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  • Maximum file size allowed is 9000 KB.
  • Images greater than 250 * 250 pixels will be thumbnailed.

  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Hi im from a different website and im trying to gather information about your previous owner, kuz aka Kuznetsov. Its virtually impossible to find credible sources talking about him and what hes done recently, and everything anyone says about him is contradicted by another person, hell, even what he says he contradicts himself later.

Recently it seems he paid off the owners of a lolcow.farm to surpressed info about him, more specifically a supposed redpill that he is not actually named Kuznetsov, and all pictures of him are fake. There was a recent leak of a VK account that showed kuz is a illegal immigrant (from or to?) the netherlands, whos real name is Cornelius van Derstel. No pictures of him, but some of his wife. Anywho, any info about this?

Also im not expecting a deletion because kuz doesnt own this site anymore and it would be very suspicious if the admin deleted this

Thanks in advance for any information
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- he speaks fluent Russian and lives in the USA
- his waifu is/was Tomo from Azumanga Daioh
- he also lieks xqs's rendition of Setsunai Waha
- he is one of Heyuri's longest remaining oldbies, if not the longest
- he owns/hosts moar websites on any given day than he did the day before
- he has a seemingly conflicting penchant for both old interwebz culture and nu-4chan style shitposting
- he is a controversial figure on many bulletin boards, including some of his own
- he regularly partakes in long-form trolling and intentional misdirection, and is dedicated to the craft
- he is comftorably incorrect (´ー`)

- everything else
Some say his hair can be used as shark repellent, and he once got arrested for selling a pickle that doesn't bounce in Connecticut.
Kuz is the former owner of Heyuri
kuz may be a cat
kuz is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything

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:partybus: yo
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>download button
>redirects to the link of the image
i want a refund on my s4s link
It used to work, but at some point kuz moved Heyuri's image storage to his CDN on a different, non-Heyuri domain, and web browsers now block initiating a download if the source file is on a different domain to the one you're viewing, so it's just kinda b0rked until someone moves our images back to heyuri.net or can implement some other form of fix dark
who are you quoting?
back to twitter

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I think the new(?) server needs to be adjusted to allow larger uploads, right now it seems to be extremely low (liek less than 1MB)
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Another bug since the server switch is that MP4s (maybe WebMs too?) don't have thumbnails any more
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testing webm thumbnails
>> 2328 KB
testing mp4
yep, thats another bug fixed ^_^
And that's another thx kuz! biggrin

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please remove the evangaylion banner
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is there any way to contribute to heyuri's codebase?
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Kokonotsuba is written in PHP
Is it okay if I send an email once I'm more well-versed with PHP? I've learnt all the basic shit about it and getting into aspects in it that are about web developement
Sure, see you then mona2
before i continue further, is there any extra info? like what DB does it use, PDO or mysqli? im learning w/ xampp and mysql using mysqli functions right now and dunno if its the right thing
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will there be a time where kaguya will allow us to contribute more banners? i wanna make a cool banner cause i like heyuri everyones cool
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Assuming the banner rotation script is just picking a random image from a directory containing all the banners (in other words, the paths and filenames for each individual banner are not hardcoded into the script itself), wouldn't it be fairly simple to set up a simple imageboard or uploader script that stores its source images in that directory? Isn't that pretty much how /banner/ used to work?

Inb4 it's not fairly simple
honestly i think i might learn php just so i can contribute 2 heyuri. doubt it will be too hard already knowing multiple langs
true but it would need some sort of system for it to be moderated, like inputted banners will be on a list and can be accepted or denied
and theres always spam so there has to be something to prevent that, like checking if a file with the same pixels as another exists in the queue, and remove it if so
That would probably be very sensible, but I'm pretty sure the old /banner/ board had no such protections

Throwing caution to the wind is the Heyuri way ヽ(´ー`)ノ
that wouldn't be really hard to do. making a queue for admins to approve banners should be a pretty easy to do, and you can easily check if there are duplicates with md5 checksums

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from the list (>>61286)
>- Needs moar emotes and kaomoji! (additional: upgrade BBCode Reference page to better suit having a bajillion emotes - more responsive layout, categories, etc.)
kaomoji = done on ayashii
As for emotes... I wouldn't mind more "joke" emotes like tehegg added in a special occasion or sage, but I want a uniformity when it comes to expression emotes like anger or sadness, and yotsuba is doing it great biggrin

Maybe (but only maybe) in the future, if we grow tired of yotsuba emotes, I may consider changing them to a similar set of emotes (at least as a trial) if they fit Heyuri.
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"Moar emotes" doesn't necessarily have to be the typical happy/sad/angry faces - and NOTHING should EVAR replace the Yotsuba ones!! (I was against even the Heyuri-tan edit idea!) sweat

What I had in mind was more like having a variety of additional fun/cute pixel icons, like these:

Plus whatever Heyuri-related anime/character-themed stuff we can find
Everyone knows about the mona2, it's in the BBCode Reference...

Speaking of which - wasn't there some new(old) formatting options enabled recently? They weren't added to BBCode Reference unsure
Theres a new emote in celebration of international kuz day:

Also, kaguya will reformat the BBCode page to be cleaner and nicer in the future

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It gives this error no matter what I try.
Try posting on another browser

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>[Please do not do an illegal contribution.]
>[The contribution excluding 'POST' is not accepted.]
The fluff does that mean? I cant contrib OC wif dis weird stuffz/...
Either your post was b0rked in some way, or you're breaking teh law
I was scared someone would lose their OC due to that bug, and it seems to have happened...
It's a server-side bug that I can't do anything about sadly. Waiting for someone to move some site hosted on the same server as Heyuri to a different server, that should fix it
In the meanwhile, try using a private tab. That may fix it

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is this a serious banner advertisement i can post on my site and link here?
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i'll make sure to post them here. i love the older web.
What's ur site?
https://shell.sillylaird.ca/ :)
i linked the banner image for now in that post. admin so far but i'll try to make a new one :)

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Where did you guys get the yotsuba emotes from?
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Dunno lol, you'll have to find and ask lolico. They're pretty old, I know that much
i think it was (now dead) dameib, but as anon said - only lolico knows, who is hard to reach nowadays xp

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kaguya should add one, i think it could work out
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Doomed to be political textboard?
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Australian Haruhi has a point, but I don't think its necessarily a bad thing.
Politics boards get a bad rap from the 4, but I think that one mostly sucks just because it is populated by loads of Dunning-Kruger types and general knuckledraggers.
There are plenty of examples of world/international boards where people can discuss politics/world events, but still maintain a good nature and have fun.
P.S. We need to fix the textboard post numbers first, though. I haven't seen >>1-san in years.
please don't make it about actual "current" events

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We are now 1 month in to Kaguyas adminship, lets hold an approval poll.

There is a disturbing lack of multiple choice in this poll. It appears I am not allowed to share my desire to show my true love by marrying and skinning him alive all at once.
>There is a disturbing lack of multiple choice in this poll.
ADD IT TO THE LIS- oh, it's already on there nyaoo2
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I want to suck kaguya's toes

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Excluding /o/ and SW!
If SW had a ppd feature, then I'd die in peace
If you view source, you can see the post numbers in the HTML and work it out

You can find some recent PPDs that were calculated here:

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Is the old /q/ thread about quotelinking the OP archived? I would rewrite what stayed on my mind in the worst case, but it would be useful for some of the newer users who don't seem to get it
Don't worry about it.
>Is the old /q/ thread about quotelinking the OP archived?
Dunno, but the gist of it is that by clicking [Reply] on a post, you're already replying to that post (the OP) or the thread in general by default. The entire point of quotelinks was to make it clearer when a reply was directed towards something other than those

Quotelinking OP is entirely redundant and teh st00pid, but's its not like people never quotelinked the OP in the past - it's just that it became significantly more commonplace (and in fact, the norm) since the (You) feature became widely adopted around 2013

This lead to everyone suddenly feeling obliged to quotelink fucking everything, and even going so far as to intentionally break their quotelinks to send a "fuck you" to whoever they're repling to - this is because (You)s are apparently like crack to these n00bs, and the denial of the (You) is somehow considered a punishment... how far things have fallen dark
>the gist of it is that by clicking [Reply] on a post, you're already replying to that post (the OP) or the thread in general by default.
If it's ambiguous whether a reply is supposed to be a reply to the OP specifically or to the current conversation in the thread, then I feel that disambiguating this is justification enough for quotelinking the OP.

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