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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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i am working with some "big" names. i guess this is a promote/giveaway for non heyuri. i originally reached out to the anon who ran bandcamp and ended printing out 50 CDs for the last heyuri along with 2 stickers each.

i don't believe bandcamp anon will give me accesses but i am in contact with magio from kinpatsu, who i believe can sell the CDs and ship them out for me. the person who runs 4chan s4s radio show said he can shout heyuri and the CDs out on his next stream next month.

i don't believe LRM shouting out heyuri will bring a bunch of rule breakers but instead can help grow originality and activity.

i also would like to be added on staff, if u need to reach me. join the irc at purupurupurur.in/6697
you should work on your english biggrin
>i am working with some "big" names
How many letters do they contain? 15? 20? unsure
>How many letters do they contain? 15? 20? unsure
10. the other big name is 8.
like anon said i need to work on my english as they seemed long to me
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this is you OP?
This sounds great, bringing new users is always appreciated! biggrin
I don't know much about s4s radio but you really don't need to worry about bringing in the rule breakers, only good users would be able to stay here.

>i also would like to be added on staff
Do you mean on Heyuri? But wai? I trust your genuine interest in heyuri if you are working on this, but the greatest way to help Heyuri is maeking OC and bringing new users, which you are already doing now. Maybe we should consider it when new users are present, if you are still interested in content moderation then
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We had an influx of users mainly from [s4s] (but also from /v/ apparently?) last december and it was a really good thing, i wonder how many of these people are still here today.
How 2 buy CD?
mr admin i am pissed at you bc i know your real ID, and u did not want to give me admin???

anyways the cds rn are only for me and any one who wants to DM me there address, i dont mind cutting a free deal for cool admins givinge me there ID. talk to me in irc if u want to send me private info for a free copy (keep in mind u wont be doxed bc the same id i use will be to sell them)

well. i guess is that we will see and if any one post rule break we will ban. and with this event i want to tell admins to atleast go softer and give more warning to then new users.
because its hard for new people to read rules.

i also drank so i cant think :kita:
>talk to me in irc if u want to send me private info for a free copy
this sounds too scammy to be a scam, I am convinced
I came from /v/ and am still here. nyaoo
still, I dunno if advertising on boards like /v/ is a good idea. on the more sucky and active boards, there are lots of people around who are very dedicated to ruining nice things. there are even discords full of them, coordinating spams and raids.
I've wondered why Heyuri doesn't get as much trouble from those types, and I think it's because it's still under the radar for the most part; the average 4chan user still doesn't know it exists. not all attention is good attention after all
maybe /s4s/ is fine, however? I never browsed it much, but it certainly seems... different huh
also OP, you do seem like a dubious character at best mask
I agree with anon-san. Advertising our awesum website is always a great idea in my book, but I don't think advertising to a place which is purely NON-FUN is going to end in sunshine and rainbows. (´¬`)
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its not exactly going to be in threads. s4s dose music colabs and the guy who compiles it all into a radio show will feture heyuri in a sort of like ad segment and put it on his neocity. have just straight up threads in the ass crack of the internet i also agree would just bring the wrong people.
i plan to have it be on sale for heyurians and then sell it at normal price come time of the radio ad segment

8$ to12$ tho shipping is a pain and really taxing for non amaricans
Sweet, I hope he doesn't get a wrong idea with Heyuri and describes us wrongly sweat2
Do you know the exact date of this radio, and where 2 listen? Also even one new like-minded user is a win for a site like us, but how many people usually listen to it? unsure
once the time gets closer i would know exactly. it should be around next month? the radio station would be on his youtube. here is the last stream https://www.youtube.com/live/jqZZz-ZHYEc
i don't think the album was nearly good enough to deserve a cd
Who cares' it's fun!
i'm appreciate the chen biggrin
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oh! idk when he did this, but we are on the https://esfores.neocities.org/ website under the fren tab on the right side. cool

the shipping guy should be back from vacation by now. my next post will be when the stream is happening along with the ability to pick up a copy for cheaper/free.
for the ad segments. if you got any media or things you want him to say.
post them here.

i miss her so muchcry

please buy the cd i spent lots of money on it all. but if you really cant afford it and you really want one, contact kinpatsu with your adress asking for heyuri cd along with the message "chen is cool"

le radio man said the stream will be in augest.ヽ(´∇`)ノ
does it come with the stickers?
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sad Shipping costs twice as much as the CD
yes. 2 cool stickers
kinpatsu dose not have deals with any shipping companys and amarica sucks due to trade laws. if if was shipping from china i am sure it would be almost free
Could someone explain everything about the 2 music albums and the CDs plz? I'm new and it's all confusing to me, it's not in teh wiki is it? unsure
First album: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Songs_About_Fucking_Lolis
Second album (which this thread is about): https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Don%27t_Stop_the_Music

Here are all wiki articles:
let me know when you get ur CD. I want to see whether this is a scam or not mask
its kinpatsu! i thought he would be better to distribute CDs since he is already known and not a random anon.
When are you shipping it out?
says ships out with in 7 days so maybe the 20th? i could bug kinpatsu but i belive it would be really soon
Ok thank you I placed an order on the day of my post so I was just wondering I didn't notice sorry
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i got mine did you get yours?
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i got something extra?
i have not checked it yet
Free dolphin porn included?!
delivery received biggrin
I got my CD. now I just gotta find something to play it on (´ー`)

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