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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Add /jp/ to frames pl0x
Speaking of /jp/, the youkoso page every time you click the board link is a little annoying sweat2

Maybe there could just be a link to that page on the board itself, liek: "gokigenyou japonaise pplz, if it's ur 1st taimu, plz read this kudasai!" (<-- in nipponese)
It's a very temporary thing, I am planning remove it from the top links tomorrow and do something like you suggested
You can use the link on blotter message to save urself a click in the meanwhile

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31 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

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Its a bit strange that prominent whiners on heyuri complained about "kolymization" (when formerly independant sites and services were packaged as one "kolyma" site instead of letting them be on their own. Funnily enough, no one complains when heyuri (under k*Tay d*MMir) does the same thing. A la mattari aa, strange world, nihongoch...
(pic unrelated)
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Complete Heyuri Internet Domination!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

I am personally fine with it as I believe Heyuri has the best users, see Strange World before it was Heyurized for example: https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?c=08&m=g&f=202103.dat

It was mostly terrible, only good qualities were coming from it being advertised on Heyuri rolleyes

As for Mattari AA, it was one by a Heyuri user (and presumably for primarily Heyuri, although some Japanese people noticed it too) but its license tells
>Feel free to host a copy of Mattari AA online, modify it, or sell it to your least favorite aunt for $$$ if you want - Mattari AA is FREE software for THE WORLD ヽ(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)人(´ー`)ノ
on https://mattari.heyuri.net/readme.txt - so kuz can host a copy of it on his sites if he wishes to.

And as for NC... I believe it wasn't worth keeping online as multiple boards on a separate domain. I won't use the "it was a part of Heyuri before its own" argument since not many current Heyuri users used /jp/ when it was a thing, but there are many of us who can write in Japanese/learning to do so, so I believe its merge would be for the best way for the idea that inspired it (which was having a place for non-Japanese practice Japanese, maybe also with some Japanese people posting, in an informal setting).

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Can we get confirmation that the kereste.moe hack was an april fools joke? (since it is in KolymaNET after all)
Sorry if this is Rule8
Leet hax0r here, this is real hax. I can tell by teh hax0rz ph34r
thank you for your input Leet hax0r
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1 nisan şakası abim domal şimdi

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I can post from behind tor, but not a VPN. What gives?
No reason why u shouldn't be able to unless somebody else got the IP b& or put into SpamDB
nice ass

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I couldn't find one, so could that be added to the FAQ?
Also, can I request support for .opus audio files?
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It's just under the post form...
lol did you mean to include a selfie in your post OP? sweat2
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Wow, I am baka for sure...

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I think it would be useful to make a banned image archive. Half of this could be done by just banning every image that is on the soybooru.

>But they will just alter the images slightly and keep going!
I think you overestimate the commitment of a spammer. Even if spammers were to start doing this, it would give mods a bit of extra time to get wind of the attack and start removing posts
Furthermore, it would be nice to train an AI algorithm to detect R8 automatically. But these all require development werk, sadly I am no programmer sweat2
If we were to start pushing people to make software like this on 4chan/g/, they might just make it for uslolico
I once read about someone training an AI to detect w*jaks, it should be relatively easy to just "train" an algorithm anyways... Harder part is integrating it to kokonotsuba

And sadly whenever Heyuri gets brought up there, it gets bad attention and scares off the few good posters left there kuz
>Harder part is integrating it to kokonotsuba
I have some programming skills but I haven't used them in awhile.

The main challenge would be possibly the amount of time that it takes for the AI to detect something. The best way to get around that would probably by letting the user post their image, then after the image is posted then it would go through to detector and deleted if it returns positive

>And sadly whenever Heyuri gets brought up there, it gets bad attention and scares off the few good posters left there
We wouldn't have to openly say we are from Heyuri, it can be something as simple as "/g/ can't code anymore, you moron can barely even declare a variable in C let alone write something like a w*jak detector"
Right now, we don't have too much problems with spams, anti R8 content and the like. They always end up being deleted by the mods. Sometimes we get raids... But who cares honestly, they never last too long.
If we put too much effort into moderation by using a banned image archive or algorithms, other netizens will make fun of us. I think we should take it easy and let the mods do their work!! Honestly, where is the fun into maintaining an archive of pictures that we specifically dislike?

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I think I got mixed up with a spammer, I posted the image "group2.jpg" with a picture of Kirigumis and the text "Heyuri Meetup!~" and I accidentally saged the thread. For some reason though the thumbnail of the image showed some kuz soyshit.
>For some reason though the thumbnail of the image showed some kuz soyshit.

Thank you biggrin
I didn't see it, but it was possibly the ancient imageboard bug where two images that receieve the exact same UNIX timestamp cannot co-exist, so one gets hijacked by the other
>two images that receieve the exact same UNIX timestamp
what are the chances of that?
>what are the chances of that?
As far as I remember its only happened on Heyuri once before, but I used to see it occasionally on 4chan and 8chan

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Previously we have discussed about advertising Heyuri through good videos' comment section, but what about if we made a video ourselves? nyaoo

I just saw this video on my YouTube recommendations bar, which gave me the idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9x03FuIQM (Title: 2000s otaku/net/anison playlist) - it had had over 2000 views in 10 months.
I know there is also a similar video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3coRQmSkBWU ) with over 1.4 million views in less than a year too xd

If I were to do it, it would have a similar theme - which I think already fits Heyuri quite well. We should put eye-catching image that would grab people's attention to watch the video. Additionally, we could add some text like "If you enjoy these songs, come talk to us on https://img.heyuri.net/b/ !"on the image, and also on song's description.

Well, I don't have a Google account myself nor know how to make videos, but it shouldn't be too hard. sweat2

If you liek the idea surely someone would be willing to upload it to youtube, compiling songs together should be fairly easy for someone else who is skilled once we decide on the cover image and the songs to include.

Needless to say, we can create more videos like this in the future, covering other topics and themes too. I just recommend doing one thing at a time. rolleyes

Anyways, tell me what do you think please. If you liek it, we should open /b/ thread after Heyuri Album 2's deadline on March 22 for organization since a lot of users only check /b/
I like the idea. That TMM guy who interviewed you would be a good fit to do the video.
this would definitely be the way to attract more lurkers, especially younger ones.
i hate the y2k shite as much as the next guy but right now (if not last year) is the perfect time to act on something like this as internet culture nostalgia amongst youngsters seems to be at an all time high.
people are more willing than ever to learn about the older ways and integrate themselves into it.

My stylistic suggestion would be to have a quick, easily sharable, eye-catching animation like the first video you linked followed by a cute oekaki drawing, akin to the infamous Heyuri-tan Dreaming Vidlii ad, to play the songs over.
Kagunyaa nyaaan~~ thanks for the first mix! love

also i like this idéa! biggrin
>That TMM guy who interviewed you would be a good fit to do the video.
Yeah, i'm willing to do it. I need a good idea, though sweat2
you aren't alone, we would discuss details on /b/ later nyaoo-closedeyes

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Why aren't greentext style stories allowed? They seem like a pretty good way to tell a story without a bunch of fluff
You can go 2 r/4chan for those biggrin

But srsly it's cuz they're a distinctly 2009+ phenomenon that goes right along side Pepe and Wojak reaction images, and they usually suck balls
why cant people just tell a fuckin story without making the entire thing a quote

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This may be a thing very soon. I don't want to type again, so read from here: https://boards.nihongoch.net/exchange/koko.php?res=56#p143
Our discussion about this during the last townhall: >>63167

If you have something to discuss regarding this, now is the time.

The "moar boardz => divide activity => activity slows down" scenario isn't possible here as /jp/'s concept can't be covered on any of the other boards.
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I would make it /exchange/ instead of /jp/ since exchanging japanese/english is the main point of the site.
I give That’s right x2 to this idea (・∀・)
From our past experience ( https://img.heyuri.net/archive_jp/ ) I think it will largely focus on Japanese itself and not much about exchanging English.

In fact, I am still not sure where to recruit Japanese posters from... When nihongoch was first created, I largely shared it on open2ch, but it's blocked for non-JP IPs now. I know there are Japanese general threads on /int/ but it's just a few people. I will still continue to search other places once the board is ready, they don't have to be other anonymous BBSes either
Sorry wrong thread

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What if we could add comments to polls on /vote/?
It's not mine to give ETA, but that will be a thing once we start using the script from >>62371

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I think it would be a cool idea to make it optional to show your flag from where you are posting on /b/ or make an international board where showing flags is required
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I don't much like nationality flags. Puts a dent in the anonymity which I don't like.closed-eyes
Of course if it's just optional then whatever.
The closest thing to that would be /jp/:

def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: nihongochan to heyuri as /jp/ - 日本語
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Oh that's actually cool
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: merging nihongochan?
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: I'd actually use that often I think
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Personally
def admin_bar <anonwaha>: well, that's how it used to be isn't it? (nigga stole my board!)
def admin_bar <Angeleno◆BMDik3OFd2>: yes that sounds like a good idea
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Wait guys
def admin_bar <morgan>: let's advertise heyuri on TV and get all the clicks
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: i think you should merge its unique boards and features - i like them
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: yes anonwaha
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: loli3
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Will we get /l/ back sometime??
def admin_bar <>: for only 5.99, you too can use Heyuri,net!
def admin_bar <morgan>: advertise heyuri on FOX NEWS!
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: /l/ isn't a unique board really
def admin_bar <>: call 1-800-BOKU
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: I really liked it while it was up
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: That's right x1
def admin_bar <Apple◆03T5jaaynw>: Neither is /b/
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: it can just go on /b/ unlike japanese posts

On Heyuri, it's possible to make it so it would only show whether if you are from Japan or not, but then there is no guarantee adding (merging) such a board would benefit us.
>it's possible to make it so it would only show whether if you are from Japan or not
I wanted to have this feature since a while ago but never said anything about proposing it or anything
god please no

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Spotted in /wsr/. Thoughts?
Funny how Angeleno, current world2ch owner, frequents Heyuri biggrin And that this was probably made by boatchan's owner, considering that it's way more newer and dead than any other altchans on this list
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mooth biggrin
I still don't get why people would recommend the soy website as 4chan alternative. It's literally just a forum meant for the qa community to discuss raiding. Why would they want a bunch of random new people interrupting them?
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It could've been made by frenchan shill, too. They are desperate for users lol
the soy site is one of the largest imageboards and is generally just good to shitpost on if your fine with a lower barrier of quality than 4chan
I just wish that their autism stayed on their imageboard and didn't leak out to other places in the form of raids
I used to know one person who is an avid user nowadays, and he was an annoying faggot who kept pushing his clearly incorrect opinion despite being proven wrong by multiple people (this was on discord in a serious conversation, maybe 1.5 years ago)

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Can mods start putting out the amount of posts per month each month? I'm curious to see February since it seemed a lot more active than previous months
Around 7500 posts were made during January
Around 5500 posts were made during February
So far around 2900 posts were made during March

I can't guarantee these numbers are very accurate, I tried to exclude spam by the numbers top off my head - I think around 400-500 spam posts were made during only March..

Again, t's hard to give exact numbers with the amount of spam, but you can use Discord webhook's message searching tools (link: https://discord.gg/kQ5DuSsBn2 )
It's more useful to see how many posts were made during each day, because spam comes in big waves and the days without it should show accurate numbers. For example, I can say exactly 300 posts were made during the last 28 hours and 27 minutes as I am writing this.

As for /sw/, there are message logs at https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?c=58&m=g where you can choose month you want to view, press search buttan, and scroll button to see how many results were found. This should be considerably more accurate than webhook as spam posts aren't included
I always include spam when I calculate post rates (such as most historic Heyuri calculations) since spam is somewhat of a constant, and it's included in all sites with automated stats + most manually calculated estimations sweat2

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