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"DQOP" should be allowed as long as its not the sole purpose of your post
(picrel should be example of exactly what not to do)
smarmy catchphrases and such are against the spirit of heyuri, so I'm not surprised it gets removed
the whole op quotelinker nazi stuff died down a little while ago after the overuse of it just became ridiculous and annoying
to the point where im pretty sure mod-sama or someone came out and basically said yea its fkn gay.
it annoys the shit out of me most of the time too but i dont think it should be banned either, seems like theres a reason why heyurizens keep on coming back to it.
so good compromise would be to just allow it as long as your post actually has something of substance to provide the conversation with and isnt just "DQOP derherderherder".
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"DQOP" is a 3-day-old forced meme that has only ever been posted by a single user, who themselves has quotelinked an OP at least once since coming up with this st00pid acronym closed-eyes2

Given how persistent they are with it, and how it completely died out for a while, I suspect they're probably the same user who was forcing the "don't quotelink the OP" thing the first time around
lol yea if its just one guy then fuck it but to me the op quotelinker nazi shit always felt like a wave of multiple users so i guess i assumed that was just happening again.
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I know the term, “LURK MOAR”, but what is the good spirit for Heyuri and how do I contribute to make this site fun for all? Is it file related? mask
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>I know the term, “LURK MOAR”
good, because you should do that first and foremost.
>but what is the good spirit for Heyuri and how do I contribute to make this site fun for all?
after you're done lurking, you should have fun and you should post stuff that you enjoy and makes us LOL. also you should follow the rules. pay attention to rule 8, because that seems to be the hardest for people to adjust to. https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=rules
do that and you should be just fine.
>Is it file related?
yes, someone made it and I liek it. nyaoo
That might just be my first OC!
...and could need some form of revising! sweat

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