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Is the old /q/ thread about quotelinking the OP archived? I would rewrite what stayed on my mind in the worst case, but it would be useful for some of the newer users who don't seem to get it
Don't worry about it.
>Is the old /q/ thread about quotelinking the OP archived?
Dunno, but the gist of it is that by clicking [Reply] on a post, you're already replying to that post (the OP) or the thread in general by default. The entire point of quotelinks was to make it clearer when a reply was directed towards something other than those

Quotelinking OP is entirely redundant and teh st00pid, but's its not like people never quotelinked the OP in the past - it's just that it became significantly more commonplace (and in fact, the norm) since the (You) feature became widely adopted around 2013

This lead to everyone suddenly feeling obliged to quotelink fucking everything, and even going so far as to intentionally break their quotelinks to send a "fuck you" to whoever they're repling to - this is because (You)s are apparently like crack to these n00bs, and the denial of the (You) is somehow considered a punishment... how far things have fallen dark
>the gist of it is that by clicking [Reply] on a post, you're already replying to that post (the OP) or the thread in general by default.
If it's ambiguous whether a reply is supposed to be a reply to the OP specifically or to the current conversation in the thread, then I feel that disambiguating this is justification enough for quotelinking the OP.

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