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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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where's my favicon BITCH?!

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- I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail, as I don't know for how long I will be able to access the old one
- All kokonotsuba boards have tripcode based PM module now, I centralized them
- There are now granular (is this really the rite word?) bans, meaning we can ban for hours too now instead of only "x amount of days" (thx komeo)
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I can give you a cock.li address so you don't have to embarrass yourself, dude
it's not any better, but this is not the place to discuss that.
>I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail

I just sent you a Wii friend request. I hope you accept blushblush
sorry, my wii is long b0rk cry
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I added your e-mail to my Wii's address book. It should have sent an e-mail to your address, unless proton blocked it thinking it's spam, or anything else got in the way.unsure

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Rule 7
that entire thread... dark

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Manually deleting threads uzee.... I believe I've been doing it since the anonymoose spam, but I am thinking about enabling auto pruning again soon. We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.

Normally I also archive worthy threads just before pruning, but we must do that before they get auto deleted from now on.
I think Kokonotsuba is meant to have the thread pruning feature on too, otherwise stuff like this happens: https://img.heyuri.net/b/150.html

While we're on it, what do you think about increasing page limit a little? It used to be 5, then I increased it to 10 after a townhall, but it seem to be able to handle 15 pages fine as well.
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I feel like (based on my experience with devs working on captchas) a useful captcha module is more trouble than it's worth. I could enable kaptcha, but it has major flaws too and not my code to make public. It recently proved to be useless against automated spam on another site anyways.

Making them based on PPH doesn't sound like good ideas, there are only organic dumping threads that would increase it
It turns out that range bans were always there, you just didn't know how to hand them out banana
i tested many formats for handing them out, but not with global bans sweat2
In my opinion, there's no need for captcha. Almost every captcha can bypassed by someone with relatively little or no skill (extensions available). Even Kaptcha, in which it might be more secure by obscurity, can by bypassed by someone with a bit of skill. Only captcha that seems to work are those like the one on HHS (for uncustomized spam).
Someone with l33t sk1llz trying their hardest to pwn ur site will find a way regardless, but a captcha will at least hinder/deter the lowest effort skiddies and spambots - which is all it really needs to do

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would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality? so we could image-dump more efficiently.
today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder, but I didn't feel like posting each and every image one by one.
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Wait a minute, didn't something like this happen last year?xd
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why not? imageboards are made to share images, after all.
Imageboards are designed for doing everything in a very inefficient and backwards and stupid way. Any improvements are shit and only a reddit0r would want them.
My god... Honestly i am impressed...
>very inefficient and backwards and stupid
That's what I'm all about biggrin

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Hey, while I was browsing [up] I noticed several files that fall under Rule 8, most notably party faces and greentext stories in the form of .txt files.
https://up.heyuri.net/user/kuz/ (kuz029.png)
Is Rule 8 not enforced on [up] or were these somehow left up unintentionally?
2ちゃん (AKA up, 2ch.sh, and 2ch.cx) used to be a seperate website owned by a guy called Nakura. He advertised it here when he launched it, and it had an emphasis on being anonymous with basically zero moderation except for illegal things and malware

It was soon pretty much exclusively used by Heyuri, and it began to follow Rule 8 after a poll suggesting the idea was held in October 2021. Nakura then disappeared around late October/November 2021, and has not been heard from since (COINCIDENCE????👽)

Since we generally don't apply new rules to older posts/materials retroactively (cuz it's a laem thing to do), Rule 8 only applies to files uploaded from that point onwards - which is around file number 1900 on Everything. For that matter, Heyuri's Rule 8 also didn't include anything about "greentext" or misusing the quotes until November 2022, and 2ちゃん only moved to the heyuri.net domain last month in August 2023

It's never been discussed whether Heyuri's rules apply to the user boards or not, which are still effectively as unmoderated as they've always been - which hasn't been a big problem since they've hardly been used in the past 2 years sweat2

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Has the size option at BBCode drop-down menu been looking like this for a while for you too?
Yeah. I think there was a ghey firefux update at sum point that globally b0rked that type of input box, since I've seen the same issue elsewhere - it appears fine on Edge

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Keyed – nu4chan-discord slang, supposed to be a synonymous with "based". Somewhat related to the soyjack.party
The sentence itself is a Rule 8 snowclone from "that" crowd dark

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MP4 and WebM uploads are displaying the file size of the thumbnails instead of the actual file size
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why did you bump this thread retard
just becuz 😝
It's my thread again! astonish
Holy crap I have the same ID as I did in >>61413 too... I use a VPN astonish
Such a coincidence indeed biggrin

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<can someone explain me what "pinktext" is for?
It's used for 65000GAY posts! x3
><can someone explain me what "pinktext" is for?
<you can use it for replying, but it's usually not used and I think feels a little orthodox. It's most often used when you quote more than one thing in one post and want to reply them all. Examples: >>64130 >>60744
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It took 2 days for my retarded brain to understand what you said, but now I get. thx!

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Heyuri is an website
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OMG! How do I visit it?
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NO WAY!???

I better go to sleep FAST so i can visit tomorr0w

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is this a monitor refresh rate test?
It's teh Heyuri's traffic light system. When u see teh Heyuri star, u must Heyuri

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should I delete these threads, or leave them up? they always get autosage'd, but he doesn't stop making them.
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I am a huge fan of the poop threads, they are a staple of heyurian culture and should be PERMITTED!
long live pooposting
Permitting that literal shit is a good way of slowly stagnating the website.
When I go on Heyuri and the first thing I see is a picture of someone's shit I am a lot less likely to browse or make any posts, and I'm sure a lot of other users feel the same way.
Give it time, it'll go away, poop threads come and go. The current one was created only because some teen from VidLii started attention whoring, also video about Heyuri is on the front page of VidLii right now. Poop posting is a good way to scare away retards
Thing is, we don't need to "scare away" people since moderation will just take care of any rule breakers.
Besides, shit threads aren't going to scare away retards, it'll only attract them, they'll think they're in good company. I don't think cultivating a community of people who like that sort of thing will be good for Heyuri in the long term.

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is this R8?
not accusing anyone, just askin'
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Liek I said: it started on /sp/, spread to /v/, then spread further

It's one of the defining terms of 2010s 4chan, along with "based/based god" - which I believe also started on /sp/, or was at least popularized there before spreading
i always thought btfo was older than that
>i always thought btfo was older than that
GTFO & STFU are more than a decade older and were far more widespread (same era as WTF, n00b, owned, hax, etc.), so maybe ur mixing it up with those
probably just that

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How much of this should we tolerate and how should we handle it?
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>We live in a modern world where every action must be based logically
Heyuri is from the ancient times where boring stuff like "logic" can be safely disregarded for the sake of protecting LOLs
I still think the newbie went overboard
when threads are derailed multiple times its because they are cursed and they should be culled from the site to prevent them cursing other threads
>and shit flinging with buzzwords like "degeneracy" and "hero" with no argument to them don't count as discussion
That was just one out of all those posts. Even the replies to it were completely civil
We need to call the thread exorcist kuz

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