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Why is it that when I make a post telling 98722-san to go fuck himself, I get banned for "making needlessly enraging posts", but 98722-san himself isnt banned for the same thing, even though he makes needlessly annoying and disgusting copypasted /b/ threads about eating shit every week? Or is it just because the mods jerk off to it that its allowed to stay?
Its clear the only purpose of these threads, which no one but him finds good, is just to disgust and annoy other users...
>Or is it just because the mods jerk off to it that its allowed to stay?
That's not the only reason they are allowed.

>even though he makes needlessly annoying and disgusting copypasted /b/ threads about eating shit every week?
First of all, there is no rule against "needlessly disgusting posts".
From what I could gather with search engines is that his threads (this is the second I remember of, the other one was several months if not over a year ago) about his sister's poop are original content. You claim his posts are repulsive thus annoying you, but I think that's just a little better than someone claiming our lolicon posts are ethically wrong & noone finds them good and thus made just to annoy users.

There was another user who was just posting their own feces on Off-Topic as well, and I did delete their threads when I deemed it was getting too frequent and started to annoy users who initially enjoyed the threads.

Attacking OP by posting "Go fuck yourself weirdo." is Rule 8, there is no use in arguing about this. You can make negative posts (like 98723-kun did, although it's worth noting he is a certain ban evader too) when you don't like the content, that's really another story.
If u can't handle a little scatological discussion, ur on teh wrong website wink
Scatfags are no better than furries or gorefags. In fact, they're worse since on rare occasion you get things like Nanachi. They love what's grotesque and repulsive. Even people who hate lolicons, don't think the lolis themselves are vile.
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Remember when Heyuri had more variation on the imageboards then loli threads, shock imagery, and porn? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Heyuri used to have a quality filter. It used to be different to other altchans because, unlike other sites, it wasnt just recycled shock content and porn (or people turning mundane threads into porn...) 24/7. Now Heyuri is just an altchan like every other site with 24/7 porn, shock content, and copypastas, minus pepes and wojacks.
I remembrar when the general Heyuri consensus was "if it was allowed/commonplace on Futaba Channel or old 4/b/ then it's allowed on Heyuri", when the only one complaining all the time about Heyuri was faganon, and when everyone else accepted that they had to be the ones to post whatever it was they wanted to see more of biggrin
Furfaggotry is harmful to animals, gurofaggotry is harmful to whoever is being mutilated, but if I want to eat my wife's shit in the privacy of our own bedroom and post about it on heyuri then no one is harmed. Modern medicine can help make you almost immune to all the diseases in your wife's shit and if she eats healthy I'm pretty sure that reduces the amount of diseases in her shit. If I take lots of vitamins everyday it strengthens my immune system enough to handle her shit so one could argue that eating shit is actually a healthy lifestyle choice because it's a great incentive for both of us to stay extra healthy.
I remember when u were not a huge faggot! Wait no i dont...
I am never EVER posting heyuri again.

Great job ANONWAHA AND KAGUYA, you just lost your most valued, best, and good poster.


You caused this.

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I'm trying to keep Heyuri a friendly site, that's why I'm deleting posts like "go fuck yourself" so everyone can feel at home. That said, if the content on the boards itself isn't to your liking, there simply isn't anything we can do especially when such content have been allowed and enjoyed by majority of the users. If you are serious, and I don't mean this sarcastically if it's not clear, goodbye! I hope you find other places on the vast ocean of internet that suits you better biggrin
I enjoy the poop threads but maybe there should be an alternate /b/ with no porn, ecchi or erotica allowed for people who aren't in the mood to get horny. Sometimes my PENIS is sore after cumming 5 or 6 times in a day and I want to avoid all places that could have porn until it heals. /jp/ and /lounge/ could be deleted to make room because they suck.
it's called /lounge/
although I do think empty threads with no content except porn should be auto-saged
also I am in total defense of the scat faggot
a shock thread would be if he posted shit pictures with no text and then left, but that's not close to what happened.
Hell, he didn't even post any pictures, are you niggers offended by what he said alone? what is happening to this site?? Users have become way too spoiled in my opinion, crying to the moderators whenever something they don't like is posted and then getting angry when they refuse to remove said post

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