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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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why am I got deleted again closed-eyes2
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fair enough nyaoo-closedeyes
do you seriously believe what's written on kym? Sometimes I get the impression they think /pol/ and 4chan are interchangeable words
Regardless of KYM's overall accuracy, it's correct in this case - it's a /pol/-derived meme that was popular on the /pol/-aligned boards of 4chan and 8chan from around 2015 onwards, which is precisely the kind of thing that Rule 8 was intended to keep out closed-eyes2

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As you can see from this: https://t.me/kolymaofficial/36, kolyma has suspended operations, so naturally we aren't hosted by them anymore. We are fully independent, and I am in charge of everything, including hosting from now on. Kuz has had recent health concerns and can no longer run a hosting company full time.

However, I'm not in a situation to pay for the server bills (of all Heyuri, GUROchan, and some other imageboards, also sites like 2ちゃん and Ayashii), so kuz will continue to pay the server bills for the time being. He is paying out of our friendship, not for business reasons or a contract, and he said he is content with paying for as long as needed. This will be the case until I am ready to pay for myself, but I can't really promise a date on this due to my personal situation. I don't think I will have a stable job for a few years, or my salary will be worth anything in USD... But anyways.

In other news, it seems that Epik (who is our registrar) is having some troubles and may likely shut down soon. This means we need to move to another registrar soon, who would need to allow occasional lolicon and JK< panchira stuff we have on our boards - if you have any suggestions, I would like to hear. We are considering NameSilo.
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leave it to freetards to overthink everything
most terrorist cells these days dont even care enough to put their stuff on the deep websweat2
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What trouble? Installing the tor browser is easy as fork and then just go to the fucken website.
Can confirm. Modern day terrorism is shit anyways.
He means that most people aren't gonna get an XMR wallet, buy the tiny tiny amount then send it for the token to use
When did they ever? All the classic jihadi sites were clearnet. If even they can get hosted, what do a few lolis matter?

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Was /Heyuri dating/ ever a serious thing?
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Just talked to yui for over an hour would recommend.
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this should be added to this thing
Sure, blotter can be used for minor updates so new CGI scripts are worth putting in. I just forgot about it after front page newspost nyaoo-closedeyes
Don't 4get teh wiki sidebar smile

BTW, what do u guise think of the name "Heyuri CGI" and the general appearance of https://cgi.heyuri.net ? (if u were even aware of it)

The homepage itself was just a test thing I made months ago which wasn't necessarily intended to be used for realzies, and the name was something I came up with in 20 seconds as a placeholder xd
there are no real girls on heyuri sadly

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There should be an input for renaming your file, it's too annoying to rename it on my computer. If there's a field then I can just type something when I make a post.
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The live user counter is more for users to see that they're not browsing alone, to inspire moar posts. It's quite common on Japanese BBSes and imageboards, including Futaba, Momizou, most Ayashii World boards, etc.

That said, I think it's generally healthy to keep an eye on population size (which we've done since the early days, see: graph anon, news posts, etc.) - similar to how a person trying to lose/gain weight is wise to monitor their daily calorie intake. Or maybe teh sandwich is just making me think of food... drool
They weren't rules but they were effectively recommended behavior.
( ̄ω ̄ ゞ)
They were completely ignored by everyone except n00bs from the very beginning, and were nearly all for the LOLs or kuz's own personal pet peeves rather than anything anyone else ever cared about. They were not to be taken seriously sweat2
I recall people at least partially agreeing with them. I'm not into all the insider moderator lore though so what do I know.
>I'm not into all the insider moderator lore though
Prior to the more recent discussions about kuz's tips/netiqutte page during kaguya's reign (where it was basically n00bs doing it wrong and trying to protect what they thought was "Heyuri culture" VS me desperately trying to stop them), the brief discussions on them were in 2020 and 2021 when they were first added and ammended. These discussions were on the boards themselves, not in private or behind-the-scenes

Back then, hardly anyone commented on them other than myself (and none of us made any attempt to follow them, because why the hell would we?), and I was outspoken in saying "some of them are teh dumb, but as long as it's clearly stated they're not rules, it's whatever"

I'll post a copy I saved circa June 30, 2020 when they were first written - which includes the part about naming files - and hopefully you'll see why nobody took them seriously or paid any attention to them:


4. dont use capslock
6. zOMG!!
13. ???
15. WUT

These arent rules, nor guidelines, just some helpful advice from yours truly.

Later on, the much-less-fun second half of the tips/netiquette page was added, and I was even more critical of those (and again, it was pretty much only me who said anything about them - everyone else took no notice and carried on not even attempting to follow them)

Just imagine if kaguya put up a page today saying "make sure to always use lowercase" and "always use mp4 instead of webm", and then 3 years later, newbies who weren't around when it was clearly added as a half-joke/half-irrational rant, started posting "use lowercase or gtfo" and "fuck off webm poster" without a hint of irony or sarcasm - cuz that's basically what happened with kuz's "tips" dark

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I made a post about kuz getting aids with this image and it was deleted, why?
See >>64427 onwards

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I have created 2 "new" themes for Heyuri: Burichan and Heyuri Blue.
They may not be 100% perfect, but work fine when pasted into custom CSS in the settings tab. What do you guys think? Maybe it can be discussed further during today's townhall.
Don't forget the URL of base.css when adding, Kaguya foruda
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Woah, I love blueyuri! Great work ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Looks pretty good, at least from teh screencaps nyaoo

There was this thread >>62912 made by kaguya for CSS submissions back when our former styles were taken away (speaking of which, can't we just add them back since kolyma = dedz0rs?), but I suggested that we should first take the opportunity to clean up the underlying mess of kokonotsuba/Heyuri's HTML/CSS so it would be easier to maintain and make new styles

It's tricky without having access to Heyuri's actual files though, since the github version of kokonotsuba seems to be quite different from Heyuri's instance in certain areas - plus it's very boring and tedious work in general xd
Added Burichan biggrin

Is Heyuri Blue different from Yotsuba B? What name do you want it to show up with in the style options menu?
>Is Heyuri Blue different from Yotsuba B?
Barely, they have a lot of similarities
>What name do you want it to show up with in the style options menu?
If Heyuri Blue isn't good enough, we should let other people decide its name ( ´ω`)
I created it just for there to be more than 1 blue theme other than Burichan

Also delete the .download section, it displays the old download button image now
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bluberry chan is very nice! I liek it a lot! happy

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I don't think anons in that thread have problem with loli, just with how many recent threads are just porn dumps. Compare it to many creative and engaging threads from the end of the current catalog (or the earlier ones if you have them archived).

Obviously what those anons should've done is made better threads instead of complaining. Just my two cents.
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July 2020 wasn't way slower than today. At the bottom of Page 0 there is a 18 hour reply right now, so you can be up to date on Heyuri by checking the front page barely once a day

I agree teh issue is really just that users don't know they should show their appreciation for new OC publicly
>Thing is, Heyuri of 2020 was way smaller and way slower than modern Heyuri
It was only slightly smaller and slightly less active than today. Off-Topic in July 2020 had 3664 PPD, versus June 2023 having 4336 PPD - that's 84% as active! (and also not accounting for the fact that Heyuri's activity was distributed between many more boards back then)

If anything, 2020 Heyuri felt more active since all the replies would come in almost immediately after a thread was made - this was due to how prevalent the dicksword with the webhook was, as well as the Overboard which allowed you to view all posts on the site in one place

>And page 0 is full of porn dumps
The amount of pr0n on Off-Topic is about the same as it ever was - and in 2020 there were also pr0n/moe-dumping boards liek /h/, /c/, /l/, /g/, etc. (which were all eventually merged with Off-Topic, so enjoy teh sexy picz!!!)

>When there used to be only like 4-5 pages that stayed up for days
R u sure u were even on Heyuri in 2020? glare

Cuz back in 2020 we used to have INFINITE PAGES™ and no time-based bump limit at all - hence kuz getting mad about necrobumping a couple of times, until eventually a 3-day bump limit was imposed to keep things fresh and emphasize the creation of new threads over lingering in old ones (this was adjusted last year to 7 days to account for Heyuri being much slower... sweat2)
Can confirm this holds true at least for me.
Also agree with the conclusion, though sweat2
well we haven't had any loli porn threads for a few days, so now you guys have what you want nyaoo-closedeyes
these things come and goes as waves, no worries. lolis will return! biggrin

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Sorry, I was trapped in a dungeon so creating this thread a little late tongue

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today

Date: 15 July Saturday, 18:00 (6PM) UTC
Location: https://gikopoi.world2ch.net/

There will be some complaints about how gikopoipoi doesn't work on old browsers for some reason, but it's more fun than IRC so we will use that. If you aren't able to join in any way, you can still read the logs and make a post-townhall thread to share your ideas
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Even spambot-kun decided to come biggrin
>your browser doesn't support WebRTC
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Where is everyone? cry
head to bar giko!
click on #rula and go to bar giko

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Does Heyuri currently have a higher PPH rate than Heyuri did in the "golden days"?
It was notably higher during the first 4 months of 2023, but if you compare the past 2 weeks with July 2020 (not including TEH CRASH), it's actually the same on average: 206 PPD sitewide

It's less "volatile" now though - most days hold a similar amount of activity, whereas in July 2020 it could range from 50-60 PPD to 300-400 PPD depending on the day (and teh partybus)

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why does the default filename for yotsuba emotes start with emo like in emo-yotsuba-[relating emotion shown].gif ?
They've been that way since they were added, I don't think there is any specific reason

These emotes have been around for longer than Heyuri with different file names
i see, thanks

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Is there a possibility to change teh preview of PNGs from being a black background - to being 100% alpha? I've no understanding of coding, but instead the use of black -> to 0% opacity.

I think this would make our board nicer. happy
Heyuri uses jpg thumbnails and since they don't support transparency, at most we can make it generate jpg thumbs with the same background color as the site's theme (i'm pretty sure 4chan does this)
Maybe i can figure it out shii
The thumbnails are JPEGs so you can't have real transparency without switching to PNG, but there's ways of setting a specific color to be used for the "background" when the JPEG thumbnails are generated (I've done this b4 but I forgot how nyaoo-closedeyes)

The thing is, you need additional modifications to the software to account for the different background colors in OPs vs replies, which I was too dumb to figure out dizzy
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Ah, that does make sense. Here's another pictures with the same color to match the background. Let's see how it looks.
I notice there is one flaw in changing the color to only one color, as "front" post use another color than the regular posts.

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What is kagunyaa email now that kolyma.net is ded unsure
Kolyma is dead but the mail server is still there - I plan to use it until it crushes. I can't promise a quick return anymore though.. You have a better chance using Rizon's memoserv.

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I will compile these replies into a video for prosperity. (^Д^)
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I like Heyuri because people on it actually have fun and are genuine and aren't terminally insecure post-ironic turbofaggots or perpetually butthurt moral crusaders.

It's honestly one of the last good websites on the internet.
I like Heyuri because it's simply just a fun website. It's part of my daily fun browsing (which includes Something Awful and some other forums). On other sites, nobody seems to enjoy themselves and are always seem uptight. Even though I'm not much of an imageboard user/otaku (GAHSP), I've really come to enjoy the community. Love y'all! dance
Mostly the nostalgia from a lost age where people still believed in fun and didnt (ironically) hate/hide behind a mask when posting on imageboards. And of course rule 8 is the second bible deliverd by God himself ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
Goons? On MY Heyuri?
It's more likely than you think!

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>Should we try 2 fix all the unintentional spelling & grammar fails in kokonotsuba and on Heyuri's static pages?
Go ahead and point them out if you want to, I just hope it won't be too embarrassing xd
I luv teh misspelling, makes it more fun and geniune. Its part of heycurry. Best one is anonymous, took me ages to see it. LOL!
OP here, I agree the mispellings are more funny. I vote to leave it
It seems that Heyuri has chosen the path of comftorable incorrectness (´ー`)
It's also a way to tell if a poster is new or noth.

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As you read in the newspost, we're looking for volunteer users to help us with moderation and cleaning up spam. If you are interested for the position please briefly write about your relation with Heyuri, longposts are welcome but not really a requirement - few sentences would work fine if you believe so. Note that we will also look for your other posts on the boards while electing.

There are no requirements, but you'd need to somehow provide me a private contact. In the worse situation, Off-Topic's trip-based mail would work too, so don't worry if you don't want to have any presence on Dicksword/IRC/XMPP/whatever wink
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>> 52 KB
Deleted sum posts from the fall in love with ME thread. I think 49778-kun appreciates the attention we're giving him (;´Д`)
Probably just delete posts with any suspicious links. It's interesting to look at him talking to himself
Uhm, I'd like to join the moderation team. Please consider my application, I always clock in on time and I make the coffee extra bitter. So...I really like cute girls too, and I enjoyed the Genshiken stream, I want to partake or even plan more events like that in the future! foruda
is this thread still valid?
why isn't it deleted?
I will lock it

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