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It sounds like Rule 8d can easily be abused to censor light hearted and valid banter in order to protect the feelings of an individual rather than being used to develop an environment that provides funny random posts like /b/ is supposed to be. If Heyuri is about replicating the old internet landscape, i dont see how this rule helps nurture that.

>without even having the decency to provide LOLs

'LOLs' are subjective, a mod's sense of humor shouldn't be the barometer that constitutes whether or not something is funny.
This is also specifically about the Rule 8d, all other subsections of Rule 8 are understandable.
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Heyuri's /b/ is Heyuri's /b/ - it's not "supposed" to be anything besides what it is, nor is it trying to be!

Contrary to what some n00bs may think, staff-san can in fact baleet whatever they feel like at any time for any reason (though this rarely happens anymore unless it's automated spam or Rule 8 material. RIP W.T. Kuz ;_;7). This is outlined very clearly on teh rules page:
>REMEMBER: Heyuri is not about "free speech", and rules may be enforced with a small amount of discretion from the Moderators. You are in no way entitled to anything on this site, and your ability to use it can be taken away without notice, or reason.

The above line is an important part of how Heyuri operates, and is how it has been able to retain its lighthearted and creative nature without permanently devolving into constant shitflinging, low-effort trolling, spam-like garbage, and talentless assholes actively driving away all the talented & creative users (who make Heyuri the OC powerhouse that it is) "for the lulz"

You're right in that 8.d. could probably do with Yet Another rewording, cuz it's clear that it's easily misinterpreted. Originally 8.d. simply said "shitposting and 'nu-irony'", but it was reworded back in January (see: https://img.heyuri.net/q/koko.php?res=61025#p61037 ) as it was decided that a lot of people these days interpret shitposting to mean "having fun/being playful on the internet" rather than the original meaning of "posts that are shit", and that the term itself is potentially Rule 8 breaking. The way 8.d. currently reads was just something I came up with on the fly, and kaguya deemed it good enough to add verbatim sweat2

It was never meant to be about judging whether a post is funny or not - it's about posts intended to make other Heyuri users laugh (providing LOLs) VS posts intended to make the poster laugh at the expense of other Heyuri users (not providing LOLs). In other words: if you attempt to make shitty unfunny/nu-web style humor posts on purpose, or attempt to troll Heyuri/Heyuri users, you = fail and you will meet b&hammer with ur face

Make no mistake however - LOLs made at the expense of anyone outside of Heyuri (including the likes of faganon and Parker) is not only allowed, but recommended biggrin
it wasnt some newfag mistake or misinterpretation, everyone knows that
<Heyuri is not about "free speech", and rules may be enforced with a small amount of discretion from the Moderators.

That doesn't mean everything mods do is infallible and should go without criticism.
<Make no mistake however - LOLs made at the expense of anyone outside of Heyuri is not only allowed, but recommended

Is Heyuri just supposed to be some big circlejerk where we can all shit on outsiders but other users can't even be the slightest bit mocked or teased? I've seen other users get teased and they take it to the chin like you're supposed to on the internet, no big deal, nothing that mods need to interfere in. Maybe it is that OC posts must be exempt from criticism and held on a pedestal in fear of losing all the OCposters like you said? If that's the case then add that to the rule lol. It's also not so black and white, some people like to post OC and joke around as well, this is more commonplace than anything. What good is OC if the only discussion that surrounds it can be masturbatory?
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>Is Heyuri just supposed to be some big circlejerk where we can all shit on outsiders but other users can't even be the slightest bit mocked or teased?
Heyuri IS a big circlejerk - one where we have fun on the internet, mess around with each other in good fun, and try to maek eachother hav BIG LOLs and BIG cums. What it generally doesn't involve is intentionally pissing off other Heyuri users or defacing original works when they're actually good - that's just lazy trolling and teh lameness sweat3

It's ultimately a question of whether someone wants to take part in Heyuri and join in the fun, or whether they just want to shit it up in a selfish/self-serving manner - the latter has always been unwelcome, and is not Teh Heyuri Way™ nyaoo-closedeyes

>What good is OC if the only discussion that surrounds it can be masturbatory?
You're free to haet whatever u want (to a degree - don't go full faganon and start constantly starting fights with Heyuri users & staff-san or sagebombing every thread!!!), but since when was defacing quality Heyuri OC with s*yjak-tier mspaint farts, turds, and spongebob crap "discussion"? glare

That's just being an asshole - and NOT the sexy kind capable of producing delicous poops
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LOL look at this Kuz dick sucker sorry anon but kaguya is the king and Heyuri is a lot better now.
>LOL look at this Kuz dick sucker sorry anon but kaguya is the king
Apologiez for killing any LOLs, but I argued with kuz for many months about the way Heyuri was operated/neglected during 2021 and early 2022, and it was kaguya who bestowed me a b&hammer earlier this year...

>and Heyuri is a lot better now.
Glad to hear u approve xd
heyuri /b/ is really more like 4chan /r9k/ during its heyday, save for the appeal to nostalgia. the goal of /r9k/ was originally that it was an off-topic board but every post was supposed to be original, making OC was encouraged, and blatant shitposting would get you banned. of course, /r9k/ went to shit, but that's another story.

if rule 8 were abolished I think the site would attract more new members and have more activity. would it be worth it though? not if it becomes all frog, wojack and /pol/shit in my opinion. but I wouldn't mind seeing more low-effort, garbage tier posts desu, as long as they are in the spirit of oldschool imageboard style mischief.

/r9k/ was always a virgin board never used for its intended purpose.

The golden age of 4 /b/ was the 2000s with raids CP and OC and the golden age of /r9k/ was around 2012-2015 with peak virgin posting TFW no gf Elliot Rodger chicken tenders poo poo pee pee and women hate threads.

/r9k/ for the last 6 to 5 years been nothing but trannies /pol/ shit Discord drama e-whores and normal people.
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That's not even worth arguing about. There are a lot of imageboard users tired of seeing pepe/wojak (even the more innocent "feels" variations), so the bare existence of R8 is enough to appeal to that crowd. Heyuri also isn't a place to complain about being alone or hating on women or any of those stuff. You can go use countless other web spaces to do that glare2
>I wouldn't mind seeing more low-effort, garbage tier posts desu
Perhaps what you call "garbage-tier" is different than what we know, but when you first find a website, you are usually expected to lurk around and not contribute lower quality posts than the norm. If you aren't sure if your post is fitting on boards, go post it anyways. Unless you are trying to deliberately break rules, in the worst case, we would just delete a post you didn't spend effort on making anyways and move on.

>and blatant shitposting
Meaning of the term "shitposting" is unclear, so don't use it. It could either be used to refer posts everyone agrees to be shitty (which will probably break R8) or to having fun making very high-quality posts (which shouldn't an issue as long as you don't break R8)

Lastly, Heyuri isn't trying to replicate a certain community from the past, but rather aims to have the feeling of pre-2005 internet. This doesn't mean we ban new stuff (save for R8 stuff and intense politic topics) or only recycle old memes. In fact, most of our users including myself and our first wasn't a part of communities from those eras, nor we have any attachment to their cultures.
Now, when looking at archives of imageboards like iichan, obviously there are some similarities. If we post about something that's not from Heyuri's own thing, it naturally tends to be old anime pics (check this hawt nekomimi anime girl I found on the internet!) or something originally originated from 2chan (like moot first intended 4chan to be about during ADTRW era). Consider this a part of Heyuri too, and just enjoy contributing to boards as they are now nyaoo
>Heyuri also isn't a place to complain about being alone or hating on women or any of those stuff.

No, I wasn't saying Heyuri is similar to /r9k/ in that way, just that the idea of having an off-topic board with some quality control is similar. Anyway I first started using /r9k/ in 2009 and it wasn't vehemently misogynistic then. In a drive to create OC many people contributed greentext stories, which often consisted of stories of awkwardness and rejection that were amusing. Later that morphed into misogyny and self-pity threads which are cancer.

As for when it really went to shit, it's hard for to demarcate a year from my memory that /r9k/ became complete garbage, but it was definitely shit by 2015. Elliot Rodgers frog memes and >tfw no gf was not the peak of /r9k/ in my opinion, the peak was around when I joined and people still called each other "gentlemen" and there were always greentext stories.

And since I have mentioned greentext stories twice now, what's Heyuri's take on them? I never see them posted, presumably because they come from 2009-ish. But I think they are an easy way to make OC.
>And since I have mentioned greentext stories twice now, what's Heyuri's take on them?
I suggest giving https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=tips a read, especially the 7 points at bottom. The rest of "How to use Heyuri (for dummies)" are responses to old issues aren't important anymore (it's also slightly outdated now, some points contradict with what's written at >>61838)

Perhaps we should do something about that page too... It's an artifact from when kuz was the admin and mods needed to justify all deletions and bans they did with written rules. But it's off topic to this thread
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>And since I have mentioned greentext stories twice now, what's Heyuri's take on them?
They're tired, usually suck, and remind me of a shitty time period for 4chan and the wider Internet dark

For sharing a story, it's way better to just write it out in sentences, or get creative and make a comic or animation or something. Traditionally, greentexters on Heyuri are either asked who they are quoting, or get instadeleted biggrin

>It's an artifact from when kuz was the admin and mods needed to justify all deletions and bans they did with written rules
Kuz in his co-admin prime didn't need no stinking written rules - he laid down his mighty b&hammer and demanded you deal with it!!
>Make no mistake however - LOLs made at the expense of anyone outside of Heyuri (including the likes of faganon and Parker) is not only allowed, but recommended

You do realize I'm still here, right? LOL I have no reason to act like a troll anymore because Kuz is gone. kaguya is way better and i support kaguya.
>I first started using /r9k/ in 2009 and it wasn't vehemently misogynistic then. In a drive to create OC many people contributed greentext stories, which often consisted of stories of awkwardness and rejection that were amusing. Later that morphed into misogyny and self-pity threads which are cancer.

I beg to differ self-pity and feels were comfy.

>As for when it really went to shit, it's hard for to demarcate a year from my memory that /r9k/ became complete garbage, but it was definitely shit by 2015. Elliot Rodgers frog memes and >tfw no gf was not the peak of /r9k/ in my opinion, the peak was around when I joined and people still called each other "gentlemen" and there were always greentext stories.

I agree Elliot posting the beta uprising poo poo pee pee and tender stories were cancer but that stuff was still funny.

IMO /r9k/ started going downhill when the e-whores showed up and Reddit showed up and started taking screenshots in 2015 and in 2016 when the discord shit showed up on the board as well as the trannies and /r9gay/ shit.

The board always had a decent amount of normals on it but the majority of the posters were lonely virgins. It was after 2016 when most of the virgin posters left and the board became mostly normal judging from my memory.
>LOL I have no reason to act like a troll anymore because Kuz is gone. kaguya is way better and i support kaguya.
This is like a twisty friendship made after some fight in a crappy shounen anime astonish
>You do realize I'm still here, right?
I thought I could smell that familiar stench of party-p00ping tryhardism lately dark

Says the modern teenager who never grew up with the 2000s internet lmfao.
Further derailments itt will be deleted.

Pls ignore 3 posts above and only post if you have something to reply for other posts

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