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Mods please delete this whole thread, it will only bring these people back if it's still up
There's a lesson to be learned here. The lesson being that allowing attention whore threads like this is not a good idea. Hopefully Kaguya and the mods will learn from this experience
incredible concern trolling guyz. not at all obvious rolleyes
Archived on archive.today and deleted.

>Hopefully Kaguya and the mods will learn from this experience
What I learned was that it turned out to be a fun thread last night, I hope we have moar in the future biggrin
Cam whorring is considered fun on Heyuri nowadays? What happened?
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what's the deal, did someone from the soyosphere link to that thread on on of their sites, or is this some kind of new domestic terrorist tactic to get rid of the loli threads?glare
>loli threads
That was a 3d shota sweat
Eh, you know what I mean.
Yes, it is considered fun on Heyuri

yes: https://soygem.party/soy/res/16806.html
I don't think anything would come out of it but internet sux these days, it's not worth taking the risk of leaving these kind of threads up for long after fun & faps are had
if the soyjak tards hate it, then obviously we're doing something right nyaoo-closedeyes
Letting fags like that dictate what kinds of threads we can and can't have is teh dumbest suggestion evar xd

>Cam whorring is considered fun on Heyuri nowadays? What happened?
Nothing apparently, cuz it's been this way for all of the (almost) 4 years I've been using Heyuri!
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>it's been this way for all of the (almost) 4 years I've been using Heyuri
You must've not paid attention then. Because apart from yuki-chan and the chen cosplayer every single camwhore was swiftly bullied out of Heyuri. Well, it used to be that way, nowadays the mods tolerate or even defend fags like angel and cosmo, even though retards like them would've been driven from the site if they appeared anytime earlier. It really boggles my mind
Jokes on you I like being bullied :3
I don't see what's so bad about camwhores. It's just a porn thread except the pictures are taken in real time and made specifically for heyuri, which is a lot more exciting than random pictures from the internet
That's true but I don't think we should focus exclusively on just being the opposite of the sharty and similar sites than we'll basically just be effectively the same as them but just without soyjaks (and possibly more pathetic)
heyuri has become very social recently. if you go to @Chat and don't know about the namefags or Hakoniwa island, it makes you feel like an outsider.
Social outcasts liek me can't deal with this. (;´Д`)
.. The chat? Really?? You're pretty much meant to be a namefag for that dizzy
I understand your point, but those places are meant to be social (though you can play CGI games just fine without knowing or interacting with anyone unless they try to communicate with you first)

Personally I also prefer posting anonymously than chatting with a name attached, but if you really dislike the idea of meeting internet users, you should know that talking there while staying as an "outsider" is fine too
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Just change your name whenever anxiety hits hard
I think it's fine to have them every once in a while, if anything because they get my PENIS hard
However, it becomes annoying the camwhores involved feel the need to namefag outside those threads. You had your 15 minutes on the spotlight, let it go dark
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>However, it becomes annoying the camwhores involved feel the need to namefag outside those threads
There's nothing wrong with Heyuri users using persistent names - it's been a core Heyuri tenet since the start!
I was a namefag before that and I'll stay a namefag after closed-eyes2
It is possible for two different people to use the same name in @chat. Therefore, if all the people who are not comfortable with being recognised use the name Anonymous and choose the default colour, you will be able to post without worry.
thanks, anons. ( ´ω`)
it's not that I dislike namefagging, but I find it hard to socialize with the namefags now, they have their own banter and jokes, if you're not aware of it you can just sit and watch.
If you have any trouble understanding what the hell I'm saying (as most people do) I can always explain!! biggrin
Thx for being nice to me guys

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