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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Out of curiousity, would the attached image break Rule 8?
No. I don't even know who this is...
It is a typical anime schoolgirl image, but it was used on 4/a/ as a way to post Pepe without getting banned and the image is pretty much exclusively used by that crowd
Then don't use it!

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The image on the BANNED page is broken. It's supposed to be an image URL.
to here https://static.kolyma.org/image/banned/
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It should really be hosted on Heyuri, but assuming the link you posted is the correct image URL link, I don't think the problem is on our end...
Should be fixed now.. I am not sure which image was being used so I went with this one: https://static.heyuri.net/image/banned.jpg

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Change /b/'s title to Random.
I did think about changing it to 2D/Random before, but that could draw unwanted 4/qa/ attention
I liek it as it is - although I've long wished we could go back to referring to Heyuri boards by their titles (as we did for much of "teh golden age") instead of 4chan-like directories sweat2

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Considering we have both /b/ and /sw/ I think that having lounge is just redundant. Many threads that are made on /lounge/ get swept under the rug because not as many people go on there and the random ASCII threads can just go on /sw/
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Until the recent December/January user influx, Strange World was consistently the 2nd most active board since it arrived here in July 2021 - even outpacing Off-Topic at times astonish

The same cannot be said for Lounge... but since one of Lounge's primary purposes these days is to house longer-lasting, longer-format discussions, that's to be expected nyaoo-closedeyes

Both have their purposes since they offer different cultures, different formats, different paces, different forms of AA, etc.

It's things like having multiple generic 4chan-clone imageboards that is redundant, but we already got rid of all of those biggrin
/lounge/ is for wise old men
/b/ is for lulzy otakus that make OC's
Ayashii is for short chatroom-like posts and discussions
Which is the second most active board now? Are you looking at mod stats, or do I just need to start paying attention? sweat2
I was just speaking from experience and previous calculations, but it's not hard to calculate smile

Here's the rankings for the past month (roughly), except for /jp/ which has only been here for 2 weeks:

1. /b/ - 137 PPD (posts per day)
2. /jp/ - 15 PPD
3. /lounge/ - 12 PPD
4. /q/ - 10 PPD
5. /sw/ - 9 PPD
6. /o/ - 2 PPD

For context, here's roughly the same period last year (mid March to mid April 2022):

1. /b/ - 23 PPD
2. /sw/ - 12 PPD
3. /lounge/ - 4 PPD
4. /q/ - 1 PPD
5. /o/ - 0.4 PPD

And here's 1 particular week of May 2022, featuring the "Kaguya Is Now Heyuri Admin" effect:

1. /b/ - 45 PPD
2. /sw/ - 25 PPD
3. /q/ - 10 PPD
4. /lounge/ - 6 PPD
5. /o/ - 1 PPD
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>Are you looking at mod stats, or do I just need to start paying attention?
Other than the audit log, I mostly used searched within discord webhook to calculate last year's stats (on kokonotsuba boards) for last year's report on the front page. It's the easiest way and available to anyone.

On /sw/ there are Message logs, and /o/ is slow enough to easily calculate with post numbers (although it's a bit easier to calculate with the mod panel).

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why can I post from Tor, but I can't post from my VPN? unsure

image unrelated
Mine works fine, ur VPN server must have gotten B& somewhere along the line unsure
but what's the point of b&s at all if you can always just use Tor? sweat2

I can post whatever I want here, and noone can stop me!!! biggrin

I just have to inconvenience myself a tiny bit to do it...
>but what's the point of b&s at all if you can always just use Tor?
You have discovered the secret of imageboards: b&hammer is purely for pwning n00bs, hindering bots, and producing LOLs biggrin
What is your IP on the VPN? If it's on SpamDB I can probably open it
If there is any reason you don't want to post it here, you can e-mail it or just PM it to me on /b/.

>but what's the point of b&s at all
I think most of our srs bans are reminding users about the rules

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WHAT IN HELL is the meaning of this?
Probably because Cloudflare can't identify your browser agent or something like that. Heyuri was getting DDOS'd so this should go away soon

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(there are no actual rule changes, these are barely to reflect de-facto rules in official rules)

- Added "Posts with very long bodies or abusing <pre> tags may get deleted too" under Rule 3
- Removed "last thread about [x] died, continuing from that one." from Rule 6.c
- Changed /lounge/'s description from "This board is primarily meant as a middle ground between /b/ and /q/, low quality "joke" threads should go on /b/. Feel free to make more informative or long-winded interesting posts. The bump limit is much higher and high quality discussion is encouraged, the three-day autosage is also disabled." to "Age-limit for bumping is disabled here. You can use this board for longer winded discussions, such as reviewing games you finish. This doesn't mean /b/-style "joke" threads are banned here."

By the way, look at this picture of Sakura-chan! A loli mahou shoujo with nekomimi wearing cat bells and maid fuku! Moee~!☆

im really here to show my true love for the godness of the neko loli picture you found

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has heyuri been advertised on 4chan lately? seeing a lot more of that sort of posting style in the last week than usual (´~`)
There was a hueg unannounced and unofficial campaign by a user or 2 back in late December/January, but more recently I only know we've been advertised on 5ch due to 日本語's launch unsure

I'm tempted to bring back 2020-style b&hammering of all 2008+ style posts and Serious Business™ - teh RAEG and teh cryingz will be an sight to behold biggrin
yes, and you can do nothing about it.
I have advertised 日本語 on a few more places, but not anywhere that could bring 4chan-style posts to /b/. As for one user's advertising campaign, out of all places it was primarily done on /v/, but a lot of them (or at least the rule-breaking ones) were b& at the time. Maybe there is still a passive influx of users from 4chan somehow?

Looking back now, I feel like b&hammers in 2020 were more providing more fun than actually banning bad posters, which was great because we didn't have many bad users to begin with. The situation today may be a bit different... That's why we should approach it with more vigilance. Perhaps by checking other posts of users who make bad posts, evaluating whether they meet a specific quality level for Heyuri, and making the final decision to B& or spare them nyaoo-closedeyes

Also will 63334-san prove 63335-kun wrong or should I do it in his place? smile
>Looking back now, I feel like b&hammers in 2020 were more providing more fun than actually banning bad posters
There was a lot of both, but I think the difference is that back then, most of us would just LOL and move on if our post was deleted or a ban message appeared, cuz we were all friends and knew the site was just a place for lighthearted fun and silliness

These days there seems to be 1. more humorless trolls just looking to p00p up a good thing, and 2. more anal retentive users who take The Internet and themselves very seriously sweat2
A year ago I got a three month ban. I'm no longer banned, and I visit this site once per month.

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I remember some time ago there was an idea of making 2ch.sh follow R8 like on Heyuri. This obviously hasn't happened considering the site is basically just a dump of random images and weird .gz files.

Why did 2ch.sh never become bound to R8 and what do people think about this happening?

also does anyone know what the .gz files are, im too scared to download
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there was a whole poll about rule 8 on 2ch a while ago... like a year or so
I believe the poll was shortly before Saint Nakuras disappeared, and that was what, late 2021? It's been a while since that debate was settled sweat2
Do you plan on beginning to ban file dumps on there? I don't think anyone else benefits from those language learning archives and it only serves to make the site more cluttered and filled up
>Do you plan on beginning to ban file dumps on there?
File dumps are pretty much the purpose of that website sweat2

It's worth noting for teh n00bs that 2ちゃん started out as a separate website created by a Heyuri user (Nakura) who merely announced it here, and their intention was to have a completely anonymous and unfettered (besides illegal material) file uploader

But when it ended up effectively only being used by Heyuri users - and then became a semiofficial Heyuri service - some of us suggested that it should probably at least have Rule 8, which was subsequently voted on and agreed to

Nakura mysteriously disappeared around this time (party v&???), and kuz - who was providing the hosting by that point - took over the operation of it. When kuz stepped down as Heyuri admin, I believe kaguya was also put in charge of 2ちゃん since it is basically part of Heyuri at this point

So with all that said, whether 2ちゃん should adopt more of Heyuri's rules (such as Rule 7, which most Serious Business war propaganda for ongoing wars breaks IMHO), or whether "Everything" should continue to house things liek users' personal files or not, are things that still need to be discussed and decided on
Yeah hopefully that happens, when I made the thread I meant exactly that but I didn't know that was under Rule 7

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Can you do a search to see which emotes are used the most and which the least on /b/ banana

If you are running this just on an SQL server it should be easy. Search by [emote name like sad] and then look at how many results there are

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maek techn0l0gy board
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we don't even get technology threads on /b/...
I'd like to have somewhere to discuss technology that's not filled to the brim with trolls, flamewarriors, p**** and w*****.
and excessive faggotness (lainchan)
Just make technology threads on /b/ there's no reason to make a whole board for it. Heyuri had one a few years ago I think but it got deleted
I'm pretty sure there was a thread a few months ago about a science/tech/maths board and Kaguya said that it might happen at some point as a trial board.

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I'm pretty sure nobody uses catalog mode anyway, but half the images don't work on /q/
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Interestingly, it was properly working on /b/ despite the bug
fixed for /q/*
still b0rk on /jp/ it seems dark
Then it breaks on /b/ too. Decided to revert after doing some tests closed-eyes2
I can't say I really understand how it works... What works on /b/ and /jp/ contradicts with the one for /q/. My uneducated guess is that it's something to do with the old imported database from gurochan (also the reason /q/s numbers are so high).
I think it's something like "/b/ is set to generate JPEG format thumbnails, /q/ is set to generate PNG format thumbnails, both boards set to generate <img> elements linking to the thumbnails using the .jpg file extension"

So when you change both boards to generate <img> elements with .png file extension, it corrects one while b0rking the other. You'll need to check the "$THUMB_SETTING" part of the config file to check they're both generating the same format

PS: I think the reason PNG was considered was because it possibly fixes (or hoped to fix) the transparent background color issue in thumbnails, at the cost of higher thumbnail file sizes

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Reverted this boards' thumbnails back to jpg, as png thumbnails didn't fix the transparency issue

i can only test by creating a new thread. If u see this image on catalog it worked
Werk status: werkz
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This will only affect threads created from now on though...
Complain a lot so new threads fill the catalog biggrin
For the transparency issue, I think you have to establish the color to be used as the transparency color somewhere, and have additional code to see whether a post is an OP or a reply

I messed around with this a long time ago with a different futaba spinoff script, and ultimately I got stuck at the "OP or reply" part and gave up biggrin
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You lost me at "have additional code" dark
Best I can do is creating a github issue and hope someone else who is l33t enough will care enough to fix it

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Can you add this to the emotes?
I guess we can, but better question is, should we? unsure
No biggrin

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/b/ and /lounge/ are using Heyuri-tan, and /q/ is using /q/-tan as its profile picture, so /jp/'s webhook needs a picture of our currently inexistant /jp/-tan unsure
Maybe I will try biggrin
I think it would be best to let some time pass first so can get a sense of 日本語's characteristics - liek how Heyuri-tan is carefree and fun-loving, /q/-tan is very grumpy and demanding about site b0rkage, etc. smile

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