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File: bingo.png
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ah... that was pretty quick
so what is it? tranny? this word has been used for a long time and it's not the core of my post nor the picture. Do you want me to say "transgender" instead? Is it because I used "le" in an ironic way? come on guys
Complaining abt "Jannies" is a nu-4chan thing, kindly keep that shit out heyuri dark
Plus, spams gonna get deleted no matter the type
File: rule 7.png
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>so what is it? tranny?
Right on the money.
Discussion about transgender stuff has been banned for a while to prevent falling into the typical trap of turning into another 4chan, where topics are dominated by politicized arguments and buzzwords being thrown around like hot pancakes. Heyuri isn't about antagonizing each other to get a rise or prove some sort of vaguely defined point, so we want to avoid creating that environment. It wouldn't matter whichever way you chose to say it, either; it's banned altogether.

>it's not the core of my post nor the picture.
Be that as it may, the point of enforcing Rule 7 is to discourage discussion about it in the first place. This isn't 4chan, but you have that place and many other avenues to discuss it if you'd like. This is not one such avenue.

I deleted the file specifically because your thread would have been fine if not for that. Poking fun at other sites isn't forbidden, and there's been plenty of that directed toward neocities/web revival groups in the past.
"Ironic shitposting" breaks Rule 8, 'nuff said
"Ironic" posting is always shittier than people being serious
uh... Censor the word tranny and post it again. I think neocities is due some more mockery right now ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I fail to see how the simple mention of the word tranny is "discussing it" but whatever

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