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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Can we ban the edgy pedoniggers shitting up /b/ pretty please with sugar on top?
I'm not too innocent in that regard either but I don't keep making threads about my "nasty habits" every half second just to shock people, or boast about how cool I am that I watch LE CHILD PR0N!!!!! and LUST FOR CHILDRENEN!!!!
I like this place a lot and I don't want heyuri to become the "pedophile imageboard" sad
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You first Redditfag.
The threads were initially okay, we don't need to care for threads about cute little girls. It's part of Heyuri
And a lot that pedo poster's posts were already deleted, but it's hard to stop a ban evader... But that doesn't justify deleting innocent threads
>Yes it does, they were very obviously made by that same guy
...faganon (who made the SFW loli thread, underage daughter thread, hikikomori thread, etc.) and the MMD/pedo spammer (who spams all the MAP propaganda, creepy baby sex dolls, reposts template threads to various sites, etc.) are 2 different users sweat2

Both are pro-pedo, but the former is just an annoying elitist/tryhard that's been here since 2020, while the other is purposefully looking to disrupt & shit up imageboards (and only showed up here a month or so ago)

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clicking No. on OP to open thread, and then clicking random post numbers to reply works fine.
clicking No. on replies to open thread and scroll to that post adds pagenum to your query and makes it so when you click on a random post number to reply to someone the page refreshes before it works the second time. cry
this has bothered me a while

im not making an issue on github so someone else must
I've definitely experienced some weirdness with post number links before that ate my post, but I can't seem to replicate this one unsure
suddenly it stopped
it is a mystery
it requires a high count of 5

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I think the wiki isn't being taken care of as much as it should be. To this day there isn't an article on Little alice or the Heyuri album
Something should be done by the administration to give it more attention, since i'm a lot of new users don't even know about its existence
>since i'm a lot of new users don't even know about its existence
I'm sure* a lot of new users
What can be done about it?
I'd say to put a spotlight on it for a week or so. Maybe with a more visible link to it, a header message on /b/, or even a little event
Personally, i'll get to write some stuff in the next couple of days
Preemptive reminder for those wishing to make more serious/informative articles to not fill Heyuri's wiki up with crap you learned from 4chan and other imageboards, or that you've copypasta'd from other wikis

1. cuz it's Heyuri's wiki about Heyuri first & foremost, and what applies to other sites doesn't necessarily apply to us (in fact it rarely does) sweat2

2. cuz fresh original research > parroting a series of regurgitated misinformation from 10-20 years ago about anonymous BBSes, 2ch, Ayashii World, etc. that 99% originates from some bullshit that Shii and others made up sweat3
I feel the infrastructure on HHS needs a revamp. Possibly with a version update and reinstall. Then with true VisualEditor enabled, as well as exporting, rewrite engine, and other things.

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How much involvement does Kolyma Network still have with Heyuri? I can't help but doubt that a shady organization would give up complete control over their second most used website without some sort of concessions or something like that
I believe kuz still hosted it but actually I think kaguya said he got his own new hosting a while ago. Some of the boards still have Kolyma branding but no direct involvement from Kolyma
> their second most used website without some sort of concessions or something like that

Not even close. Vidlii, gurochan, the soyjak site, etc are all way bigger.
Last thing i remember is that GC was going through a tough situation, for one reason or another
afaik kuz hosts the site for the most part
he did set some rules where you cant really have slander against him, so it was either remove kuz slander or no heyuri

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I've been posting so much less because more and more of the IPs on my VPN are getting banned. Anyone else having this issue? Is there even a fix for something like this (besides buying a different VPN)?
I have no control over SpamDB, but if you contact kaguya-san and let him know the IP(s) in question, he will likely try and get it removed

>IP adress
Found a typo!
Yeah, stop using a VPN.
Fuck I legitmately thought I got banned for a second then realized the page probably refreshed on the VPN

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Hi Heyuri!
After 274 days since the last one, I decided to hold another townhall next week, details below

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today
As usual, we will be discussing meta topic stuff. You can prepare your own topics to bring up during the townhall if you want to as well

Date: 28 January Saturday, 19:00 (7PM) UTC
Location: Probably at https://gikopoipoi.net/
There will be another thread on /b/ as the date approaches, the location will be certain by then too.

                /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
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        Λ_Λ (゚Д゚) < Don't miss it!
        ( ´∀`)( ,,ノ   \________________
        (  つーo皿             /
        (_ ̄)'^◎            /⊂ニニニ⊃
         |/(_)  \ ____ /
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That was far from the only time the database got leaked too - naturally I saved them for posterity biggrin

I probably don't have t3h sk1llz, but I've thought about attempting to turn the leaks I have into a browsable archive - it's basically everything between TEH CRASH restoration (2020/7/12) to immediately before /b/'s 8KGET (2020/08/17), except lounge for some reason. There's no images or thumbnails (I think only kuz has those), but it would still have an important cultural value
I recorded the townhall, well most of it.

...61.1 MB for a 1hr video!? Technology sugee sweat
Awesome biggrin
I compressed the shit out of it. Also barely anything moved in the video.

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When the fuck did this happen? (´ー`)
(I'm talking about the oekaki directory in frames being /or/ and not /o/, btw)
I don't see it
i've seen it sometimes and then other times it just disappears back to normal. odd
Probably just a typo that got cached

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It messes with my head that Heyuri doesn't have a [Return] button at the bottom of threads. I'm always looking for it!
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how do I make everyone anonymous?
Use this custom CSS:
.name {
display: none;

to custom CSS via [Settings]
I win! biggrin

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Back in the old days, we got a huge boost because kuz advertised heyuri to his other site 9ch and they all came in, but due to the collapse that happened in august last year, it seems we lost about 60% of our userbase, though luckily we still have a handful of people who make OC.

Is there any places we can grow Heyuri in? Places that we could hold a partnership with somehow?

No more doomerist/alarmist bullcrap in mai /q/, heyuri always comes out on top
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Yeah, but people actually listen to Eurodance, so we wont be able to keep a low profile like I'm suggesting dark
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Not that eurodance - this eurodance! (AKA bubblegum dance)
There's a lot of relatively obscure/lost to time stuff out there if you go digging smile

(PS: you just lost)
Anybody can see through disguised advertising.
"This is really cool, but the way, here's a cool website", is worse than just advertising the website.
Make something like 4chan City, but Heyuri-themed. A big celebration of the website that people will share and remember.
I’m sadly a newfiggywiggyjiggyjig here. cry

But I wanna learn a lot of the awesome OCs here like Little Alice and cute robot! mona2

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I have some code on my test server to send a random kaomoji when a user uploads a picture without any text. Instead of キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

Would you be interested in seeing this on Heyuri or is the original too iconic? I can create a PR later today if there's interest
i'm too used to kita, but that sounds like it'd be cool
I think completely random kaomoji has potential to cause trouble through misinterpretation, but maybe if it was all different キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! variations it could be kewl - we've already had a few different ones, like ZOMG━━━astonish━━━!! or whatever it was

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Porn dump threads are annoying and bring nothing of value to the website
I don't see anything wrong with them. It's not like the catalog is full of porn
dark It's not like we're on 4chan's /b/ where its all 3dpd garbage, jacking off is good for you, I'd only complain if they started becoming the most popular kind of threadsglare2
Pr0n dumps are awesoem and Heyuri has always had them - especially Japanese 2D, gravure, and AV. Pls post moar of teh hawtness, my b0ner demands it nyaoo-closedeyes
(but don't overdo it to the point of flooding the board, obviously)

We even used to have a few dedicated pr0n-dumping boards (in addition to what was already on /b/), but they were merged with /b/ along with everything else when /all/ (the Overboard) disappeared, overall site activity was significantly down, and it was agreed that those boards were kinda redundant anyway (especially since every Heyuri imageboard that was not /b/ typically ended up as /b/ + a very loose sense of a theme)

PS: loli3.net and guro.cx were made by kuz shortly after kuz removed Heyuri's own /l/ and /g/ without asking us. I believe kaguya owns them now, but still - nigger stole our boards!!! angry
anon.. gurochan existed for decades before heyuri. gurochan was its own thing, not a breakaway heyuri board...
I'm well aware - /l/ and not4chan predate Heyuri by many years also. But the timing of kuz buying gurochan and launching https://g3.kolyma.org/ (now defunct) came very shortly after he removed Heyuri's own /g/ and /l/, and he teased the reveal here like it was going to be a Heyuri thing... and then it wasn't. We r teh betrayed, nevar forgone cry

(I don't actually care and I was pro-consolidating excess boards to /b/ anyway biggrin)

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maybe im just a バカ but it's hard to understand how to setup koko with the really short guide
id really like to set it up since i want to contribute but unfortunately im too much of a retard
There was a little more info in the original "Kokonotsuba is now open source" thread, where some users wrote about some of the issues they ran into and how they solved them: >>62231

There's also the prerequisites of configuring a server, creating a database, etc., but that might be a little beyond the scope of a kokonotsuba-specific tutorial (and it varies depending on your setup)
Where are you currently stuck? I can try to help you. My biggest issue was having the wrong version of PHP
the PIO conn string, idk what 'imglog' stands for
also im a bit confused about what the archive db is for, like is it whats it used for?
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so for the PIO string you want
mysqli://<NAME_OF_DB_USER(with admin permissions>:<DB_USER_PASS>@localhost/<DB_NAME>/<DB_TABLE_NAME>

I attached an example of my string for reference
dolphinb_root is the name of my privileged user with all perms
password is obviously the password with sensitive information edited out
localhost is my server address (99.9% chance it'll be localhost for you too)
dolphinb_boarddb is my database name
dolphinimglog is the table inside my database that is being used

ignore the archive db info. Mine is the default data

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someone should just push a commit to koko which adds a config for "disallowing op quotelink"
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Too green

complaining about people quoting OP is bad but misusing the quote feature is worse
Can you explain the exact issue with it, besides falling back on "culture"?
It's a redundant practice since replies are replying to OP by default

But... Heyuri's culture was originally one of not sweating the small stuff, which I think is more impr0tant than some crap about OP quotelinking. As long as we're keeping within teh rules, let's have fun on the internet biggrin
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> Too green
Eat your Broccoli
I remember when I was the only one who would argue in favour of quotelinking the OP. How time flies...

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I've been wanting to contribute to the template files, but I have no ideas which file is loading them in, therefore I am unable to add anything to the variables that are used in their files.
Don't know how else I'd contact Kaguya or whatever so I'm makin a post tongue
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but how does heyuri display these files? is it through something outside of kokonotsuba or something?
I am not a programmer but it's not something via outside of kokonotsuba, I think it should just werk. There were some users who could set up their instances without any issues with tpl files
variables seem to be loaded through the ParseBlock method in the PTELibrary class. you should be able to just modify the arrays that get passed to the method in koko.php if you want to add variables biggrin
Thanks! Although it seems like there are some variables that aren't defined in either koko nor PTELibrary, which is a bit weird but I should just search further tongue
the others are probably from lib_common.php and the optional modules, just do a regex search for
and it should come up with all of the template variable definitions nyaoo

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what the hell cry
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thank you kagy ^_^!
thank you kagy ^_^!
The most thankful and apologetic man in the universe, right here on Heyuri.
does anyone know directly what causes doubleposting to happen? isnt the post button just a POST request to koko.php, and if you spam it you just refresh the request before it reaches
maybe there should be a timeout like if someone posted theyre locked from posting for 5 seconds

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