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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Posting results here for easy reference - I'll post updated versions ITT whenever the results significantly change

For those who have no idea what this is, see: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Anime_Nominations (fill it in!)

It's worth clarifying that this is NOT based on our opinions of anime, and should NEVAR be interpreted as a "best to worst" ranking. It's purely reflecting our desire to watch/rewatch a given anime together, with shows we haven't seen taking priority over those we've already seen. So lower position = lower priority, not lower quality or lower rated!

BTW, I'm calculating the results like this: ○ = +1pt, △/blank = 0pts, and X = -1pt

1st priority (6pts):
- Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
- Sensei no Ojikan: Doki Doki School Hours

2nd priority (5pts):
- DearS
- Genshiken
- Hand Maid May
- Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu
- Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze
- Myself; Yourself
- Ninin ga Shinobuden
- Okusama wa Joshikousei
- UFO Princess Valkyrie

3rd priority (4pts):
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
- Popotan

4th priority (3pts):
- Di Gi Charat (currently missing 1/6 votes)
- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
- Koi Kaze
- Koi Koi 7
- Kokoro Toshokan
- Kure-nai
- Midori no Hibi
- Moetan
- Sola

5th priority (2pts):
- Joshikousei: Girl's High
- Rec

6th priority (1pt):
- Elfen Lied

7th priority (0pts):
- Hitohira
- Onegai☆Teacher
- Rosario to Vampire (currently missing 4/6 votes)

8th priority (-2pts):
- Golden Boy
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Thanksgiving doesn't exist in my country, how about Halloween? mask
Halloween doesn't exist in my country. How about Kwanzaa?nigra
When is the next stream I hear j00 ask? Dunno lol, but here's the updated list:

1st priority
- Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
- Sensei no Ojikan: Doki Doki School Hours
2nd priority
- DearS
- Genshiken
- Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze
- Ninin ga Shinobuden
- UFO Princess Valkyrie
3rd priority
- Hand Maid May
- Myself; Yourself
- Popotan
4th priority
- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
- Koi Kaze
- Kokoro Toshokan
- Kure-nai
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
- Midori no Hibi
- Moetan
- Okusama wa Joshikousei
5th priority
- Di Gi Charat (missing 1/7 votes)
- Rec
6th priority
- Koi Koi 7
- Rosario to Vampire (missing 2/7 votes)
- Sola
7th priority
- Elfen Lied
- Hitohira
- Joshikousei: Girl's High
- Onegai☆Teacher
8th priority
- Golden Boy

New additions: Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVAs from the 90s)
Removed cuz watched: Sensei no Ojikan - Doki Doki School Hours

1st priority
- Genshiken
- Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze
- Ninin ga Shinobuden
2nd priority
- Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
- Myself; Yourself
- Popotan
3rd priority
- DearS
- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
- Koi Kaze
- Kure-nai
- Moetan
- UFO Princess Valkyrie
4th priority
- Di Gi Charat
- Hand Maid May
- Rec
5th priority
- Kokoro Toshokan
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
- Midori no Hibi
- Okusama wa Joshikousei
6th priority
- Elfen Lied
- Hitohira
- Joshikousei: Girl's High
7th priority
- Koi Koi 7
- Rosario to Vampire
- Sola
8th priority
- Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (missing 6/8 votes)
- Onegai☆Teacher
9th priority
- Golden Boy
I requested Moetan in 2020 and you guys still haven't watched it...

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As promised, here's a collection of Heyuri archive links! biggrin

Oldbies will remember when I dumped sum of these b4, but there's quite a few made since then. And just in case the folks at archive.org stop being fags in the future, I'll leave the handful of archive.org links in tact

https://web.archive.org/web/20190218182755/https://heyuri.cf/ - 2019/02/18 home - The best home for your files
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181406/https://heyuri.cf/upload.php - 2019/02/18 upload - upload page
https://web.archive.org/web/20190218181521/https://heyuri.cf/search.php - 2019/02/18 search - search page
https://web.archive.org/web/20191208174727/https://www.heyuri.cf/ - 2019/12/08 home - News (/g/ relisted as games)
--- OH FUCK NEW DOMAIN (2020/02/29) ---
https://web.archive.org/web/20200303080220/https://www.heyuri.net/ - 2020/03/03 home - News (domain changed)
https://archive.vn/KEFfH - 2020/05/01 /b/ - giant tomoposter thread
https://archive.vn/fre6B - 2020/05/20 /b/ - post No. 5
https://archive.vn/R9rsp - 2020/05/26 /b/ - post No. 11
--- 2020/06/06 OLDFAG/NEWFAG LINE ---
https://archive.vn/TdLLz - 2020/06/07 /b/ - oldfag date declared
https://archive.vn/48c3f - 2020/06/07 /h/ - pee drinking thread
https://archive.vn/fI8ip - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/1y40G - 2020/06/08 /b/ - 1111GET (amateur ascii GET)
https://archive.vn/kUeJB - 2020/06/15 /b/ - /r9k/fag thread
https://archive.vn/LLcfU - 2020/06/15 /b/ - agent smith interrogates lolico
https://archive.vn/LvMA1 - 2020/06/17 home - News (DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS)
https://archive.vn/aMXW7 - 2020/06/17 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/zSb22 - 2020/06/19 /b/ - 2222GET (ascii cat GET)
https://archive.vn/7gQRX - 2020/06/21 home - News (Heyuri moves to kuz's homeserver)
https://archive.vn/wUbhj - 2020/06/22 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/jYjc0 - 2020/06/27 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/HiVJz - 2020/06/29 /b/ - 3000GET (boku desu GET)
https://archive.vn/DSuln - 2020/07/02 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/0x4Zn - 2020/07/02 home - FAQ page
https://archive.vn/Y4X3U - 2020/07/06 /b/ - 4000GET (WINRAR GET)
https://archive.vn/dxblp - 2020/07/08 home - Server info page (teh irony LOL)
https://archive.vn/jEfUs - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG SOME SHIT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE
https://archive.vn/6rWvO - 2020/07/10 ??? - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed
https://archive.vn/6hqUH - 2020/07/10 home - DING DONG v2
https://archive.vn/D7WTE - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v3
https://archive.vn/lg9jn - 2020/07/11 home - DING DONG v4 + reopening announcement
https://archive.vn/O9P2n - 2020/07/11 home - BRB, WE BROKE
https://archive.vn/t3nWw - 2020/07/12 /z/ - temporary board while Heyuri gets fixed v2
https://archive.vn/ssYaf - 2020/07/12 home - News (Not dead yet!)
https://archive.vn/jmTFy - 2020/07/13 home - News (Crash info, reflection, and future goals)
https://archive.vn/rdd2l - 2020/07/13 /b/ - 4444GET (desu 4evar GET)
https://archive.vn/cuPQC - 2020/07/14 /meta/ - heyuri-tan conception
https://archive.vn/ElX4Z - 2020/07/14 /b/ - heyuri-tan porn thread
https://archive.vn/BFbUT - 2020/07/14 /b/ - yuki-chan's introduction thread <3
https://archive.vn/m9qI5 - 2020/07/16 /meta/ - contest and banner announcement sticky
https://archive.vn/tN72A - 2020/07/17 /meta/ - 1000GET (tomo GET)
https://archive.vn/iiyM5 - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 4999 FAIL
https://archive.vn/P8Hum - 2020/07/18 /b/ - 5000GET (u want moar GET)
https://archive.vn/Mo5cE - 2020/07/18 /b/ - HALFWAY THERE sticky
https://archive.vn/bFFmu - 2020/07/18 /b/ - front page
https://archive.vn/M1TMX - 2020/07/18 home - News (Contest announcement)
https://archive.vn/4n4Vc - 2020/07/18 home - News (same as above without frames)
https://archive.vn/VnbSv - 2020/07/19 /b/ - front page

(PART 1/?)
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>https://archive.ph/a2qh4 - 2021/12/24 /b/ - front page (Tama-chan christmas CSS hax)
Does anyone have an archive of the
"opinions on breakcore" thread from b
27762 ???
Hrmm, I can see some of it on the archive here:

But you can't really enter the thread cry
I warned you to archive anything on Heyuri you wanted to keep!!!
I had the thread open in a tab because I wanted to archive it but I have so many tabs open I FORGOT!!!!

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Is Heyuri the only place with a 'rule 8' or something similar? I would think there would be a lot of imageboards that want to get out from under 4chan's thumb. But everywhere I go people seem complacent.

Could our only choice be to get onto new sites as they come up and try to influence the culture away from AIDS?unsure
711chan (.net) has an unofficial "rule 8", focuses on old imageboard culture too but says that "it won't be the dominating theme"
There's plenty of places that will delete Rule 8-like things on sight, but they usually have their own issues

Particularly with allowing/encouraging the kinds of late-2000s/early-2010s AIDS that came before all the mid-2010s AIDS, while also banning/discouraging things that were commonplace in the early-to-mid 2000s or earlier dark
o fuck i lost my reply cry
in short...
I don't mean anything bad for them but with lolwut (owner of VidLii, criticized for being too much of a free speech advocate) as admin, I doubt they would stay that way for much longer. Teh only reason it seems fun right now is because it was shared on Heyuri. Same story for world2ch. And if you visit enough other BBSes, you can take a guess which site's userbase makes bad posts on those sites too sweat2

>There's plenty of places that will delete Rule 8-like things on sight, but they usually have their own issues
Correct, R8 is not a simple matter of deleting s*yj*ks and pepe images.
I just showed up here 20 minutes ago and rule 8 seems pretty great!

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here is my idea to make heyuri good:
- the only thing you can post on /b/ is mona2
thanks for coming to my ted talk mona2



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As I plan to soon fix vidlii and put up Heyuri ads on the site, do you think we should make some changes to Heyuri?

We will experience an influx of users, and judging by my browsing, the site has dozens of users who I can see fitting in just perfectly.

Should there be a rare /b/ sticky welcoming and explaining heyuri to them? Or should they just come to us in our natural state?
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I'm Fearing!

So are gay people LOL. Pedos are good people.
what the hell I thought this was a new thread
We should bump this thread on 2023/02/07 2 fool teh n00bs

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Its annoying and none of these retarded vidlii newfags reads the ettiqute pages. We have no choice but to crack down
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that was the most epic quote i have seen
Your thoughts are winner. It's sad that not a lot of people get this.
vidlii was still edgy as hell before you bought it idk what you mean

it only just got MORE edgy as hell with all the gore and shit
there were SOME roblox kids on bitview but they normally got bullied to shits
i agree :)

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it hinders my viewing experience on heyuri when my eyes stumble upon children (´ー`)
No reporting.In my experience there's always one fag who reports literally every thread.dark

Besides, Heyuri is still small enough that if anything goes amiss the mods can see it in pretty good time.biggrin
Heyuri takes no responsibility for any unwanted b0ners or faps that may be experienced while viewing the website

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I don't know if that's what we call those who browse this website, but I would like to hear what you guys think means to be a heyurian. Reading thoughtful words are always warming to the heart ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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in my eyes, what it means to be a user on this site (or heyurian, if that's what we're going with), is to have a carefree way of going about posting here. not enough to pay no mind to teh rulez dark, but enough to sit back and play along with whatever crazy or lewd shit we throw at each other.

to put it another way, it's like playing catch with someone. if this were another site like le 4chinz, your buddy would be throwing the ball straight at your own pair and would laugh his ass off at your expense. sweat2

meanwhile here, it's just like passing the ball back and forth; there's understanding between you and the other dude. there's trust that neither will throw the ball too high, but high enough that the game doesn't get boring.
and though your bud may be a bit slow to respond, it makes it all the more worthwhile when he changes up the game.

i'm not even sure if that made any sense, but that's par for the course with heyuri philosophy dizzy
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Heyuri to me is a place where relatively like-minded netizens hang out and collaborate to produce things of awesomeness, hawtness, and LOLs to entertain each other - whether it's a funny/informative reply, an epic shop, a dump of a particular fetish/character, a series of oekaki, a flash animation, a deep dive into internet archaeology, or efforts to improve the website itself

This is what the internet is when it's at its best, regardless of time or place wink

>to put it another way, it's like playing catch with someone. if this were another site like le 4chinz, your buddy would be throwing the ball straight at your own pair and would laugh his ass off at your expense.
>meanwhile here, it's just like passing the ball back and forth; there's understanding between you and the other dude. there's trust that neither will throw the ball too high, but high enough that the game doesn't get boring.
>and though your bud may be a bit slow to respond, it makes it all the more worthwhile when he changes up the game.
I think that's a great way of putting it - though I'd say at this point 4chan is less liek ur buddy throwing a ball at ur nuts for the lulz, and more like some obnoxious little kid ridiculing anyone for even attempting to pick up the ball cuz they've mislearned that playing catch is a Reddit thing to do dark
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I'd say being a Heyurian (or Heyurizen) means using the power of the internetz for good.
Heyuri is about as free as you can get without being a 'free speech' website, and the users don't take that as some challenge to post the most shocking content they can find or have never ending mad-ons for blacks or gays or whatever.
Heyuri is truly irreverent, not in that puffed up, confrontational way you see on 4chinz,and other imageboards that take after it, but in this wonderful way that leads to epic lolz and awesome porn and lots of great OC.
Heyurians are smart without being overly pretentious, politically incorrect without trying to prove anything, are silly,but can hold a real discussion if it's worthwhile, and are goddamned MASTERS of OC!
Heyurians are not self-serving or lazy, we don't recycle the same lame jokes that permeate the greater internet,we don't use variations on templates, when a thread is started that seems to benefit no-one but OP it gets ignored, or turned into something that produces lolz for all.
I think we could use a few moar users,(not many, that would kill Heyuri's souldark), but Heyuri is already pretty astounding.

Basically being a Heyurian means winning the internet wink
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i just realized i never said what i felt about what it means... so i'll say it nao!!

heyuri is an interesting specimen in the sea of the internetz. yes, it may have some less-than-normal (or desired) content to most ppl, but maybe that's what makes heyuri special. maybe it'll change in the future. but as heyuri stands right now, it's a comfy area to hang out for a short moment of my day. and it makes me feel less alone than i do on the most darkest of days. to be a heyurian is to a certain part of yourself, regardless on what being 'yourself' is, without the guise of shit posts (not shitposts) to mud the waters of self.

as i said in an /o/ post a week or so ago; "for a brief moment in space and time, heyuri was here. and i was fortunate enough to be there with you"

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when we getting a god dam flash board like in the old style of 4chan like list. not a typical imageboard board.
About 2 and a half years ago, and also rite now: https://img.heyuri.net/f/
I too really want a /f/ as well... cry
The one linked above got b0rked, and it was a buggy board before that

There doesn't seem to be any open sourced flash board softwares (or that I could find) sadly, so I need to find a volunteer PHP dev to work on it. I would hire a non-volunteer one, but I don't have any income for now
Alternatively Kolyma's dev is back too, but obviously Heyuri doesn't have much to do with them besides using kokonotsuba anymore so I don't know if they would work on /f/
i wish i knew programming enough to help with that. i really want like a swf/flash board in like the golden age of /f/
ughhh why r some boards hidden
>ughhh why r some boards hidden
They're not "hidden" per se, but rather they were discontinued without being outright deleted

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You may have been seeing more and more pedo-like posts on Heyuri as of late. It started from liking lolis to actually sexualising children and now someone is posting/baiting posting (I ain't clicking that shit nigga) cheese pizza on Heyuri. I beleive the pedos must be dealt with before Heyuri shares the same fate with Kohlchan where it gets infested with pedos who talk about nothing but how they want to fuck kids.
The ones posting CP are spambots.Best we can do is delete them and move on.Everything else is a gag.
I say occasional sexualization is fine (we've had some JS panchira threads in the past too), but I agree it would get annoying if it's all that's being talked. That said pedos on Heyuri are probably aware of this too, and don't overdo it

>someone is posting/baiting posting (I ain't clicking that shit nigga) cheese pizza on Heyuri
That's just a bot (I hope) that targets all imageboards, not unique to Heyuri
Very little has changed in the past 2.5 years - sometimes the topic gets "hotter" and sometimes it gets "colder", but Pedobear is always lurking... unsure

Personally I think it's fine how it is - largely comical/fantastical and text-based, with the occasional non-pornographic "cute not pedo" pic. Actual CP is 99% only posted by spambots that target every imageboard in existence, and it's deleted on sight. There's also 1 fag who has posted a couple of "teen strips in front of her phone" videos in the past, but again they get deleted on sight if they look underageb&

I enjoy the largely free and unsanitized nature of Heyuri, and seeing the occasional pedolicious post reminds me of how things used to be back in the day (and Heyuri is still A LOT tamer than that). It's nowhere near the level nor in the same vein as that one particular travelling circus of imageboard pedos who do nothing but post little girl pics and try to unironically normalize pedophilia non-stop in the most obnoxious way possible, and have even crapflooded entire boards with hardc0re CP out of butthurt

Anyone who's been around the small-to-medium imageboard block will have encountered that crowd at one point or another, and should be able to recognize the difference between them and Heyuri's loli-related LOLs & fantasies
thank you, I am just worried because of what happened to imageboards like Kohlchan sweat2

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idk if this is the board to post about this (forgive me if its not) but, i think the wiki needs to be updated more often. I enjoy reading it but it annoys me that some of the pages are incomplete/empty. Id do something about it myself if i had been around long enough to have the knowlegde to fill in any extra information :(
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Its late for me rn so im not gonna write a whole list rn but tomorrow ill make a little chart.

In the meanwhile, Flashes of heyuri is empty.
i had an idea pop into my head when i saw that there was no proper AIDS page despite their being a link made for it.
it's not very well thought out; the only description to it would read "it can happen to you too!" with pic of sum guy sperging out as the page picture. haven't gotten around to it because a) too lazy to maek wiki account :v and b) i think the idea just ain't lolz-worthy. feel free to expand on this idea or replace it from scratch as you see fit.

>Id do something about it myself if i had been around long enough to have the knowlegde to fill in any extra information

this is partly why i don't do any edits on the wiki to begin with (AIDS idea and laziness aside). i'm no oldbie (or oldfag, whichever term you prefer) so touching most of the links listed under https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages would feel like roaming through uncharted territory that has been mapped already by an explorer from eons ago.
Here's a new article, hoep u liek red linkz!

What about this?
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better than what i had in mind. outstanding, anon.
Awesome, thanks for writing smile I liek redlinks too
I wish there were more than one or two regular editors. I am scaring expecting everything from certain power users would tire them out in longer term

I say just make an account (takes less than a minute...) and start editing whatever u feel like. Maybe that will inspire other users to contribute too, but really, any little edit one makes is appreciated as things are now.

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I believe this has brought up enough times to have a separate discussion for.
First, a little Heyuri history: >>61043
When kuz was still the admin, our moderation (me) always had to follow a set of written rules for my actions. It's not because he wasn't trusting in my verdicts, but wanted users to have a reference of "not to do"s so they wouldn't end up receiving a warn/ban despite trying to follow rules. So he gave me permission to modify the rules (by this time, I was responsible for almost all moderation actions anyway) as I wanted. I then edited the rules in a way that allowed me to act by "tips" page when I wanted, while modifying it as well.

Since then, kuz resigned and entrusted me with Heyuri. I didn't do any major changes (...I think?) afterwards, but my approach to moderation isn't strictly by written rules.... There is no point in explaining our moderation in depth, now so I will keep it short: I am for modifying the tips page smile

Starting by the very old "TOP TIPS" part:
I think this part was just put up when kuz was having fun lol, but there are two points I can slightly disagree with:
Anyone can understand they are more than welcome to post about old stuff on Heyuri just by lurking a little, but telling it this way may make newcomers mistaken Heyuri for some kind of a retirement house rather than a website for creating tons of new stuff.
People can use tripcode if they want to, but trolls who try to impersonate users will probably end up getting banned anyways nyaoo-closedeyes

The rest of that part is just fun

Moving on to "How to use Heyuri (for dummies)" part:
While one may agree with what's written, the long explanation about what Heyuri is about is redundant and I believe it was put there because Heyuri was constantly called as "oldfag circlejerk" by some groups. Of course, putting that up didn't solve that...
Anyways, coming to "HEYURI-TANS RAZOR V2!", it was originally written by kuz and I later heavily modified it. I believe everything I wrote there is applicable (except 8th point about 2ちゃん perhaps, pirated stuff shouldn't be uploaded there apparently but that's another story)
If you are curious about my reasoning, I explained them at the post I linked to above too.


Now I am open to change the page and perhaps move some points to FAQ or elsewhere.
I could either
- Remove the rest of the page, only keep the 8 points, and change Rule 10 to something like "These are all the rules. Now you may want to take a look at some of our tips"
- Remove all the page, merge some of the 8 points (namely 1, 2, and 7) into our FAQ.
- Whatever u guys suggest rolleyes
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Another interesting stat is the total number of unique IPs that posted to /b/ over the course of the past week: 96! sweat

Of course, a percentage of that is going to be VPNs and dynamic IPs, but it's still a pretty big number!
those are numbers are perfectly good on my book. im liking this bbs more and more
Any idea what the highest activity of the tear was? Or at least the past 6 months or so?
>Any idea what the highest activity of the tear was? Or at least the past 6 months or so?
Nope - regarding IPs, I can only look back at posts that are still live on the board, and /b/ currently only goes back about 2 weeks sweat2

Best I could do is calculate the average posts per day using post numbers & dates found in whatever archives and screencaps have been made, plus whatever I happen to have written down from previous calculations
secure tripcodes are for jerks
picking an insecure tripcode and awaiting the day some troll abuses it and hurts your reputation is fun, it's like a bomb waiting to blow and you never know when it might hit

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It sounds like Rule 8d can easily be abused to censor light hearted and valid banter in order to protect the feelings of an individual rather than being used to develop an environment that provides funny random posts like /b/ is supposed to be. If Heyuri is about replicating the old internet landscape, i dont see how this rule helps nurture that.

>without even having the decency to provide LOLs

'LOLs' are subjective, a mod's sense of humor shouldn't be the barometer that constitutes whether or not something is funny.
This is also specifically about the Rule 8d, all other subsections of Rule 8 are understandable.
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>I first started using /r9k/ in 2009 and it wasn't vehemently misogynistic then. In a drive to create OC many people contributed greentext stories, which often consisted of stories of awkwardness and rejection that were amusing. Later that morphed into misogyny and self-pity threads which are cancer.

I beg to differ self-pity and feels were comfy.

>As for when it really went to shit, it's hard for to demarcate a year from my memory that /r9k/ became complete garbage, but it was definitely shit by 2015. Elliot Rodgers frog memes and >tfw no gf was not the peak of /r9k/ in my opinion, the peak was around when I joined and people still called each other "gentlemen" and there were always greentext stories.

I agree Elliot posting the beta uprising poo poo pee pee and tender stories were cancer but that stuff was still funny.

IMO /r9k/ started going downhill when the e-whores showed up and Reddit showed up and started taking screenshots in 2015 and in 2016 when the discord shit showed up on the board as well as the trannies and /r9gay/ shit.

The board always had a decent amount of normals on it but the majority of the posters were lonely virgins. It was after 2016 when most of the virgin posters left and the board became mostly normal judging from my memory.
>LOL I have no reason to act like a troll anymore because Kuz is gone. kaguya is way better and i support kaguya.
This is like a twisty friendship made after some fight in a crappy shounen anime astonish
>You do realize I'm still here, right?
I thought I could smell that familiar stench of party-p00ping tryhardism lately dark

Says the modern teenager who never grew up with the 2000s internet lmfao.
Further derailments itt will be deleted.

Pls ignore 3 posts above and only post if you have something to reply for other posts

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Would like to revive discussion on the SAGE! message.
It looks very aggressive angry
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I've messed around with enough archaic BBS scripts to know that there's no way it's much harder than opening the script in a text editor, searching for "No.", and putting some form of space character before the "N" as many times as needed

Hell, you could even just use CSS:
.postnum {
margin-left: 0.25em;

Maybe, but kokonotsuba is a very unique software that is centralized across multiple websites... Putting it superficially, I only have access to some of its arms, but not to its heart (the part I need to modify) due to some bug unrelated to me.

I didn't think of fixing it with CSS, but that would be only a temporal fix. That bug will probably get solved soon (if the word "soon" doesn't seem reliable, I will apply that CSS fix if it's not within 24 hours) anyways and I will then look into it more seriously then
>Maybe, but kokonotsuba is a very unique software that is centralized across multiple websites
>I only have access to some of its arms, but not to its heart
Thanks kuz closed-eyes
Kuz must protect his super secret futaba fork.
Super Secret Message Not For Kuz's Eyes:
Yeah it works and it has a kewl look, but not like anyone actually needs to steal it. They'd be better off just stealing the copyright notice on wakaba/tinyib/vichan and changing the design to look more like Heyuri.
Kaguya is admin he should get full control over everything imho then he could fix the missing space!!1!one!!!
Two types of sage options.
One email option displays the current red angry SAGE!
Other option sages like normal like this post, more polite sage.
Obviously poll is non-binding, but I think this is a good idea.

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/lounge/ preview makes double posts, kaguya-sama.
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It doesn't do double posts but still b0rked, so I removed that option.
It used to work on older versions of kokonotsuba dark
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Dollposting in a /q/ thread!
Source? drool

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