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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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We need a thread hiding feature
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Actually kokonotsuba already has sum code for filtering, but it won't be enabled on Heyuri.
always wanted a thread hiding feature as well but i dont think itll happen.
i dont see why not, somedays i dont feel like having to constantly divert my attention away from spambot's cp.
thankfully it doesn't exist anymore because jannies are removing it now
I think we (the janitor squad) are doing a good job of combating spam-kun, so you don't have to worry about him anymore cool
Our super powers grants Heyuri's prosperity and greatness! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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We need to stop trying to be like old 4chan. The truth is that heyuri became nothing more than a nostalgia poisoned role-playing website, in which an userbase of disenchanted internet users, most of whom are not above 18 years old, pretend to be in the "old net" while masturbating each other. You think I'm wrong? Go to the /b/ catalog and tell me what you see. Image dumps and more image dumps and the same old, recycled jokes and topics over and over again. And the few inside jokes we actually have are either forced spam or copies of other 4chan memes. What happened to maek OC? I like to think heyuri wasn't always like this, but looking at the wiki entries, how much of it is just copied over from 4chan?

Heyuri is like the european colonies of south america that, with no culture of their own, pretended to be like europe for the longest time until the creation of a national identity.
We need to do just that, to create a national identity for Heyuria, a nationalistic revival movement. The first step is to erase the role-playing mentality and to stop advertising heyuri as a y2k nostalgia website.
Then we need to:
- Like Kaguya said in a previous thread, update the wiki with happenings that were actually relevant.
- Determine if Heyuria is a republic or a monarchy. An empire?
- Ban AI.
- Ban porn dumps.
- Determine what's the definitive heyuri-tan design.
- Replace all yotsuba emojis with heyuri-tan.
- Heyuri flag.
- Heyuri anthem.
- Hang Heyuri flyers and stickers on every major city of the United States world.
- Attack enemy imageboards to assert dominance over the internet.
- Replace word suffixes meaning people with "yuri". So everybody and everyone becomes everyuri, newfag becomes newyuri, etc. Sort of like Ponyspeak (in that case it would be called Heyurispeak). Also replace anon with yuri.
- Make more heyuri videos on vidlii.
- Make /brazil/
- Determine a visual representation of heyurizens. Sort of like 4chan has the suited anon, and 2chan has mona.

NOW THIS IS MY CONCLUSION: Yeah I have nothing more to say. Except that it's okay to post old memes from time to time and that I don't wish to have the Rule 8 removed, obviously.
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kids could learn a lot from the heyuri way
lets have this to be the anthem
but have it more orchestra like
anthem should be a parody of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvEzFW_pH1g
I can agree to an extent, but I think word-of-mouth might be more helpful to Heyuri's growth than blindly advertising in real life (´¬`)
ohaiyo i hold up my spork
I have no idea about this website as I came upon you all while reverse image searching some old images
I like the rules here, many may disagree but i find porn to hurt creativity rather than foster it
that is all shii

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out of curiosity, how often are there samefags on heyuri?
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what exacctly do modtools let you do?
gives mods access to user's bank accounts
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grants mods access to the Heyuri Secret Porn Hard Drive hidden beneath the depths of Heyuri HQ's basement. no dares enter the basement without the proper clearance.
>what exacctly do modtools let you do?
For kokonotsuba, I can: delete posts, delete files of posts, warn/ban an IP for x days either just for a single board or globally for all imageboards (this can also be used to append a post with custom text/HTML, which can be done without actually banning the IP), set threads to autosage/locked/sticky, and regenerate the board index

On the "Manage Posts" screen, I can see all the posts made to a board listed in reverse chronological order, plus the IPs of the users that posted them

On the "Manage Bans" screen, I can see the full ban history of the board and the global bans: this includes the banned IPs themselves, the date they were banned (written in YYYY/DD/MM format... WTF o_0), the ban expiration date, and the message given to the banned user (which is usually just stating which rule was broken)

The other board types are generally limited to just viewing IPs and deleting posts/files - the whole "temporary ban" and "moderation team" concepts are totally foreign to Japan, which is where Heyuri's non-kokonotsuba and non-wiki software originates from
I haven't seen any recently (last few months at least) either, though I don't check ur IPs so often so can't tell for sure. There at least weren't any ill-intended ones trying to push a certain idea.

>The other board types are generally limited to just viewing IPs and deleting posts/files
As you said "moderation team" is inexistent in Japanese sites (maybe save for biggest sites?) so only one "manager" is supposed to have moderator access to everything. I just gave Heyuri's staff web login, but in the config files of both boards there are some features to allow admins to ban IPs and filter strings - which I only use to filter the worst spam bots, but Japanese sites' admins probably use it to filter out rule breaking users too.

There is no temporary ban options, it seems but admins may leave their mails for appeals instead. Try to visit open2ch for example
>もしかしたら間違えてアクセスブロックされている場合もあります。 (sometimes there are situations where you are access blocked by mistake)
>そのときは、メールでブロック解除の依頼をしてください。 (in that case, please mail to request for removal of your block)
>もうアタックとかしないから、もう一回使いたい!って方もお気軽にメールしてください。 (Feel comfortable to send mails like "I won't attack anymore, so please let me use again" too)
I've seen a warning like this elsewhere too, though not very sure if a common practice...

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Should we do something special for Victory Day tomorrow?
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You can make a thread about it

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Any thoughts on adding /a/?
If you will, it should be titled "Anime" and not "Anime & Manga", because 4ch's /a/ was titled "Anime" until late 2006.
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Considering we're buddies with wapchan again, maybe we should just use their anime boards? They have a dedicated 2000s anime board that fits in with heyuri's theme. shii
>They have a dedicated 2000s anime board that fits in with heyuri's theme
It was us who suggested it to them after all...
Finding Japanese learners is harder than u would expect.. The biggest online community I could find is on Reddit, but I think I got shadowbanned there - the post I made got filtered immediately, despite asking permission from their mods beforehand sweat2
Finding Japanese people is considerably easier, there are some sites dedicated for Japanese people to read what foreigners (all-nationz, kaikaich etc)
DQOP (don't quote opening post)
Don't force a meme about not quoting the OP while you yourself are also making posts that quote the OP on /b/ angry

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Should hitting the post button return you to the index, as it does now? Or should it noko automatically and return you to the thread you just posted in, like jschan does (I think)?
Do others have opinions on this?
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nonoko returns you back to the index rather than the thread.
There's an option in the [Settings] above where users can turn "Always noko" on or off sweat2

Personally, I only enable it when dumping - Heyuri is slow enough that I won't immediately lose a thread halfway down the index after posting, plus I think it's better to feel like I'm posting to the board rather than posting to a thread

The latter can make threads feel like they're mini-boards/chat rooms in and of themselves, which changes the whole dynamic and lessens the cohesiveness of the board
I don't see a settings button anywhere...
Maybe I'm just blind but does it only show up if you have javascript on?
>Maybe I'm just blind but does it only show up if you have javascript on?
Kokonotsuba was designed to work without JS, but there are many features that you need JS to use.
I find it useful the way it is now

This is interesting. I always wonder about other people's perspectives on imageboards.

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ok i took out the rule-breaking material, happy?


The Power of Friendship is the Strongest force in the Universe...
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I did not expect this to be so controversial. But it is nice seeing that people cared about the friendship... Maybe I'll add a NSFW friends page with a disclaimer, I just don't want wapchan users to think we have the same kinds of rule sets just because we are friend sites, since I will try to push wapchan into a slightly more mainstream direction. It's always going to be a very niche site, but I want to position it as a modern successor to old anime shrine or fanpage kind of sites)
I won't deny that I wrote that as an offhand comment, but I've also barely talked to him, even back when he did run this site. I just don't want to get wapchan tied up in future controversies, and everyone's corrected me on my interpretation of his lack of involvement.
It's a shame you are taking it in this very negative way. I choose to run my site in a mostly SFW way, and heyuri chooses to run their site in a NSFW way. I'm sure we can still get along.
The raid was dealt with a few hours after it happened, and I'm probably going to not even add the soyjak board because it has nothing to do with the site (I just entertained the idea once after some guy on soyjak party proposed it), and most of the new "users" have been disregarding site norms. And the site won't be sold.
It's funny, but at the same time I hope there won't be some lingering cold war between wapchan and heyuri because of all of this. Maybe it's best if I pop into your next townhall and actually discuss this more.
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Yeah, can't we all just get along?
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Hooray! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
All's well that ends well

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after a few minutes, this was the replies.
it's like casting pearls before swine
please don't bring up anything about Heyuri there.
this, I'd rather that they just forget about us more than anything else. and that we could forget about them

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What does this "Law of Atlantis" refer to?
Atlantean laws, you must follow them
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Thou shalt follow the Law of Atlantis, or be drowned in a tidal wave, ye filthy landlubber.
it says so right there
fuck, lovecraft was right the government is indeed run by fish people dark

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weird page on the wiki, with the last paragraph being added yesterday: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Zake
any publicity is "good" publicity. but the writer seems pretty stupid if you ask me.
Some pointless rambling mixed with vague ranting about kuz and kolyma. Has barely anything to do with Heyuri (with only one mention of it, too). Don't see much of a point of leaving it up, so I went and removed it. ┐(゚~゚)┌

I don't understand the purpose of the page itself, as I don't know Russian, so it remains up. Anyone else is welcome to explain what it's about.
>I don't understand the purpose of the page itself, as I don't know Russian, so it remains up.
I am pretty sure it's just a random guy talking about himself. Here is a (rough) google translation of the second section, called "general conspiracy"

>for some reason, everything that lives on the expanses of the world wide web is somehow set against me. wherever I am, bans, kicks, mutes are flying in my direction from everywhere; my traces are being removed... (......) but the most terrible weapon used is a deaf ignore, which there is simply nothing to oppose. What did I do to deserve such an attitude towards myself - it is not clear. everyone is probably jealous of me
i think it's funny you guys should keep it

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can we repeal the law of atlantis? not the cp part, but i think it would be cool if i could sell the liquor and meth i make
might be difficult with the hosting, but i totally support what youre saying
the government will not keep us down!
You should mail your concerns to the Atlantis bureau of justice

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Is it worth making a page on Mixi? I think it could draw in users, especially to our /jp/ board. However we would need access to a Japanese number to register
I don't know much about mixi, but why not biggrin

We should advertise Heyuri on everywhere, save for places with high levels of R8H8RS
Sure, but it's heyday was 2005-2012 and it's totally irrelevant now...
>heyday was 2005-2012
that's exactly why i thought it would be a good idea to advertise on there wink

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When you use non-Latin characters for a filename the filename on Heyuri automatically gets converted to a unix timestamp, is this done on purpose?
No, but I think it only happens when the first letter isn't a latin character

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(Which I hope it is, because I hate that word, it reminds me of the r*dditfrog-posting niggerfaggots)
To an extent, but mostly in the "top kek/praise kek/kekistani" sense, and the more recent "KEKW"

If it's simply used in place of "lol", that's an old WoW reference - "lol" written by Horde players reads as "kek" to Alliance players, and people have been using it in that way since the game was released

...for what it's worth, calling things "Reddit" when they aren't from Reddit is also a little on the Rule 8 side of things sweat2
What the fuck is KEKW?
>What the fuck is KEKW?
The apparent name of a Twitch emote, which is actually a reaction image from that old webm of that spanish guy laughing. I've seen streamkiddies posting "KEKW" in various places, similar to what they did with "pog/pogchamp/poggers" dark

It goes without saying, but Twitch "culture" is definitely Rule 8

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so wait, are underage users allowed? i didnt think this would be the type of place to allow people under 30, let alone 18
and should underageb& be allowed? i dont really like kids
But I love kids!

They get b& if they are too annoying. There are just a few exceptions to this (jr, lg, and most importantly girls)

Maybe there are also some 16-17 years old users, but they should be mature enough if they're on Heyuri.

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