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Maek some kind of funny word filter that turns PENIS and VAGINA into something else please!! Maybe you could turn them into chinko and manko. Also you could add some cool effect, like make these words rotate very fast.
Maek some kind of funny word filter that turns chinko and manko into something else please!! Maybe you could turn them into PENIS and VAGINA. Also you could add some cool effect, like make these words rotate very fast.
i love PENIS mad-libing threads biggrin
i love PENIS VAGINA-libing PENISes biggrin
Only kaguya has l33t wordfilter powars, otherwise I'd have dun it ages ago (and to a lot of other things that get frequently abused) nyaoo-closedeyes
I am open to add moar werdfilters
There are few filters like partybus and I can add some like Ayashii World too, but I liek the current PENIS filter
Actually maybe it can use more LOLs...
>I am open to add moar werdfilters
Teh trick is to add them whenever something gets really stale, overused, and lame, and they work best when they're completely unannounced & totally troll teh users who trigger them xd

Example: "loli-nekos" -> "MACHO MEN", "LOL PENIS" -> "Napoleon Bonaparte"
maybe pretty please make a chen word filter

i do love chen..
seconding lolinekos->MACHO MEN for later lolz
Please make it so that every "nya" get wordfiltered into "bark"!
it's not as fun when it's being expected, and those don't get overused... anymore
yep, thankfully forced memes on Heyuri are short-lived in the end
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i fucking luv macho men!

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