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mods seem to be deleting my posts at random now, like 50% of what I post. What the hell is happening?
Like when I called that drawing on /b/ "emo crap" (which is true) and it got nuked. What, is that against the rules now?
It's sad that I have to state this very obvious truth, but mods should not use their personal preferences as a criteria when cleaning the board.
I'm almost getting tired of visiting this site, when I know I'll have to behave in a certain manner and only say certain things so that I don't disrupt the shared fantasy of other users.
And before anyone comes here to say "heyuri was always a role-playing website in which we're only allowed to act accordingly!"
No, no it wasn't. Moderation used to be way more lenient. it seems to me that the newbie mods are to blame.
Lurk moar biggrin
I've been "lurking" for more than a year
maybe you could explain to me why my posts are getting deleted?
did you submit your PENIS verification picture to the tripcode !JE1M5w5l2A
that what it says in the faq before you can create threads on /b/

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