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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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Why is it that when I make a post telling 98722-san to go fuck himself, I get banned for "making needlessly enraging posts", but 98722-san himself isnt banned for the same thing, even though he makes needlessly annoying and disgusting copypasted /b/ threads about eating shit every week? Or is it just because the mods jerk off to it that its allowed to stay?
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I am never EVER posting heyuri again.

Great job ANONWAHA AND KAGUYA, you just lost your most valued, best, and good poster.


You caused this.

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I'm trying to keep Heyuri a friendly site, that's why I'm deleting posts like "go fuck yourself" so everyone can feel at home. That said, if the content on the boards itself isn't to your liking, there simply isn't anything we can do especially when such content have been allowed and enjoyed by majority of the users. If you are serious, and I don't mean this sarcastically if it's not clear, goodbye! I hope you find other places on the vast ocean of internet that suits you better biggrin
I enjoy the poop threads but maybe there should be an alternate /b/ with no porn, ecchi or erotica allowed for people who aren't in the mood to get horny. Sometimes my PENIS is sore after cumming 5 or 6 times in a day and I want to avoid all places that could have porn until it heals. /jp/ and /lounge/ could be deleted to make room because they suck.
it's called /lounge/
although I do think empty threads with no content except porn should be auto-saged
also I am in total defense of the scat faggot
a shock thread would be if he posted shit pictures with no text and then left, but that's not close to what happened.
Hell, he didn't even post any pictures, are you niggers offended by what he said alone? what is happening to this site?? Users have become way too spoiled in my opinion, crying to the moderators whenever something they don't like is posted and then getting angry when they refuse to remove said post

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is there a reason why this is hidden?
i find it cool that this data is veiwable. is teh data sqewd because of bots? will this be added to kokonotsuba? or at least shared with me to put on some pear site?
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d-did u count?nyaoo2
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yah I did
it's 7x20 + 6
not if 2 of those woman are pregnant with twins!
correction: It's 147, seems there is one lady I forgot to include
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you're wrong, there are in fact 146 people .huh:

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you should add this to heyuri.
if you notice on /b/ looking at the file names on disk. that is unix time stamp + 3 milliseconds. but the milliseconds are b0rked to be around 114 seconds. so 2 images that the server received at the same second, have no real millisecond precision to differentiate the.
i forgot to add it to nashi my self. u can see teh test thread on last page and how the last 3 numbers are supposed to be
I forgot to add too, it's added now

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when i reply to someone all that happens normally is that the thread reloads but sometimes i get kicked off to the main page (i always keep noko in the email subject)
while on the main page if i want to reply to a certain post within a thread i usually click on the post number, by doing so it often just opens the thread, but there are times when the post number i wanted to reply to is automatically quoted in the textbox, BUT some other rarer times the OP post number is quoted for some reason, this too seems completely random

is my heyuri possessed by the random demon?!
becuase koko is fucking weird is why. thats the answer to everythang
I noticed that if u have auto-update turned on, clocking on posts which were here wehn you loaded the page will quote the post. But clicking on posts loaded by auto-update will reload teh page.
oh yeah, that happened to me too, didn't know it was because of the auto-update

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Kaguya, wake up! There's cheese pizza on /b/ (It's been there for an hour now glare2)

Sleepy everyone apparently...

I've baleeted it now at any rate, sorry it took so long sweat2

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(btw im sorry if this gets long.... i probably shouldve stayed out of this XD)

while i was gone too.. kuso (´~`) tho i have read thru what happened. honestly? im on neither sides. if either thought for a few minutes, i think this could have been avoided....

i will not say in detail to a bunch of people on an image board, but cosmo has her own problems with herself, i do not completely blame her for this. actually, i think every kid should learn safety so they dont end up in places like this. i was very lucky 2 unconsciously know this when i was rlly little.

im not gonna completely blame heyuri either. there is no rule where it says kids cant post imgs of themselves getting ready for school and etc, neither do they have an underageb&. i am not suggesting they should have one bcuz ik that will go against the kind of website they want heyuri to be, but at least a warning for kids before they see the site (though this is just a suggestion). communities like this is especially not good for kids that have their own problems, i dont think cosmo could rlly even help posting that thread. though showing other people who are kids can end up in something awful happening.

kidz, dont trust image boards or similar things! dont tell them ur age or face or name bcuz it will naut end up good! (also this is offtopic from this, but just bcuz i made this thread doesnt rlly mean ill be active again. it may take a while before im fully online everywhere again xd)
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im glad you faggots are getting banned
How hard is it to fake your age? All it takes is the bare minimum self-restraint.
do we want our girls to have self-restraint?
Yes, because then they would be more like me, and I could relate to them better.
cant get the attention of the entire set if you arent underage

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it delivers so it's fine nyaoo-closedeyes
It made my dick hard, therefore I'm leaving it up. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
あ, I baleeted it without checking what it was or checking here...

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I give up on this site, the only thing worth staying here for is hakoniwa.
goodnight, and goodbye
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they are b& for being underage. rulez were updated some days ago
they still r on chat and hakoniwa lol
Rule 0 doesn't apply to Heyuri★CGI currently
can you do something about the retards spamming nigger porn
if there was a flood, staff would delete it as soon as they see it so no point in reporting

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When @Chat was introduced, I was concerned that it would suck. I gave Heyuri a chance and didn't want to shit on mod's effort to port a new functionality to site. But right now, I just think Heyuri would be better off if @Chat were gone...

I would've liked to know WTF happened with bobo the chimpanzee but that was only shared in @Chat (albeit for understandable reasons i reckon), not even in the wiki. There was a Valentines card made by Angel in the homepage, but I have no idea of where it came from, so I'm assuming @Chat. It's like Heyuri has a backstage, which definitively wasn't like that before.
Everything during Bunkasai2023 was made publicly with no problem.

Separating users
I believe there's a group of friends which formed around the concepts: namefag-@Chat-CGI. And the group doesn't mix with the other users, but I think they could.
Someone who doesn't spend their time glued in front of a chatroom to follow what happened yesterday between 2 namefags, has no chance to understand what's being said most of the time in @Chat, and will be left behind. A big chunk of the wiki is undecipherable to most of the users, see what I'm talking about?
In the other hand, I feel some of the namefags barely even use the boards... (unless they've been all posting anonymously without me noticing, in which case... good job! ph34r)

Bulletin > chat
Liek >>66295-san said, @Chat has become Heyuri's de facto cultural hub, but it does a terrible job at it. Interesting info is drowned in hundreds of messages of namefags fooling around, which is funny but I can't read lines and lines of backlog, and everything past 200 messages gets baleted anyway. The discussion is moar organized with boards.
Also what's nice with bulletins is that anyone can join at anytime, while if ur 1 hour late in a real-time chat, the discussion is already over. Sometimes you'll ask questions to namefags and they'll never answer you because they don't know you. You're sure to have a discussion with all Heyuri users if you post in the boards, and not with the 10 people currently online in a chatroom. Interesting discussion should be moved to Off-Topic, Lounge and Strange World, @Chat is basically redundant.

Siphoning activity
We have moar users but Lounge, and maybe Strange World, are way less active than before. It's a shame, the spirit there is different from any chatroom. banana

Private OC
The OP picture and many others were posted in the chat but never outside of it. kaguya told them to also post in the boards at first, but he's given up now. It frustrates me to associate such a WINful picture with my negative message, so I implore the OC makers to at least release the OC they posted there, on /b/ and /o/ for example. That way it can be archived, and enjoyed by everyone!

Le Drama
Hopefully not that true in here, but I see sometimes namefags getting irritated at each others for personal reasons(?) Doesn't bother me since it's not my business, but it feels wrong to see Heyuri used for SRS BUSINESS.

I've seen 4chin projects with a shitcord server and they suffered the exact same symptoms. I don't absolutely want mods to pull back something they've worked on and the namefags to stop having fun, but yknow... at least some discussion about it.
I'm saying all of this because Heyuri has definitively changed and I feel a bit disconnected from it now.
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...actually that mite b harder than I first thought dark

1. there will always be cliques of users
2. different boards will always attract their own kind and be distinct
3. I forgot... fuck it

> everything past 200 messages gets baleted anyway. The discussion is moar organized with boards.
oh my gaaad its disappearing!1 WHAT???? like things dont just disappear. you've read the buddha haven't you??? E V E R Y T H I N G is fleeting my friend

yeah just wear a clownsuit like clownpiece and rape kids in your basement with soldering iron


PLZ FILTER The word nigger to MASTURBATING MONKEY pleasze I am a black man and I use BSD BSD BSD BSD FAGGOT KAGUYA is Linux looser.

In short, we shouldn't be too harsh to judge chat and this is merely complaining over nothing significant. The downtime on /lounge/ probably is much more related to the decline in general of text based bulletin boards which has been going on for some time now. Personally, I dislike /b/ and prefer to stay on /lounge/ and chat because it feels safer. /b/ is repetitive and there's been a general decline in quality over the last few years. This is obviously due to it being modelled (at least aesthetically) on 4chan's /b/ but feels more like a slower rule 8 abiding [s4s]. Its name and mere existence attracts the very kinds of people we have been fleeing from. I hope you keep this in mind.
I kinda regret typing too much and using big words liek "Secrecy", but the replies are interesting ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>I'd argue it's the same kind of "ephemeral" experience u get with fast-moving imageboards
I get the "you had to be there" mindset, but still @Chat is too fucking fast dark A lot of times the backlog gets replaced in one night...

>I also don't think there's any real reason to force users into using areas of the site they're not interested in
>Who is to know if the feature is gone that they wont also be gone?
That's the tricky part, and why I didn't advocate for outright deleting @Chat, but at least discuss about it. (the situation and rules have changed since I posted the OP and I'm all for keeping @Chat and its inhabitants now)

>or at least use our own Uploader
OC being lost in our own uploader's archive or another's makes no difference! I sometimes went patrolling on up.heyuri but it's way too tedious + i bet no one else does this... Lately there even was a cool iruyeh-tan design proposal, but it's worthless if noone knows about it!
maybe I'll maek a OC dump thread on /b/, that'll be a good occasion to post the OC that me and others' been missing out on.

>Hakoniwa Chat
Maybe that's where teh drama I saw was coming from.

Fucking lol'd. u hate /b/ because it's liek [s4s], I haet @Chat bc it's liek Discord. we aren't so different ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>1. there will always be cliques of users
as far as I know it wasn't that way before @Chat.

>how did they post that OC on chat? you mean they posted a link to it?
Yeah, they send catbox.moe links
>...actually that mite b harder than I first thought
I knew it xd

plz kami-sama make the meido rp happen
>OC being lost in our own uploader's archive or another's makes no difference!
It's completely different - catbox links can't be discovered if u miss the URL being posted (and can't be viewed regardless if it's an expired litterbox link), while Heyuri's uploader has a public list of links to every file contained on it in numerical order sweat2

I check it for new stuff regularly, and did so even b4 I had the ability to moderate it!

>I haet @Chat bc it's liek Discord
It's nothing like dicksword - IRC and web chat rooms were HUEG in teh 90s and into the 2000s, and there popular chat services like CompuServe/NIFTYServe's CB Simulator going back to the 80s. This is what Chat@Heyuri is akin to, with a little "Heyuri sparkle" on top - not a freaking notorious 2015+ gaming VoIP/chat/spyware "web app" with all kinds of AIDS attached to it dark

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On /b/, my email field is stuck on sage, and no matter how many times i clear my cache, it still says sage. So i sage every thread and post.

pls help
It's stored in ur cookies, not cache sweat2

I dunno about Chrome, but on Firefox: press F12 -> go to the Storage tab -> open Cookies on the left pane -> search for "emailc" -> right click -> baleet
you're destined to be the next sageman
Your words has no meaning! (´ー`)

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düzelt şunu koçum
should be fixed

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rule 8, no way to deny it
rule 7*
It's the old "It's gay to choose a side" FSB "Active Measure". Nobody wants politics here.

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Mods, it would seem like your favorite namewhore has posted a tik tok meme.
>Sad Hamster, also known as Hamster With Big Eyes and Violin Hamster, refers to a series of TikTok videos featuring a grey hamster with comically oversized eyes, similar to Hampter.
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Yeah, I already did. Sounds like a story cooked up to avoid sounding too obsessive.
"Oh yeah I was passing by the living room, and like, the TV happened to be on, and there was this chick-flick playing--i mean--HAHA I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE I ACTUALLY WATCH THAT CRAP LOL HAHAHA
Regardless of the veracity of my story (please keep in mind I live and study with young people, and am not a recluse nor a NEET) anyone slightly familiar with today's internet can spot a social media-derived meme, because, and I've said this already, they are very much all the same.
So even if I hadn't seen my, dare I say, "normalfag" colleague searching the picture to use as an avatar on scratch.mit.edu (I'm a first year computer science student) I would've instantly recognize it as a social media-derived "meme".
How DARE she post a gif of a hamster. Sacrilege! Rule 8 was meant to protect us from... *checks notes*... gifs that OP doesnt like

I hate the namewhores too but your still being retarded and the mod who deleted it is too
For your information, I deleted it closed-eyes
You are (slightly) retarded. But since you are cute, we all still love you

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Lately (and by lately I mean for the past half a year), the mods have gone wayyy over board with their interpretation of rule 8.

When the rule was created, it was meant to keep out the stifling, creativity-destroying repetitive images and posts that made alot of other imageboards boring. It banned alot of 4chan style ragebait, pepe posts, and certain imageboard lingo that tends to be overused to the point of exhaustion. Thats it. A simple rule to help keep Heyuri a little unique and clean.

But now, rule 8 is a monolothic word that is used to delete pretty much anything that doesn't fit in the microspecific larp that the mods expect us to engage in to use the site. Here are some of the things that I have seen people get banned for under rule 8:

1. Posting a gif or an image that doesn't actually violate any of the things mentioned in rule 8, but just happens to be somewhat new

2. Quoting something that wasn't posted (Use of the green arrow is now supposed to be EXCLUSIVELY used to quote a post you are replying to, NO. OTHERS. ALLOWED.)

3. Use of a word that came into existance after the early 2000s. Not even popular slang just words that are new and the mods dont like.

4. Any sort of opinion that the mods think didnt exist in the 2000s. For example, not being a pedophile, or criticizing/discouraging underage girls from posting nude pictures of themselves. Actually just disagreeing with the mods in general is banned.

5. Wait, why am I saying "the mods"? Its actually just one guy. Yeah, besides kaguya theres only one real mod and his name is anonwaha. He is basically an admin who deepthroats kaguyas dick hard enough that he gets to do whatever he wants including dox users. (a la looking at my ip, whether im on my phone range or not, and posting publicly "this is such and such user") or "Oh, its you again" or something along the lines of that. He runs the cgi chat and a few other things.

6. I may sound like a serial ban evader or someone with a bone to pick with him, but I have actually been using this site relatively uninterrupted since 2020 and am only banned about as often as anyone else. I am not saying this because I am annoyed i got banned.

Okay i am done making bulletin points. Basically rule 8 is way, WAY over applied today. Heyuri had one purpose, and rule 8 has one intention, to limit the monotony of template-style threads/replies which make every imageboard besides this one feel the same. It was not meant to be interpreted as a blanket ban on anything that has a fucking know your meme page.

Ironically, because of anonwaha and kaguya's new enforcement of rule 8, heyuri has LOST the exciting, originality it once had, and has become a predictable, boring, poorly moderated discord chatroom with the same types of threads day in and day out. And I am not even going to mention the fact that the staff here are literally encouraging children to post cp of themselves in threads then deleting it later (Im looking at you cosmo).

I already know that if anonwaha responds to this, it will be something along the lines of
>Well if u dont like how i fucked up the site, then leave! :insert smug kaomoji here:

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66308-san brings up a good point too - we have one camp of users always trying to pull site staff into being more lenient, and another camp of users always trying to pull site staff into being more strict. We can't please both camps at once. At best, all we can do is find a "happy" medium that "pleases" both equally (AKA not at all) sweat2

Regarding staff changes and rule implementation changes made in the "past half a year" or "around November", from what I recall:
- In September 2023, we figured out range bans were possible, and I also took a vacation and big moderation break for much of that month
- In December, kaguya b& Tor due to frequent abuse from ban evaders
- Around New Year's (I think?), one of teh April 2023 janitors was promoted to mod (meaning they can now hand out bans and change thread statuses rather than just delete posts and mute users)
- I've been less active in general over this period cuz I've been mostly working on Heyuri★CGI-related projects, and otherwise opting to take it easy nyaoo-closedeyes

Besides that, there's been no changes to Rule 8 since the time "needlessly angry/argumentative posts" was added in April 2023, nor any changes to how it's enforced (at least on my part)

Regarding making Rule 8 clearer: it's impossible for us to list every single thing that it may or may not cover + all contextual nuances. Such a list would also 1. be deserving of ridicule, and 2. be a convenient reference for those who wish to crap up Heyuri with it. The things that are currently listed give you a rough outline of what kind of thing isn't welcome, and it's mostly "phrases/images that are popular to troll with on 4chan and other troll-centric websites in modern times" plus (and this is where it's more difficult to determine) "various aspects of modern mainstream Western 'meme' culture"

In general, we've always stated that Rule 8 does NOT mean anything that's new/popular, and I've always advised Heyuri staff-san to leave things alone for kaguya or someone to deal with if they're not absolutely sure something breaks Rule 8 and to not immediately delete/ban something just because a report was made
Herez something to note: I'm actually way more lax about enforcing Rule 8 than I was around 2021~2022. You could have criticized me for your points 3 and 4 back then since I b& users who I didn't like the attitude of liek a lot more often xd
Enforcing of R8 is highly subjective, but can say I largely agree with anonwaha's approach. The other mod-san can be more strict or lax on times, and I think Nakura used to be also quite strict while he was around. At the end, this doesn't matter since the fun is being had on Heyuri happy
As for KYM reports - I'm >>66262 san, I do think it's くだらない but I sometimes decide to go along with it and delete when it's something trivial like unrelated file deletions. I agree with >>66297 in that thread

point 5 is something specific to OP, leaving that aside to handle in background

As for CGI chat: A small portion of the site users are using it. I think its only issue is making certain fun namefags prefer it over BBSes, but there isn't really anything we as moderation can do about their decisions. Another portion of Heyuri users don't want to see a lot of threads by them anyways, so maybe it's the internet kami-sama's gift to us for the sake of peace (´人`)

>Similarly, did u know there was once plans for Heyuri to have a secret staff-only imageboard?
To maek it clear, Heyuri had a staff chat back in the day too, it was helpful to announce stuff that only mattered for mods. Right now it doesn't matter since I have private communications of all mods to contact when necessary

Thanks for caring enough about Heyuri to create this thread OP biggrin
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Oh, so it's the hamster that spawned this? I was the one who asked for the hamster to be deleted
>When the rule was created, it was meant to keep out the stifling, creativity-destroying repetitive images
It wasn't removed because it's a tik tok meme, it was removed because it's yet another creativity-destroying repetitive low-res picture of an animal with slightly distorted features. That's the problem with all tik tok memes, it's not because they're modern. No, that's not the problem, the problem is that they're repetitive, I mean they're basically copy pasted at this point. You know why? Because no one on tik tok, or twitter or reddit or anywhere basically in the modern internet has any remnant of creativity in their corroded brains.
Now that I have explained the reason of my previous complaint, I actually agree with what OP is trying to say.
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>low-res picture of an animal with slightly distorted features
It's hard to explain but there was something I felt uncomfortable about this too, even tiktok aside it just felt out of place. It doesn't have anything to do with creativity though, considering any cat picture could be perfectly fit Heyuri despite one could call them "not creative" or "repetitive" too

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