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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Hi Heyuri,

Recently kuz has been a heated topic on Heyuri, and not in the good way. We figured out instead of letting some ideas that would make you question our transparency/cause doubt about Heyuri's administration grow inside you without having the chance to see other perspectives of matters, it would be more beneficial to us as a community if your questions/complaints were answered by the man himself.

I explained recently why do posts showing kuz in bad light usually gets deleted from Heyuri, but an exception will be made for this time, and no posts from will be deleted from this thread unless they break Heyuri's home rules, so you can also use this thread to vent about kuz as you please too.

*grabs popcorn*
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>I want you to know that no one likes you, the reason Heyuri stagnated was because no one wanted to be associated with you, and the boom in new users that happened in december happened because the main point of the advertisements was that YOU were gone
The boom of new users is refugees from other imageboards who long knew about heyuri whose main haunt gave up the ghost of being usable. Eceleb obsessed faggots like yourself notwithstanding, of course. The boom of new users making any sort of attempt to post in the style of the site, I guess.
Even though I've never had any interest in or partaken in soyjakery, it's pretty clear that those guys are having fun and keeping the spirit of doing shit that's funny to them at least in part because of how booty blasted prissy prats who are concerned by people liking what they don't like rather than actually carving out a space for themselves well alive. Your incredible asshurt over something which literally doesn't appear on this website at all, which you, you specifically and other people like you complaining about something offsite, are bringing into my consciousness when here, is the only actual source of soyjaks being posted or discussed actively on heyuri. Congrats. You have made a post about soyjaks. You are the soyjak poster.
how can you be so pathetic?
How so? That anon merely pointed out that what >>62468 said was incorrect
>Eceleb obsessed faggots like yourself
>You are the soyjak poster
Seriously, it's not even believable at this point. Just drop the act
The Q&A is over, so locking the thread now. The drama should get over as well.
Also I just want to point out that post was made during the night time for kuz

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The images are b0rked on /b/ (;´Д`)
Posted this on /b/, but guess I should post here too

>I was working on an update but something urgent popped up in the middle of my work, and I didn't realize images were broken for some reason dark

Believe me I was in a great haste to get back on PC to fix whatever broke it once I noticed the situation on phone sweat2
I think it has something to do with one of the recent koko.php updates, I'll do the debugging at a later date
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I thought it was a lot of fun, Heyuri should b0rk more often biggrin
agree タキ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
agree タキ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

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Is this really the type of userbase we want to cultivate? I almost thought I was in /int/ or /pol/ for a second.
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i dont like fighting, which makes me indifferent to all sides. there are no lulz Σ(;゚Д゚)
sad I don't like fighting either, I want Heyuri to be the easiest place on the interwebs
>so, I propose something: filter Kuz's name and any discussion about him, and then pretend he isn't associated with the website anymore
That is effectively exactly what kaguya had been doing for months until that big longpost thread between him and I recently sweat2

That all started because I was growing increasingly concerned about how far the convenient narrative/white lie of "kuz is no longer involved with Heyuri, he's not here anymore" had deviated from the truth of the situation. I could see it having a terrible impact on Heyuri later down the road when those who were here specifically because they were under the impression that kuz was gone were to inevitably find out that he was still around to some extent - so in a rash decision and the heat of the moment, I tore the bandaid off hoping to resolve things early before the new/returning users could get too comfortable, hoping to minimize the potential outrage/devastation sweat2

Obviously this has upset the peace and caused some pandemonium (for which I do take a fair amount of responsibility for and apologize), but I do believe it was inevitable given the circumstances - and I think all of this will inevitably happen again should we go back to pretending kuz is gone when he's not dark

I know it's not fun for anyone, but I honestly believe it's for the best that we keep transparent and don't try to "swindle" potential/returning users - if they have a deep-seated hatred of kuz (or anyone else here for that matter), it's better if they're aware of the involvement so they don't come in with false hopes and expectations, which will only lead to further disappointment, distrust, and bitterness dark

(also quick sidenote: I'm not the only one that uses the mod capcode and ID, and I typically only use it when I think it's necessary or if I think it would be funny, so don't assume it's always me. For transparency, my only post ITT before now was >>62424 )
rolleyes what do you suggest to fix this then mod-sama? I feel like most people would be ok with the escapism of pretending Kuz doesn't exist
This may be a little too "insider baseball", but if you look at the wider trajectory, it's pretty clear that kuz's involvements with Heyuri (not including the random Rule 8 stuff he posts and his recent "less than effective" efforts to defend his name in the current climate) have been steadily decreasing - both through kuz's own waning interest in Heyuri, and through kaguya's many (but often unseen) behind-the-scenes efforts to de-kolyma-ize Heyuri and to complete the remainder of the transition of full ownership from kuz to him

Now, putting any friendship they might have for each other aside, it's clear that in order for kaguya (or anyone) to one day own Heyuri in its entirety (and thus kuz having no involvement whatsoever), he must remain in kuz's good books and maintain a certain level of mutual trust and respect before kuz even considers. Just think - if I or some random person were to contact kuz, point bananagun at head, and say "ALL YOUR HEYURI ARE BELONG TO US", he'd just LOL and ignore it, right?

The point here is that kuz is never going to give Heyuri to anyone who just asks/demands for it, so diplomacy, politics, and tact are required (or just being friends - that helps too!). Aggression, wild accusations, and calls for revolts/coups are totally useless and ineffective - not to mention they turn Heyuri into a warzone dark

While I'd be the first to admit that it's very easy to get worked up about kuz and view some of his various actions (whether real or rumored) as "ruining Heyuri", we all have to keep in mind (me especially) that our responses to/about him can equally ruin Heyuri, and can stop the site from being fun for everyone else

Now, this isn't to say we should all just let kuz and kaguya be totally unaccountable and rule over Heyuri with an iron b&hammer - I think they've individually overstepped the mark and exacerbated the situation just as much as certain users and I have, with the careless overuse of b&hammer and the needless antagonizing/ostracizing of certain users in ways that were completely avoidable. I think changes to the current moderation policy (...there isn't one LOL) should be made so that Heyuri doesn't end up making any more enemies out of allies, and so situations like this don't end up going this far, for this long

I'd also like to extend an olive branch to you (assuming you're the anonymous who's been the most vocal about your thoughts on Heyuri meta lately), and ask if you'd be open to a private discussion with me on XMPP (or wherever is convenient for both of us... I'm not very convenient xd) where we can discuss Heyuri, your issues, hopefully learn some things/reach some middle ground, discuss PENIS, etc. - if you're interested that is. I'll warn you now though that I'm a shitty and awkward conversationalist xd

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Here's sum historic data, for teh n00bs
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Is there a reason why clicking this button just brings up the image in it's own tab instead of bringing up a download prompt? Is this something that should be fixed?
it will be fixed soon

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Current state of Heyuri shows that kaguya is the worst fucking mod
Kaguya is the best mod for being able to keep the retard on a leash
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kaguya's decent but he's not ideal. He's still associated with you-know-who. Hopefully our next admin will give us a fresh start

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>Hopefully our next admin
I want to believe
Stop spamming /q/ with some words you learn from /pol/ glare2

I don't want users thinking I am deleting posts that's not hugging me, but I also have a good idea what kind of poster you are by your previous bans. If users have a valid criticism (you don't need to be polite either, but raging without providing reasons isn't any constructive) against me, I'll take that as an opportunity to improve myself - but clearly you are trying to create some artificial drama, so git B& (again)

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posting anything on b just gives you a http error 500 cry

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How do you report posts
Can't. And the mods r sleep it seems. closed-eyes Cp bait post staying up for over 1 hour now
Well fuck, that sucks.
Yeah there should be a way to report iilegal shit
See >>62103

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ive been trying to learn perl, and have been suffering... a LOT learning it and it made me remember the convo between kaguya & mod-sama abt perl on some VPS he bought

i guess its a dumb question but what will perl bring to the site? other than running scripts on webpages and shit like that xp
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>other than running scripts on webpages and shit like that
...that's it biggrin

In my travels through the Japanese web, I fell in love with all the awesome and obscure (to us) scripts that made up the Japanese web in the 90s and 2000s - I've long thought it would be kewl to bring some of them over to Heyuri like we did KuzuhaScriptPHP+, HeyuriRemix, etc., but... it turns out that 90% of Japanese scripts from that era use CGI/Perl, and Perl is b0rked on Heyuri's current servers sweat2

Pic related is what my spruced-up version of the Jidou Enquete Sakusei script currently looks like. It's kinda liek /vote/, but users add the options they're voting for themselves along with a comment. Each poll is like its own little board, with each vote option being like its own little thread that you can open up and comment in. All the functionality of poal.me with all the style (and code quality) of 1997! biggrin

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When i try to post with my normal IP it now gives me this message.

Your post could not be submitted due to the contents of your post or your IP adress being listed @ spam.kolyma.org
No posts were made in reply to 62340 tongue

There was a reply but it got deleted.

It would be nice if i could get an answer cause i am not the spammer.
Kaguya still hasn't unbanned you? astonish
the answer was given in that one reply
>Kaguya still hasn't unbanned you?


>the answer was given in that one reply

Someone had a meltdown?
Very sorry for that
Please mail me your (ipv4) IP at kaguya@kolyma.net
Alternatively you can use the tripcode mail thingy on /b/

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Do we really need a captcha before replying in /lounge/? dark
There was a time when the spam on lounge was often in the form of replies, which was constantly messing up the bump order. I don't know if that's still the case now unsure
I think there was some changes in the centralized code heyuri is using
I will look into it l8r
It can be removed if kaguya wants, there was a change to the centralized part of koko. We await his descision, if he doesnt want, we create a 2nd captcha module which only works on new threads.

The central koko recieved an update, so that all posts would require a captcha. This was because of medical and pharmacy spam on other koko textboards.

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like image hash dbs or anything? if not, will there be a future implementation?
would also be a good anti-raid measure since raiding with CP isn't uncommon - although i dont know what raiders think they achieve with it, authorities suck at getting rid of CP
We primarily get it in the form of spam, which is more of a phishing/honeypot attempt than a raid. Whoever's behind it always distorts the images slightly each time, so a hash database unfortunately won't help much

>i dont know what raiders think they achieve with it
In those cases it's usually part of false flag operation to get a site pulled by its host or domain registrar
thats a shame, wish there was some hashing system that didnt have the hash be completely different if a pixel is slightly off colour, and yet somehow still be irreversible

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yo can we get some new boards like /e/ or /h/ or an /avg/(adult video games) in case you want to add a video games board? I don't want what happened with /v/ to happen here.
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Totally agreed, and that's what we've done for the most part - in addition to the boards we still have today, we've previously had "HeyuriRemix" which used a rare Ayashii World spinoff script I found, fixed up, and translated, we had /dating/ which was a "2-shot chat", we had "Yeah" which was "Yeah"...

I've got tons of other ideas that I could start working on rite now - mainly for ancient 90s and early 2000s Japanese scripts that have never seen the light of day outside Japan - but sadly our current CGI/Perl server b0rkage issue is preventing us from doing most of those ideas (as well as being the reason that HeyuriRemix was scrapped). Worse still, the person in charge of our servers is adamant that it can't be helped when it almost certainly can dark
I agree as well.
I want to run ancient Japanese CGI scripts with Heyuri too, but as as 62085-san told, our server host claims we can't run Perl scripts closed-eyes2
He admitted that may be solvable, but another (bigger) reason is that scripts in question are open to vulnerabilities. He is already enough gracious for letting me host Heyuri on his servers for free, so I can't really push to run scripts with potential security issues on important servers... Before you ask, I can't afford a web server myself to point some subdomain of Heyuri either sweat2

Like on /sw/ and /o/, if there are well-maintained PHP scripts that may interest us, we have no problem with hosting them though smile
Newfag here, saw heyuri getting advertised on 4chan/v/, found it weird that there is no vidya board here.

Not saying I want one, but I guess others might be confused too.

Also cool site man, kinda nostalgic with the noko in email field and no catalog.
closed-eyes2 there is a catalog
oh fuck I'm blind

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The current fortunes are all pretty depressing - I think there needs to be some balancing sweat2

I don't remember what all the fortunes were on our previous software (kuz or someone else with access to those files will have to reveal), but here's what they were on the Sakomoto software before that:

Bad Luck
Average Luck
Good Luck
Excellent Luck
Reply hazy, try again
Godly Luck
Very Bad Luck
Outlook good
Better not tell you now
You will meet a dark handsome stranger
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Good news will come to you by mail

I think some or all of these were on the later software, but there was also additional ones liek the legendary "LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL[...]" and others I'm forgetting
you can modify the fortunes in koko on the github ^_^
>you can modify the fortunes in koko on the github ^_^
Yeah, but first I'd have to learn how to use github xd

How is that set up anyway - do changes to the code on github automatically go live on Heyuri? is there some kind of automated update schedule? or do you have to initiate an update manually?
>do changes to the code on github automatically go live on Heyuri?
No, you can create a pull request and then it needs to be approved, and then they'd have to update kokonotsuba with the new code, at least i guess that's how it works
This is correct
1. You make the change and request it to get applied on the repository (pull request)
2. I see and ask an ex-koko dev if it's safe to apply
3. I merge the pull request to the repo if it's safe
4. I update it on Heyuri when I am available

It would help to have another trusted dev who could verify stuff. By "trusted" I don't only mean normal users without ill intent, but also running their kokonotsuba instance with the exact stack as we are using for Heyuri and verify the changes can be applied without causing any issues
why not use github actions

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I went to bed, and when I woke up, my IP was not listed on spam.kolyma, why?
I have done nothing wrong, I have received no warning, I have received not a single ban in my entire stay here on Heyuri, the only thing that comes to mind is that yesterday someone stole the 33K GET, and I complained and accused Kuz of doing it, because to me he seemed the most likely person, is that why? I don't see why else I would be permanently banned like that

Some people, I assume Kuz trying to get people mad at me, claimed I was the one wojakposting, since one guy on their website seems to have attached Mechazawa to one of his wojaks, but can you not see that that's just someone trying to ruin my image? someone trying to corrupt Heyuri's culture? I came here, firstly, when someone posted about StrawberryHeaven on [s4s], and then, after staying there for a while, I left when an anon on /g/ told me the truth about Kuz

I came back last year when another anon on /g/ told me that Kuz was gone, and that a new better owner was in place, I even have the thread, you can see it right here, https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/90558006/#90561787

After coming back, I have done many things, I didn't want to list all the things I've done because I feel like It's shoving it on people's faces how cool I am, but I guess I have to use them in my defense
I have
- Created at least 2 banners, the Pascal one and the Mechazawa one, you could count the FKMT Zero one and the GMOD 9 one since I made them on the strawberryheaven era
-Advertised Heyuri, causing the new surge of users (this could be seen as a bad thing, but I assure you it was done in nothing but good faith, I do have a VPN, which I am using to make this post right here, but I have always only used it to avoid bans on 4chan, since they happen so often)
- I was the one who wrote both the littlealice.exe creepypasta and the "I want to have sex with Mod-sama" post, (well I hope the reason for my ban Isn't mod-sama being mad at me dark)
- I have also made many threads with tons of replies like the cryptid threads which I find very fun since they're about a niche interest I really like

ヽ(´ー`)ノ anyways, I guess that should be enough proof I am NOT the spammer? I really wanted to get the 33K GET with Mechazawa too, made me sad that I lost it, anyways, this is my appeal, please do give me a reply instead of just deleting it, I'm posting this on a VPN because well, I can't really do anything about it can I? cry
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>I think it would be best to just go back to enforcing "don't post meta outside /q/”
Feel free to. I didn't reply the last time you brought it up hoping others would, but I am for it.

>His demand for us to delete one half of (or the entirety of) all kuz-related discussions is itself controversial
But this is simply the situation we are in, discussing about this with me won't bring you anywhere rolleyes

>The phrase was "Heyuri is not a kuz site",
It was a reference to a certain post of lolico and your(?) reply to it during an ancient drama sweat2
>Feel free to. I didn't reply the last time you brought it up hoping others would, but I am for it.
Then let it be known:
*Light/casual/fun stuff is generally exempt, this is mainly just for Serious Business discussions/questions/complaints/rants/etc.

>But this is simply the situation we are in, discussing about this with me won't bring you anywhere
Believe in urself, admin-san! biggrin

>It was a reference to a certain post of lolico and your(?) reply to it during an ancient drama
2020 was a very different time, and the kuz I was a fan of was a very different kuz dark

A huge part of Heyuri culture up to that point was centered around celebrating the guy keeping all the Rule 8 out and doing fun things with us, and kuz was seen to be the hero thwarting lolico's then-increasing tyrannical no-fun behavior sweat2
Well that's depressing, but understandable, I'll deal with it
>I think Heyuri itself has suffered from it for the past two days as well, it fell from average of 300+ to less than 150 just one day
Probably because I stopped advertising it tongue I think a lot of people also only came back because Kuz was gone so...
nyaoo2 but well being slow isn't so bad I guess, once Kuz leaves for good I'll advertise it daily again ┐(´∇`)┌

Well I won't post about Kuz on /b/ again, and I will probably turn down on discussing him at all on /q/ as well, I just hope you all understand that his existence is absolutely 100% detrimental to Heyuri's development and that as soon as a opportunity arises for you or someone else to start paying for Heyuri's bills you should take it ASAP nyaoo-closedeyes
>as soon as a opportunity arises for you or someone else to start paying for Heyuri's bills you should take it ASAP
I'd be happy to, except...

1. I don't know how much it costs (things may have to downgrade significantly or be dropped, if it's even possible for me to afford it at all)
2. I'm a n00b at server admin stuff (currently teaching myself)
3. A lot of things that are legal in "Atlantis" are illegal in my country
4. I don't want to accidentally dox or partyv& myself dark

That's why at the very least I can respect kuz for hosting Heyuri, because it's not just a case of having the funds sweat2

It's not something that usually works, but maybe kaguya could set up some kind of DONATE OR DIE KUZ STAYS fund xd
>4. I don't want to accidentally dox or partyv& myself
I am not very knowledgeable either, what are the risks of that? unsure
Is it not possible to buy some VPS and domains with fake names?

>3. A lot of things that are legal in "Atlantis" are illegal in my country
I am pretty sure you don't need to host it in your country - the best option after Kolyma is probably those "bullet-proof" hosts.
Because I am sure Turkey isn't a good place to host Heyuri either sweat2

Way too risky to depend on. What if it fails to meet the quota needed to pay for the host suddenly? Paying bills in USD with Turkish lira isn't a viable option in long term, at least until getting a job

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