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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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When /jp/ was created I remember seeing the numbers for the replies of a specific post in blue right next to the post in question, but now they're gone and I never saw them on the other boards, is there some reason we don't have them anymore or are they supposed to be there and I just don't see them for some reason?
Also, is there some way to automatically switch to futaba style when going on /jp/? Kanji is kind of hard to read with the default font.
Quote backlinks were disabled cuz:
1. I believe they were generated server side every time a user viewed a page, slowing the site to a crawl
2. they're mostly an unnecessary nu-4chan (2010s) thing that only serves to inspire a bad culture of "baiting" and "reply whoring" (posts designed to get as many replies as possible, often by being intentionally and superficially controversial)

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