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I notice that the thread about this got locked, and mods will probably lock this one too, but I believe the thread about Prussian Blue avoids Rule 7 moderation because:

-OP's question wasn't that politically charged. He was asking if people actually liked them or it was just tribe members supporting their own. He might have asked that question regarding any artist in relation to any group.

-The replies are not politically charged either. It's just people explaining their story and making jokes along that line, wondering if they were bullied in school, etc.

So by comparison, the now deleted post, if I can quote;

>white supremacy
>made-up concept

Looks like a 4chan-tier provocation by comparison, so I can understand why the mods deleted it.

Although, I can also understand why the poster is confused as to why his post was deleted;-- I've seen snappy corrections like that made to numerous posts around here in the past-- mine included. This just seemed like another one in that vein, in relation to this particular thread. I don't think Heyurians would have taken it in a bad way, or it would have led to the thread spiralling out of control. In all likelihood it might have simply been ignored whilst other posters talked about other things.

So I can see why it would be deleted; especially if the poster in question is apparently a veteran rule-breaker, but In this particular case I think it was quite innocuous and shouldn't've been deleted. Just my opinion-- I know that ultimately modz r godz...sweat2

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