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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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so now that summer is upon us, do you think there will be an influx of summerfags into heyuri? and how much validity does the "summerfag" theory really hold on the internet besides eternal september how many cases are there  were summer has really affected the state of a site
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January '23. It was a shitshow sweat2
Ha, i found this place on /f/ a little over a year ago. Barely even use it though, just stuck on /jp/ and /a/
>just stuck on /jp/
Post 2020 /jp/ is completely unusable, surely you misspelled, or maybe you meant the archives?
i want an updated chartttttttttttttttttttttt
Sure it's not as good as it used to be. I just filter all of the vtuber threads and it's twice as good as it would be otherwise.

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Requesting new kaomoji, :sob:
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Too similar to cry, and it isn't even animated. DENIED!

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>i spent 92359592523957 hours in ms paint

Spend 92359592523957 more hours making this: Yotsuba spewing vomit.
Or better yet, vomiting cum. Hell, why not both? Some ideas for you to consider.


Believe it or not, spewing cum from our mouths is a common emotion expressed by your everyday user on Heyuri! We demand proper representation of this! KAGUYAPLSADDKTHX
if you want to have an emote added, an idea i believe might work is have is Yotsuba with money eyes signifying profit, payday, financial win, gamble won. call it :greed:

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...well, actually this is only some of it sweat2

Needs doing
- fix deferer's ampersand bug (currently, links that contain "&" characters get b0rked)
- restore proper file download button functionality (should open save dialog box with the original filename instead of just opening the image)
- fix BBCode Reference link so the window opens in new window/tab instead of replacing current page and wiping ur post (was fixed in the past, but got reverted at some point)
- add CSS to break filenames when they're too long to fit the browser viewport
- fix "Marked for deletion (old)" so it appears on all threads that are past the bump limit (currently 7 days I think?) instead of only 1 month old threads
- restore imageboard source/credits links at bottom of index (they currently only appear when viewing threads)
- update Strange World script to latest version of translated ksphp+

Optional quests
- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)
- make BBCode Reference use whatever the hell the settings and quick reply windows use to make it appear in a floating window (like how it used to be pre-kokonotsuba)
- bring back option to disable quote tooltip (the annoying thing that appears whenever you highlight text)
- bring back strikethrough, underline, and code BBCode
- bring back sage/noko/fortune checkboxes
- bring back "Switch Form Position" feature (kokonotsuba used to have it but it vanished at some point)
- bring back "users can vote for multiple items" option on /vote/ ("users can vote multiple times" can stay gone)
- bring back classic PENIS and VAGINA wordfilters, maybe some others
- bring back optional "Neo Menu" board links
- bring back some kind of report feature
- bring back "Currently _ unique users on this board."
- bring back Heyuri archive/museum
- bring back Heyuri wiki (HHS)
- make 2ちゃん an offical Heyuri service, or make a Heyuri-specific instance just for us
- longposts needs moar "Comment too long. Click reply to view the full text" on the index
- make vote script use UTF-8 to prevent non-Latin character b0rkage (if u send me teh code, I'll attempt it - I've done it for other scripts in the past)
- move Heyuri IRC back to Rizon (the IRC is mainly useful when Heyuri is down, which usually means the servers are down... so hosting it on our servers is teh st00pid!)

Food for thought / miscellaneous
- Heyuri's holy grail: restoring /all/, or finding an adequete replacement (some kind of RSS feed? notifications API? porting the old /all/ code to work with kokonotsuba? needs moar research...)
- Heyuri boards were once commonly referred to as their actual titles instead of the board directory, just as the Japanese do (i.e. Off-Topic instead of /b/, Overboard instead of /all/, etc.). Might be worth going back to that
- let's brainstorm ideas for neat new boards/features/whatevers, there's a lot of kewl scripts out there...
- don't leave sticky threads up for more than 24 hours, they are activity killers!
- someone who is not kaguya or kuz should make an official Heyuri refuge/shelter bulletin board in case poop hits teh fan or kaguya suddenly disappears in a tragic boating accident
- Heyuri Remix... I doubt it will get used much and we don't really need moar discussion boards, but I'd like to see it given a real chance (it was never linked outside of once or twice on Strange World - most Heyuri users didn't even know it existed...)
- Heyuri PO Box: would u host it? It's pretty much complete, except that I'd rly liek to make it use hashed passwords instead of storing them in plaintext... I can try doing it myself, but it would be better if somebody who knows what they're doing did it (^^;
34 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>fix deferer's ampersand bug (currently, links that contain "&" characters get b0rked)

>- restore proper file download button functionality (should open save dialog box with the original filename instead of just opening the image)

>- fix BBCode Reference link so the window opens in new window/tab instead of replacing current page and wiping ur post (was fixed in the past, but got reverted at some point)

>- add CSS to break filenames when they're too long to fit the browser viewport

>- fix "Marked for deletion (old)" so it appears on all threads that are past the bump limit (currently 7 days I think?) instead of only 1 month old threads
Dev werk, feel free to ask on Github by making an issue.

>- restore imageboard source/credits links at bottom of index (they currently only appear when viewing threads)

>- update Strange World script to latest version of translated ksphp+

>- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)

>- make BBCode Reference use whatever the hell the settings and quick reply windows use to make it appear in a floating window (like how it used to be pre-kokonotsuba)
Alternative JS was created by a user.

>- bring back option to disable quote tooltip (the annoying thing that appears whenever you highlight text)

>- bring back strikethrough, underline, and code BBCode

>- bring back sage/noko/fortune checkboxes
I don't think this is a good idea, kuz removed them on purpose too. Perhaps it should be optional JS on settings?

>- bring back "Switch Form Position" feature (kokonotsuba used to have it but it vanished at some point)
There is an issue for this on GitHub.

>- bring back "users can vote for multiple items" option on /vote/ ("users can vote multiple times" can stay gone)

>- bring back classic PENIS and VAGINA wordfilters, maybe some others

>- bring back optional "Neo Menu" board links
I am not sure how..

>- bring back some kind of report feature
I don't think we really need this.

>- bring back "Currently _ unique users on this board."
I made an issue on GitHub for this

>- bring back Heyuri archive/museum
Done! Somewhat. I can't get it to open threads...

>- bring back Heyuri wiki (HHS)

>- make 2ちゃん an offical Heyuri service, or make a Heyuri-specific instance just for us
Done! R7/8 are enforced.

>- longposts needs moar "Comment too long. Click reply to view the full text" on the index
We can make an issue for this on GitHub, but u figured out a way by CSS.

>- make vote script use UTF-8 to prevent non-Latin character b0rkage (if u send me teh code, I'll attempt it - I've done it for other scripts in the past)
Done! Thanks!

>- move Heyuri IRC back to Rizon (the IRC is mainly useful when Heyuri is down, which usually means the servers are down... so hosting it on our servers is teh st00pid!)
I don't want to draw attention to our IRC, but A. IRC is on a different server B. Rizon channel is still there too

>- Heyuri's holy grail: restoring /all/, or finding an adequete replacement (some kind of RSS feed? notifications API? porting the old /all/ code to work with kokonotsuba? needs moar research...)
There is an issue for this on GitHub. I rly want it too, especially a notifications API would be pretty cool.

>- Heyuri boards were once commonly referred to as their actual titles instead of the board directory, just as the Japanese do (i.e. Off-Topic instead of /b/, Overboard instead of /all/, etc.). Might be worth going back to that
I am doing this by myself lately. You do it too and other users will eventually pick up.

>- let's brainstorm ideas for neat new boards/features/whatevers, there's a lot of kewl scripts out there...
Thanks for that!

>- don't leave sticky threads up for more than 24 hours, they are activity killers!

>- someone who is not kaguya or kuz should make an official Heyuri refuge/shelter bulletin board in case poop hits teh fan or kaguya suddenly disappears in a tragic boating accident
I don't have any relationships with yandere girls (;_;) but dew it anyways

>- Heyuri Remix... I doubt it will get used much and we don't really need moar discussion boards, but I'd like to see it given a real chance (it was never linked outside of once or twice on Strange World - most Heyuri users didn't even know it existed...)
I can't run CGI scripts...

>- Heyuri PO Box: would u host it? It's pretty much complete, except that I'd rly liek to make it use hashed passwords instead of storing them in plaintext... I can try doing it myself, but it would be better if somebody who knows what they're doing did it (^^;
...but u can!

I started writing this last year, saved in some txt file and forgot about it until just now sweat2
It's a bit scaring a whole year has passed since...
ZOMG that's a lot of Done!'s astonish

We've done a surprisingly good job this past year... HEYURI DID RISE! biggrin
The OC archive page is broken, if anyone knew this already I apologize.
I forgot about that page tongue

Here, I also added some Heyuri-tans: https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=oc

I remember there was another thread for 2021 stuff, but it was saved on archive.today which only saves thumbnails so I didn't include it.
>- fix "Marked for deletion (old)" so it appears on all threads that are past the bump limit (currently 7 days I think?) instead of only 1 month old threads

>- bring back "Currently _ unique users on this board."

>- move Heyuri IRC back to Rizon (the IRC is mainly useful when Heyuri is down, which usually means the servers are down... so hosting it on our servers is teh st00pid!)

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mod-sama kindly remove cp in /b/ please
it's deleted

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is animal gore allowed on /b/?
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Don't you dare op...
human gore is OK
I don't see why not

But I'm no mod, so... ┐(゚~゚)┌
Probably, but i would certainly consider it in bad taste, so pls don't nyaoo2
Fuck you OP
People who abuse nekos deserve to DIE angry

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what kind of man rangebans his users?

no man. no man at all.
refer to >>65057

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Some R8 spam on Uploader@Heyuri: no. 2935-2940
Please remove onegaishimasu 🙇‍♂️
is there any way for us janitors to moderate up.heyuri.net or should we let mod-sama and admin-sama take care of it?
I made this thread because I don't have perms to delete stuff on Uploader.
There isn't any way for janitors to delete files as far as I'm aware.
It just requires knowing teh master password, kaguya should give it 2 u
We rarely evar need to delete something from Uploader@Heyuri, but I will give you the password for warota.php
I don't know if it's possible to set a global password that includes user boards too, if ever needed. For now I can delete the file from server if it becomes necessary.

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Remove the illegal content please
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Cheers, janitor biggrin
Rule 8
OP image of this thread
How is that r8?
Not rule 8, although I remember Mod-sama saying once on /q/ that he doesn't want "ifunny caption images" (which is what the linked image is) on Heyuri
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Removed! Have another neko for your patience

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How much longer do you think Heyuri has left before it joins the long list of dead image board sites?
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I'll never forget heyuri, even when it goes down, even when im on my death bed, never ever!
uhh, i dont know why that sent twice, but the message is reiterated!
Heyuri acknowledges your fighting spirit nyaoo-closedeyes
THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeIjmvZZ_SQ
In the ol'd days we always said
>You shut one site down we multiply
I'm sure there is going to be replacement.wink
However I'm kinda worried about the probs over @ 4chinz.unsure
Imagine all the twatter and redditfags there flooding our oldchansmona2
something like this is nothing specialdance2dance2

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Please get rid of the 3D CP on /b/, thank you kindly
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pol scum in lounge
would this go under literal pedo shit? of course theres no nudity but its puting a child in a sexual context. https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=74744
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As long as it's not the "annoying"/newgon wiki-ish type of pedo, like that guy in the thread whose images (though I couldn't see them on time) were deleted for being MAP propaganda stuff, "literal pedos" or sexualized images of children (as long as it's not at a level that would cause legal troubles) r not banned. Stuff like loli panchira or old style pedo captions (i grabbed this pic from macrochan) are fine.

When it feels like it's promoting some kind of agenda such as stuff on https://www.newgon.net/wiki/Memes_and_Graphics , that's when I think it enters into B& area.
1st thought it was christcuck spam but after closer examination it seems to me that's some /x/ stuff.huh
Don't know what's that got to do with /pol/...unsure
If you're referring to the word 'Nigger' we use on certain occasion on here.cool

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Is Heyuri against Tor posting? Whenever I post via Tor I get lots of messages telling me I'm banned but they keep giving me different dates and reasons for the ban.

Also sorry for asking this in the wrong thread. And my cat just pooped on my bed.....
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tor test 5
I think most tor nodes are b& ever since range bans were introduced
tor test 6
huh, I guess theyre not anymore
tor test
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Do you even know how the TOR network operates?rolleyes
Maybe several exist nodes are banned here...nyaoo
Most Tor exit nodes these days seem to be hosted on Cloudflare's datacenters, and/or I believe Cloudflare also keeps track of exit nodes and has some kind of special routing for them in order to give their users the option to block them - either way, they nearly always show up like this on Kokonotsuba's mod panel:

This means:
1. they stick out liek a sore thumb against all the usual IPv4 addresses of regular/VPN users
2. if we range ban 2405:8100:8000:5ca1 (which we temporarily do whenever it's being abused), it blocks the majority of Tor users xd

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testing to see if cookies save, since they didn't earlier

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I'm curious, has the sell of banner space provided the desired results? did Kaguya deny placing some banner or have all the requests been given the greenlight? If not, what kind of ad would you deny 100%?
Image completely unrelated
I can't see how many people have clicked to the banners, but I am happy with the results so far biggrin
It's just supposed to bring some activity/traffic to the sites/boards linked there.
>did Kaguya deny placing some banner or have all the requests been given the greenlight
So far all proposed banners were added. I don't want to add more banners to Heyuri's front page/the Off-Topic board (I am considering removing some of these in the future). There are few conditions for banners to be added too, you can read >>64431 for details
I've been thinking if we should change teh konata push banner from heyuri to lounge. It is a easy change for me and as we do not have a banner for lounge that could be good idea?
it's hard to make a banner for a site that has no images
go ahead nyaoo
I think the curry banner should be one of the 300x100 ones too if it's easy to do
Making curry to 300x100 is harder. So might as well thow it. It's my least liked banner nyaoo-closedeyes

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trolling is an integral part of the old internet, why is it banned on heyuri?
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whenever i try posting via tor I'm always bannned for some reason. is heyuri against tor posting?
I don't think that relates to this thread
I once gave a bullshit explanation on something relating post numbers, the quote feature and quoting the OP that i pulled completely out of my ass. Did anyone save that?
>Did anyone save that?
If it was on Site Discussion it's probably still up, but if it was on Off-Topic then probably not sweat2
the trolling has to be good, it cant just be some rulebreaking spam e.g. some nu-internet meme over and over
also, heyuri wont, and cant emulate EVERYTHING 2000s--you aren't seeing copious amounts of illegal videos like child and snuff porn

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I like this new look
Read /b/ sticky
/b/: a sticky read

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