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File: greentext.png
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I don't think that is rule 8, it seems to be a quote. Even has quotation marks which is kind of redundant.
It's a parody of a real quote. It's clear the anon wrote this parody, so it shouldn't be in the greentext
lol this is getting ridiculous
How so? It's not an actual quote, it's something that anon made up, so it's a misuse of teh quoting function, which b0rks teh rule 8
Misusing the quote function refers to use it when your not quoting something. That guy is still quoting someone, it just so happens that those exact words were not actually said.

He is using the ">" quote marker to indicate a quote. That is proper use. It does not matter whether what he is quoting was actually said or not, it is clearly still a quote.
>That is proper use
Not accoridng to the mods, who in the past deleted posts because what was in the greentext wasn't the exact quote
>It does not matter whether what he is quoting was actually said or not
It does matter
Im sure the mods are active enough to see people miss using quotes and delete teh posts, you guys dont need to make a half dozen threads on /q/ complaining about false positives sweat3

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