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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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heyuri is the new /s4s/ or what?
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Heyuri is its own thing! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
yeah. so much cutesy blog posting/randumb XD shit
Yes, wordfilter "silly" wink
It's only nan-nan. Hopefully he'll get bored soon
why doesnt kaguya just ban him? /b/ is full of shit right now...
come on, i only posted one scat pic...
The posts/users u fags r complaining about r more in line with Heyuri's pre-2023 culture (what kaguya & I have been trying to teach & restore all this time) than u grumpy butth0les. I'd sooner b& u guise instead biggrin
I get where your coming from but its seriously annoying when 80% of the threads (literally, 8 out of the 10) are made by the same person and are all just blog posts. You see that same stuff on any other imageboard. I thought you were better than this (;´Д`)
>its seriously annoying when 80% of the threads (literally, 8 out of the 10) are made by the same person
There's 15 threads per page, and only 6 are by 1 person as of writing this glare

They're using teh board the way it was intended to be used, and the way it was used until a bunch of n00bs showed up earlier this year who were more acclimated to the (lame) customs of other imageboard sites - n00bs who have continually attempted 2 stamp out what made this place fun & unique in teh first place sweat3

I recommend lurking moar, especially nan-nan's threads - maybe then u'll lern how 2 Heyuri biggrin
Mod-sama be honest, is she holding u hostage in her basement? I've never seen someone be this positive about a user
if a cute loli walked onto your site, wouldn't you want her to stay awhile? nyaoo maybe she'll even invite some friends... nyaoo2
>I've never seen someone be this positive about a user
Then u nevar saw my posts about yuki-chan, usagi, silent loli artist, and chen cosplayer wink

65624-san knows what's up!
Actually she was invited here, not the other way around,, wish the same happened to me so i didnt make a dumb advice thread sweat3
i barely did any backreading when i joined
My bad mod-sama ( ´ω`)
Do the mods seriously have crushes on random people larping as little girls? Enough to let them trash up the whole board? unsure
Have u ever contributed anything original here anon?
I have a sneaky suspicion that nan nan is simply Mod-sama in disguise, reliving the joy of being a bratty 11 year old hyperactive loli with sodie pop and cocaine running through her bulging veins. Refresco?
>Do the mods seriously have crushes on random people larping as little girls?
Maybe u should learn what LARP stands for before using it wink
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>being a bratty 11 year old hyperactive loli with sodie pop and cocaine running through her bulging veins

I can't say much more than this, but listen: I talked with Mod-sama over Omegle (before it shut down) and Mod-sama is actually a 40 year old washed up hag working as a salarywoman who relives her glory days as a loli on the internet! And she has huge tits!

Oh shit... I think she might've heard that... I gotta go, guys. astonish

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