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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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with the kolyma IRC down, are we going to create a channel elsewhere?
current heyuri irc: irc.rizon.net #heyuri

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I want to make a kewl C++ joke and this pops up
I don't know what is that foruda
This shouldn't be related to your C++ joke at all unless it keeps happening when you try to repost it. Strange glitch honestly.
CSRF is Cross Site Request Forgery btw, way more common in online banking and has pretty much no use in anonymous imageboards, i don't even know why that module exists (゚ー゚)
I have a C++ joke for you.


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"DQOP" should be allowed as long as its not the sole purpose of your post
(picrel should be example of exactly what not to do)
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"DQOP" is a 3-day-old forced meme that has only ever been posted by a single user, who themselves has quotelinked an OP at least once since coming up with this st00pid acronym closed-eyes2

Given how persistent they are with it, and how it completely died out for a while, I suspect they're probably the same user who was forcing the "don't quotelink the OP" thing the first time around
lol yea if its just one guy then fuck it but to me the op quotelinker nazi shit always felt like a wave of multiple users so i guess i assumed that was just happening again.
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I know the term, “LURK MOAR”, but what is the good spirit for Heyuri and how do I contribute to make this site fun for all? Is it file related? mask
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>I know the term, “LURK MOAR”
good, because you should do that first and foremost.
>but what is the good spirit for Heyuri and how do I contribute to make this site fun for all?
after you're done lurking, you should have fun and you should post stuff that you enjoy and makes us LOL. also you should follow the rules. pay attention to rule 8, because that seems to be the hardest for people to adjust to. https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=rules
do that and you should be just fine.
>Is it file related?
yes, someone made it and I liek it. nyaoo
That might just be my first OC!
...and could need some form of revising! sweat

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Where does Kaguya upload the files for the anime watch-alongs?
anonfiles and most likely already gone. try nyaa.si or something.
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It wasn't me who uploaded the last streams for pic related reasons, but we used catbox:

Or just Youtube if the show was already uploaded there with English subtitles.
thx biggrin
There aren't as many file hosting site as one would think
Woah, fast ineterwebz speed! nosebleed
>There aren't as many file hosting site as one would think
U sure? Last I looked there were a ton of generic pomf.se clones (such as catbox), though the individual instances rarely last long unsure

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Kind of a Heyuri-centric version of the 'good and bad 4-chan boards' thread on lounge.

Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?

Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?

For the board I use the least, it's probably a tie between here and /vote/. I usually wait for the polls to add up so I can vote on a bunch of them, and I also don't usually have many concerns about the site.

As for the board I use most, I love /lounge/. Always an interesting discussion there about topics I'm interested in. Even if I'm not into whatever it is, I usually learn a lot thanx to Heyurizen's explanations.nagato
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I think there is something to talk about if only you make the effort to be more detailed.

You say you like /b/ because it's most active, but would you still like it if it was most active and also very shitty?
There must be a certain quality in particular that attracts you to it.
Maybe that quality is just the true randomness of that board. While 4/b/ is mostly bait or the same porn threads every day, with very few actually "random" threads.
And even then, well you know how most discussions go on 4chan nowadays.
>Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?
I browse all boards equally since I am an professional Heyuri enthusiast, but I mostly post to whichever ones that other users are mostly posting to

I mainly post replies since I spend most of my days working on various projects, which doesn't leave much time/energy to think of an original topic (plus I've been here for 3 years and ran out of fresh/obvious thread ideas a long time ago) sweat2

>Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?
The ones that other users post to the least, for the same reasons as above smile
Most: /b/ like the majority of other Heyuri users im pretty sure. i try to be as active on /sw/ as i can but i usually just reply to others on there rather than post. i also check /o/ very often just bc i love OC and want to feed my addiction as often as i can.

Least: i have yet to post on /jp/. please dont get me wrong, i love the fact that we have /jp/, i want to see its activity grow, and i was really excited for it when it was announced (would love to see more boards as well), but i just dont speak japanese. I never really had any interest in learning japanese so i never went out of my way to translate anything into japanese just to post it on /jp/, although i wouldnt be surprised if i do exactly that someday. i still lurk and check up on /jp/ like once a day. I may even check up on it more often than i do /lounge/. love /lounge/, tons of fun threads on there, but for some reason i only read it when its really late and im feeling cozy. Nights like those are when i wrap myself around in your guys' words about incest and dreams and melt into my mattress. i save /lounge/ for special occasions.
We don't really have enough boards for this thread to make sense, anon.
In fact, I think a lot of posters wouldn't be able to tell you which board they even use 'more' as it's still slow enough that using them all is very possible. I know I'm in that position.

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I titled a poll as "multi option select" but forgot to actually enable it. Could anyone edit that poll to enable that? Thx in advance
as it wasn't include... i like to write mine as; LOLicon! x3

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I counted to 26! nyaoo2 x3
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Damn, I just realized I also don't make much threads either. I just reply to preexisting threads.
I must remedy this... dark
Looking at how many different threads there are made me realize how many people there are here. sometimes it just feels like theres me and 5 other people and we dont even realize its us 5 the whole time
If we look at how many replies vote has, it's median is about 20 and peak 30. Which would make our community rather small, but I also think those who use vote are regular users.

Also, in two weeks we went from >>55066 to 56941. So about 2000 posts divded in 800 threads. I try to reply almost in every one, but thats not true either thus lets state I post once in ever 400 threads. That would make 400 of the 2000 post... meaning, if there are others like me, that would make us 5 people! sweat
Only one..for now..but I did make threads before but I guess they are in the archive/void tongue
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wtf is his problem?
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Welcome 2 Heyuri biggrin
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our hero! :3
I totally missed the context unsure
spoiler alert the b&hammer was fake unsure
of course not! rolleyes

our mighty mod-sama would never do something fake! wink

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God these neverending /r9k/ and /pol/-lite posts lately suck dark

Pls STFU 4evar about your crappy life, depression, mental illnesses, virginity, being NEET, how much you dislike women/normalfags/etc., "degeneracy", "the downfall of the West", etc., and take it to one of the many imageboards that specializes in that kind of thing

Heyuri is a fun website for anime, OC, LOLs, and faps - it is not ur internet agony aunt, therapist, nor political rally sweat3
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hell yeah! that spaghetti eating contests sounds awesome af! I join, i already got some in my frige.

I would love to see more tripfagging as it would make us more unquie as a community, but for now there are very few of us. And if I am the only active faggot, i will stand out to much as i guess I already do. But thanks. nyaoo-closedeyes
I don't see a problem with blogposts and the like, especially because most of them don't break any rules
I'm NEET and have depression. I'm also a mentally ill normalfag virgin.
B-but OP faggot-sama, aren't you also ranting about hating people you dislike? Gh-ghuh~ sweat
>aren't you also ranting about hating people you dislike?
No! It was a rant about a certain strain of now-seemingly-absent Heyuri posts, and the rant was posted to the Heyuri board for discussing Heyuri. This is a proper use of Site Discussion@Heyuri nyaoo-closedeyes

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I played a bit with the Kaomoji buttans (〃^∇^)

Also check out this cute site: https://web.archive.org/web/20071005232033/http://kaomozi.moo.jp/2chkao.html
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I fixed! キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

Baka chatgpt... dark
The student has surpassed the master. Congratz! biggrin
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thx! it wasn't anything complex but putting it bluntly, ChatGPT-san was trying to make it "perfect" in a way that's probably not possible

I also made the buttons look nicer
How do I refresh my page to show these??? I don't see it yet (;´Д`)
They're currently only on Lounge
Maybe I should add them to Off-Topic too? They are only different because I prepared Lounge's script to have separate emotes unsure
I will try to find more kaomojis later, the more the better in this case

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You know, mod-sama. Of all of us here on heyuri, you are without doubt the most mysterious of them all... as you are the only one without a real tripfag as I am aware of. I am pretty sure I've talked with you on cystream. However, I've still not connected all the dots just yet. I've my guesses tho. sweat2
>However, I've still not connected all the dots just yet
the answers you are seeking lies within old townhall logs
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Let the hunt begin! astonish
it's also on >>61219
With this, i can die in peace! nyaoo2

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Anyone else that uses Heyuri frames? This is how I use it. Very much nice! happy
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9 was the limit before it borked. happy
The way to fix this is to add a target="_top" attribute to the "Use Frames" link, which will prevent it from opening inside of an existing frame
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things never change
fixed now
Thx kaguya! biggrin

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why does quoting a post and saying nothing else get you banned? Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is. Instant ban. why
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A quote link (like >>63863 ) is a quote of a post number that the board software auto-linkifies

A reply is what you're reading rite nao, and they are directed at the OP or a recent reply unless otherwise specified by a quote or quote link
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it's different from 4chan that's what I want to say
Threads exist as static HTML pages (unless you're viewing as a mod or using the live frontend I believe), and they don't get refreshed until something triggers it, such as a new post or something else. This saves us from unnecessary processing on the server every time someone opens a thread

This is a different website to 4chan after all sweat2 - plus there was no such hover message on 4chan until relatively recent times

Behold what happens when you click a post number on Futaba: https://may.2chan.net/b/
Read the rules carefully to find out.
It's also a thing that only started happening on imageboards in about 2018 or so, I don't see how it's any less a violation of rule 8 than a greentext story (which also includes "misuse of the quoting feature", although that's meant for ">" of course). In fact that seems to be a shoe-in violation of the buzzword clause.
Even more so for
>Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is.
Which is once again something that only started happening in ~2018 or so and is clearly a misuse of the quoting feature in the greentext story sense.

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honestly, hope threads like these dont continue to get autosaged.
i kno were not about SRS BSNS here and thats cool, thats why i like heyuri, but to me enforcing lulzy posts by silencing these kinds of harmless posts isnt the way either.
imageboards have been a place where tons of outcasts have gathered for a long time bc its one of the few places in the world theyre allowed to express themselves, as gay as that sounds its true and we all know it. i think its a good thing as well and something we should embrace.
if the goal remains to keep these kinds of posts off of /b/ then thats understandable but in that case i propose opening a board for sharing personal stories like these. not exclusively bawww threads either but everything, if you ate a really good grilled cheese and wanted to share your love for that grilled cheese you could do it there as well.
( ´,_ゝ`)
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Seems like OP is sad that Heyurians don't like his post, it's ok OP, you're still a giga faggot! Also:

not my post. i just genuinely like these kinda posts. im a sneaky lil salamander, i find the details about heyurizen's real lives to be interesting and would have replied to the thread which couldve probably started a larger convo which couldve probably drawn in others to chime in and contribute to the convo in a way that has happened a million times before if the thread didnt get autosaged.
if people find the thread interesting a conversation will start, if people hate the thread they will shit on it and thats fun too, but if people could simply care less about the post then itll get bumped off the catalog and fade into obscurity the way it should.
the only gripe that i really have is the autosaging. i just think as long as the post isnt breaking any rules then it should be up to the users to decide the post's fate.
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accidentally linked myself when i was aiming for youuuu >:(
>would have replied to the thread which couldve probably started a larger convo which couldve probably drawn in others to chime in and contribute to the convo in a way that has happened a million times before if the thread didnt get autosaged.
Well thank kamisama it was autosage'd so we didn't have to read all that dreary p00p biggrin
There's a part I can agree with here: we have visible sage, so it is viable to let the community self-moderate part of the contents to some extent. But even then, some content (see rule 8) should be dealt with harshly, without users getting a say in this, to avoid population drift and other social network dynamics. Though in OP, it's pretty clear the community had already spoken so I don't see the problem with the cull, even if you were to insist the OP is in line with heyuri standards.

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There were so many awesome threads posted here from I wanna say April 28 to May 8, but then it went back to normal. Look at the front page from 1 week ago https://archive.ph/I8eKl compared to now img.heyuri.net/b/
It really depends on who's around, what mood they're in, and the beholder's personal taste

Sometimes the stars align and everything is TEH AWESOEM, other times it can range from "meh" to "shit sux". Since the start, it has varied from month to month, week to week, day to day - even hour to hour!

Consider that even during the time period you mentioned, >>63672 was made sweat2
As in all things, the best advice is: be the change you want to see nyaoo-closedeyes
I like threads both now and then saitama

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