyuri to be: it is defined by what it allows. we got a literal porn board now on top of half the boards being full of porn or hentai. people think of this site as being a loli/porn site because it acts like a loli/porn site.>>67927heyuri seems to have a very low reputation among both 4chan and other altchans.
>>67934I just searched for posts about one of my favorite anime on desuarchive and this was the result. If 4chan users don't like us we must be doing something right.
>>67935God, i forget how terrible that site is (;´Д`)
>it doesn't really matter about what you want heyuri to be: it is defined by what it allowsRight... and it allows what we want it to allow, which is entirely (besides Rule 2) based on what we want Heyuri to beRules and customs can change at any time, and have done numerous times already>heyuri seems to have a very low reputation among both 4chan and other altchans.Most imageboards have low opinions of other imageboards - and some even have low opinions of themselves LOL
>>67933But those are not communities. ┐(゚~゚)┌This thing on a screenshot was already dead when I found out about it.>>67934>we got a literal porn board now on top of half the boards being full of porn or hentaiHaving heavy focus on such stuff, it seem pretty Japanese spirited to me.>heyuri seems to have a very low reputation among both 4chan and other altchanswhich are always full of HATE. So bad people dislike the small, cute and funny.I meant lil girls lovers' overall reputation in my post, though.
>>67922just a reminder that that shooting was livestreamed on FACEBOOK. they just used it as an excuse to take down 8chan, which was already stagnate by then anyway.
>>67935I'm really glad they dislike us. Hopefully they stay far, far away. It's actually unbelievable how bad /a/ is. I'm thankful to have heyuri, really.>>67939You're being disingenuous. The shooter was an avid 8chan poster, wrote 8chan memes on his weapon, posted on 8chan about his plans beforehand, and shared his manifesto there the day of the shooting, if my memory serves me correctly.
>>67933is it legal in the us to have junior idol dvds and books shipped to me from japan?
>>68005It depends on the mood of the gov employee digging through your package that day, the mood of other bureaucrats deciding whether or not to schedule a court trial over it, if they think your politics align with theirs or not, and ultimately the mood of the judge that day to decide whether the humiliation of your town finding out you're a pedo is enough or if you should be further punished with jail time and the sex offender registry, also your local state/county/city laws might influence the decision a little too, but any of those laws could change between the last time you read them and the day you place the order. I'd recommend just pirating it, preferably through tor and/or a good vpn. This site I found uses takefile and upstore links, each allowing one free download per day per IP:https://aidol.asia/tags/wafl/And there's BTDigg as the loli cum guy recommended. Here's a 1.8TB torrent, but it still doesn't have everything:https://btdig.com/b1269e7208d9f202e9ecd17380b3f4da94b55126