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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Before it's too late and I get accused for not being transparent, there is a little thing I want to make clear: There are few features (modules) on Heyuri that can't be made public on the Github version. The reason is, these modules mostly consist of KolymaNET's centralized code, which isn't really unique to Kokonotsuba.

These modules are (at least ones that aren't depreciated/still in use on Heyuri):

1. Kaptcha
What you see on /lounge/ now to create threads. Kaptcha is currently the only type of captcha that can be used on Kokonotsuba. I am open to replace it if an alternative is developed.

2. VIP
Well, this is not really important, but including here for the sake of transparency. Users with a VIP code can post with a star next to their names, and bypass kaptcha. I am not saying anything on if I will leave this on Heyuri or abandon in the future for now.

3. SpamDB
Integration with https://spam.kolyma.org/spam.php - more explanation there.
I don't really want to abandon this until an alternative gets developed, but this may possibly cause conflicts as Kokonotsuba gets development updates.
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>it also needs to use Kolyma's secret password hashing method
It's not that secret - I worked out the method and salt in about 5 minutes, and I'm the furthest thing from a cryptographer. It should really be changed sweat2
considering the willingness of people to contribute to heyuri, hopefully we can replace those modules with open source alternatives soon cool
These are the kinds of knowledge/awareness the you know whos exploit to spam you know what and destroy alternative imageboards.
Be careful.
I can barely code at all xd

It's really not that advanced - my experience tinkering with a few old Japanese BBS scripts from the 90s and early-2000s that worked the same way is what tipped me off (that alone should tell you how unrecommended this method is...), and there's some additional major giveaways

Now despite it being an archaic and unrecommended method, just knowing how it works still doesn't help much with cracking leaked hashed passwords or brute forcing the login field... so shouldn't it just be open source? (obviously with different default parameters to what Heyuri is using, and not hosting a public version for people to see what our parameters are)
wait so heyuri doesnt even utilize the php password() function?? glare

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If it isn't available, is there another altchan for real life gore? Thanks
Sorry I have no idea about any of that...sweat2
But as a sidenote you should probably ask this question in /lounge/ or /sw/, or even /b/.
This board is called 'site discussion' because it's for the discussion of Heyuri as a site, not because it's for discussion of internet sites as a whole sweat2
I asked here because Gorechan is/was under Kolyma's umbrella as seen here https://g3.kolyma.org/
Thanks for your recommendation regardless.
Somebody can move this thread if so desired
>>62303 is right, this thread don't belong here.
But that you asked, I think the files are still at host, but it was getting too much spam (including CP) for me to moderate alone, so shut down indefinitely. Maybe I can see if it's possible to host it without allowing posts, as an archive sometime so people can recover some images they liked

I don't know any other imageboards like gorechan myself, and Heyuri isn't really the right place to ask

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dear kaguya

could we have a board for science and technology? doesnt have to be seperate ones. i want to be able to nerd out with fellow physics and coding heyurians nyaoo2

thanx, anon
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new user are necessary for growth and survival, but it has to be done in such a way that it goes slow and steady. User are the content creator after all and can easily over stear and lose what make heyuri- heyuri.

let people do some work to get here, some sort of puzzle to solve, with tiny bits of informations. Spread that shit and does who are a little bit more... mature? find their way. i will think of this.
Puzzles are not fun dark
There should be some interesting script that could be used for a scientific board on Heyuri...
I think having different gimmicks for every board just for the sake of having different gimmicks is kind of dumb(´~`)

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personally, my no1, i wouldn't add a 'feature' per-se, but more of like making the kokonotsuba code more readable and documented. that would make it easier to contribute and understand the code if ur a dummy like me dark
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...and the return of the Overboard, but would also be versatile enough that it can also display Strange World posts, Oekaki posts, etc.
>the ability for mods to append a message to posts/replies without triggering a real ban or warning
You can do that by changing the IP addresses at the "IP Addr:" field to something like "1"
>You can do that by changing the IP addresses at the "IP Addr:" field to something like "1"
...I knew that unsure

*adds "improved ban instructions on ban page" to list*
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Here are the labels on the repository, I made an "idea" label for your such ideas.

Who knows, maybe some leet developer will liek your idea and work on it
mods can append messages and warnings on posts without being banned.
like that one post that had a "THIS USER HAS BEEN RED TEXT'D" or something, it wasnt a ban either... i would kno cuz it was me cool

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Am I the only one who can't interact with the reference links on HHS?
Yeah it's b0rked, I think it's just the citations in the article need cleaning up but I was too tired to do it when I noticed sweat2
Actually now that I look into it, the reference sections on all pages are messed up due to the CSS in ".mw-references-wrap" dark

I don't know what's causing it or how to fix it, somebody pls send help!! sweat
I can put some custom CSS for that to https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Common.css and it would override the default

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As you read it in the newspost. Discuss under here
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how does it display the .tpl files? im a bit of a newb so it just might mean you set up some other stuff, but i dont see any code for assigning variables, etc to the smarty parser
>> 92 KB
I think my webhost is too up-to-date with PHP to run koko.php. Errors on the right are from when I tried to run koko.php. This is where I was stuck last night when I gave up
Left is the env.php
An important note...

Kokonotsuba is designed and tested on debian 10, nginx, mariadb, and php7.3, and isn't guaranteed to work on any other stack.
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It turns out you had to go here (https://sys.kolyma.net/passwd.php), then put the hashed password into ADMIN_HASH to make it work.
Now everything works flawlessly.

>I then chowned the script to www-data
Definitely don't do this in a real environment (imo).
definitely very good to know

This concludes my saga on trying out Kokonotsuba. biggrin
russian kolyma backdoor lol

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is a good portion of it still kokonutsuba? or is it free from its shackles
pic unrel, just need to put a file to post in this board for some reason
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After being invited to a private chat with kaguya and kuz, a lot of things I brought up ITT haven been resolved, cleared up, or is now seriously outdated/WRONG information (on all sides, but particularly mine)

I'd also liek to publicly apologize to kaguya and the rest of Heyuri for initiating and contributing towards this thread turning into an ugly flame-filled dramafest, and to apologize to kuz specifically for bringing up things about him unrelated to OP's question (or anything that anyone else posted ITT) - purely so I could let off steam about personal/private issues I had with him that really didn't need to be aired out in the open

This was honestly my fault to begin, because I generally keep myself in the dark by avoiding various channels and never reaching out to kuz or kaguya, and I just came up with my own theories based off what limited amount I could see on the boards (which also lead to kuz and kaguya doing the same towards me, because there was often limited ways to contact me) dark

I'm aware that it sounds like I've got a gun to my head after everything I said before (I assure you I do not - in fact I started typing this before we even spoke privately!), but I do genuinely appreciate kuz's thankless contributions towards Heyuri's continued existence, even if we don't always see eye to eye. Ultimately, I just wanted the whole situation about kuz, kokonotsuba, and Heyuri to be more transparent... and if what kuz has announced to me and kaguya in private is true, it's about to be VERY transparent huh

Finally, while I'm the last person who should be saying this, I srsly hope that us 3 Heyuri oldbies - who all care a lot about this silly little site on teh interwebs - can go back to being on friendly, productive terms again cry

(kaguya, pls roll teh credits)
>haven been resolved
Apology = Accepted biggrin
With this being left behind, we can move forward and continue working on making Heyuri even more awesome smile

I am closing this thread now. There will be an important (in a good way) announcement soon, so look forward to it!

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What site is this?
I can't find anything about it, I'm inclined to think it's just a mock-up unsure
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Nope ヽ(´ー`)ノ
it seems they don't know it either
I'm pretty sure it's just some guy posting a local-only thing he's made
kusane dial-up BBSes still exist right? "textboards" suck, I want the real deal! cool

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Something has to be done about the pedospammer on /b/ ASAP
Just a couple of hours in and now he's derailing every thread he's in. Let the b&hammer roll pls
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I'll still respond to him because I'm a nice guy, but I think the consent debate threads are gay and provide no lulz. Also the only thread I've seen derailed so far was that manga one, where some guy just says "fuck pedos" out of nowhere, and then it caused a shortlived feud. But honestly, out of all the threads to derail, I'm glad it was that one. No offense to the OP of that one, but I'm a little biased towards OC centered threads myself. If spammers started fucking with those, I'd be a little pissed.
As you guessed, it was one troll that evades bans. dark
Rest assured that he is banned, but looks like he caused some havoc while I was asleep. nyaoo-closedeyes

Please ignore him if his posts aren't deleted immediately, so you wouldn't be accidentally helping him to derail threads.
Thank you Kaguya biggrin
I'd liek to propose reviving/reinforcing the rule about "don't post meta outside of /q/", which we've ignored since the lolico days sweat2

It would just be for more Serious Business discussions/suggestions/complaints/shitflinging over Heyuri's operation and situation, not casual mentions of Heyuri, Heyuri staff members, Heyuri users, etc.

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Can we have the option to report posts that break the rules please?
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Is the software open source? I could take a look and see if I can implement a report feature. It doesn't sound too difficult (last words)
it isnt
Damn well I'm not too good with PHP, so I don't want to waste your time and not be able to deliver. I use JavaScript at work
table with columns for post id and weight (no. of reports of the post)
add a button on every post to report it, if its not in the sql table, add it - if it is, increase the weight by one (check if IP is different)
i dont think it would be too difficult to make
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Unless it spawned a bat-signal that alerted Kaguya of posts that break the rules when he's off-line, then i don't think a report feature is necessary right now
spam attacks are, well, quite apparent. Furthermore, even on /b/ posts are made at a rate where there's a lot of time for it to be delt with. That holds true without considering that the userbase tends to call out anything that goes against the balance of the echosystem
A report feature will only be needed when rule-breaking posts are frequent and abundant. It is true that a huge influx of users might threaten to make the aformentioned statement true, but only if we first neglect those kind of posts during the current stage of the site

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Administration, can you make a dark theme ples kuzkuz

? ?!
Not a fan of dark themes, but done biggrin

Don't thank me as I didn't do anything else than adding back the option, the CSS was designed by kuz back in the time kuz
I remembrar the Ayashii style ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Also tell if you prefer this one or GUROchan's version https://k.kncdn.org/css/gurodark.css?v54 (you can put to your custom CSS from top right)
Maybe I can attempt making ayashii style again for kokonotsuba the next nyaoo
thank you anyways >< !!

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Ok so, usually when i want to browse image boards i use my PC like any normal person but ever since i graduated i have been going out a lot more than usual so i was wondering if the site had any plans to work with KuroboaEX so this site can be browsed via app like many other Imageboards? I think this could boost the site with the mobilefags as well.
Pic unrelated
Whenever I'm tired and want to post on my bed I just use the website on Bromite unsure
Imageboards are meant to be browsed from the comfort of your own home with a cuppa in hand.

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Can we add some new boards?

How about these?

/a/ Anime and manga

/jp/ Japan discussion

/v/ Video games

/h/ Hentai

?loli/ Loli porn

/f/ Flash
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Back in 2020 when I used this website I remember very vividly there being a reimu armpit board, where the hell is the reimu armpit board? I feel like this is a tremendous oversight and should be fixed as soon as possible
That was StrawberryHeaven, not Heyuri smile
it would probably need some dev work, you'd need to check if the IP is a JP one or not, there are sum stackoverflow answers with implementing geolocation w/ IP

GL kaguya -- 日本人、へゆりによこそーここはちょうすごいです!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
we should add it to heyuri nosebleed
>most of their content can already go to /b/,
Maybe it's a placebo/autism thing but I feel like calling the board off-topic makes people want an on-topic dedicated board where they can feel at home.
Maybe calling the catch-all board something like "random" or "random 2D" or "jp" would help dissuading more people from asking for dedicated boards

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There should be a field in the post form that lets you change your file name. It sux to have 1669169656260496.webm as a filename, but renaming files in your file system every time you post suxx (with 2 x's!)
You can rename it in the filepicker on most OS.
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On the contrary, original source file names and non-hash-based server-generated file names liek UNIX timestamps and simple incrementing numbers are teh best smile
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I give a filename to 99.9% of the stuff i download as soon as i download it, so i can't relate to your issue
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same, i usually wanna go back 2 see some files so naming them helps a lot

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Hi, I used this site back when strawberryheaven was a thing, I guess I'm still a newfag since it was after Lolico died, well my Yuno drawing is on the wiki so I feel special still, anyways, why should I trust this Kaguya guy? I stopped using this website because of the previous owner's shenanigans, can I trust Kaguya? does he think Yomi is better than Tomo?
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Thank you for that nyaoo
>but it seems like clicking on the banners to make them change doesn't work anymore
Yes, I will try to work on maeking it so it changes as it used to soon. Maybe ChatGPT-san may be helpful now...
I will also open a 2ちゃん board very soon for banners, it has been on my mind for a long time, but the only reason I didn't do yet is that I tried making a modified /banner/... Which didn't work out. I could have the ordinary /banner/ back as well, but I liek the 2ちゃん idea better

btw here is the Gmod 9 one
Just as beautiful as when I lost it... cry

I'll be sure to make more banners once you figure that thing out
kagy is the best admin ever :3 i love my kagy everyone loves kagy
It probably feels awkward for kaguya to read such posts sweat2
He probably prints them out and sticks them on his wall so can fap.nyaoo-closedeyes

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