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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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I found this and cropped it and made it into a gif. I figured it could be a nice b& hammer icon for Kaguya-sama & mod-sama! If you like it of course! nyaoo2
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i had to use my brain for one!
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10fps looks teh best nyaoo-closedeyes
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How many & how rare are these fortunes? happy
There are currently 18 fortunes, all have the exact same "rarity".
The "LOLOLOLOLOLO" fortune used to be the rarest but that was a long time ago, as far as i know.
We need more, we need a 1% chance get! nyaoo
I don't think it was actually rare, that just happened to be the first time it appeared sweat2
i got teg current LOLOLOLOLOL....
This one is different with a "O"

"OLOLOLOLOL"... thats another one, right?
It was gone for a long time, someone reimplemented it and typed it differently (I think it's also a lot shorter than teh old one)

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I only posted this yesterday and now it's gone and im banned until 2048.

Can someone tell me whats going on?
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you guys talking about me?

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I don't think I will be out of new ips anytime soon
Good point, our banning module can use some updates:
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I dare you
is the janny greek or is it forbidden to say nigger anymore closed-eyes


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I've been going on Heyuri for a while, and I feel like Heyuri has lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude. It has been replaced with:
1. A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
2. a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
3. Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
4. Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
5. General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture

I dont like it. It wasnt like this before, but as time goes on, the userbase was replaced with new people who dont understand this site. Its turned into the exact same culture that most "splinter of 4chan" websites go, instead of the "going its own way" vision that lolico/kuz wrote about on the front page.
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no greentexting on heyuri, especially if your greentexting does nothing but grossly misrepresent someone who is trying to earnestly engage with you dark
if you can't even make quality posts while complaining that our posts are of inconsistent quality, then plz lurk moar
I am really uncreative when making posts on /b/
sometimes I just go there to make random posts
fag (・∀・)
i love teh rulez but mods are fags!!!!!!
angry angry angry
That's cuz ur a n00b biggrin

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i am working with some "big" names. i guess this is a promote/giveaway for non heyuri. i originally reached out to the anon who ran bandcamp and ended printing out 50 CDs for the last heyuri along with 2 stickers each.

i don't believe bandcamp anon will give me accesses but i am in contact with magio from kinpatsu, who i believe can sell the CDs and ship them out for me. the person who runs 4chan s4s radio show said he can shout heyuri and the CDs out on his next stream next month.

i don't believe LRM shouting out heyuri will bring a bunch of rule breakers but instead can help grow originality and activity.

i also would like to be added on staff, if u need to reach me. join the irc at purupurupurur.in/6697
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i got something extra?
i have not checked it yet
Free dolphin porn included?!
delivery received biggrin
I got my CD. now I just gotta find something to play it on (´ー`)

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Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted - in my opinion it shouldn't have been. Anyway, here's the reply I wanted to make to it:

Rule 7 is basically the "don't devolve into modern-day /pol/ or Twitter when it comes to controversial political/social topics" rule. Earlier this year, there was a big increase in the amount of times "tranny" was being thrown about and used to troll/bait (in both directions), so we decided to clamp down on it

It's not that it can't be mentioned entirely, nor that u can't post ur hawt meatspin pr0nz - it's just that any kind of post-2014 style arguments/debates/trolling/"pinkpilling"/needlessly-slipping-mentions-of-it-into-everything/etc. are B&, and less leniency will be shown compared to other political/social topics (where we let a lot of things slide until things go seriously awry)

Regarding what happened in 64704-san's screencap - User A said their favorite game was Fallout New Vegas, and User B replied by calling them a tranny. That's Rule 7, but also Rule 8 due to it apparently being a meme on certain fail websites

Also, friendly reminder to n00b mods: if the action to take isn't clear, or you have any doubts at all, it's best to leave it alone for somebody else to deal with. Definitely don't just listen to the first reply you get on /q/ about it and start baleeting things sweat2
Ah, I see! I'm so sorry!!! (;´Д`) (;´Д`) (;´Д`)
I was a bit unsure about the report myself, but I was also a bit torn about leaving the post alone if it really was rule-breaking. I felt as though urgency was better than accuracy, which shows how much of a noob I really am (´~`)
a post that is left alone can be deleted later, but a post that is deleted is gone forever...
that is why it is best to leave it alone if you are unsure. ( ´,_ゝ`)
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Don't worry about it, that particular post wasn't really worth saving anyways. Mod-san's explanation is a good reference for the future cases
>Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted
OP deleted it himself

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Since mod-sama said we can use /q/ to report rule-breaking posts.
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I'm in favor of removing emoticons, yotsubas are all we need xd
The reason I went along with the database update was because it could solve the bug where post wouldn't go through if it had certain obscure unicode characters. The one who did teh update probably just wanted to create his R8 thread (>>64683) though...

I don't think emoji would ever actually get used on Heyuri enough that we would need to fiercely discuss about it. I suggest wait and seeing how/if they will get used on Heyuri first.

>or wordfiltering them to classic Japanese phone emoji icons, such as: https://emojipedia.org/softbank/2004/
This could be interesting to experiment with too
Baneposting was deemed to not break Rule 8 in the past on Heyuri

It's LOLworthy, could have been a thing at any point in interwebs history (it's along the lines of "THIS IS SPARTA"), is totally inoffensive (in a Heyuri sense), doesn't intentionally disrupt the board or aggravate users, isn't a retarded misuse of a function, and it never made its way into mainstream "meme culture" the way that most of the things that actually fall under Rule 8 did

Rule 8 doesn't mean "anything and everything from 4chan after 200X" - it's mainly just the "we're ruining the internet and your fun on purpose because fuck you" stuff, as well as typical low-quality, heavily-regurgitated, template garbage that spreads around Twitter/Reddit/iFunny/etc. (and the "ironic" posting of such material) sweat2
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I am locking this thread.

Over the last 6 months, this thread has hosted many discussions about how rules should be interpreted and other meta stuff, but that's not how threads are meant to be used on Heyuri. We encourage creating new threads over minor stuff - all discussions about different matters in this thread could (and should) have been in separate threads. Rule 6 basically exists for this reason too.

Another important thing is kokonotsuba isn't meant to have big threads like this one. Looks like this thread has hit the "limit" and starting to cause certain technical issues when someone posts in it.

In short, please create new threads for all kinds of stuff you want to report from now on smile

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You know how, when World2ch got back up, and Heyurians flocked to the site and it was kind of an extension of Heyuri for a while (maybe it still is, I haven't checked in a while.) Well, I was thinking, what if that sort of effect could be replicated?

My idea is this:

1.We find a small site (textboards, imageboards, forums, maybe), which is small but seems reasonably entertaining or seems to have some fairly agreeable users or a fairly reasonable activity level.

2. We turn up in numbers, give the regulars some lolz and a thrill at the uptick in activity.

3. Gradually introduce some of our finer 'heyurisms' into the mix. An emphasis on Lols at the expense of Serious Business, original OC instead of posting templates, discussion about whatever comes to mind instead of gnawing at all the same used up 'culture war' topics. We do all this without compromising the sites own culture or being so bold as to say 'LOL UR UNDER HEYURI CONTROL NAOW!!!xd'

4. Profit- That is, we made a site at least a little better than we found it.

I hesitate to call this 'raiding' because my idea isn't that we just spam lolis and ads for Heyuri for a few days and then call it a WIN. Think of it a bit like the CIA disrupting the hippie movement, but in a good way. Basically, we try in subtle ways to make these boardz a bit more fun and imaginative. Someone posts the millionth 'tfw no gf' thread, complete with crying wojak? Derail it to talk about Old Skool Hardcore. Someone goes on and on about how getting raped by black guys made them into a tranny? Derail to talk about ramen. Someone wants to babble on and on about 'hating degenerates' and 'soyciety'? Derail to talk about your loli sex fantatsies.

There could be some ground rules I think, including

-We only do it on worthwhile looking sites. A lot of people come here advertising 'baby's first textboard' or 'baby's firts forum', and almost invariably those are flops. Basically I think we should do it on sites where the userbase is small, but not non-existent.

-We only do one site at a time. Socially engineering a website is a pretty tall order, even a small one. This sort of thing will probably get disorganized very quickly if we go around half a dozen different sites simultaneously.

-Insist on lols, but don't be too domineering. There will probably be a lot of R8 content and overdone social media debates. I basically advocate for a Christly philosophy of turning the other cheek. Post a thread of the sort you would usually post on heyuri, regardless of what you think the reaction would be. If they reply with wojaks or buzzwords ignore them or counter with original OC. If they start whining about something lame or trying to turn things into Serious Business just spam 'cheer up emo kid!' or such like. If people keep trying to start shit, just evade them and double down on the lols.

-Experimentation would be good. Maybe you have an idea for some lolz that are in violation of Rule 8, but you think they are objectively funny, or could be made so. Well these other sites wouldn't have Rule 8, so you could do whatever you want.

-Don't be too autistic about it. I think this sort of thing should be seen less as 'making smaller websites just liek Heyuri' and more like 'taking small websites and making them a more hospitable environment for lolz'. It's wouldn't be a hardcore, stake your life on it thing, just show up and provide lols unassumingly. There would be no quota to be met, except maybe refreshing the site after a few days and seeing a few threads worth reading. Basically I think about it like reverse-engineering what happens when a bunch of normies flock to a site and turn it to shit. Imagine a bunch of Heyurians flocking to a site and making it even better.biggrin

I don't know, maybe this is bull shit and pretentious. Even regular raids are rarely very effective. At least I got to exorcise some of my megalomaniac tendencies in writing! sweat2
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get a load of this idiots blog posts too.
there's a lot of """""""GIRLS""""""" on this site too but none of them have pics of themselves, STRANGE!
so they're a bunch of internet weirdos who post anime and lolis and pretend to be little girls, huh?
you sure you haven't just found Heyuri's long-lost twin? (・∀・)
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They're a bit too SRS BZNS, fighting over nothing, and making "callout" blogs.

In a way, they're really like old MySpace!
I went to this thread right now just to say this. It's a great idea
but we hafta have a plan and a date
How about Sep. 11?

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why was my thread about kubusforever.com deleted
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I deleted it partly because I took it for a bot, and partly because I remember ad threads have been deleted in the past. But now, I think ads themselves aren't prohibited, at least not explicitly stated as such in the rules.
Sorry about that, you're free to make another thread. I won't delete it this time. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
how could you think it was an ad is beyond me, but I forgive you mod-san
it's a reference to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyn6e1nm9gM
Oh it's Saint, i know this guy
I always wondered what he says at the end. "And even some porn games?"
"Card games"

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heyuri is not a company. its not a place that adds junk for outlier users. its one persons vision that is not controlled by there stock holders or a overseer rules (overseers being like discord and other chat places).

you could say its the people who run heyuri. but would it still be the same if it was a place like discord while still having the same rules and owners?

there is even meta memes on discord that is, one user takes a meme from one sever and posts it in another.
just copy and paste the same reaction GIFs and stickers over and over until it becomes super unoriginal.

even if that spam was stopped on discord, it would not even be as fun, as i had ran 3 servers with 500+ users but stepped down from them each due to me being bipolar or "gone schizo again"

I was looking at this thread and the bass hunter video caught my eye with the irc client.

the irc chat room was flying. he had control over the room. he was not pressured by anyone but besides himself to make changes as he see fit. it seemed perfect. what i believed killed it is people who had a vision and knew how to set up things like that, lost interest. the vision people got from it was also lost. this could be how things like Skype and discord got around in popularity since it was like person's vision but more stable since its a company. that then turns bad because share holders and increasing profit margins by any means necessary

i might have just explained culture with shared vision?

my last discord server was music server. once i stepped down, it kinda collapsed with me. but the others who got the power really really did nothing with it and it bled out (due to no vision?). it became a place where the people would only post a new song and then tab out until next song release.

what I believe makes heyuri the place to be is. the owner and not being pressured to fallow a format. it being a platform that can easily add new things. the people running it has a vision (witch is not as simple as the average person thinks).

I believe the hardest part is getting noticed as a website on the internet.
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>i hope its the trust i would like to see heyuri do a offline meetup in japan or some other place. I dont belive any other EN chan would ever be able to pull something like this off besides heyuri.
4chan and its various boards (even specific threads/generals) have had countless offline meetups/events/protests LOL over the years, and even larger offshoots liek 8chan had several. There were even spontaneous meetups where someone would post "sup [board], I'm in X" with a pic of their surroundings, and then a while later another pic would get posted showing 1 or more other users had shown up

It's more a matter of population size than anything else. Moar users = moar likely to have clusters living in the same part of the world
Every website has their own template personality that you have to fit, Heyuri has that too, but the difference is that here it revolves around being silly instead of being hostile towards something.
I've said it before, the difference with heyuri is that we're here to have fun with each other instead of despite each other
i luv ya guys blush
w00t!!1 iyahoo

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hey this place changed since i last visited about two to three years ago
is it still obligatory to pretend to be an olefag of 2004? i really don't care about fitting in anymore and i just want to live life.
That was never a requirement, but you're expected to follow teh rules at the very least, which includes Rule 8

There's no reason why any website should host or cater to anyone who can't/won't do that much sweat2
Fine by me
There is no rules. What are they gonna do? ground you?
>What are they gonna do? ground you?
64636-san's parents here: YES

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It's been a while since I wanted to discuss it but complaints should be the last resort but I don't see other way of change. To readers: have mercy, I don't want to sound subjective or angry, I can't find a better objective description to my abilities and I tried to write it clearly and comprehensively:

It's the porn issue on /b/. I dare say half of all images uploaded to Heyuri these days are porn. It's getting harder to find any will to make a good thread knowing it will be ignored while general porn dump threads are getting bumped for eternity, until a new one is made focused on a bit different fetish and gets 30 replies again.
The insufferable chans are getting filled with 3 things in particular that breaks all bond of good posters and the site; that usually makes them leave or litter the site until completely unusable:
1. Politics - insulting each other and derailing in primitive anger (Heyuri well maintains the issue)
2. News - usually involving car crashes, theft or politics which scores double cretinism score. I count social media as news because they are tightly related. (Luckily not present here)
3. Porn - which is a derivative of most neanderthal urges.

The three are often interconnected, if a poster posts one of these kinds he usually posts all three to a significant degree.
While porn in itself is fine, it's the people who are attached to porn this much that are the issue to quality. While Heyuri doesn't get bothered with politics and news there is no way to look away from porn for a bit.
The entire internet is filled with porn. I just wish for a carefree tiny place that i found it as. To feel as if I was the kid that discovers the wonders of the internet and discuss things being detached from real life for once, to have some fun. In the world I withdrew from into the internet from excessive bullying now even internet fit anymore since all bullies are online, crawling into the shadows of imageboards, after time seeing another home getting conquered by uncultured and primitive pests I got here, I'm concerned its coming here and I would suggest closing the barrier, that is restricting the spread and shamelessly banning the worst ones.

I've moderated a chan once and post history of guys uploading porn frequently are all the same (I can't tell for sure if it was just bad audience I faced that came from obviously and primarly from discord, reddit or other bad chans or it was a coincidence). They are addicts, usually taking part in derailing threads and reposting social media discord server level trash that further lowers the level of the place they are in. The ones that posted the most porn had the tendency to be most obnoxious, both least assimilated and shameless (like that guy who didn't even know who was Kaguya) and don't generate much interactions beside dumping their porn drive - they didn't contribute in any fun and fine threads, none produced OC claiming they don't know how (obvious new internet newbs).

I don't really want to produce OC anymore, I don't want to write a post taking me an hour or two but well polished, I'm not very interested in participating in events too, why? Because it's pointless to feed good content to ones that will eat it, digest and give back in the form of shit. I don't want shit in return. Like one person making a glorious cake while the one other tops the cake with a strawberry believing both did equal jobs.

I'm sorry it's rough post I'm making but I find Heyuri to be special and am concerned about the apparent path right into degradation. I might be wrong but what I learned is that I can't well judge somebody by a few posts and I was lax as a mod for that reason, I'm afraid I was a huge idiot giving respect and freedom to ones too immature to have either of it. Like giving weed to middle-schoolers talking to them respectfully as if we were on an even level, and while it's not 100% certain that they will use their freedom to cause chaos and sin - I think it's realistically improbable that any good will result from allowing them all that. Same with excessive porn posters, driven by primitive instincts or who knows what controls them, too immature to think and care about anything like middle-schoolers, allowed to slowly burn the green pasture that Heyuri is.

I'm sorry for the post. I don't mean agression.
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Be the change you wish to see, et cetera.
If you don't want to produce OC nor participate in events then that's a you problem, not a Heyuri problem ┐(゚~゚)┌
Truly weird how anti-sexual young people are today. I believe I actually saw a graph somewhere that showed that teen pregnancy rates have been steadily declining since the introduction of the smartphone xd
While I agree that pr0nz is definitely cool and fun, I think you all are missing the point. OP just doesn't want Heyuri's /b/ to turn into Fappening-era 4/b/.
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> Truly weird how anti-sexual young people are today.

I'm not too sure about that. You see kids dancing provocatively to songs that are pretty sexually explicit. I'm guessing it's a thing in coddled suburban kids?
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It's OP. Now I realise my initial thought was too shallow and I shouldn't have posted the thought. I'm sorry for the pointless stir I caused.
My initial post perhaps is what remains from my strict yet innocent catholic past as a kid. If this response brings any value I am not involved in any social connections in real life and only connections I have on the internet is Heyuri and one other niche chan and I don't know what is going on in the world since at least 2012, the last thing I remember is the European football event from that year. I'm not playing any purity, I've been against porn personally for very long. All low quality, badly homemade, very vanilla and low resolution porn that used to go around the internet 20-15 years ago was annoying, I think what repulsed me the most from it was lack of mental maturity which is the respect for the act and arrogance that it emanated from people who kept posting it.

I'm sorry I don't know what to think. I loved the simplicity of the world before everyone went online, lack of internet meant no porn in many cases. Walks thorough golden fields, joy of getting the book I wished for, voluntary works for fun, now it all feels empty and pointless. Admitting to porn used to be a taboo in my area, while now many people's lives openly revolve around their fetishes and constant search for sexier things. I can't get used to internet being common and all things that are caused by it. Or perhaps disconnect from the world caused me to go back to the cave. I am not sure what I'm doing. I don't know anything anymore. I can't conclude whether I'm in the wrong and I didn't come here to annoy, misbehave and stir. I don't know. I would delete this low thread but I don't remember the password. Perhaps others were right that I'm retarded and it keeps progressing. Confused.

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Why is every thread on /b/ a sticky?
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Sorry, I hadn't fapped in a while and everywhere became sticky blush
Of course everything is on fire on the very first day of my vacations closed-eyes2
Post No. rollback is something i'm working on right now. After that i'll take care of issue #53.
>Post No. rollback is something i'm working on right now
what happened when I was asleep? astonish
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It's a tale not to speak of, but since you haev asked...

It was an gruel some battle between good an evil, a fight for only those who was there to witness could speak of teh words for teh fallen threads. A sad days our kingdom as hope seemed to faint among our people... Luckily our horny mage, mod-sama manged to cum all over most of the threads to keep them sticky and safe for the moment. While Kaguya, our main knight used time magic to revert all teh evil.

Things went back as nothing happen.
And for our attackers, they fainted into our memory of teh past.

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I think that quote use should be valid in any case where real quotes would've been used.
For example, using the quoting feature if I'm quoting something that no one said, to make an example or a joke, should still be justified because I'm still QUOTING something, even if it wasn't explicitly said by any other user.
That's not how the feature was used nor what it's meant to do.
you can still use quotation marks for that
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i'm not dutch happy
You can use blockquotes for that OP

liek this


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Where did the footer links go glare
Or did they always display only when entering a thread?
>Or did they always display only when entering a thread?
Not always, but they've been like that since around late 2021 - it's long overdue a fix sweat2
Hayai!! astonish
On Heyuri.net we have the quickest fixes of all interwebs cool

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