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Manually deleting threads uzee.... I believe I've been doing it since the anonymoose spam, but I am thinking about enabling auto pruning again soon. We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.

Normally I also archive worthy threads just before pruning, but we must do that before they get auto deleted from now on.
I think Kokonotsuba is meant to have the thread pruning feature on too, otherwise stuff like this happens: https://img.heyuri.net/b/150.html

While we're on it, what do you think about increasing page limit a little? It used to be 5, then I increased it to 10 after a townhall, but it seem to be able to handle 15 pages fine as well.
>otherwise stuff like this happens
Those are just leftover HTML pages from whenever the page index was massively increased (i.e. the last big attack) - kokonotsuba isn't aware of those pages, so u can safely baleet those manually

>We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.
We have an anti-flood limit of 10 secs b4 a new thread can be made, but if my math is correct (it rarely is - plz check it!), it would still only take 37.5 mins for someone to wipe 15 pages dark

Finding a point where all our staff-san are AFK/tabbed out for 40-ish mins is probably not too difficult to achieve sweat2
it's 17 seconds, so it would take (17*15*15)/60 = 63 minutes to wipe all pages, and this is if the spam was so intense that not even a second would pass between the intervals
But why? I'd understand if threads were being deleted too fast, but the oldest threads in /b/ had their last activity almost a month ago.
kagys arm is just tired, thats all
It's not about the threads being deleted naturally, it's about someone spamming the board to wipe out threads.
There was a very obviously Rule 8-breaking image left up on Off-Topic for around 5-6 hours while I was sleeping last night, which I had to baleet upon waking up closed-eyes

I don't think anyone realizes just how few staff-san are around during UTC nights/early mornings (at least those who actually "get" Heyuri's r00lz & culture), which is the time when the worst stuff usually happens. If I happen to be awake at that time becuz LOLNEET, it's usually just me on my own - otherwise Heyuri regularly goes completely unattended for hours(!!!)

That's why I can't agree with going back to automatic thread pruning as things currently stand - the boards can still be wiped very easily, we don't have enough staff-san on hand, and our current anti-flood measures are not enough sweat3
s0z for late reply, I'm a little busy this week
I changed my mind on enabling auto thread pruning, found an easier way to only delete old threads nyaoo-closedeyes

>I don't think anyone realizes just how few staff-san are around during UTC nights/early mornings (at least those who actually "get" Heyuri's r00lz & culture)
They don't need to "get" it to clean the spam, maybe they are just hesitant to delete some R8 stuff and want to leave it to others? I didn't see the image in question so can't comment on it

>and our current anti-flood measures are not enough
Just for brain storming, what else could we have? Janitors have the powar to mute certain IPs, there is thread cooldown.. Maybe a feature that auto-deletes threads with no replies when they reach (i say) page 5, but that's not necessary at the moment.
The hardest part of cleaning old threads is archiving the worthy threads on archive.today really, you can help with that if you want to sweat2
>Just for brain storming, what else could we have?
Here are sum things I've seen on other imageboard software:
- auto-enable captcha above X TPH/PPH
- auto-disable thread creation/posting above X TPH/PPH
- as u suggested, auto-delete threads with 0 replies that fall below top Y number of threads (on other software they usually do "falls below top 1/3rd of all threads")
- range bans, ASN bans, hash-based file bans, etc.
>auto-disable thread creation/posting above X TPH/PPH
>range bans
Since i was about to start working on range bans i can do the auto-disable thing too. There is no captcha as far as i'm aware, or it doesn't work.
>There is no captcha as far as i'm aware, or it doesn't work.
...- add/fix captcha 😰
I feel like (based on my experience with devs working on captchas) a useful captcha module is more trouble than it's worth. I could enable kaptcha, but it has major flaws too and not my code to make public. It recently proved to be useless against automated spam on another site anyways.

Making them based on PPH doesn't sound like good ideas, there are only organic dumping threads that would increase it
It turns out that range bans were always there, you just didn't know how to hand them out banana
i tested many formats for handing them out, but not with global bans sweat2
In my opinion, there's no need for captcha. Almost every captcha can bypassed by someone with relatively little or no skill (extensions available). Even Kaptcha, in which it might be more secure by obscurity, can by bypassed by someone with a bit of skill. Only captcha that seems to work are those like the one on HHS (for uncustomized spam).
Someone with l33t sk1llz trying their hardest to pwn ur site will find a way regardless, but a captcha will at least hinder/deter the lowest effort skiddies and spambots - which is all it really needs to do

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