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Am I allowed to shitpost on the wiki or is it exclusively for heyuri-related articles?
"shitposting" is a R8 word, but ur allowed to make joke articles as long as it's not malicious
i'm sorry, can you enlighten me on how exactly shitposting is a rule8 word?
I will just quote these two posts, though I believe there was a better explanation somewhere:

>Meaning of the term "shitposting" is unclear, so don't use it. It could either be used to refer posts everyone agrees to be shitty (which will probably break R8) or to having fun making very high-quality posts
>it was later decided that the term "shitposting" itself was Rule 8-esque, had too many wildly varying interpretations (from "making low quality posts" to "any form of humor/joke on the internet"), and a lot of our non-imageboard-derived users had no idea what it meant
I'm also new, but I don't remember ever reading "shitposting" until like the early-mid 2010s. It was just trolling. Being angry whilst doing it would be flaming. And trolling falls under baiting.
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well, what can I say instead of shitposting? qualityposting?

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