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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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would it be a good idea to just have an auto filter that would change nu buzzwords into something else?
change the word into some inside joke that would embarrass the poster for not following the rules.
seems like it could be an opportunity to bring about more lulz instead of just deleting the post.
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I think another positive of this change would be that instead of deleting whole posts that may have some good content but a buzzword or two, they will just replace the buzzword with something more appropriate or funnier and keep the post with value undeleted
If a post had a buzzword to begin with, I doubt any value would be lost
Besides, how can newfags learn about our culture, if they aren't admonished for newfag behaviour? Bearly anyone reads the rules anyway
a lot of longposts or have one or two potential buzzwords in them if you are strict enough. especially ones that are talking about events or things like that that are happening currently

I'm sure even without their reply getting deleted they would realize the reason their word was replaced in the post
There's still the problem of words like "based", "cringe" and "seething", since they are normal part of vocabulary when used in their correct context, but filter would treat them always as rule 8 breaking words. "This anime was WIN on the Light Novel", "I am boiling through my teeth" (if we take examples from >>62886). And although the boiling example is humorous, it would get old pretty fast

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I think this would be a cool picture to put at the top of the rules pagenyaoo
We aren't exactly gatekeeping, we just expect newcomers to lurk a bit b4 posting and either join us if they liek our posts or leave without causing problems if they don't
I'm gatekeeping the gatekeepers nyaoo-closedeyes

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Heyuri has been incredibly slow today and its because it takes a shit ton of time to load content from unpkg.com. What's the deal?
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I think its a Content Delivery Manager or something like that
It's for ruffle, but I don't notice any difference in loading times unsure
Most of the time it's fine, but I have definitely experienced times where the entire page was prevented from loading for ages because of this exact reason dark

Maybe this is how kaguya-san's internet connection normally performs, so he can't notice the difference xd
That's hidoi mod-san, I am trying to emulate 2004's internet including the loading speeds here cry

If the problem is actually severe perhaps I could look into hosting our own ruffle instance, but other than not thinking it would be necessary, I couldn't do it at first because:
- We wouldn't have ruffle's daily updates
- When something eventually b0rks I would be the one trying figure out what has gone wrong dark
- Most importantly, I don't have shell access on servers required for the setup to begin with, at least in our current situation

Another possible solution is leeching off from another site's ruffle instance. Obviously this could have some security issues, so we would have to use a trustworthy website or CDN's instance. Feel free to suggest candidates for this one
>unpkg is an open source project built and maintained by Michael Jackson.

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Please add official Tor and I2P support, pleeeasse?
I've been asking since 2020.
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YES I want 100% of my traffic routed through the gobernment servers!!!
is this an ID GET thread now? xd
this is way too good
how is your ID "Heaven"
yeah i wonder how too dark

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credits to the guys over at 619chan for this, check em out.
but i propose that we nab this idea and implement it here.
idk. seems like it'd be fun.
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this .jpg file was the only thing worth seeing there

>i propose that we nab this idea and implement it here.
Do you think users will bother checking such a board often to see what is the current topic? No, we will just look at /b/ and post in if there is any thread with an interesting topic
i dont think its a board that would require much vigilance
just depends on how quickly the topics cycle through.
could be everyday, every other day, every week.
im not complaining about /b/'s activity but i think sometimes people run out of things to post which results in slower traffic, maybe a dedicated topic on a separate board could supplement that.
Hispachan used to have a board like that. I wasn't an hispachan user (i only checked it once every so often), but it always seemed to me like a good idea. That said, we have to talk about what we always talk about when board discussion comes up: we don't have enough users unsure
Thanks for the mention on here lol, just found it while googling the site.

It's totally understandable, I tried to make a post a while back on my /b/ urging them to use the other boards.

For me, I'm just letting the topic sit for as long as possible before changing the board topic.
It's human nature for us to gravitate towards a central location where the rest of our "tribe" is gathered - Heyuri has learned the hard way that it's better to have fewer boards with moar activity than moar boards with less activity sweat2

Rather than making additional boards that are functionally identical to each other besides the topic and telling users to use them, it's usually best to only make additional boards when it would be detrimental to the existing board(s) not to - at least if maximizing user activity is the goal

That said, I can respect wanting to have 3 trap boards *salutes with pen0r* blush

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Bring back the old one!!!! angry
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the current one just looks better, noone cares about kuz
Personally I preferred the pre-kokonotsuba one (the current one) anyway, cuz I think the green accent suits the site better than maroon nyaoo

But regardless of opinion, the red one is licensed to kolyma, so we can't use it if we want to have Heyuri's assets located with the rest of Heyuri's files on heyuri.net rather than centralized on kncdn (where it's shared with other kolyma sites, owned by kuz, and can't easily be accessed/changed by kaguya)

Same goes for the kolyma-licensed CSS styles, which you may have noticed were recently removed from Heyuri. Since kolyma owns the implementations but not the concepts, those styles will have to be remade from scratch... which mite b a good thing, since our CSS files have needed a good cleanup for a long time (which will make creating new styles much easier), and now is a good opportunity to do it nyaoo
why did kuz delete my short and simple post making fun of kuzyma license?
i will ask this over and over if he baletes my post again.
he didnt
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I made some new buttons I think I like
This one the most
but I tried doing some tests with a dark arrow and I just can't seem to get the contrast right

Anyway these look way better than the default firefox-lookin crap arrow pointed at a rectangle

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I don't understand which greentext usage is against the rules so I can describe things but can't describe events?
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how 2 redtext?!?!?!??
write: red:(text you wanna write here)

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Every time I bring up this site anywhere, pic rel gets mentioned and the discussion is instantly derailed. Really annoying how someone who hasn't been the admin for almost a year is still the #1 thing people think of when they hear the name "Heyuri". What did he do that made /jp/ hate him so much
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He bumped this thread without reading it wink
I just read everything and did not see any proof of any of kuzs wrongdoings Mr. Smartass.
Have you read >>62974 yet?
"Saying exactly what kuz did" and "proof of any of kuzs wrongdoings" are 2 different things smile

Firstly, we're talking about people and events related to anonymous imageboards - imageboards delete old threads as new ones are made, and they generally have moderators who delete posts that cause community issues or are believed to be made by individuals or groups they don't want on their site (whether it's anti-kuz folk deleting kuz posts, pro-kuz folk deleting anti-kuz posts, or kuz-neutral folk deleting everything related to kuz because they're sick of hearing about it). So anything that may have caused BIG DORAMA and TEH RAEG is more than likely lost to the ether, or buried so deep in the archives that nobody can be bothered to retrieve it or read through it all

Secondly, this thread is about what kuz did to make certain folk hate kuz, not proving that he did anything "wrong". Nobody here (nor on any other website) is a moral arbitor, nor have they been appointed King of Ethics - everyone has different opinions of what's right and wrong from their points of view, and nobody will ever 100% agree. At best, people can mention or point to various things that kuz has done or been involved with that were known to have caused negative reactions, and then it's up to the readers of the thread to decide whether it changes their opinion or not, or if they even believe any of it at all
The main things that aren't drama related are just privacy concerns, I guess, but if you're using individually-hosted websites you should take certain precautions anyway. ph34r

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found a post with a weird link that leads to a mediafire page with some suspicious file called sacrifice 2.
here is the post
Deliver-kun is technically spam, but since he always delivers what he promises without making u pay for it (and mostly provides Heyuri-appropriate stuff anyway), he gets a free pass nyaoo-closedeyes

Spam-kun on the other hand is B& due to repeatedly failing to deliver angry

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wouldn't it be cool if we banned "AI" generated images? smile
Not really huh
why would we do that?
ai art is good for porn/memeing around and stuff. its not cool when its used to disguise as *real* art
>ai art is good for porn/memeing around and stuff. its not cool when its used to disguise as *real* art
I love to play the game of "was this picture made by an AI or by a human"

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This might sound like a weird idea, but what about a "let's play" board?
similar to the one something awful had, where users would make a thread documenting their playthrough of a game. It's not something that can simply be posted on /b/
I know there's a lot of moon rune readers on this site. It'd be specially cool to document playthroughs of japanese games.
It's not really worth dedicating an entire board to the topic IMHO (especially considering that we've already failed to get a general video games board off the ground multiple times sweat2), but lounge is usually the best place for longer format threads - take the WinXP/2k era PC games thread for example: https://dis.heyuri.net/lounge/koko.php?res=1514

You could also adapt the concept to fit one of the other boards better - compiling/condensing your playthough into a single or small series of epic /b/ threads, depicting it through drawings/comics on /o/, etc.
a lets play board sounds really cool but i dont think it would be much of a success right now
though i have been thinking that we are probably ready to sustain a new board now.
the topic would have to be something not too niche to where no one even posts on it
but also not too much of an umbrella topic like /jp/ where it would split the activity between it and /b/.
i'd tune into it if the OPs were engaging in his comments

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stuff like pic rel, some of them are pretty funny but a lot of them are discord tier
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If you want to see and/or post memes that derive from iFunny, then you should be on iFunny. These memes don't belong on a site which dedicated itself to pretending that it is in the pre-2010's internet.
that isn't what heyuri is newfag
Heyuri is not a role-playing website.
Heyuri is what I say it is, and there is nothing you are able to do to stop me.

(*stops j00*)
Literally kill yourself

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Would Heyurians be interested in a navigation script? I have created one for my personal test instance of Heyuri's software. You can use J and K to navigate up and down a thread, respectively. F and D to navigate up and down post-by-post. Use R to reply to the selected thread. Use B to go back to page 1 or refresh the page if you are on the first page. Use C to type in the text area and S to type in the subject text area. I plan to add H to navigate to the home page (www.heyuri.net) and other keys for navigation between pages.

I can create a pull request if desired. I could even make it toggleable in the settings menu
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Ok working on a PR now. Going to see if I can try to put it in the settings menu first before creating the PR
I'm having trouble getting it to work in the Settings menu. The console outputs "ERROR: Fatal error in module 'KK Keyboard Navigation'. Which is coming from koko.js

Any help is much appreciated
If you are made a new kokojs module, it must be included in the <head> section, AFTER koko.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://static.heyuri.net/js/koko/koko.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://static.heyuri.net/js/koko/yourscript.js"></script>
Not sure if this is the problem but could be. the koko-js scripts were written by lolico 2 years ago and havent been touched much since. he's now gone
I wish that were the issue

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Hey mods! It's time to wake up and actually delete posts that break the rule 8!
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already dealt with
After 40 minutes! How many mods does Heyuri have? Is there a shortage?
Also No.37443 stayed up for 10 days! We really need a report button
>How many mods does Heyuri have? Is there a shortage?
It's basically just been me and kaguya since last spring - it's manageable at the current rate, but when the board is teh speedycat for an extended period and things are getting raucous (like a few weeks back), it can be a little much sweat2

We used to have a report system on the old Heyuri software, but kokonotsuba never had it implemented - unfortunately it's not as simple as just adding a button and we've been starved of developers for a long time, but here's the link to our software in case anyone wants to give it a try: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba

For now, you can use /q/ to report things nyaoo-closedeyes
>For now, you can use /q/ to report things
Okay, sure

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wait, how the meta board has more posts than /b/?
how that happened?
I don't remember the exact details, but it was something like "kuz copypasta'd some gurochan files when moving us to kokonotsuba and forgot to fix /q/'s post numbers", so /q/ ended up going from somewhere around 2K-2.5K to 60K overnight sweat2

By my rough calculations, it should really be about 5K right now

Additionally, /b/'s numbers are actually 1K beyond what they should be cuz we went from 14K straight to 15K due to a modhax GET

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