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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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mod sama please remove cp

tor users gonna get banned now for a few hours cry
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i got it friend ヽ(´ー`)ノ
88023 and 88021 are cp, right?
I'm all in favor 4 oc, but ocp (original child porn) is kinda problematic, right? unsuremona2
What makes you think it's cp? It's impossible to verify
I think if we don't give a benefit of doubt here we wouldn't evar have camwhores. Either way I think he looks old enough to not cause us troubles.
Doesn't look underageb& to me
On an ethical level it probably isn't any worse or better (however you could make cp better ethically is beyond me) but on a not wanting to get shut down by the powers that be level it's probably worse as it likely makes the site look worse.

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How long do you guys wanna guess its gonna be till post number 88888 on /b/?
536 neko days and 6 heyuri-tan moments.
around 2 days?
Putting in my personal opinion, I feel like it's take either until 3-ish days, or somebody making a thread that attracts a bunch of replies (and doesn't get taken down for rule 8,,)

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I found a font that looks very identical to MS PGothic called MS PRGothic.
Should Heyuri's AA tag feature and the Pseud0ch Mona theme on /lounge/ add support for it?
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lol lisencing doesnt matter :33
I say that the Heyuri Classic CSS, in general, SUX. Sakomoto should be the default, but maybe tweak it a bit?
do this
if this happens, it should be the kurayami theme from world2ch

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Here are some differences between Mona and MS PRGothic.

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teh rule 8

a simple reminder to follow teh spirit of teh rulez is enough. it's christmas, after all! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no fun allowed or something
is the word cringy allowed?
just don't use it xp
it's cringeworthy

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As I promised in the townhall, here is the thread where you can post emotes you want to see on Heyuri. You can also suggest names for them, like :this:

I won't add whole lists like >>61466 but you can pick your favorites out of such lists and post them ITT.

Personally I want to see similar cute Heyuri-related anime icons. Bonus points if they were monthly anime/streamed at cytube at some point, but of course, anything goes.

OC is especially encouraged

Also I should say that I will add them at bulks. I need to edit many files to add them, so it would be easier on my side to not add one emote each time. Just saying this so you wouldn't think I am ignoring/forgot about this thread sweat2

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My attempts to make him look good and not have pixelated/torn edges failed. If anyone has enough skills to fix that, please do.
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Unlucky attempts.
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There are Kuma icons here that could be used or adapted:
Thank you for helpful suggestions. I wonder why his addition hasn't been proposed before...

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I feel like there should be a short hourly ban thing for if you're being too annoying
Ill even be the first test subject
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Looks like the proposal is going into effect now.

Should I delete 'good morning/hello heyuri' type threads, or let Mod-sama and kaguya autosage them? unsure
I deleted file just because I don't think anime girls with political opinion flags r good, but "good mornings heyuri" kind of posts should also be taken to the Chat@Heyuri. Of course, starting a thread about another topic with "good morning" or "hi heyuri" are exempt to this

In addition, plz stop randomly saying "hi" to users in threads (should also be taken to Chat@Heyuri), threads aren't meant to be small chatrooms and it can quickly derail them
I forgot to say since it wasn't teh topic, but blogs/personal "status updates" are also more fitting on Strange World than Off-Topic, we should start redirecting that too
Obviously this only includes personal matters, stuff like "I just finished X game" are good on Off-Topic
As I see observed, that's how Japanese people use their Ayashii World instances nowadays too

I hope this can solve most problems mentioned in this thread sweat2
Thank you, merry christmas
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I don't know where you got that frickin' picture but I need you to delete that ASAP

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can we have an easier way to upload banners... the thread with the 2ch link for it is deep down the depth of /q/
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Use frames! It's what all the cool kids do! cool

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Should blogposters/tripfags who make multiple threads a day be banned?


Vote here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I created heyuri account to vote this.
I'm baleeting votes from fags who voted multiple times - here's archives for how it was b4 baleetions for posterity: https://archive.ph/HuTyc https://archive.ph/0gNKG

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Make a separate loli board please please plea see please I'm begging you
I would rather die. xd
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k done biggrin
So that's where loli3 went...
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kaguuuyaaa why did you censor it I miss loliach

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(hope thats okay lol)
but i have very mixed feelings about this situation. ive known angel from another website for a while now, i want to say since maybe june? i can tell you she is not some adult man larping or even trying to larp at all. me and her were introduced to this website by our other friend (who has been defending her in threads), and we dont know everything about the site yet. how angel makes/replies to threads is just how she talks. i actually talk more ethusiastically liek that on other websites but when it comes 2 imageboards i try to fit in with the crowd (*´﹃`*). i really dont think she meant to spam the board, and was just trying to have harmless fun. we apologize if we have done anything wrong, tho!
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The main point made in that post (besides POST MOAR) is wrong anyways. See the link @ >>65659
We liek name users biggrin
OHH my bad i somehow didnt understand what that second bit was saying, i didnt learn english for 8 years to see grammar like that cry
Don't worry about something like that. Having barely conversational English skillz is the norm here 😄
Not throwing too much shade here, But I remember when that poll was starting out and the majority like 90% of heyuri users were religious Either Christian or Muslim. Now that numbers gone down and a swarm of party poopers are here.
>when that poll was starting out and the majority like 90% of heyuri users were religious Either Christian or Muslim. Now that numbers gone down and a swarm of party poopers are here
Damn, those kuffars!!1 angry

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make an official music board on 2ちゃん uploader
make it so that you can only upload audio formats
I liek the idea, but I'm not sure how to create a new board on it, its code is a bit messy.
I'll look into it soon
make it mp3 only!!
...why would you want that? glare

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heyuri is the new /s4s/ or what?
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Do the mods seriously have crushes on random people larping as little girls? Enough to let them trash up the whole board? unsure
Have u ever contributed anything original here anon?
I have a sneaky suspicion that nan nan is simply Mod-sama in disguise, reliving the joy of being a bratty 11 year old hyperactive loli with sodie pop and cocaine running through her bulging veins. Refresco?
>Do the mods seriously have crushes on random people larping as little girls?
Maybe u should learn what LARP stands for before using it wink
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>being a bratty 11 year old hyperactive loli with sodie pop and cocaine running through her bulging veins

I can't say much more than this, but listen: I talked with Mod-sama over Omegle (before it shut down) and Mod-sama is actually a 40 year old washed up hag working as a salarywoman who relives her glory days as a loli on the internet! And she has huge tits!

Oh shit... I think she might've heard that... I gotta go, guys. astonish

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(is that a word?)

Lately (or a bit more than just lately..), drawings on /o/ feel like they were drawn by middle schoolers at school breaks. I am considering adding a rule like "Don't use this board as your own personal doodlepads" (credit: 406-san)
This is a rule that would be enforced mostly by my or mods' discretion, so I should clarify this rule wouldn't mean that low quality drawings/unskilled artists aren't welcome

Here are few examples to things that would get deleted in the future:

Threads like https://img.heyuri.net/o/potiboard.php?res=480 would stay

Tell me what you think
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I just deleted few posts off /o/, but I intend it to be one-time thing so there isn't a reason for c. from >>61789 to happen. It is something I was worrying about as well

If it's the inactivity of it that turns you off, I'd suggest still checking it from time to time, at least whenever you feel like it. Actually, right now is a perfect time nosebleed

Now I understand what you complained there was more about some users were trying to force some lame characters they drawing to /o/, but you say:
>treating Heyuri like it was their own dumping ground for all their crappy low-effort drawings without considering that maybe other users don't want to see an entire page of shitty, low quality, not-even-having-the-decency-to-provide-LOLs OC DONUT STEEL
I completely agree, but don't think this one has much to do with the "personal" part of your message. Noone would have a reason to make such a deal of it if they were simply OC characters doing fun things, as there is no obligation to draw some character from existing series. That's why I think "personal doodlepads" is a fitting word in this case
>they drawing
they were drawing*
that sentence was particularly hard to write out..
After learning from my mistake, I guess so!
Should we step in again? unsure
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>Should we step in again?
I don't think so - the only doodle lately that's even close to being on par with the crap that caused this thread to be made is pic related, and it's just one pic rather than multiple pages of pics made in relatively quick succession sweat2

That being said, I swear to god they always intentionally wait for somebody to draw something freaking amazing before "gracing" us with their two-second turds that sit at the top of the index for ages...

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