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this was not r8
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Are you really asking why a tranny image was deleted and anime/otaku related weren't? I think you got a wrong imageboard, unless you're a sharty refugee. Iirc they always said that Heyuri was full of trannies (how ironic)
no jokes allowed on my random board!!!
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?
I found that 4chan post AFTER deleting those images and banning u for them - it had nothing to do with the deletions/ban, I was just using that link to show other users what was posted so they can see why teh b& was justified. I could tell it was from 4chan due to the filename, so I searched a few archives to find it, and didn't feel liek posting it myself closed-eyes2

Quoting kaguya's post on teh front page:
>Ban discussions about Trans stuff: Internet is full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri. This became a very politicized topic anyways, so Rule 7 is now more strictly enforced for this topic. The only exception is when the topic is the gender of a fictional characters.

Lame smartphone selfie images were already borderline Rule 8 to begin with depending on their contents, but anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason = Rule 7. See >>64706 4 moar details and past discussions
>Lame smartphone selfie images
>anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason
was 4 lolz
>full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri.
I'm bored of hearing about it too

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Would this be considered rule 8?
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My ISP hates archive.is for some reason now, so I cant view the forum post (;´Д`)
sounds like you need to change isp. that should be illegal for them to do thatangry
Try replacing .is with .vn, .ph, or .li
Sometimes changing your DNS is all you need
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Limonov mentioned astonish onigiri

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What's up with all the blogposts?
the 4th one is funny, but the other ones i could definitely see as blogposts
3 out of 4 of these at least have potential for discussion and lolz, i'd say these aren't that bad. Better than most posts you'd find on bant, s4s or wherever else
I'd give an example but i can't even make up something so boring and not worthy of any discussion
i dont really see a problem with any of them ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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i cant post on /jp/
I every time I try to say something but i got this error msg
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Again, I could create a thread fine unsure
I would suspect it's some unknown issue that only your system can produce, but that can't be the case since you created this thread
Werk'd 4 me 2: https://img.heyuri.net/jp/koko.php?res=877

I just thought, are u trying to use emoji in ur thread? They currently don't work outside of Off-Topic, since the databases of other boards weren't updated sweat2
They are now updated 😊
w00t!!1 🎉
Thank q ☺☺☺

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cunny in the cleanliness thread

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2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
what's a bad poster to you care to explain?
The user who makes bad posts, usually in Rule 8 territory
Tens of people make hundreds of "normal" posts made on Heyuri every day, don't try to justify yourself glare2
if I'm in form I made 100 posts a week that goes under your radar so I don't have a problem blending in. if arguing with people makes me a bad poster then so be it.
ublock > block element

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I remember when heyuris front page looked like this smug
we used to have a Reimu/armpits board!? astonish
can... can we bring it back??? cry
no, kaguya hates fun
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Fun times indeed xd
>we used to have a Reimu/armpits board!?
It lasted liek 2 seconds on one of the shortlived Heyuri revival attempts b4 Akima killed the site (again), then it was brought back for Strawberry Heaven where it was used by 1 person for a couple of days b4 being deader than 日本語@Heyuri xd

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would adding wwww to a post be bad?
I think it would just look a little weird if the rest of your post is in English, but it wouldn't be "bad" unsure
In any case, you don't need to worry over such small stuff before posting biggrin
>would adding wwww to a post be bad?
wwwwwww nyaoo-closedeyes
this made me wwww in real life
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how would I prove that this post was from a soy-variant site without giving a link?
You wouldnt, why does it matter where someone got an image if it doesnt break rule 8? Thats taking it too far imo
(for example i see alot of cute images on reddit and 4chan for example which are very rule8 in nature)
bored cobson?

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"x moment" format

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It might have been sporadically used prior to 2018~, but the "meme" usage is probably R8?

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can you guys take mullvad vpn ips off the spam list? i can provide all the ips if needed
works for me x3
let me test with sweden, maybe only usa and poland are blocked
huh, i guess they only blocked some of them unsure

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How much longer until we get to 100K posts on /b/?
29K more posts ヽ(´∇`)ノ
3 months?
Super cute picture blush

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can admin-sama or mod-sama ban the IP that made these threads? the first one was a CP-sharing thread that I deleted and muted, and the second was another similar thread 20 minutes later, with the request that mods stop deleting his threads dark
I'd have saved a screencap as proof but I didn't think to do it before deletion sweat3
>can admin-sama or mod-sama ban the IP that made these threads?
No because he has a different IP in every post and is probably using Tor dark

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/b/ is being flooded with low quality thread, including yet another thread from the spammer-kun
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>but maybe he just really lets loose on SW?
I think that's the case - if you ever tried asking him to stop, he would reply to you essentially saying some variation of "fuck you I do what I want", showing he was totally aware of what he was doing and also able to determine which posts were from other users and directed at him sweat3

I suspect it's also the same guy who was posting from a mental institution last year (before he seemingly escaped) and posted these images - he was similarly flood-happy and made many barely-coherent, vaguely-religious posts (even spamming pictures of his face at one point, calling himself "satan" dark)
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Pretty sure he came from 4/f/
what zeitgeist does to a man...

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